DO you judge people based on the cleanlieness of their house?

@stacyv81 (5903)
United States
February 25, 2009 2:12pm CST
Would you not be friends with someone with a dirty house? Would you not go to their house? Would you judge them and call them lazy? What if they thought it was clean and your cleanliness standards are different? What if they just didnt care? What if there house was clean, but they had cockroaches? Would you be scared to eat over? Do you judge people based on the cleanliness of their house?
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55 responses
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I most certainly do . I try to keep my house tidy and organized. I might not be perfect but I like to have the place look half decent especially if guests drop in unexpectedly. The looks of a house can tell a lot about a person. Personally I feel very uncomfortable if I enter into a house that is very dirty or smells bad. I know that not everybody is perfect but I believe that everyone should show a little bit of decorum in the household.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I can understand that, but do you take their situation, and then think about it? I have 3 kids 5, 2 and 1, and while my house is never gross, or dirty it is quite cluttered at times, and there might be toys in living room when an unexpected guest drops in, but I mean, If you come by unexpected, you gotta understand a little right? lol
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@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I think that I do understand it better when you put it that way. Having more than one child can cause some extra clutter that's for sure. I am a little anal retentive when it comes to my place. I have a five year old and somehow I try to keep him contained with his toys. I want him to be a child though and not everything is always in its order all of the time even if I do get an unexpected guest. I believe that you can still be a clean person even if there is some clutter.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
If all I had was my 5 year old my house would be spotless!! He loves cleaning! I am a stay at home mom of three and he is so proud when he cleans the living room and bathroom, he knows he is taking a load off of my shoulders and is very kind in that way, its the little ones, the 1 and 2 year old, that throw things around and try to mess up one room while I am cleaning But, as I said kids arent an excuse for a nasty house! Infact just the opposite, your house should be cleaner because of them. But we have a three bedroom house with 5 people and a dog, and there isnt much space considering the amount of So, you know sometimes There are toys, etc. I was just curious about people's feelings, because one of my friends was basically put on trial by some friends because of her house lol
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@Dotrex (52)
• Netherlands
25 Feb 09
Nope, I don't judge people by the tidiness of their houses. Actually, Personality is much more important. Maybe they are living a hard life and are struggling to make it better day by day. Maybe it's tough for them and not liking them would just make it tougher for them. So, no, I don't.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
that is true! =)
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
lol, acutally I think the people who should have the cleanest houses are those that are poor, because they usually do not have as much stuff to figure out where to put I said my problem is clutter! But we are slowly just starting to get rid of things to make it easier! But I guess my idea of dirty is like things laying around, trash, dirty clothes, etc My idea of nasty is like spilled stuff not cleaned up, food on the counter, etc
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I think that how people keep themselves and their houses says a lot about them. I think there is nothing wrong with being poor or needy it is living and looking poor where it becomes the problem. I understand that people might have fallen on hard times. My family is living through rough circumstances right now. We are just making ends meet and struggling to make it with what we got in the cupboards right now. Any excuse to look poor and be dirty? No.
@bmorehouse1 (1028)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I do not judge people by the cleanliness of their house. I judge people with what is inside their hearts. Of course if the house was so dirty and cluttered that you couldn't find a place to sit or if there were dirty dishes stacked all over the place, and cockroaches as well, then I would think twice about eating there. But as a whole some dust around the place does not affect how I would judge the person who lives there.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
lol, i agree, You can be friends at your =)
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@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I am not saying that people that might keep a cluttered and dirty looking house are not good hearted people. I am just saying that there is no real excuse for letting a house go to pot. I can understand some dust and the like because I know that I could do some dusting sometime. But at least I know when I have company that it is looking somewhat half decent.
@Pleiades (846)
• United States
25 Feb 09
If I felt that, then I would be such a hypocrite! *lol* Naw, my house is never clean, I have four children and two babies. They are always making messes and when they do clean, it's never a good job. I don't know what to do with them. But, as for houses that are clean, I would have to think either the family has too much time on their hands or they are way too particular about their "stuff". My mother is like that. That's why I haven't been over there in awhile because of my babies always touching things. I'll wait until they're out of that stage. *Pleiades
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
Lol, yea I have 3 so i understand. Mine isnt every really dirty, but there is some clutter, there might be clothes in the living room, that I am folding, or putting away, Or toys in the living room. For me, I always look at the situation, if there are children, you should expect a little clutter, some toys, etc.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
yea I dont know about the too much time on your hands thing unless, ALL they do is pick up constantly and do nothing else. lol. I like things that my kids will touch to be clean and that is #1 priority for me, but as far as getting mad if there is one toy on the floor, not so much. If they arent playing with it they should put it away, but sometimes I dont catch it before someone comes over
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I can understand where you are coming from to a certain degree. I can definitely see where your house wouldn't be in tip top shape because of all of those children. As for the idea that houses being clean having to do with someone having too much time on their hands I don't agree. I might be a stay at home mother but there is no reason for a house looking dirty and terrible even with all of those kids. I still think I could manage to make it look half decent. It sounds like your mother is a great role model in which her ways should be followed.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I do not eat in certain homes. I don't hold it against the people but some homes I don't eat over. I live in my small home, with 4 kids, a teen, 2 adults, 3 cats, and two dogs. Clutter happens. No big deal. Dishes are done every day. The vacuum and broom get daily use. I don't mind a toy or seven. And if my guests can't handle it.... oh well. No one has to visit. Someone before me said those spotless houses were scary..... I understand that totally.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Feb 09
If I hired someone to take care of my child, I would want their attention on my child. I can see cleaning up after making lunch, or having the kid(s) help clean up the toys, but otherwise, I'd want the attention on my child more than anything! =)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Feb 09
Hey there TL, You can tell the difference between a busy house that may be cluttered and even a bit dusty as opposed to a house that never gets attention don't you think? I have kids, grandkids. busy schedule etc. I get dust bunnies...the beds aren't always made and on some days...looks like a hurricane visited and felt like it too. Still, like you, I do care and I do run the vaccuum and I do up the dishes on a daily basis...more than that. I do my is never spotless. The dust bunnies don't grow into dinasoars....they are on the "list". You can just tell the difference between somewhat fresh clutter and dirt that is sitting there earning interest. Spotless houses are just as scary and quite often it isn't the owners themselves that are doing the cleaning. I used to babysit in a wealthy neighborhood. Yes, those houses were scary spotless. Not only did they have a cleaning lady....they I was expected to do a certain amount of cleaning while watching their lists.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
26 Feb 09
Sid, you nailed it. I got a list when I baby sat too...... I hated it because they sooo didn't pay me enough for it. And I think caring for the family is so much more important then worring about those dust bunnies. I do manage to avoid the dinosaurs though. And yes you can tell a lived in home and a forgotten one.
@neha2k94u (406)
• India
26 Feb 09
Not exactly...though I love clean houses and healthy calm environment but that isn't easy to maintain when you are working(there may be cases rare ones...) sometimes I couldn't do it myself...So I dont feel I am lazy or my Standards are different from others... I judge people by their behaviour and I dont want to change the way I am!!!
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
I like it fairly clean but not at the point of being obsessive. In other words, you do not have to eat off my floor and I do not put the mixmaster and the toaster in the cupboard after I finish with them (or I would never use them again.) I do judge a person if they are an out and out slob, but I do think if the person has a small house or an apartment there is not much that they can do to keep it presentable. Just as long as the cupboards and the counters are clean, and the things piled neatly, and I do not trip over anything on the floor. Oh and the stove has to be clean and the stains removed.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
26 Feb 09
I do not like reaching into the cupboard and getting out the mixmaster. My sons cleaned the house when we were away on holidays one year and the counter was clean, so I had to put the mixmaster back on the counter and not only that they put my favorite magazines out for the trash so i had to retrieve them and put them in binders.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I agree, I do put the appliances under the counter, but that is so my kids do not get to them and hurt themselves. Stove is an issue for me too! =)
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
Hi stacyv81! I don't judge people based on the cleanliness of their house. I admit that I am uneasy eating in a home that there are cockroaches around but that does not mean that I will refuse dining with the people who kindly invited me in their home. I admit that my stomach will get a little queasy and will doubt the cleanliness of the plates I will be using but that does not mean that I will think less of the character of those people. I have met so many people and some are related to me who are so meticulously clean and really would react negatively on people whose homes are not that clean by their standards. It is not nice when I see them react this way. I always keep my home clean of dust, dirt and any insects but I can't say my home is spotlessly clean and germ free. I just do the best I can do and I think that is the way with other people too. Take care and have a great day!
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Feb 09
my sister in laws house is clean but they visibly have roaches and it creeps me out! They invited me over for dinner and we went, but as soon as the food came out of the oven I asked for aluminum foil to "keep it warm" which was true kind of but also helped guard the And then you just keep a close hand on your food and drinks and you'll make it out
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
haha..That is so true! Just be on guard all the time!
@Amber4106 (540)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I can't honestly say that I wouldn't be friends with someone with a dirty house. I can honestly say that if I were going to go visit them, I might choose to stay outside on the porch or something. Yes, I would judge them by calling them lazy. I feel like there's a big difference between clean and cluttered. A home can have cluttered shelves and coffee tables and still be clean. But if a home has dirty floors, counter tops, dishes laying everywhere, or trash in places other than a trash can....then that's just DIRTY! If they don't care, then that's just their problem. I just hope that they aren't raising kids in that kind of environment! It's possible that a very clean house could have cockroaches, and it would not be the person's fault by any means. If you've recently moved and needed boxes, you could get them from there. Also, if you're a big buyer on ebay and buy from other people, you could indeed get them from that person. I would be scared to eat in their I said earlier, I would probably just choose to stay outside and say a quick hello rather than coming in and getting cozy. Honestly....yes I would judge them. If it was a single person or couple, then I wouldn't let it get to me too much. But when children are involved, it really disgusts me. Most likely those children will grow up and live in the same filth that they grew accustomed to while they were growing up.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Feb 09
thats true! As I said I think having children is a good excse for clutter, but quite the opposite on dirty, sticky and disgusting! I think it is important for children to be raised with cleanliness and to teach them to help as the family should be run with all involved. My children help me clean up, and I dont teach them as chores, but as something you must do be a member of a family. So that later in life it isnt a chore, but a normal part of life, ya know?
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I wouldn't jump to judge unless it was just completely nasty/filthy. If the bathroom toliets look like they haven't been cleaned in months or the kitchen has gfood and nasty pans everywhere, I may be a little judging. But if there is just random clutter that isn't a huge pigsty then I wouldn't. Because sometimes people get busy, I myself do. Sometimes you're just too tired to make the hosue spotless every day. So then no I wouldn't judge but if it looks like you haven't lifted a finger in months to clean then yes I would think they were just lazy and wonder how someone could live like that.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I understand and agree. I went to a friends house one time and she said she had spent all day cleaning we get there and their house is clean but then I ask to use the bathroom and everything is clean but the toilet! It looks like it hadnt been cleaned in weeks! lol, I think if you're gonna do it you gotta do it all the way! lol
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
25 Feb 09
Hi stacyv81...My answer is absolutely not!..I was not put on this earth to judge people. Its not my job nor anybody elses. There could be many reasons why someones house is not clean, many children, too busy making ends meet, sickness or injury, and just lack of skills. If I were any kind of friend and were concerned about the conditions, I would try to help them out, not run them down. Their house has nothing to do with their personality and if it does, I would try to help. I know personally of a young mother living with 2 kids, a brother, and his girlfriend who are no help at all. She works hard to put food on the table and pay the mortgage for her home which is nothing spectacular but what she could afford. While she is at work, they mess up the house badly...throwing wrappers around , not removing dirty dishes etc. She has repeatedly talked to them about this but they wont change. She gets so tired and frustrated that she just gives up. However, she is a wonderful person. I have actually gone over and cleaned up or done special little things for her, given her tips on how to make things easier etc. She loves her brother and will not put him out. I try to work with her instead of against her and I feel I have helped her greatly as I have seen differences. She has a heart as big as the outdoors, would never lie or steer anyone wrong, but her house is messy. Would I judge her because of it? Absolutely not!! And my house is not messy but however if you are coming over to critisize my home as everyones standards are not the same, then stay home! I want friends who come to see me and not my home!!
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
I agree, You shouldnt stop being friends with someone because of it. Exactly everyones standards are different. And everyone has ideas of how they want their house. I want a clean lived in house, not a dirty one, Not a showroom, ya know? Just a normal house that is clean and obviously has kids living there.
• Canada
25 Feb 09
Yup thats all one needs in life. A home should be comfortable and lived in. I used to have an aunt that would go around while we were visiting and pick lint off the floors. She would not allow us when we were children to sit on her furniture. We had to sit on the floor and were not allowed to play with anything. Thank goodness we only went once a year at christmas to see her! AS you can see the topic of judging peoples homes based on cleanliness is a sore spot with As a former home support worker, I have been to many seniors homes who have some form of disability or illness and little money, and some of their houses are anything but clean. Nothing to do with personality or choice either. They didnt have a choice Some of these people are actually living in situtations where they really shouldnt be living alone but are. I can tell many stories but wont. Please think twice before you say you judge someone by the cleanliness of their homes!
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
25 Feb 09
No, I don't judge the person on the cleanlieness of there home. I know that people come from different walks of life. And what is clean to me, might not be to them, and what dirty or cluttered to me, might not be for them. We all are different. For me when a house is spotless, I am totally uncomfortable in it. I feel like I can't even talk because I would be afraid If i accidently spit while doing so, it would be a major sin. and with that being said even the cleanest houses still can have bugs. Though, I attempt to keep my house as clean as I can, I have two young children who like to drag everything to the living room. I have to wonder why we gave them rooms, lol I am a stay at home mom and I clean daily but it doesn't seem to help alot of the days, because as I am cleaning up my daughter whom I am staying at home with during the day is going right behind me and pulling everything right back out. I have been to a few homes that I would not eat at, only because it was the dish pile was so piled up and had things growing on them. Just not my style of living.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
lol, yea my kids do the same thing! I too hate being in the showroom type house, you are scared to sit, step or anything lol! I think a clean lived in house is the most comfortable for me, as I stated before, lol... You gotta know someone lives there or you feel like you are in a model house or something... And to be honest I would go crazy in a house like that! lol! I mean it cant be gross, food in weird places, it needs to be kept up, but also look as though someone lies there.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
25 Feb 09
My husband has an aunt who's home is in tip top shape, and I always hate going there. I am afraid I will do something to mess it up. Like step in a big pile of dog mess outside and not know it and go in and rub my feet on her take your shoes off rug and it be everywhere. Or my children, accidently forget the rules and taken in a sippy cup and it have a leak on her white couch, or white carpet.. I about have a anxiety attach going there. My house is lived in, that's for sure. It's always got my kid's markings left places, but that's what makes my house a home.
• United States
26 Feb 09
I guess I've never been that sort of person. If a person's house is not how I would keep it, that is their business. It wouldn't ruin my friendship with them or my family relations. I can recall my mom always make comments about my dad's mom's housekeeping, and to this day it really angers me that she had to be so belittling about it. So what if people let their dishes sit in the sink and do one load at night. Who cares if someone let's laundry sit for a day or two before folding it? Does it really matter in the long run? I think at times people forget people's reasons for certain things. We don't all have the same schedules or ways of doing things. I would hope that people don't judge me based upon my house. Sometimes it's really neat, and other times it looks like the windstorm came through. (I have two children at home now).
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• China
26 Feb 09
Yes, I always judge people based on the neatness of their house, especially of their washingroom and kitchen.If a friend with a dirty kitchen, I would scared to eat with him/!Sometimes I think if a man had a dirty house,I could understand him, but if a girl had a dirty house, I thought the girl is lazy.
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@mivarg (277)
• India
25 Feb 09
I try not to be judgemental, but am never comfortable to be in a house which is badly kept. I am always scared of finding something objectionable in what they serve me. Perhaps the people living in untidy houses have their own qualities, or perhaps dedicate more of their time for other things creatively - but I feel that the standards of cleanliness in one's house speaks a lot about her/his personality.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
bugs creep me out, other than that I can handle
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Feb 09
If I care enough about someone to visit them then there are other aspects of their personality that I've already come to know & love. Besides, there are times when my house looks horrible depending on my schedule and what I've been doing, whether or not I've had kids here. I am finding this hard to answer because I have been in dirty homes and my own home gets pretty bad too. Also, there is a great difference between clutter and actual gross filth. It is clutter that I tend to see most often and no...I don't judge them. On the other hand, I dated a man last year briefly. He had long hair...i love that & his clothes were very shabby which I didn't mind as they were clean and he kept himself clean. He was a drummer in a local band and I was impressed with that. We dated for a while before he invited me up to his place for dinner. His place was a horror show to put it mildly. It would take to long to describe it effectively here but lets just say...there was very little floor space. He'd been doing dishes all day and there was a mountain still to do opposite from the mountain that somehow balanced on the opposite side of the sink. He fixed spagetti and when he opened his oven to put in the garlic bread, he removed several more dishes. When he was ready to serve, he moved the crock pot out and OMG there were mouse turds in the corner behind it! I got thru the dinner and continued to date him a bit longer as he did have many good qualities. I think a filthy house like this that is obviously a way of life does actually say something about the person. As it turned out, he did not work much and did not put much effort into finding work. Rather he spent all his energy complaining about how down and out he was and mooching off from others, etc. We are still friends and I'd still hang out with him and he can live how he wants....a deeper what I'm looking for in a man.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Feb 09
lol..clutter I can handle a little messy ok, but filth isnt easy for me to deal
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
In my case, I probably would, because how you are at homes defines almost all aspects of who you are. It would be unlikely to see someone so driven and committed to his/er work when her environment isn't clean, in the first place. I don't visit other people's houses, rather they visit mine, so it's better to keep the house in tip-top shape than just be caught unaware that someone's coming over and everything's a mess.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Feb 09
I agree, I am usually the one having people over. Now If I am aware someone is coming over, I will pick up. If I am not aware someone is coming over, as I have 3 kids, I can guarantee the house wont have toys or clothes (my kids are still small and like to take off their clothes and throw them on the floor lol) SO I cant always make sure things are picked up, Or hey you might have came over during or right after dinner and there might be dishes in the sink...GASP! lol But I think people shold be granted a little leeway based on what is going on at the house at the time.
• Philippines
26 Feb 09
if it is always dirty, like the second or third time i visit, its still messy, then it speaks of the persons living there, but if it was messy because there was an activity or they were busy that day and when i came back its more tidy than before, then no,i will not base it on first impressions of the cleanliness of the house. there are people who can be tidy and messy at times like me haha, but i don't leave things messy for days, its such an eyesore.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Feb 09
thats true you shouldnt judge based on one particular experience in a home, I should give it a couple of chances.
• United States
26 Feb 09
I really hate to "judge" people. I am not perfect. I have a close family member who is the nicest person, very intelligent, good job but her house is disgusting!! she has pets and aside from the smell from the animals she doesn't pick up after herself. I'm talking half-eaten dinners, empty take-out, laundry, garbage - you get the picture. I go to her home but don't stay long. The smell gives me a headache. My home is clean. I am not "crazy" about it but I like it to smell good and appear neat. I think some people are just not bothered about what kind of impression they might be giving people. I am not worried about what people think, I do it for me.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Feb 09
There are some times that it is awful, like getting ready for a birthday party, and you got cake stuff, appetizer I wouldnt dare let someone enter my house until its cleaned up lol. You shold do it for you, no one should make their home the way someone else would want it because then it isnt their home, so I agree completely.
• United States
25 Feb 09
i would say that i do judge people by the cleanliness of their homes to some extent. I only judge them negatively if their house has like insects in it and they are to lazy to clean up. I personally come from a home with four children and it is always a little cluttered. nonetheless my mom as best as she can with cleaning up after us and i think if that is the case then people shouldnt judge her if they come over and the place isnt perfect.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Feb 09
personally I feel more comfortable in a place that isnt show room quality, you know where you are scared to sit I thing a clean lived in house is the most comfortable, ya know?