Can you sleep through loud train sounds?

@Shar19 (8231)
United States
February 26, 2009 8:18am CST
I'm wondering how many people live right next to or near a train track. Can you sleep even though the sounds of the trains are right in your ears all the time? I know that I could never live that close to a train track. I'm a light sleeper so the noise would drive me insane.
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22 responses
• Hong Kong
26 Feb 09
I can sleep in an environment of loud sounds, I treat those sounds as lullaby; if I can choose the place to sleep, of course I will find a place that is quiet. Can you sleep with an ear plug or listen to some light music with head set?
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
27 Feb 09
You get used to the noise.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
26 Feb 09
Humans can adjust to just about anything, I lived near a train tract for many years and after i moved had a hard time sleeping without the trains. if noise bothers you you can use ear plugs.
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@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I keep a pair of ear plugs in my nightstand.
• United States
26 Feb 09
i like quietness when i'm trying to sleep. there is a track not far from my house but i don't hear the trains at night. it's not close enough to even bother me in the daytime, thank heavens.
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@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I need it quiet and dark.
• United States
26 Feb 09
I have lived in my neighborhood my entire life. There is a circle racetrack near and a train track. As a child I knew it was bed time without being told because the races would begin. Now I maight wake up at night when the train goes by but the noise does not bother me at all. I do not have to listen to sirens, gunshots, or trafic, to me it is a fair trade. A tip for you would be to sleep with a box fan on in your room. it will keep you cool and will cancel out the noise from outside of your house.
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@tali3sin (22)
• Australia
26 Feb 09
You know, I'm a light sleeper as well... and have difficulty falling asleep most nights, regardless of what's going on around me. Once upon a time though, I moved into a place that was none-too-far-away from a busy main road. Upon realisation of my mistake, I figured I'd be tortured every night.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I can understand how you could get used to background noise.
• Austria
25 Mar 09
yes, i can sleep almost anywere, im a very heavy sleeper. I have three clock radios and a cellphone to wake me up in the morning. One of the places i cant sleep, is on a plane with the engine right beside me.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Wow, you can sleep through a plane engine? You really are a sound sleeper. Thanks for responding.
@skyblue (1299)
• India
26 Mar 09
This is really hard to sleep in the train in General Sleeper reservation. But if i am in AC compartment, then i can sleep easily there. You cant hear too much sound there. When if we are going to long journey, always we book ac compartment ticket in our reservation so that, i can easily sleep in the night.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
28 Feb 09
Hello Shar. I live near the train station, but my apartment is about five thousand meters far away from it, I guess. I can hear the sound of the train during the day and night. We have three rooms in our apartment. We live in the one that is not facing the railway line, so it is ok that we can sleep well without hearing much of its sound during the night. But if I live in the room facing the railway line, then I can hear it very clearly. I am used to hearing the train now. Take care, friend.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
27 Feb 09
i cannot say whether i could or not because i have never lived that close to train tracks but if i had to guess i would so i could not sleep through it because i am a very light sleeper and even the least noises wake me. that would be quite disruptive to getting a good night's sleep and i think it is something one would have to consider before moving into a place that is that close to the tracks.
@mammamuh (582)
• Sweden
27 Feb 09
I've been living close to the train track for years - I'm not doing it anymore - but wouldn't hassitate to move back! I've never had problems to sleep even if there were trains passing - I would wake up if some of my kids got up from bed during the night - but the trains didn't bother me at all. It's a thing you get used to in a few nights.
• United States
26 Feb 09
hi shar19...i don't think i could get use to a train. but when we moved next to a highway at first the trucks would wake me up. then after a while i slept just fine. but trains would be far worse.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I agree.
@srikool (936)
• India
27 Feb 09
hi friend .. i feel so tired now..if you allow me to sleep anywhere i can sleep..if feel active i wont sleep in a nice place too..this is all humans nature..if you work from morning to evening in this the main work is only for your body..surly we can sleep in the train sound else we cant.. but some peaople even if they worked hard from morning to evening they cant sleep in some noice like train sound..that is some people nature..but upto me it is based on my physical condition..if im good in energy i wont sleep..else i can sleep anywhere...have a nice time with mylotting..
• Netherlands
1 Mar 09
I live in Holland and the train track in my town runs about a quarter mile away from where I live. Basically it does not bother me as normally it is passenger trains that go by but every morning at 3:00 a.m., a freight train goes by...since it is a quarter mile away from the house, if I am asleep, I don't hear it, but if I happen to be awake, then yes, I do hear it in answer to your question, even though I am not right on top of the train track, basically it does not bother me because it is generally much quieter passenger trains. ;)
@samorast (13)
• India
27 Feb 09
nah...........never...........itz impossible
• Philippines
27 Feb 09
thats terrible. Dyou have to grab the remote to turn the volume of the TV to hear the news? I sometimes experience this during traffic hours with horns blowwing since I leave beside the national road.
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Feb 09
I used to live close enough to one that I could hear trains now and then, but not that often. But if it really bothered me, I'd use earplugs.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
26 Feb 09
For some odd reason when I was growing up my family always lived by a train track. ALWAYS. So I have grown used to the sounds and it hardly ever bothers me. Unless they get off schedule and then I notice them.
@cybersoft01 (1284)
• India
27 Feb 09
I wonder that, too. I don't know how some people manage to live near train track and how they buy such expensive plots / houses in those locations. I would never buy a house near train track.
@cndn420 (2062)
• Canada
27 Feb 09
we moved into our new house about 6 or so years ago. our old house was right behind the train tracks and when we moved we were closer to the train tracks and to be honest, you get used to the noise and you don't even realize its there anymore. after the first couple nights in our old house we heard the train but after that nothing. it becomes a part of your surroundings and doesn't bother you anymore. so i have no problems living near a train track because i can sleep through it
• China
27 Feb 09
I had this experience when I was living with my aunt about 10. My aunt's house was close to a major highroad which was quite noisy in the daytime and over the night. The vehicles shuttled heavily through the night which initially made me sleepless the whole night....after a while I began to adjust to the noisy environment and can sleep through the night smoothly. While, when I moved to my own house, it was a place where to someone, it's quite suitable for living as it's quite peaceful around without traffic. but I still took a couple of weeks to adjust my mind to suit to the environment...yup...Man is weird.