I'm a mylot Award Winner!

I Want My Award To Look Like This. LOL - My favorite dancing cow. ROFL
Regina, Saskatchewan
February 26, 2009 4:49pm CST
It's true, it's true. I was told in no uncertain terms by a 'former' user here that I have been voted the most hated mylotter ever by 62% of the vote. I'm so proud. Unfortunately the user disappeared before I could collect my award!*sob* And I had an acceptance speech all ready too! ROFL I mean I've won awards for my photos, my poetry (someone has really bad taste! lol) and other things, but never have I won an online award. My life is complete. I can now 'retire' from the net a happy webber. I will keep a spot on my mantle bare and dusted for the day when the award finds it's way to me! LOL Then I'll throw a party for all the naysayers and bury them in the hole next door!When was the last time you won an award and what was it for? I just know we have a HUGE community here of award winning people. Even if your award was simply the sweet smile of one of your children.......
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43 responses
• United States
26 Feb 09
Why is it that you are most hated? Did someone start a discussion on you and get people to respond to the why they hate your or something?
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Feb 09
Apparently the vote was taken on another site, if I understand right, but it was about mylotters.............no worries. I'm just flattered anyone gave me that much attention! ROFL
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Feb 09
I've a pretty good idea which one. A former user of mylot is there posting about mylot like it was hell on wheels. And there are a lot of mylotters there.....We've had the worst of the posts removed, but I have copies! LOL
3 people like this
• United States
26 Feb 09
No site I've ever heard of!
4 people like this
• United States
26 Feb 09
Now Sparks, I thought we got this straight when you put the dump truck in the hole next door as an excuse to have a party and get drunk. Now you want your neighbors to dig out bodies? Gal I told ya, if you want an excuse to get snookered, I will send the olivebratpack! ROGLMBO
• United States
27 Feb 09
Oh promises, promises! If I thought it were that easy I would be there tomorrow.
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
2 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Feb 09
I wanna bury the bodies, so send the olivebratpack right on over. We'll have a ball, I promise! LOL
3 people like this
• Canada
27 Feb 09
"most hated"?........ROFLMAO!! Really?... you had one all ready, eh? My neighbour, Gary, his Mom, when she getts pissed at you, she says "I already have 5 holes dug out in the bush where nobody will find them, EVER. Do you really want to make me have to dig another one for you? ROFLMAO! You are hilarious!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
Yep, had a speech prepared the minute I read the comment on my now deleted thread! LOL You know me......always quick with the comeback! ROFL
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Feb 09
68% of all statistics are made up...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Feb 09
So I probably only really got 6% of the vote! LOL Guess I'm not so bad after all! ROFL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
You have a very dry wit dawn. I like that!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Feb 09
Yeah I"m guessing...
3 people like this
• United States
26 Feb 09
Oooh, if that is an award, I get several every month when they bring the granddaughter by for a visit! I also received an Exemplary award on a piece I wrote on another sight, last year. That was a nice surprise.
4 people like this
• United States
26 Feb 09
Yeah, all I have to do is think about that funny little girl and I smile from ear to ear.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Feb 09
I'm not in any hurry to see my boys married, but I'd make such a cool grandma don't you think? LOL
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
26 Feb 09
How did you achieve 62% that seems an odd number. Do you think the award was gold or just silver? I have gotten a few ribbons, but really the horse won those I was just along for the ride.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Feb 09
I have no idea. Before I could get the details the user was gone! LOL I do believe I have the response in my email files though........... I still have my ribbons that my horses won. I used to do dressage. Sadly, I can barely stay in the saddle now though! ROFL
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Feb 09
Well I didn't win one but Gissi won an award for his tales of his Life in Yuwie He got an Oscar which is in my Profile Ok seriously now I am not impressed with that award for you I mean how more childish is this Place going to get You are one of the most respected People you are loved included by me so I would say that the Person in Question is just Jealous of how popular you are
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
It wasn't a vote taken on the lot Gabs. It was on another site by a former user here whom actually I hardly know which is what makes it so funny and stupid and I have to laugh at it all. Tell Gissi not to lift his leg on his Oscar! ROFL
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Feb 09
my first award I got was for my welding in the 90s. I got 2 of them lol. and then my last they gave me one for completing my threapy lolololololol
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Feb 09
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
Welding huh? Wowza that is so cool! Wish I could do that. I KNOW I can do therapy! ROFL........
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Feb 09
I don't get it???
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
You just gotta laugh at stuff like this George. If some ticked off mylotters for whatever reason want to give me an award, then I say let them. I know it wasn't a poll taken here on the lot, so it makes no nevermind to me where it happened. I just wish these people would stop being so affected by what goes on on a site they either choose to leave or were banned from.........
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
27 Feb 09
Leave my brownies alone and maybe you will..
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
27 Feb 09
I won a costume contest once - well, twice if you count the one I did with a friend. I put a pix of Pearl on a website and she won a special award - but she was SOOO cute it was a nobrainer!
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
27 Feb 09
hey - any award is better than no recognition at all!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
Yep. LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
You must have a very strong creative side Elic. How cool. I think I knew that though...Congrats on the awards! Better than getting one like mine! ROFL
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@mummymo (23706)
27 Feb 09
Sorry to break it to you sparks honey but no one I know has any idea about this vote so I am afraid it can only be 62% of trolls who hate you and we all know that trolls only detract and never give anything so I am afraid you will never be able to collect that award! My last award - that is easy the cuddles and smiles from both my kids that I get every day and the compliments I get about how well behaved and bright my children are and how I should be proud of them. I am of course and I would be lost without them! xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
28 Feb 09
Thats the best way to do it Sparks - will have to sort out some tpe of realaward for you soon though - just to fill that space! lol xxx
1 person likes this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
28 Feb 09
LOL, yeah it's kind of boring dusting a bare spot! ROFL
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
It didn't happen on the lot mummy. I think we've tracked down where now though. It is just a former user here still smarting from their own banning and slandering mylot and us on another site. I choose to laugh at them!
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
27 Feb 09
Man you always get special treated here and I'm sooo jealous..lol..So who is this person and what site? I finally got to be included yesterday cause I got one unsubscribe email..Michael told me to just delete it..so does that give me a percentage of the hated too?..
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• United States
27 Feb 09
I give to you the "Special Brownie" Award.
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• United States
27 Feb 09
I have not gotten one of those emails....yet. I did not get to vote either. I am being left out of stuff.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
Not here. All this happened on another site and the former user that posted the poll came back here to tell me about how hated I was in a place I don't even know! How dumb is that? I think THEY'VE been eating the wrong kind of brownies! LOL So you got one of those emails too eh? I'm getting worried. All the people who've been active on my threads, are getting them..........weird!
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@Paula1966 (1102)
• United States
27 Feb 09
62%? Isn't that a larger percentage than some Presidents win by? Maybe you should run for office!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
Me run for Pres? Don't you have to be born in the States for that? No wait, Obama broke that rule, so I can too! ROFL First new law I pass will be that RoseKitty becomes the national brownie maker! LOL
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
27 Feb 09
Paula, I already told her to run for office cause she has my vote..I get to pass out brownies as the official Hostess
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
27 Feb 09
If the award is a case of something you'll share with those of us who didn't vote for you, right? I think that hole in the side yard is going to get a bit full, a bit fast. Soon it won't be ice that backs up the city sewers. Hmmm.... when the bodies all get a bit high you can always move down my way....No I don't wish Detroit on anyone. I'll just move up there and help you ship the bodies to Detroit. Yeah, that'll work. If you have the Irish Coffee.
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
You can keep Detroit! LOL I'll ship the bodies to you, and yes, I have the Irish Coffee.......you betcha! LOL The poll was taken on another site and the former mylotter who posted it came back to tell me about it. Silly and stupid and I have to laugh at the whole thing.....
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Feb 09
Hey Sparks, congrats! You know what they say, there's no such thing as bad publicity... as long as they spell your name right. Hell you could get a Pulitzer out of this. When you're done with your book even the people who hate you and all their friends will read it just to see what all the hubbub is about. All this crap will just end up putting money in your pocket. Last award I got? Hmmmm.. I graduated college with academic achievement honors back in '95. Got a neat little scroll from the dean in a special presentation and got to wear a special tassel on my cap. I've gotten dozens of metals, ribbons and awards for my music since I was a kid so it was kind of nice to get an award for something completely different for a change.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
Good thinking............fodder for my book. LOL I think the Twilight Zone of a town I live in is creeping onto the net! ROFL See, now I'm glad I posted this discussion, because I'm finding out just how accomplished in real life a lot of us mylotters are! How cool is that!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
27 Feb 09
Where did I come Sparky? Congrats by the way. What a deserving winner! LOL. Maybe I should have rephrased that! You know what I mean. E mail me this site. Is it the same one where a former member here, who isn't best friends with an increasing number of folk here, is a moderator there? Nope, not won anything for so long that I can't remember what it was that I did win. Bonniest baby perhaps in about 1958? LOL.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
I honestly don't know if the person we think it is, is a moderator of any site, I just know that it IS a former mylotter and they just can't get over their own banning. So they trash mylot everywhere and the people they left behind and it's all too stupid to get bent out of shape over. I choose to laugh at it. I've emailed you my thoughts on the matter.........
2 people like this
27 Feb 09
Hi sparky, Awwwww, thats a shame, I would have love to see the fomer users name and would like to see whose the 62% of mulotters that voted for you.GThe person is suffering acute jealousy condition and they would do anything to upset you, just ignore it hun, they are very sad people. Love and hugs. Tamara xxxxx
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
Tamara it wasn't the mylotters here who voted. It was a poll posted by a former mylotter who never got over their own banning here and obviously blamed me. Which is so silly. People come and go here all the time and I can't possibly be responsible for them all! LOL
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• India
27 Feb 09
You couldn't be the most hated myLotter. Whoever gave you that award, must have been out of his mind. who voted by the way? Are there polls conducted on myLot? I have not come across any polls here. Who conducted the polls? You couldn't have been on myLot for much longer than me as you have just about the same number of points as I do. when where and how did you manage this award I hope it was not offline.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
Mylot doesn't do polls. It was done by a former user on another site. So you can bet the voters don't know me well enough to have cast an informed vote. They only had the words of the former mylotter to go by, so of course I wouldn't have been presented well! LOL Then the user came back to the lot under a phony name just to tell me how much I was hated in a place I don't even know, by people I don't even know and don't know me. So just how dumb is that eh? That's why I have to laugh at the whole thing..........
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@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
27 Feb 09
really? wow congrats, but how did they inform you about the award again? how can we get or know our percentage here? promise i dont have any idea. LOL
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
This award wasn't given to me by the people here. In fact the poll wasn't even taken here. There are many former mylotters who are on other sites now and all they can find time to do is bash the people still here. Small minds are amused by small things I guess...........
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Feb 09
haha this is so funny, omg. you just made my day. i think i love you, or you would be a person i would love to hate. ut i generally don't hate poeple, you seem funny. award that i won was honor roll. in school.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Feb 09
I am funny mookie. lol So love me or hate me, but at least you'll keep on laughing! ROFL Congrats on the school award. That's a keeper!
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