Do you have any tips on how to be frugal?
By athinapie
@athinapie (1150)
February 27, 2009 8:21am CST
Let us face the reality that our economies are really slow and we are slowly getting affected by it. Many people lost their jobs, their homes and even their other properties. So with time like these, it is best to think and find ways to save money and be frugal. If you live a frugal life, you will save a lot of money and still live a good life.
Any tips that you would like to share? Thanks.
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9 responses
@CRSunrise (2981)
• United States
2 Apr 09
One thing I did here recently was go to Kroger and buy a whole bunch of cheese. They were running an add where cheese was 10/$10, and that's a really good price. We seem to go through a lot of cheese. It couldn't have come at a better time since I'm not of WIC.
@wifeofharvey (1156)
• United States
15 Mar 09
The best way I know of to save money is the simplest------ STAY OUT OF STORES!
Don't go in them, don't go looking for bargains. If you absolutely need something, then go look for that specific item at the best price you can find.
Make do with what you have.
Build your menu around what is on sale. Stretch your food with cheap rice, potatoes or beans. Or pasta.
Use the public library.
Walk if you can, instead of driving or paying for transport.
Have friends over for an evening of cards or just visiting instead of going out. Serve simple refreshments like popcorn, tea, hot or cold.
When you get home from work or school, immediately change into old clothes, hanging
up garments, sponging of spots, whatever. Keep good clothes good and wear out old things for around the house. Not every garment needs to be laundered after one gentle wearing.
Learn new hobbies or skills using old materials, like quilting, or knitting.
Work on your own attitude, don't think you are depriving yourself, rather that you are making the most of what you have. Smiles are free.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
9 Apr 09
funny, no one (at least i dont think any one did) mentioned the library! if you have a local library, make it your best friend. you can get a number of movies, both dvds and vhs there, music, books and magazines (why buy one at the grocery store if you can go to the library and read it for free?)
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
1 Mar 09
*no paid tv service
*no cell phone service contract - it's cheaper for us to do pre-pay & spend only $20 every 90 day or less than $80/mo
*generics as much as possible
*thrift stores
*rummage sales
*never buy @ full price unless there is no alternative!
*stockpile your pantry when you have extra $ and there is an exectptional deal at the store
*darn socks & other objects with holes and I wear those items while at home not to work of course
*watch your thermostat
*eat left overs
*bring your own coffee to work, skip the coffee shop
*grow your own garden
*change to cfl light bulbs
*don't turn on the lights til you absolutly have to
*I have a 3 item rule, only 3 things in the room I'm in can be running off electricity
*use old clothes & towels as rags
*use rags to clean up spills instead of paper toweling
*use hankerchiefs instead of kleenex
*"if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down"
*put a brick in your top portion of the toilet tank to conserve some water usage
*have the kids take a bath togeather if possible
*line dry your clothes all yr long
*re-use junk mail envelopes for grocery lists or the kids to play "post office"
*barter produce from your garden with a neighbor or friends produce
*coupons (if it's worth your wild in your area to do so) on double coupon days
*water down juice and milk when times are tough
*ramen noodle soup recipies
*use b&w printed newspaper as compost, packing/shipping material, as a substitute for pete pots
*walk or ride a bike to places when you can
*buy used video game systems & games if you "need" them in your household
*feed good scraps to your dog, saves on dog food
*start garden plants from seed
*save seeds to start above mentioned seedlings
*wash clothes in cold water
*if going to laundrymat some offer specials where they discount the washer on certain days
*don't buy items that have to be drycleaned
*get freebies & free samples of products online
*use handmedown clothes & other household items
*reuse nylons & knee highs for either lint traps on your washer or to secure climbing plants to a structure
*recycle items in your home for other uses before you consider tossing them or dontating
@athinapie (1150)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
The rummage sale is a good idea! I think I will do that to my old stuff here at home. Thanks so much for the other useful tips. I totally appreciate it.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
2 Mar 09
I haven't held one but I have been partoning rummage sales since I was pregnant with my first child. Lots of great deals to be had out there.
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
7 Apr 09
Hi athinapie...My husband and I always take breakfast and lunch to work every day. I know many people still like to buy their meals at a deli or fast food place but we feel we're saving money by not buying every single day - but bagging instead. I know it's the "in" thing to do to shop using tote bags but we don't. Instead we reuse the plastic bags we get in the store as garbage bags. We haven't purchased garbage bags in years. We reuse the paper bags for the paper recycling. I hope I've helped you somewhat. This is all I can think of at this moment.
@Computerdollars (80)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Hi all,
This might not seem like a way to be frugal, but it works for me! I just buy what I need when I need it. If it's on sale or I have a coupon, great, but if not, I still get it and use it all up before I get another one.
My personality is such that I can't pass up on a deal if I see it, and I always used to end up buying things I didn't need just because it was on sale. A lot of these things went to waste. My philosophy is, the more I can stay out of the stores, the better.
There is a Spanish saying I always repeat to myself when I am tempted to buy something I don't really need: Lo barato es caro cuando no es necesario (What is cheap is expensive when it isn't necessary).
Does anyone else out there have this philosophy?
@athinapie (1150)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
I agree with that spanish saying. Though you see that the price isn't expensive, it is still considered like a liability since you bought it and you don't even need it. I will keep that saying in mind. Thank you so much.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
27 Feb 09
H[i]i athinapie,
I guess we can start by going out less...Like hubby and I, we use to eat out a lot and this time, I told him, we need to minimize this so we can also save.
and then, stick to our list when we are doing some food shopping!
I am trying to do the laundry at 8 pm above hoping I will save little cents by doing that![/i]
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
7 Apr 09
*review accounts at the bank for extra service charges
*change phone plans - get rid of the land line or the cell phone
*or go to a prepaid cell phone if you can
*bagged lunches to work
*coupons then stash the amount per coupon used in a piggy bank - it adds up fast
*do your own yard work housekeeping etc rather than hiring someone
*find a friend who can do things you need done in trade for things you can do for them like...pc repair for baking...babysitting for babysitting.
*Garden - start your own seedlings
*if you have satellite - add someone as a "cabin" and split the bill
*thrift and second hand stores - buy there and take things you dont need there
*have a garage sale
*place change in a jar to save at the end of the day
*check the sales fliers buy on sale and store nonperishables for when low on $$ or stranded
*turn the heat down
*leftovers for meals at work or for meals at home - feed to pets
*check at the local butcher for "Scraps" lots of times they give them away for pet food
*turn off lights and other electronics when not in use - unplug them too
*old clothes can be used for rags or pet bedding or even quilting or remade into other clothes for like dolls.
*close the curtains on hot days
*use the line instead of the dryer
*read lables on clothes for cleaning instructions and follow them
*online coupons.
*remember purchases online need shipping paid for as well
*stay in and watch a movie rather than going to the theatre or go on cheap night
*homemade foods rather than prepackaged
*second hand clothes
*reuse anthing that can be reused - get creative. I made some old Cd's into a neat windchime
*pick berries and such
*stay out if the store
*make a list and stick to it for shopping!