You know you've been spending too much time on myLot when...(oh no, not again!)
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
March 1, 2009 6:27am CST
How would you complete the following sentence...
"You know you've been spending too much time on myLot when..."
My answer?
You know you've been spending too much time on myLot when, every thought you ponder in your mind, you try turning into a myLot discussion!
Also, when you find yourself pondering myLot discussions you've participated in, and your thinking up new replies.
I just finished loading the dishwaser with last nights dishes (yuk, i know) and while I was doing that, I'm thinking about all the things I could bring up as discussions on myLot. And I was thinking about previous discussions I've participated in.
I thought up about a half a dozen myLot topics to bring up.
I'm not sure if I will start all those discussions or not, cuz then I'd feel compelled to keep coming back and looking for the responses and replying to some of those responses.
And I DID vow yeserday to get off my behind and DO something! Didn't I?
When I said DO something, I wasn't talking about myLotting.
I did DO several things by the way (for those of you who might be interested).
I'm getting offtrack now, so I'll close this out.
As always, I look forward to reading your thoughts!
Oh wait! There's one more! You know you've been on myLot too much when you have to myLot BEFORE you have your coffee!
I'm going to get my coffee NOW.
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32 responses
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
1 Mar 09
You are obsessed with MyLot. You need help. I think we can find a meeting for you at the local hospital. I might even be able to find a pretty white jacket for you to wear. The meeting is being held in this special room with soft padding on the walls.
*locks the door and runs away*
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
1 Mar 09
P.S. You know you have been spending too much time on MyLot when your friends lure you into a padded room and lock you up.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Our new avatars are graphic gifts. Bo made them for us. If we are a club, then we are a strange band of gypsies.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 Mar 09
lol royal52gens! Thanks for the moral support. NOT!
I have a question...I've noticed several myLotters with similar avatars.
Is there a little club going on that I don't know about?
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 Mar 09
ut oh. I hope myLot doesn't get mad at me for driving you away!
I'm going to go get my coffee now!
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
1 Mar 09
You spend too much time on myLot when you put off going to the bathroom almost too long.
When you hope no on calls until you reach a goal for the day and if they do you try to get off the phone quickly.
when the cat begs to be fed and the dog begs to go out. You know your on myLot too much when you put water on to boil them forget it and burn up the pan. Destroyed it.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
1 Mar 09
You know you've been spending too much time on myLot when it's bedtime nad the bed is still in the same state it was when you got out of it this morning
You know you've been spending too much time on myLot when you feellike a cuppa and realise lunchtime was three hours ago - and you didn't have any!
You know you've been spending too much time on myLot when the shirt you intended wearing is not ironed... you can't find it in the pile of ironing... youopen the washing machine and it's staring at you together with all the rest of the last load you did xxx days ago and never hung out to dry 

@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 Mar 09
lmao Yep! You HAVE been spending too much time on myLot! Go do your laundry! lol
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@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
1 Mar 09
"You know you've been spending too much time on myLot when..."'ve made payout and it's only the second day of the month. talk to someone on the phone and wonder why there's no 'submit tags' button. keep looking to one side to see if your rating star colour has changed. sign your name and put "(1634)" after it.

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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
1 Mar 09
SpikeTheLobster....that is truly funny! Better than the Sunday "funnies" in the newspaper! And for me, you don't want to talk on the phone anymore, cause you want to type...and see your answers! Made my day...start it with laughter! Cheers!
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@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
1 Mar 09
Hi miamilady...
There are so many endings for this question..
1..When supper is overboiling on the stove and you choose to ignore it..just a few more words to go!
2. When you count funny little emoticons in your sleep instead of sheep
3. When your hubby leaves the toilet seat up and you fall in and wonder immediately how to explain this one to the mylot gods!
4. When you find yourself arguing with yourself on your own discussions.
5. When you call out your hubbies name and realize hes been gone for 4 hours.( and may not return!)
6. When dark turns to daylight
7. When you stumble out of bed and head like a zombie to the computer to see if anyone has responded and if last nights marathon session was worth it money wise.
8. When you start a discussion and realize you are the only one answering, you look up and see the newest discussion was 3 hours ago!
9. When your preschooler brings home his high school diploma
10. When you cant remember what the original question was!

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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 Mar 09
lmao those are all awesome!
My favorites are #4 and # 9, but they are ALL truly awesome!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 Mar 09
gosh that is a good answer and hard to top.
but I will put you know you have been spending too much time on mylot when, you dream about making payout at night and get up the next morning skip the shower, skip breakfast and jump on the computer. The kids are crying for breakfast and you answer wait for a moment I have to answer my discussions. They dogs pees in the middle of the floor and you ignore him and continue to answer your discussions. The school bus came and went and you didn't even notice the youngest child was still in the house getting his boots on.
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@mummymo (23706)
1 Mar 09
WEll I have only just got back onto the lot after a long absence so I don't think this applies to me ...yet. I used to spend too much time here and it was pretty obvious as everyt thought I had related to mylot in some way - I would be thinking oh that was like so and so on mylot or I would be thinking Oh so that is what that user meant etc etc. My dreams even played out as mylot discussions - seriously! lol xxxx
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
1 Mar 09
I have to to initiate a whole lot of! My time on myLot is limited to two cups of coffee in the a.m., before work! Otherwise time just slips away...and for me, being self-employed time is money! If I have a hiatus, between jobs, I sometimes will go to myLot, but I know, once spring has sprung, my time here will be a lot less!
I do concur, I do often spend a lot of time, thinking about discussions that I have not responded to, and want to...but they are discussions of such quality, that I want to give a well-thought out answer! Right now....on my second cuppa, so gotta turn my thoughts to work! Have a totally serene Sunday--and Cheers!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 Mar 09
I tried the self employed route. I didn't have the discipline or the perserverance to stick with it. What type of business are you in?
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
2 Mar 09
I have two small businesses (only a few employees that varies as the season varies) one is all aspects of Property Management (as we have several (lots) of home-owners here that are week-enders ONLY)...and sub-contract Tiling/Painting!
Discipline doesn't come into the picture, as it is simply...survivallist here, where I live! Find a niche...and fill it! And there is something about the bills calling at the end of the month, that motivates well as not having the cupboard bare! But, yes, I am truly glad there are some non-motivated people in the world, as I would not have anyone to hire! Where I truly lack discipline is the bookwork at the end of the day! Cheers!
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
1 Mar 09
I know i've been spending too much time with mylot when my fingertips are aching already.LOL And you are right, when we are already trying to create a lot of threads and answering a lot of new posts and even the old ones. Sometimes I do a lot of scrolling before finding the topic that interest me.
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Let's see. I know that I have been spending too much time on myLot when I forget about the wash that I placed in the washer machine an hour ago. If I do remember about the wash then I forget to hang it up and I might have to cycle the wash through again before it turns all mildew!lol
I also know that I have been spending too much time here when I go hungry. I know that I need to eat breakfast but there is just too much to catch up with here as well as other things on line that I just forget to eat something.
I can't really say that I would forgo my morning cup of coffee. It is what gets me started although I am trying to cut back on the caffeine.
Getting a shower and being clean and dressed has to come first before a lot of other things here as well or else I will be sitting on the computer for too long and the morning starts to slip away from me and I feel icky.
I know one thing though. I do make sure that my husband and son are alright and I make sure they are fed or have something to drink. I don't think that I take things too far here that I forget the very important things in my life. So there you go!
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
2 Mar 09
You know that you've been spending too much time on mylot when you are still on the computer mylotting well after everyone else in your house is sound asleep.
You know that you've bben spending too much time on mylot when you are at work and not only do you think of discussions that you could start, but you actually have a long list of them because every time one comes to mind, you just have to write it down!
I am self-employed and my time here happens after 5p.m., unless it is a weekend. There are many, many nights when I will find myself still here after my hubby has fallen asleep event hough he was patiently waiting for me to go to bed. My common reply when he says, "Are you ready for bed?" is , "Just a minute, I have to finish replying to this!"
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@jazzsue58 (2666)
2 Mar 09
You know when you've been spending too much time on mylot when you feel compelled to start a new thread telling everybody about how you MADE the coffee (and how you drank it, dunked the biscuit, washed the cup up afterwards ...)
@elysium (169)
• United States
2 Mar 09
I know I have been spending too much time on myLot when it is time to go to sleep, but I still stay up and when I have to finish my homework, I keep procrastinating on it. I also get the same thinking like you do, miamilady. myLot is just too addicting for almost every user here. Anyways, I should probably get off right now before I end up spending my whole day here.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
26 Sep 09
Wow. That's a lot of mylotting. Fact is, between working, school, journaling, job hunting, a life that maybe if I could look at objectively would be filled with action and maybe intrigue to some (deprived I would say), but to me at the end of everyday I can't think of hardly anything to post or write about, thus I depend on the discussions of others--in this one's case, for example, still working on cleaning out my rather spammed email, just now this far back on mylot notifications... Sigh, I hate spam--I suppose I could go off on that...
@gtdonna (1738)
6 Mar 09
You know you're spending too much time on MyLot when..
You wake up in the morning and rush to see if anyone comment on your discussions
You go to bed hoping that someone choose your comment as best response
The first place you look when you login, is to see if your daily earnings has changed
@Vladilyich1 (1454)
• Canada
2 Mar 09
You sleep until two in the afternoon because you didn't go to bed until six in the morning. That's my wife! We're currently sharing one PC so I get it at six (when she goes to bed) and give it back between two and four in the afternoon.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
5 Mar 09
lol I feel for ya! I got into a similar pattern a few years ago with chatrooms.
Fortunatly I kicked that habit. It's nice to have my life back somewhat.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
2 Mar 09
You know you've been spending too much time on MyLot when you dream about and in the dream your whole world is a website and your friends and relatives are avatars.
You know you've been on the computer for too long when you wake up and there keyboard indentations on your forehead.
You know you've been Mylotting too much when you want to report your husband for spamming.
Finally you know you've been here for too long when you receive a call asking you to collect your child from school.
Wouldn't have it any other way!