Who created men God or Darwin ?
By K.Rajib G.
@krajibg (11922)
Guwahati, India
March 3, 2009 8:44am CST
Well, all religions are of the opinion that men ( both man and woman )are God's creation. In the "Genesis" of the Old Testament it is clearly stated that on the sixth day God created men and the seventh day He took rest. If we are religious we must abide by what is said in our religious Books or it would be a heresy. In Hinduism too Lord Brahma is said to be the creator of all lives on the Earth. The Muslims too believe that they are the gift of Allah.
But there came a Darwin and said and proved to men were not given birth to by any outer force but they are the result of evolution. As if a volcano erupted. How could that be? But in his 'Natural Selection' he dared to divulge with proof that the origin of all species is through evolution and human being is an evolution from monkey family including Gorilla, Orang-otan, Chimpanzee, Gibbon etc.
Now you are surely in a precarious situation. As on the one hand you believe in the Almighty God and being rational and an intelligent individual of the post modern era you can not out mode Darwin.
What do you say?
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36 responses
@jolope (987)
• Philippines
3 Mar 09
i heard this story once from my sister..
i think it was some kind of a text message from her friends..
it goes like this..
God and man were talking..
the man said that he can create anything
and God said, go on show me..
then the man took some dust to make something out of it..
then God said, make your own dust.
so i guess there's really no contest..
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
3 Mar 09
I'll ask any Darwin believer why the monkeys, apes, gorillas, etc., haven't become extinct if we evolved from them. And why are women having babies? And why aren't animals having CHILDREN, if we evolved from them? It is a stretch of the imagination to think we came from an animal. Of course, there is always somebody who will question whether there is a real GOD or if he had anything to do with anything. I will have to say, though, that there are some people who do act like monkeys!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I happen to believe in evolution as I've always been a science "nerd"--nope we didn't exactly evolve from monkeys, apes or gorillas but a branch of the primate family...it was around the Ramapithicus some four million years ago that one branch of the primate family group that branch out...the one continued the "monkey" line while the other branched to what would be the human line beginning with Australopithecus--oh, and I do happen to believe in a "higher" force as well, despite my interest in science
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
4 Mar 09
Hi Barb42! I can understand your point. But the fact is that when evolution was taking place the climate and the environment was friendly to suit that. Later when that atmosphere was over all the animals as pointed out by you remained in the same sape. Darwin has proof of this that the origin of man goes to the apes.
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@urbandekay (18278)
4 Mar 09
Of course evolution by natural selection is correct, the evidence is overwhelming, the theory ranks along side our best theories of all time, like the theory of gravity, Euclidian geometry, Einsteinian relativity, etc.
It does not however, invalidate the belief that God created man, rather it describes the mechanism
all the best urban
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
4 Mar 09
God created Darwin and made him smart enough to realize something that should be pretty obvious to everyone but which everyone never thinks about because their minds are caught up in another idea. I think God is smart enough to create the mechanism for creating stars and planets and insects and animals and plants. The building blocks of the universe are exactly the things we have in our bodies, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc. I think we should give God more credit than just the god of genesis which is fine as a story but I suspect creation is a bit more complicated than that described in genesis. For one thing, God would not need to rest, the concept of god and resting is a bit too mundane. Cheers!!
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
4 Mar 09
Hello undrdogtoo, Please do not say that Darwin was crested by put God. If he was what he was he was there because of the result of evolution. It would can not be in your heat if you say so. Try to believe in the theory of evolution and you would feel refreshed.
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@delrealmonica (189)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I don't really know who created man, all I know is that he was not made by evolution. We are too complex to have happened by accident. But everyone thinks that someone else createdus, and I really think that there is no definite proof of who did.
It will just one of those everlasting questions.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
8 Mar 09
delrealmonica you have sparked my curiosity. I have done years of study and teach science. You say that you have found major flaws in Darwin's findings. Could you enlighten me as to what they are?
@delrealmonica (189)
• United States
8 Mar 09
ok well even Darwin said that "To suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection seems, i freely confess, absurd." There is also the fact that the fossil record contains mostly formed species, not transitional species, like it would if evolution were true.
There are other, more complex reasons why evolution is flawed but those are just a few. Basically a case of microevolution was blown out of proportion and called macroevolution.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
4 Mar 09
The answer to your question is that neither god or Darwin created man. The human species is a result of natural evolutionary processes. Darwin did not come up with the idea of evolution. The first record of a discussion goes back to Empedocles, a Greek philosopher born in 490BCE who proposed the idea that animals adopt to there surrounding as a result of natural selection. Al-Jahiz, a Muslim theologian and scholar born in Basra around 776CE proposed a similar idea and many others played with the idea before Darwin. Darwins controbution was years of work to develop the evidence to support the idea and his presentation of it in an understandable fashion.
The amazing thing is that his ideas have been proven right over the last 150 years. He got most of it right using thought and intuition. It has been only as science has developed and his ideas put to the test that it is possible to realize how large his contribution is. His idea may be the most important single contribution ever made to science.
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@Galena (9110)
3 Mar 09
this is a silly comparison. believing in evolution is not the same as believing that mankind was created by one of its own.
or do you believe that Newton created gravity?
coming up with a theory does not mean creating it. because theories describe things already there.
I do not believe in the God of book based religions.
but I do not believe that you or I or Darwin created us.
we are products of Nature, and Nature creates change through evolution.
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@Galena (9110)
4 Mar 09
I have no problem with the fact that mankind are a species of animal.
no greater and no lesser than other animals, just different. in the same way an elephant and a whale are different.
I have no problem believing that we are descended from other varieties of ape. our DNA is barely different at all.
I can see enough evidence for evolution around me for me to be confident in it's existance. you only have to look at dog breeds, and how they've changed in a lifetime to see how changes come about based on environment, and on who gets to breed.
I find it much easier to believe in evolution than in any of the modern religions.
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@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
4 Mar 09
First of all - - - rroshanr - - speak for yourself. You may look like a monkey, but I sure don't!
The only missing link was Darwin's mind!
Evolution is a farce. Mankind has a spirit, and animals have only a soul. the two are not the same. God is not an animal, and He created mankind in "His own image."
Simple faith accepts God's Word.
The unregenerate mind of humanity will never figure God out, or His ways and or His creation.
I like the scripture that says: "professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and their foolish hearts were "darkened."
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
4 Mar 09
Hi Galena, the comparison was not silly. There was an implied metaphor. This was either God or the theory of Darwin? What Darwin sis was all based on scientific analysis. And you are the stern believer on Hod. Well God is all hypothesis and Derwin is all practical. And that made the hell of difference. If you call the color of milk is red it would not be red but would remain ever white.
And that is what is the theory of Darwin.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
5 Mar 09
This is where reason comes in. Too far gone is a man who is willing to stick to the literal interpretation of his holy book, despite what facts are thrown at him. There's a fine line between faith and delusion, and many people cross with with their denial of scientific facts. Many religious folks have adapted their beliefs to encompass evolution - often times with the belief that evolution was a tool used by God to create life on Earth.
I don't see why one can't believe in a god and accept evolution at once.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Mar 09
As a person who has always been sort of a science geek and nerd, I've always had a great love for the sciences..from astronomy, geology, paleontology, archeology and anthropology. One can't say Darwin "created" mankind but was responsible in establishing the evolution concept to explain how species evolved, yet even he wasn't exactly the first as scientists and researchers started to think the evolutionary process long before he did and wrote his book "Origin Of Species" (which I happen to have a copy of). Even though I do believe in the process of evolution I also believe in a higher creative force that "sparked" life as we know it...all life, from the very beginning of the universe and that one initial spark that created the Big Bang which would ultimately spark the existence of galaxies, planets and so forth...from there if the conditions were right, life would eventually "evolve" on planets suitable for life
Yes, according to paleontologist/anthropologist, mankind did evolve from the primate line but there were two separate branches...one branch was to remain the "monkey" line, while another would evolve into the human species line...this was not something that happened in a twinkling of an eye as the Bible would have you believe, but a long process taking millions of years. I know there are many die-hard Christians that truly take every word of the Bible as literal fact, and they never question it..and while as I said I do believe in a higher force, I can't imagine mankind just suddenly appearing "out of nowhere" fully grown as the Bibl suggests. You have to realize too, the Bible and any other religious source of creation were explanations made by people thousands and thousands of years ago, to try to understand how things came into being...the "creation" story, and every culture and religion has it's own Creation story, from Judaic, Christian, Hindu, even Native American..the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Mesopotamians too had their own creation stories.. You might just say, with science that scientists too are doing a retelling of the creation story but by scientific means...but at least with science there is proof of "creation" and evolution via fossil records and evidence.,
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@chaitra001 (3278)
• Bangalore, India
4 Mar 09
Hi friend I will say god is the power behind all activities in the universe. So according to me though darwin say we are all through evolution then to god is only the one who made those evolution. What do you think? will you agree with me? happy myloting.
@forslahiri (1042)
• India
3 Mar 09
I only say that the "Missing Link" is still missing.
Upto that day(when the missing-link will be unfolded with evidence)I 'll believe in that SUPER POWER!
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
4 Mar 09
While you can claim a missing link in the fossil record there is none in the human genome. This argument is outdated. There is no missing link.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
4 Mar 09
Hi Forslahiri,
I think you know only the 'missing link' and nothing beyond that. Do you exactly know what is the 'missing link'? If know do elaborate here or else please do not so your pseudo intellectually. That Darwin was right in his concretion is being strengthened by the neo Darwinians.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
4 Mar 09
You are right and I too believe this. I say the concept of God is all hypothesis and the theory of Darwin is all concrete and there are proves that men' ancestors were the apes.
You belie in God. Just tell me how he created men. All these stories are to be fool men in general.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 Mar 09
If you believe that God created the world in 7 days then you have to believe that Eve was producing children with her sons and the sons with their daughters. People need to understand that the old testament is not a literal translation. It's my opinion that the words of the Old Testament have been given way too much credence.
Darwin found the evidence and put forward the theories, he didn't create anything.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Mar 09
I have no argument with Darwin, nor with the tale of Creation. God (or whatever you choose to call him) did not create the earth in seven of our days, but His. Nor did he create man in one brief moment. God has to be a scientist, just look at the seamless way that all of nature interacts! It would make sense that He evolved us into His image through a gradual process. He also gave us the brains to recognize this if we will only use the intelligence He gave us.
The Bible and other holy books were written by men, inspired by God or not, in such a way that the people of that time could understand them. That is why they say that things were created in a short span of time. The more science I learn, the more my faith is reinforced.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
4 Mar 09
Yes I go wit you to a limited way only. I would not go eye to eye with you when you say He gave us. Not he have us but we got them so because of evolution. All the holly or unholy books were written by shrewd people like you and me and tried to rule over people with poring the belief that God is there. Whereas no God was seen bu=y any one.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Mar 09
Well have we evolved from animals I don't know...? But who created the animals? Where does life itself come from? It has to be a Higher Power of some sort. Even if we were not to believe in God surely we can all see there is a force running things here. Every day things happen that are not necessarily our doing and are beyond our control. There is something in charge here. Some of us choose to call him God but his name is irrelevant, the important thing is what He stands for; love.
Now that's evolution!

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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
6 Mar 09
The biology says that life evolved from certain condition that was conducive during that time. Even Darwin too has the same says. Yes I too feel that there is a power what is called super power but they believe that this has nothing to do with the evolution.
Thanks Paula.
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@suzzy3 (8341)
6 Mar 09
We could discuss music.films,the way the world is,what is in the world,how it effects us,what we do for a living,how we feel, small kids their needs, global warming,the good days,the bad day, politics ,the credit crunch,the needs of the health service ,how it affects our daily lives,education,crime,next doors cat anything has to be more interesting than argue about something that happened millions of years ago,i tend to keep up to date with discussions,scientific advances,third world poverty,the starving,the destitute, something relelvent then maybe some of the problems of the world would get sorted that is upto date subjects,I have listed a few alternatives for you to ponder.Oh rising sea levels, islands being lost to the sea,erosion of our coast line, natural disasters,man made disasters .medical research and what we are going to watch on the tv tonight.

@Canellita (12029)
• United States
27 Jul 09
Well, Rajib, what I say is that man existed before Darwin. My other half says that the answer is both because thoughts are things and nothing exists without thoughts. He said Darwin creates man, we create man, God creates man and man creates God.
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@Felicialessard1 (56)
• United States
3 Mar 09
Well, apparently some scientists have tried to create a "person," of course, they failed. Darwin was "man." So, therefore, if scientists can't make a person or even remotely close to it, it had to be God. I would love to see someone create stars, humans, trees, etc. I think it would be something fun to watch at least. No one is as experienced as the almighty creator. Think about it. God creates a big picture in the sky every second of the day. The Big Bang theory is outplayed now.
I actually had an argument with my science teacher about this. She was teaching on the "Big Bang" theory and I was arguing with her to reach my point. She had scientists and I had my Bible, haha! I never in my life have ever got sent to the office for disagreeing or speaking my mind until that day. Now, if you go into that school, Bibles are allowed and we have the right to wear religious shirts. Go me!
You can't argue with someone that is greater than us. I know people are entitled to their own opinions and I respect that but I will fight whoever disagrees with me, nicely, of course.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
4 Mar 09
Ye I respect your Bible. But tell me who wrote the Bible? Was not it a man? And visualize the time when a man or a group of men did so. They wanted to make people believe that there is supreme power called God. But now? how would you interpret the bible and the theory of evolution by Darwin?
One or the other you have to believe.
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