Is it wrong to Hope President Obama’s Policies fail?
By bobmnu
@bobmnu (8157)
United States
March 3, 2009 9:49am CST
Rush Limbaugh has publicly expressed his desire to see the economic policies of the President fail. He has stated that what the President is trying to do goes against his (Rush’s) core beliefs. Rush believes in the private sector and having the government stay out of their business. There are of course some necessary regulations that must be in place to protect investors and consumers. This is a philosophical debate between those who favor Big Government and Government control over the market place and business vs. those who feel that the there should be limited government and the people should have a choice how to spend their money. The President seems to favor a Socialist policy where the government runs things and all people should be able to enjoy the benefits of the work of society regardless of their contribution. The government will provide the education, jobs, health care, retirement as well as protection, security and see that everyone is treated the same with out regard to their position in society.
Rush Limbaugh believes in Free Market Capitalism where each individual is free to make their own decisions and work for what they want. Their life style is based on what they do and want and not on what the society wants. The individual is free to work and achieve to what ever level they desire and can reach through their efforts. The free market decides what goods and services will be produced based on consumer demand not on government policy.
Rush used the football analogy of a Pittsburg fan hoping the Arizona Quarterback would fail to complete the pass at the end of the game. If you believe that Pittsburg should win then it would be foolish for you to hope the Arizona quarterback to be successful. Your friends would think you sere crazy to want him to be successful.
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10 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
3 Mar 09
In no way, shape of form is it "wrong" of Rush or anyone else to wish that a system that goes against the grain of what they believe in fails.
It's not like people wishing Obama's policies fail are doing so because they're bitter. They're doing so because big government has simply never, ever, in the history of mankind, worked before. A person/government has never, ever, in the history of the world been able to spend out of financial trouble. Obama spending more money than anyone else ever before in the world is terribly troubling to everyone who isn't a supporter that works on faith.
There are really only two sides of the "will it or won't it work" debate: Side one, you have people who cite history, economic numbers and common sense to suggest that this plan of spending ghost money will not work long-term. On side two, you have people who ignore the history of big government and simply choose to put their faith in Obama.
If anyone has a problem with someone else saying "I hope Obama fails," I'd really be interested to know what they expect to happen should he succeed. Have the people putting faith in Obama thought about it in the long-term, or are they simply taking the stance that Obama's failure means America's failure without thinking beyond that point?
If you don't want a massive government that steals money from future generations in order to get us out of a crisis that isn't nearly as bad at the one Reagan inherited from Carter; if you want your future to have the same freedoms of your past; if you dream big and want to keep America the land of the free, you should be hoping that a socialist plan fails. IMO, anyway.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Something in my post lead you to believe you're not?
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@tails88 (135)
• United States
13 Apr 09
I think Rush is being selfish and stupid. Even if a person not from your political party is in charge, and may have different ideas on how the economy should be fixed, you should hope that it does work and the economy does get better, not to hope that it fails and the economy gets worse!! This is not the time for pettyness, its time for the economy to get better. Rush can hate Obama's economic policies, but if he cared for the country at all he should hope that they work!!
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Rush like myself, is a serious student of economics. Rush knows what I and most economists know. 0bama's policy of deficits even more massive than those of Bush are ruinous. Remember? Bush is stupid. Bush's policies are stupid. 0bama's economic policy is the same as Bush's only more so!
There is not one chance in a billion 0bama's deficit spending can help the nation. 0bama's plan has to be to destroy America economically as it currently exists so it can be rebuilt. If that is not 0bama's plan than he is a moron. I don't believe 0bama is a moron.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Here's another analogy to explain Rush's position.
Imagine you have a friend who is terribly depressed and unhappy. Let's say that friend is the economy of the U.S.A.
Imagine you have another friend who says he wants to and YES, HE CAN solve your first friend's problem with depression and unhappiness. Let's say this second friend is Barrack 0bama.
At first glance, anyone would say they want the second friend to be successful in solving your first friend's depression and unhappiness. Who could want the second friend to fail?
Well, everyone would want the second friend to fail once they realized the second friend's solution would kill the friend in order to end his depression and unhappiness.
Now, hopefully, anyone who did not understand why Rush wants 0bama to fail, understands why now. 0bama's massive deficits will kill the U.S.A. 0bama knows this. I want him to fail, too.
@sparky4641 (155)
• United States
3 Mar 09
i was against obama when he was running against mcain. i think he needed more experience before taking a run at the presidency. he won the presidency from smooth talking the public. but no matter how he has gotten there, he is our president. he has made a couple right moves so far, and i hope he can turn this downward spiral around, but i don't think he has the experience to do it alone. he is going to have to have alot of help, and if he takes that help, we should be fine.
@arvaster (521)
• United States
10 Mar 09
Even if so, having a government pay for your surgeries and medical bills is a big BIG plus. And not having insurance companies "evaluate" you as a freaking used car.
My fiancée has had two major surgeries, half her sternum is missing. We went to have it done in Sweden because even WITH insurance, it would still cost us more than 3 months rent, 2 plane tickets to sweden + hotel stay.
I understand that the US is very against socialistic ideologies but it wont hurt too bad, in the beginning yes because its NEW WEIRD and CHANGE.
Give him a chance, people didn't like Bush but they gave him hell of a chance.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
11 Mar 09
We have been told that we will have a government offical who will decide what is cost effective based on several factors including age. Even if you have the money and can find a Doctor who would perform the procedure, the Dr. could lose his/here license.
Sounds fair and just?
@irishfury187 (375)
• United States
4 Mar 09
if obama wasnt president I would say its not wrong to want to see his policies fail, but now that he is president wanting the president to fail is ridiculous, if he fails it hurts us, so wouldnt you want him to make the US a better place...unless you're from a country that hates america thats a different story

@echo370 (2)
• China
4 Mar 09
As a chinese,I don't know much about obama's policies.But,I support him,he is hansome and vatality,it gives me a feeling that he will lead the Ameria even the
whole world out of the economic crisis.

@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
3 Mar 09
It isn't wrong at all.
The 0bamunist's policies are destroying our economy and are bad for our country and our way of life. Every time he talks the markets drop another few hundred points... and I think he is doing it deliberately.
The only people who would think that hoping his policies fail is wrong are the socialists and communists who share his beliefs and agenda.
The 0bamunist has no respect for our Constitution and is doing everything that he can to destroy Capitalism, the free market, and the very things that made America great.
He is anti-American in both words and deeds.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 Mar 09
What I want is for Obama and congrss to fail at implimenting the policies they are trying to impliment. Why on earth would I want what I know to be destructive and unconstitutional practices to be allowed to pass and be enacted? Why for that matter would any person who loves this country want to see the things that will destroy this country as we know it, succeed in passing?
@Amberluv2000 (406)
• United States
3 Mar 09
I believe in President Obama and I think it is wrong to hope that his policies fail because the economy can't take much more right now. I do like the fact that Obama doesn't sugarcoat things and that is the reason I voted for him. He can't come into office and turn around the downward spiral the economy has been going in over the last 8 years in two minutes and he never claimed that it would be easy. But at least he is addressing the problem and that is more than McCain or Bush were doing.
I don't have a problem with the goverment interfering with the bailout package. Plain and simple if the businesses don't want the government to interfere in their business--Don't Take the Money. Ford decided to not take the money and they have went back to their engineering department to try and make a more efficient engine. I have no problem with the government placing restrictions on the money they lend out. We have already seen what will happen if they don't with AIG. When they received the money they handed out bonuses and partied and the consumers didn't see any of it. And the banks only used the money to buy other banks. I would like to see the bailout money influence consumers that is the only way it will generate more jobs and more spending.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
5 Mar 09
If his stimulus plan succeeds we will have 250,000 new government employees, government control of the banks and auto industry and the stock market in the tank. Unions will be able to organize with out a secret ballot. We will see high unemployment with inflation.
The other option is to have a major war with a draft and high taxes to pay for it. What ended the last Government caused Depression was WWII and the destruction of all industry world wide with only the US having an industrial base that could produce the goods for the world.
IF you read the projects covered in the stimulus package you will see that it is full of pork and waste. If you don't believe me then look at what the Congressional Budget office said. I hope the policy fails and the Free Market Forces take over and pull us out of the government caused depression.