Dems want Rush on the air.
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
March 4, 2009 10:33am CST
Want to know why the dems and the media are always talking about Rush? THe idea was started after Democrats included Limbaugh’s name in an October poll and learned Rush was deeply unpopular with many Americans. So they decided to use this to their advantage. Democrats realized they could use Rush a new GOP bogeyman (not that Bush is gone). SO they plan to protray him as the "poste boy" for republicans in order to make the party less popular and appealing.
FOr Rush's part...he is thankful to Obama and his admin. Sence starting the Rush wars his listening audience has gone up and he is getting tons of media attention (hey no publicity is bad pubicity I guess). He said they are making him a bigger influence and star in the political world than he really this and he is thankful for it.
Ok well I see how the dems are playing it. They take one of the least liked and outragouse memebers of a party and make it look like hte whole party is that way. Which is a lie. But who said they were above lying to the general population.
But two can play that game. Who is the worst, outlandish, crazy liberal you can think of? Let's make him or her hte poster child for their party. Who cares that the person will not truely be a representation of the group as a whole. Rush does not represent Republicans as a whole but that did not stop the dems so why should it stop us? OK guys lets find a truely crazy, criminal, outlandish liberal out there we can make their poster boy. Give it your best shot.Who would you pick and why?
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6 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I don't usually listen to Rush. Talk radio isn't my thing. Those guys (the successful ones) are usually loud and abrasive when it comes to their opinions. That's just the nature of the job and doesn't really stand in the way of their views, however. IMO, Rush is as conservative as they come. Now, when he says off-the-wall things in a vulgar tone, that does not mean it's the "conservative" in him talking. I think that's a distinction that not many make.
Whenever Rush says something that can vilify him, the liberals all say, "Well, that's a conservative for ya," and some conservatives say, "Well, Rush doesn't represent us."
Both sides are wrong here. Rush Limbaugh is a conservative; a conservative is not Rush Limbaugh. Anyone to argue that fact is doing so simply to argue. But... there's also no need to disassociate yourself from someone you don't entirely agree with or may be unpopular. There's no basis for it. It's not like either of the two parties can be summed up by one person's views. You don't have to agree with every single thing Rush says to be a conservative. Moreover, you don't have to disagree with everything he says to be a liberal. This division is pure insanity.
After Rush's speech, I watched news coverage for 16 straight hours! 16! I watched FOX, MSNBC, CNN, and HN (which I believe is a subsidiary or something of CNN). On 3 of 4 of those networks (i'll let you guess which lmao), Rush was vilified and called names and picked apart and taken out of context and said to be the "voice of the conservatives." On 1 network, he was picked apart and had his words examined, but that's as far as went.
The only logical conclusion I can possibly draw here is that an extremely large part of progressive liberal democrats' philosophy is to sell a bill of goods (or sign one into law) to the public and hope they never question things for themselves. Whereas it seems to be the conservative republicans urging people to simply seek the truth; ask the hard questions and decide for yourself whether or not you agree with the direction we're heading.
Rush being used by liberals as the "devil you know" is great for conservatives, in my opinion. It's a plan that will blow up in their faces. Rush is different from most conservative media or politicians in that he'll tell the bold truth - as he sees it - instead of simply calling the public to question policy.
By promoting him as the "must listen" source in America, a lot of people are going to stop putting the TV on mute just to cuss at him, and they're going to start realizing that through the loud tone and the condescending remarks, he's actually telling the truth. The combination of a still-failing economy and an unrestrained Rush Limbaugh will convert many a'liberal. My prediction. :-)
As far as who I would like to see represent republicans... I still have no problem with Palin. To choose someone who the other side might approve of or who all conservatives can simply agree with at all times is hugely false and will see the continued demise of the party. ... End of super long rant! :D
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I admit Rush can be right about things....I do disagree with him on some things. But what I do not like is his showmanship. He is annoying.
@MntlWard (878)
• United States
4 Mar 09
"OK guys lets find a truly crazy, criminal, outlandish liberal out there we can make their poster boy."
Um..that's something that Rush Limbaugh and his ilk have always done.
Anyway, if Rush is such a fringe element not representative of mainstream Republicans, why was he a key speaker at the CPAC? Why did the leader of the Republican party have to apologize for calling Rush an "entertainer?"
Rush may not be representative of all people who identify as conservative, but the Republican leaders are all following his lead right now.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Mar 09
he does not lead the party. He is a vocal part of it but not the leader.
Like Gretchen Ritter (and several like her). She is a very vocal member of the liberal party. But she does not lead it. Heck she thinks (and I quote) "stay-at-home moms are a plague on society". She also calls for laws against full time motherhood.
So is it fair to now say that ALL LIBERALS hate stay at home moms and think there should be laws against women making the choice to stay at home with their kids full time? NO. That would not be fair. Heck does the party even speak out against these extreme feminist? Nope. They embrace them just like republicans embrace Rush.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I must admit if I were a part of the Democratic leadership I'd sure be flattered thast you'd given "us" so much credit for this power struggle between Rush Limbaugh and the GOP. The only problem with the Democrats having been responsible for Rush being portrayed as the "poster boy" for the GOP is that the Democrats aren't the ones who gave Rush the most important speaking slot at the recent CPAC, the Democrats aren't the ones who are so torn between not wanting to seem to their constituents back home as going along with Limbaugh's desire that President Obama (or his policies) fail and being scared sh1tless of crossing the talk show host that if they say anything even remotely derogatory towards him they run off, usually in less than an hour, to apologize and beg his forgiveness. I know Rush doesn't represent all Republicans or even most of them but the leadership of the party, at least those who get the most airtime and those from their base on the farthest right seem more than happy to have him speak for them more often than not. Here's an article about the recent war of words between GOP Chairman Michael Steele and Limbaugh:
Now to the end of your post; "OK guys lets find a truely crazy, criminal, outlandish liberal out there we can make their poster boy."
Are there some "crazy, criminal, outlandish liberals" I could name? Sure, more than a few to be honest. There are even some who have had more influence over some in the Democratic leadership than some of us would have liked and there are some I'd like to see denounced for some of the "crazy, criminal, outlandish" things they've said and done, but I can't think of a single one who is given the type of forum or who is treated as some kind of a god in the way Rush Limbaugh is by the GOP.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Mar 09
You're absolutely right and I was telling my wife the exact same thing the other day. That's why you only hear democrats saying Rush is the leader of the republican party. Republicans don't say it because it simply isn't true. Half his listeners are democrats who want to "spy on the enemy". They probably would have picked Ann Coulter to tell people was head of the republican party, but then they want to pretend that republicans are anti-women so that might not have worked as well. Picking the overweight, middle-aged, white man was the democrats best bet since democrats pretend to be the party that represents women and minorities while republicans are supposedly against both.
We don't really have to find a poster boy for the democrats. The most extreme, pro-abortion left wing person in their party is already running the show. No, not Obama, Nanci Pelosi. She's already throwing her weight around and bullying Obama. He's proven he doesn't have the guts to stand up to her. I guess he's just lucky that he already agrees with most of her extreme left-wing agenda. We can all see how much she's done for California already.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I have to agree with you there. Pelosi is about as bad as it can get in my opinion.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Most of the far-left liberals in this country want Pelosi in there. It's obviously not because she's so far out on the wing tip that the oxygen quality has caused permanent dizziness. I mean, that does them more harm policy-wise. It's simply because she's wholly anti-conservative to the point of insanity.
And anyone's who's watched and read a few different forms of media in the last 4 years knows: the far-left loves nothing more in the world than bashing conservatives! They're so jaded and so intent on standing separate for no other reason but to stand separate that they'd be willing to suffer unspeakable failure if it means they have another opportunity to blame a conservative.
One need'nt look further than the treatment John McCain received pre and post Republican nomination to see how the far-left simply loves to hate.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
5 Mar 09
What I meant, si.
That side seems to have a wide streak of hate.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Mar 09
You're right, those two certainly can be annoying but I've yet to see either one of them making the keynote speech at a high profile Democratic event nor have I seen any high level Democratic officials grovel to either one of them after being perceived as "hurting their feelings".
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Mar 09
"nor have I seen any high level Democratic officials grovel to either one of them after being perceived as "hurting their feelings"."
Then you must not have been paying attention during the election when Joe Biden apologized to Al Sharpton. I personally think the Vice Presidential nominee, who was almost guaranteed a win, and a sitting senator at the time, is a bit higher on the food chain than a new RNC chairman.
Either way, Steele shouldn't have apologized. He said exactly what I always say about Rush. He's an entertainer.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
4 Mar 09
yep Al sharpton and Michael Moore are two more really annoying liberal.

@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
5 Mar 09
How about William Ayres? A terrorist for a poster boy?
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