Better because you do not need to go to church or not
By suspenseful
@suspenseful (40192)
March 4, 2009 2:19pm CST
A while ago, I started a discussion that does going to church make one a better Christian. Then I got several responses by people who said that even though they did not go to church, they were good Christians. Now I have read the Bible through and through and yet there are still parts that I find it hard to understand and even though I have an iq of 140 plus, I still need to listen to the sermon and the word of God.
So opposite to my former post, does not going to church and letting God speak through The WORD make you a better Christian then us who go to church every Sunday morning and then either afternoon or evenings?
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34 responses
@Spook619 (335)
4 Mar 09
I wouldn't say that one way makes you a better Christian or not. Christianity is both a social and individual thing, going to church makes it easy to meet with and talk to other Christians in a very accepting environment. If you don't go to churhc I believe that you can be just as successful as any church goer, because you're taking yourp path at a pace which is right for you and God.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
I always thought it was the path that God intended not what you intended. I am a church goer, and when I was still looking, I got very confused because some of the Tv preachers wanted money and gave this whole spiel as how much they wanted, others said that you were not a good Christian until you did good deeds. Besides I wanted a church that was a bible believing and that they preached the Word not one in which it was just a social gathering and it depended on your feelings and i wanted a church where faith is important and if you did not have much, God gave you more.
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@Spook619 (335)
6 Mar 09
God gave all men free will, becuase of this, the path that we take can be the one that God doesn't want us to if we have to make quick decisions. I think that you can be a good Christian without donating vast sums to churchs, but give to churches what is within your means to give. Doing "good" deads it part of being a Christian definately, but those don't have to be things like going off to Africa, it can be anything from holding a friends hand in a time of hardship or crossing the road to aid a total stranger.
I'm a rather half-hearted church goer, as I don't find the local churches to be places where I am comfortable to worship regularly.
@amtorres6691 (1)
• United States
7 Mar 09
I have seen so many people get caught up in the "church thing" and the minute those doors open, they start talking about what someone was wearing, what somebody did and just trash talking in general before the car gets out of the lot. God is either in you or not, and I do not believe that just because I'm not there, that HE listens to me less. I help ANYWHERE there is a need. I believe that His main objective is for people to watch out for one another, give of yourself in what means you can to help even just one person everyday. If every person in the world or even in your BLOCK would do one good deed towards one other person, no matter how small, God's work will get done. Thanks am.wt@live,com
@Mystic_Dragon (89)
• United States
5 Mar 09
The Bible tells us that where two or mre are gathered in His name Jesus will be also. Does this constitute a church service? Maybe, however, there is much to be said for congregating in larger groups in church. As you stated ... better understanding of the Word comes easier in church.
But ... does going to church make you a better christian? I think it makes a more knowledgable one, and there is much to be said for fellowship with many like minded people.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Did you know that there is no command in scripture which says that a believer in Christ must attend a church building in order to worship God? This is true. Also, there are no examples of any follower of Christ going to a church building to worship God. They worshipped God by their obedience to Him in every area of life, every day of their lives. They did not worship Him by giving only one hour of their time every week to some temple made with hands.
A "Church" is basically a temple made with hands. Does God dwell in temples made with hands? Scripture tells us:
Acts 7:48, "Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands;"
Acts 17:24, "God...dwelleth not in temples made with hands;"
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Mar 09
"what it means that no matter where, whether it is the town hall on Sundays, a church building they made, bought, or converted, or the house where a few believers gather because they cannot afford a large building to rent or buy or build, God is with them." That is your interpretation and mine is that God is everywhere. However your topic is specifically questioning going to Church.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I forgot to add that I absolutely disagree with your statement "Actually we go to a church building because that is where all the believers are. I and many others like me who were not there (in church) are every bit as much a believer as many hypocritical church goers.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Mar 09
Actually we go to a church building because that is where all the believers are. And when people start out, they start in house congregations, but I doubt that any house can hold 200 people which is the largest our churches can hold. Besides the host or more like it the host wife will be busy preparing coffee or tea and therefore cannot concentrate when the pastor is speaking, there has to be a musical instrument so if one were to depend on home congregations, the ones who were having the church in their home would have to have enough chairs, a piano, a piano keyboard, an organ, or some musical instrument.
As for God not dwelling in temples made with hands, it means not for us to abandon the gathering of ourselves together in buildings and just meet outside in the nice outdoors, what it means that no matter where, whether it is the town hall on Sundays, a church building they made, bought, or converted, or the house where a few believers gather because they cannot afford a large building to rent or buy or build, God is with them.

@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
To each his/her own! Who am I to Preach? I may not even have a measurable I Q. I quit with Christianity because my mind was to active. It was driving me mad, nothing was adding up. At age 20, it seemed to me Science and Religion should be going Hand in Hand. When they did not, and could not agree on anything, I balked. Everything that's real in life was, (has been, is being) developed by Science. If this were not the case we would still be sharpening stones to make arrowheads. On the other hand Christianity has given nothing that is Provable. We are asked to Believe and have Faith and give 10% to the Church, while the Church returns nothing tangible. Why are so many so Dumb? Is it the threat of Hellfire, and Brimstone? Why isn't God speaking through the Word, to help Science make the World a Better Place?
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@resasour (378)
• United States
5 Mar 09
This is a sad response. It clearly shows my fellow mylotter that you have no real education in Christianity. If you interpret the Bible the way it was intended, you will see that it not only proves itself to be tangible over and over again, it also correlates with science on many many levels.
as for your question "why are so many so dumb?" well, God himself answers that very question.
My friend, STUDY the Bible and pray for wisdom to understand it, and get yourself into a good church or bible study and you will learn leaps and bounds about things you do not understand right now...
You need a good TEACHER which is what pastors, reverends,preachers, fathers, or whatever else you want to call them actually are.
If your mind was "too active" and driving you mad where Christianity was concerned, it was probably because you were thirsty for knowledge and did not have the resources or tools available to "teach" you what you need to know.
I can help you with enough info to get you started. I recommed using a companion bible, though they tend to be a bit pricey. I believe they are excellent tools to use in helping you to understand God's letter to us.
If your interested in learning more, send me a message. I will gladly help you as much as I am able to.
God says "study to show thyself approved." There is a reason for that. Just like there is a reason for everything he does.
Do you know what the reason is?
@strawberrychocodahi (4817)
• Philippines
4 Mar 09
I don't think that by going to church alone can make a person a better one. I know a lot of people who don't miss going to church and yet when they come home, they are just the same or worst.
You see, a person can only be changed when he is sincere in his walk or his faith to God. The desire that he has to please God is like a thirsty dry land longing to have water. And the obedience of his heart to follow God shows of what he is at home and the people around him knows that too.
But reading the Word of God will help you know more about God and helps you to be guided correctly or accordingly. The fellowship of the brethren is for encouragement and also for praying to one another. We are considered as a church. We do not have to rely our selves to a structure or a building just to praise God, because if that is the case, it is not spiritual anymore but a religious practice.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I agree with your response. Check out my response it gives Bible passages agreeing with you.
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@csrobins (1120)
• United States
4 Mar 09
It is your heart that matters, not your actions. Still though, although I find church useless and counterproductive for me because I have been going all my life and there is nothing new there, the Bible does say to fellowship with other believers and this is a reason churches exist and meet. However, the small group trend many churched are starting outside of the church itself is growing mor eand more popular, and is another way to meet with other Christians without being in the church setting.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
It could be that you were attending the wrong church, like one that was more interested in shouting Praise the lord then doing the will of God. I mean it took me over forty years to find the right church where God was in charge and not one where you told God what to do.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I suppose I really can't say.. and I don't know about others but I run screaming from groups.. (I don't actually run screaming
, but I do have a real problem with authority figures. I think it's because of harsh abuses as a child from both parents (who I now forgive and love deeply). It's kind of like my dreams, I can wander happily through hallways and rooms and large furniture (nice wooden bureaus etc) but if I start to wander through people (even though I love people) the dreams usually gets rather negative. I have experienced a lot of inner healing, and I even tried church for awhile but then I always start to conform, which is something I don't like, as I feel I become phony and not me.. I think one day, when life slows down and I haven't as many responsibilities perhaps I will be able to happily and peacefully join a small local church, preferably one where dressing up isn't the par, as so much of that just feels phony to me, maybe a church with alot of farmer folks!
But for now I've allowed myself not to feel an oppressing duty to do so.) I may even need more inner healing, I don't deny that and is something I do remember to pray for every so often. I know when I begin to go to church I love listening to the pastor.. especially if it is mostly scripture and not lots of stories or anything.. Tho I've heard others say they were bored, when I was pretty lifted up! After awhile though I become more aware of the people who make up the church and much of the lifting up seems to dissipate.. It doesn't seem to matter whether it is a quiet church or a more lively one..
- I might be inclined to think those who go to church regularly are better practicing christians, yet if there is any competing or other works of the flesh, that's another story, as to me, it's character and love and the other fruits of the spirit that matter. Not always what we do, but what we are. (In church or not.)

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@4ftfingers (1310)
5 Mar 09
I know this isn't really an answer to the question you asked but personally I am not a Christian, but I have far better morals that follow the 10 commandments, than some Christians I know. For soem Christians it is just a label they put on themselves to reasure themselves and to try and convince others that they are better than others. When infact they don't always live u to the apparent morals they should follow.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
5 Mar 09
The Bible says to assemble yourselfs together with fellow christains..I am NOT going to argue the point of who the better chriatain is, but i will say this,going to church & hearing the singing & the word of GOD & being with fellow believers is very uplifting & I need to go to feel closer to God...It helps me...So i choose the church going way myself...
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I dont know on this one, I dont like going to church because of the gossiping, and whol high school feel of most of them. Also, we must be careful who we listen to as to not be decieved by what the bible says.
Is it truly worse to study the bible at home alone, and not go to church?
Or are we judgin each other based on whether or not we go to chirch and when? because that isnt very christian like...
What if they hear the word of God on television? Is that worse than going to church? I dont know? Only God can judge! =)
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
The trouble is that you can read the Bible at home and just take the parts that apply to you, or the parts you like. Then there is raising the children in your belief. Do you say that that part of the Bible does not matter because it makes you uncomfortable? It is usually best to join a Bible believing church rather then one that is just a social gathering and usually Bible believing churches make people uncomfortable if they are not willing to pay the price or live the Christian life. After all it takes courage to go against what the church teaches. And do the ones who preach on Tv live a righteous or try to live a righteous life?
I mean I love going to my present church because I love to hear God's Word and I went to churches before where it was more like a social gathering and one where they were more interested in how the lady across the aisle looked.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I don't think I'm a better Christian than a regular church attendee. Many people enjoy going to church and being with others who believe as they do, it's a support system and a very good one. It's just not something that I need to do right now, although I do love to go once in awhile.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
6 Mar 09
I think it depends on the type of church. Even though some want a church were they are more interested in it being a pseudo world place, I think the Christian searching is more interested in a place where they will learn to live the Christian life, where when times of persecution comes, they have a leg to stand on, and will not cave in and where their faith is increased. Many churches nowadays are just social gatherings and do not preach the true gospel.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
4 Mar 09
The word of God says that we should not forsake the assembly. I used to think that stopping from church is the best way and that I can analyzed the bible myself but since I have started attending bible study at my work place I realized that there are alot of things in the bible that we need to attend church to learn about and understand better. We should fellowship this the only way that one can know when he/she is being lead astray.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
I always loved going to church and I went without one for a while when we lived in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and that was because I was disappointed in the church I was going to in British Columbia, it was a Pentecostal and they were more interested in shouting and singing and making a loud noise. Now I love to sing, but I would rather hear the pastor or preacher or reverend explain the word of God to me. I do not have that background in Latin and Greek that he does, and there are many checks and balances in our church so if a minister does not live a righteous life before God, he is kicked out.
@suzzy3 (8341)
5 Mar 09
God is interepted by whoever reads the bible,being a good christian has nothing to do with going to church although if you go, good on you,it is to do with how you act,carry yourself through life,your attitude to other people charity of heart.It is not something to make you feel guilty or make you sick with worry.There are something we will never understand we have to interpret them the best we can.Some things seem to make sense when we get older or wiser so maybe some things you cannot see at the moment you will in the future when the time is right it is gods will he sometimes leaves a few clues along the time then all of a sudden they make sense so don't worry about not understanding all of it.It will unravel in time this mystery of life.Some people like to worship with others, while others find it easyer on their own.
@jhayat (20)
• Pakistan
5 Mar 09
Being a better person or not, is a personal response, I cannot say that going to Church can make you a better person, but living a muslim country, I do think that it is very,very essential to go to Church. Our children are bombarded day in and day out with the muslim theology, so it is very important that they learn the tenets of their faith and learn to be faithful,forgiving and tolerant.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Whats in our hearts make us Christians, what we believe, how we act, how we live. You can have all of that without going to church. I do happen to go to church, it does help me live the life. I was a Christian before I started going to church on a regular basis. Some people need to go to church to feel closer to God, some people don't.
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@jsitko (1169)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I do not go to church every Sunday but I alway praise, thank and pray to God. I read and follow the Bible and I also live a life that I know is very acceptable to God and very Christian like. I know many people who faithfully go to church every Sunday and only live the Christian life on Sunday. Many of them are mean to others, to family, they lie cheat and steal have little or no respect for others. Does that make these "Christian Church goers a better Christian than me. I do not think so. A true Christian lives a Christian life every day, every single day, not just when they want to or when they think it matters, BUT EVERY DAY!
I like going to church to hear the Word of God and to interact with the members of the church. I feel better and cleansed when I go to church, but there are those days when I can not go, but that does not make me less of a Christian.
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@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
Right now I am atheist but once upon a time I was Christian, born and raised. I was and still am an extraordinarily good person. I do no wrong and I hurt no one. But when I was Christian, I refused to go to church because I didn't like the idea that we were to worship in a church that cost millions of dollars to build while millions of people starve. I worshiped at home where I think everyone should worship so that all the money that goes into building churches can go to the poor.
@jarnold51 (124)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Going to church does not make you a better Christian. Reading the word and lots of prayer is what makes you a better Christian. Following the will of God makes you a better Christian. BUT there is a fellowship you can get from church and worshipping with other believers that cannot be obtained from a Bible Study or any other thing.
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@misslovelyfiles (250)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I think being a good Christian depends on the person. Going to church doesn't make you a good Christian their are lots of people who go to church who are not the best human beings. and not going to church the same can occur. When you go to church you can hear someone preaching the word of God to and if you have a good minster they can take the word of the Bible and apply it to everyday situations. Also, when someone go to church you get to meet others who are suppose to be of like mind, so like one poster said Christianity is is a social and individual thing; however it doesn't mean anything if the person themselves aren't a good Christian whether they go to church or not.
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