Do you hesitate to put your picture up on the internet?

@nikky28 (1572)
March 5, 2009 4:30am CST
I am a little uncomfortable when it comes to putting a picture on the internet. It has nothing to do with the way I look and I look pretty good lol. I am more concerned about security. What about you? Are you okay with the idea of putting your picture up on internet, may it be mylot, other social networking sites or anywhere else on the internet? What are the reasons?
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48 responses
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
I doubt that the opportunity of abuse is slight with a low resolution very small 100 by 100 pixels head shot. There are tons of pictures available on the internet if people want them. I do not know what people think other people will do with their photograph, maybe that would be a good topic starter.
• Canada
5 Mar 09
I did start such a topic. I am curious as to why people are afraid of putting up their face as an avatar. Feel free to comment.
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
6 Mar 09
Great topic that! Makes sense
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
5 Mar 09
You have a point. There are better pictures everywhere lol. And yeah it might be a good topic. Have a nice day
@ivan2000bd (1009)
• Sweden
5 Mar 09
dear nikky, i dont know why are you thinking about having any problem to post your pictures. if you have any doubt it please concern with some experts or computer engineers. for you my advice is Mylot is a decent site and if you submit a decent picture i dont think there would be any problem.
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
5 Mar 09
MyLot Default? - MyLot's green man subtly altered
Well, do for heaven's sake put SOMETHING up in place of the dreadful green man!Here's one you can use, if you want ...
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
6 Mar 09
haha wow what a differnce that would make indeed lol. Sometimes people think that I am an alien from outer space so the green thing would go well lol
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
5 Mar 09
lol I have no problem in the process of putting up a picture and I am a computer engineer myself hehe. I might put it up someday who knows lol.
• United States
5 Mar 09
For me i like to put my pictures in the net or social sites, so my friends can look it. Since there was some sites that can't view or saw your pictures if they are not in your friend list i am comfortable doing to upload a photo my profile. Also you can set on it to private photo or profile so if the person in not your list can't view your profile.
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
6 Mar 09
Yes this is a great option, the sites provide where you can control who can see your pictures.
• United States
5 Mar 09
I will put my pic on the internet as long as it is in good taste and well all of mine are nothing wrong with a cute head shot really I would never post anything that was distasteful.
@falconx (221)
• Finland
6 Mar 09
I only post blurry photos of myself, so people cannot really know whos in the photo.
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
6 Mar 09
That's a nice pic of yours. I like your hat
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I'm not really concerned putting my picture on the internet. Right now I want to put my picture on Mylot and Facebook. I don't have many photos of myself to start with! I did find some and now I need to learn to use the scanner at work so I can post some pictures! I alos want to post a photo or 2 of my horse!
• United States
9 Mar 09
as soon as I can get help with the scanner at work I'll put some pictures of my horse on Myllot!
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
6 Mar 09
Oh I love horses I want to see those pics of your horses
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
5 Mar 09
The last time I put my picture on the internet it was for dating sites. Since I'm no longer dating - thankfully - I don't feel a need to put my picture anywhere. There are too many instances of people doing of saying horrible things on the social networking sites so I stay away from them. I'm just not comfortable anymore.
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
6 Mar 09
You're absolutely right!
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
6 Mar 09
lol I have seen people saying horrible things about someone else's pictures. They do it deliberately and think it is funny. It is better to stay away from such people anyway.
• United States
2 Apr 09
The only picture I like of mre I am 7. I don't and I won't put my picture on the internet.
@Bd200789 (2994)
• United States
14 Mar 09
I don't have my picture on the internet because I don't think it's safe. I don't put any personal information online for the same reason.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I dont mind putting older pictures of me up because I have a changed a bit since then. But as far as putting up now pictures, in this day and age i wouldn't even consider it. It is not safe. I don't even use my face in my videos , i use my avatar from sl lol
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
6 Mar 09
lol I agree its a little unsafe to put up pictures where strangers could access it.
@vishwaskg (514)
• India
5 Mar 09
Hi there,,, It depends on which site you are putting up the photo, As for me i make doubly sure that my photos should not be misused,or i put other pictures which are not mine, Yes you are right about the security issues , and we need to be as careful as possible while putting up pictures of ourselves Cheers
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
5 Mar 09
Yes I have heard of really bad incidents where pictures have been misused. Thanks for the response.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I do not have a problem with putting my picture on a place like My lot. My family is spread all over the country and we use places like my space to post pictures all the time that way we keep up with each other. and i get to see my kids and grand kids more than 3 or 4 times a year. so far i have never had a problem with doing it.That way i do not miss a single thing in any of their lives and i do not have to wait for the pictures to come in the mail. it is less expensive for both of us because i can put the pictures on a disk, and print the ones that i want. and my kids are saving because they do not have to have copies made and no postage.
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
5 Mar 09
Yes I agree that internet is a very convenient way to share pictures with friends and loved ones. And that's a lovely picture that you have put here. Have a nice day.
@tudors (1556)
• China
5 Mar 09
definately i will feel very uncomfortable if i post my picture on ne because i worry my pic will be abused in other ways by some bad people.
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
5 Mar 09
Yes I have that in my mind as well. Congrats on your 1000
@vasavi20 (293)
• India
5 Mar 09
even i feel the same....i dont like to put my pictures on internet
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
5 Mar 09
Thanks for the response
• United States
5 Mar 09
I am VERY hesitant to put my picture up on the internet. It seems a bit creepy when you think about it- some people are very creepy.
@nikky28 (1572)
• India
5 Mar 09
Yeah there are creepy people on the internet.
@msmargo (361)
• United States
9 Mar 09
I have never put my picture on the internet. I like the feeling of being anonymous. So much is put on the way a person looks. I am not a dog but it bothers me when I see a person who posts their picture being looked at as less than or more than based on their picture. Also, when someone puts their picture on line, you have no way of knowing whether that is really their picture.
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
9 Mar 09
I feel the same. I do not like to put my picture or personal information out there where everyone can see it. Just doesn't seem right to me. Security and privacy concerns for sure. I don't get the social networks, and as a mom, I don't trust them.
@nini89 (670)
• India
9 Mar 09
Hi friend I dont feel uncomfortable to put the phot in the internet but acually I dont know how to load the picture. So that I did not try for that. some times i think why to agive the original photo in the net and everyone to see my face as it is to create uneasy. Some give their photos some doesnot give. It is their will and wish to give. Happy mylotting and have a nice day.
@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
9 Mar 09
Nope, not at all. Especially on social networks. I don't publish too much information, at least I don't try to. I don't worry about the identity theft thing, that so many other people want to worry about.
@jziakhan (701)
• Pakistan
9 Mar 09
Well, to tell you the truth, I have never posted my picture up on any website, only used abstract pictures like the one I have for my Avatar right now on mylot. I too think that posting a picture up on any website violates security and I'm pretty comfortable on posting a painting in place of my own! And I think that most people don't post their pictures on the net for the same reason.
@pickwick (858)
• India
8 Mar 09
I do feel uneasy to put my picture as it is on the sites but I think it is safe if the picture can be made in such a way that it cannot be used by anyone.As you see the picture of mine in mylot.Looks like a magazine cover but thats a trick.I think and hope no one can misuse it.