Another female giving mothers a bad name!!!

@mrsl2008 (634)
March 5, 2009 7:37am CST
A female by the name of Michelle Brown has been convicted today of causing the death of her child. She left 22 month old Jodie Ann in an upstairs bedroom alone for 3 hours whilst appearing at court in Coventry. On her return she found the house on fire and Jodie Ann dying. An electrical fire broke out within the bedroom. She ran with Jodie Ann inher arms to her place of work (Unaware of distance) before calling an ambulance to see to Jodie Ann, who sadly died! Yes, she has been convicted of causing the death of Jodie Ann however she was also convicted of Perverting the course of Justice as she asked a friend to lie for her. The lie was to cover up there had been no one at home with Jodie Ann. Michelle Brown was known to social services. Are social services to blame? Will they be blamed due to other recent tradgies, such as Baby P? It amazes me what people will do to there children!! Did she really think it was acceptable to leave her child home alone? I wonder how many times she had done similar things before poor Jodie Ann died?? At what age do you think children should be allowed to be left at home alone?? Please share your thoughts!! Many Thanks MrsL x x
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11 responses
• Philippines
6 Mar 09
This is so sad. I don't understand how parents could just leave their child/children alone at home without a guardian. I never leave my daughter at home, not even if I'm just going to a nearby store, and I never leave her alone even if she's asleep. i don't think kids should be left at home alone unless they already know how to take care of themselves, like say if they're teenagers already.
@mrsl2008 (634)
6 Mar 09
It is sad & unfortunate. I think the general feeling is from 11 upwards depending on the childs maturity. Thanks for the response MrsL x x
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6 Mar 09
The age you leave them depends on the child but about 11 or 12 maybe. As to this mother well there are very bright people like Stephen Hawkins and very stupid people and this Michelle Brown is one of the very stupid ones. Life is like that you can only deal with it when it happens
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@mrsl2008 (634)
6 Mar 09
Your right, unfortunately she is one of the stupid ones! And you can only deal with what happens when it happens! Thanks MrsL x x
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Wow! I can't believe that so many of innocent children are being killed because of the mothers lack of interest, well it seems. I don't know if that's the reason or what. I don't know if the social services are to blame, or whether they will be for other tradgedies such as the one you mentioned, Baby P. I agree with you as well, it's amazing what some of these women have done to their children. I don't think it was acceptable at all for her, or any mother to leave their child home alone so young. I am not sure how many time she had done that, but it is a wonder how many times she and other women such as the mother of Baby P has done things like leave the baby alone, or similar. The fact her friend vouched for her, must be laying heavily on the friend. I hope that this will make the friend realize that she should have spoke up about it. I think that children should be left at home no older then 10 years old, and no fewer then 7 years old. I also think that a neighbor that can be trusted should be told that the child will be home alone for a few hours, and ask the neighbor to check up on them. Make up a knock, or give the neighbor the familiar knock that lets all people in your home know that you are family or a friend.
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@mrsl2008 (634)
5 Mar 09
Hi Somecowgirl, I don't think the friend went along with it as she would have been in the dock next to her. I am curious to know how many times she had left that poor child alone before this happened. The little one would still be learning right from wrong and wouldn't have a clue how to fend for herself. As for leaving kids home alone, I have no idea what age hence the question, My eldest is 11 but thinks she 16 so I'm preparing for the various arguments ahead over responsibility! Thanks for the response MrsL x
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Oh I didn't know that she hadn't, the way you made it sound I thought she had. Glad that she hadn't if she hadn't... That is to say the friend lie to the courts, and / or law. Yes, I think that the child would be too young to fend for itself at that age as well! Have fun with those arguments, lol!
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@mrsl2008 (634)
5 Mar 09
After reading one of the latest reports, it would appear she told the Police her friend was looking after her to cover herself & the friend didn't back her!! Thanks
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• Denmark
6 Mar 09
your making her the spawn of satan or something i dont understand u people, she could have taken the kid to court,but my would that have been a good idea, you guys say it like she knew something bad would happen and still left her child,do you honesly as mothers think she wanted that, i dont know why but these posts here got me mure upset than the case, u guys seriously eat her.. and yeah lock her up for good for loosing a baby and never see her older childs..
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
6 Mar 09
What was that woman thinking?!? Who in their right mind would leave a child so young at home alone for any reason? I can't help but wonder why she was known to social services. I highly doubt that the caseworker or the office itself will be found at fault at all. I don't think they are to blame unless the circumstances in which they already knew this woman were ones in which the child should have been in foster care. Chances are, if that were the case, the child would not have been there. I feel that my kids will have to show me not age in numbers, but maturity before I will let them stay at home alone. My oldest is 11, and the closest he had gotten to stayting home alone has been sitting on the front porch for 10 minutes until I got home.The neighbors were actually keeping an eye on him, but, he didn't know it. I set it up just to see how he would act. I think that a child has to act responsibly before they should be left at home alone, regardless of their age.
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@mrsl2008 (634)
6 Mar 09
Thanks x In response to yours and several other responses, the general feeling is maturity not age! I'm sure your 11 will show you soon enough as I'm sure he wants to be independant!! Good luck x x MrsL x x
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• United States
6 Mar 09
I'm sorry but why would you go to your place of work instead of going nxt door or going straight to the ER!!!!! but I think that to leave a child alone depends on how mature they are. My step-son is 16 and I wouldn't trust him to be alone ANYWHERE for ANY reason, but my step-daughter is turning 13 and I believe I can leave her home alone for a breif period of time, like if I needed to go to the store then I know I could trust her, but I'd be bringing along her 16 yr old brother!...I was 12 years old when my father left me home alone...I'd get home from school, my brother (five yrs older than me) would go to work and my dad wouldnt get home from work for another hour....but then again how many 12 yr olds do you know that could cook supper for her dad and brother and it be good, or do laundry ,w/o turning the whites pink, keep the house clean...not b/c she was forced to do so but b/c she liked to cook, and did housework (not EVERYTHING) just chores...dusting, vaccum and like I depends on how mature the child is.
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@mrsl2008 (634)
6 Mar 09
I think the general feeling of responses is based on the maturity of the child. I know in a year or 10 I'll be able to leave my eldest home alone. She is mature for her age but I will still have reservations about leaving her alone, even in 10 years, by then she'll leagally be an adult but still my little girl!! Thanks MrsL x x
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
5 Mar 09
That is so sad. I don't know if it is social services would be blamed for it. It would depend on what they were involved for. If she has been busted for leaving the child alone before then I think social services should face some sort of penalty or something. I can't believe she left her child alone that young. I don't think there is a set age for when a child can be left alone but I would say no younger than around 10. It would depend on the level of maturity of the child and if they know what to do if something happens.
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@mrsl2008 (634)
5 Mar 09
Hi ravinskye, I definately agree on the maturity of the child. Social services blame will heavily depend on why Brown was known to them and if it was for leaving the child home alone. If it was minimal contact because she had been in trouble or victim of domestic violence or something similar then I don't think they can be blamed. I suppose they are often used as an excuse for the failures of the parent. Thanks for the response MrsL x x
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
5 Mar 09
If she left the baby there alone this time I'm so very sure that the baby has been left there before but we'll never know. It's something that I wouldn't want to know anyway because I would be so mad about it. I really hate useless women having babies and not taking care of them. They pretty much use these children as a meal ticket.. it's pathetic! Legally in Canada where I'm from you can't leave your children at home alone until they reach the age of eleven.
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@mrsl2008 (634)
5 Mar 09
It's sad some women due use children for meal tickets, but it's everyones right to have children & for any child born to have a right to life!! Swings & roundabouts!! It is pathetic!! Thanks for the response MrsL x x
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
6 Mar 09
I think that she was neglectful and should be charge. But looking back I remember when my mother was working and when we came home from school we opted not to go to our relatives home and so we all stay at our parents home. I was the rouge and I went out with my friends and end up in the hospital after hopping one of our friends van. But is it my mother to be blame I think not. We have to look at the circumstances before start to place blame. A child under 8yrs old should not be leave on his/her own but if this child act responsible I see no problem with it.
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@mrsl2008 (634)
6 Mar 09
Hi, Thanks for the response. You were obviously old enough & chose not to go to to your relatives!! This poor child never had a choice and suffered because fo the mother x Thanks MrsL x x
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
5 Mar 09
THat is just sad. How can you go about knowing your child that young is at home alone? I can't even think of such a thing. This seems to happen alot though. I hear so many stories and it makes me want to cry when children are the ones who suffer.
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@mrsl2008 (634)
5 Mar 09
I totally agree x Thanks MrsL x x
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I kind of wonder what she went to court for when she left the child home alone. It isn't Social Services fault in this case though it was in Baby P case. Any child that is unable to call for help, use the day to day things around the house, and take care of themselves should NOT be home alone for any reason. My 9 year old has been alone a handful of times. Her older brother had been left alone more when he was that age because he was better at self care and not being afraid. But still never for long. That poor baby, she must have been so afraid.
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@mrsl2008 (634)
5 Mar 09
I don't know at this moment in time why she was at court when she left the little one alone x Your view re being left home alone makes sense and a few others have said similar things. I'm open minded about social services, as I've said to someonelse, it will depend on how much involvement they had. I do think they get blamed for things which sometimes are beyond their control Thanks MrsL x