Dear Uterus...
By TheRealDawn
@dawnald (85139)
Shingle Springs, California
March 5, 2009 8:26am CST
Dear Uterus,
We need to have a talk, dear. We are 51 years old. Yes, we. If I am, you are too. Don't lie now, I've seen our birth certificate. So anyway, it's time. Yeah, the "M" word. It's time to stop all the cramps and bloody messes pretending to still be part of the reproductive community and start doing the menopause thing. There is just no reason to keep this up. I mean, c'mon. The expense of buying pads and tampons each month. The messy sheets, underwear, pants, etc. We're not having any more kids, so what do you say? I'm ready for old lady-hood. How about you?
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39 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
5 Mar 09
Dear Dawn,
from the bottom of my heart I hope you will be as lucky as I am/was. Mine just STOPPED! It's been four years. Not one hot flush, cramp or any other things that can be even connected to the M in the smallest way at all. I have no idea why I am so lucky. I had one son 30 years ago so I did my bit and was expecting tobe treated as others I hear and suffer from all the side effects but NOTHING!
I hope it will be like this for you too 

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
5 Mar 09
Dawn, you never cease to amaze me with your discussions!
Dear Dawn's uterus,
Listen to me for a moment. Don't let Dawn harrass you. You and I know that there is a season for everything and Dawn may have to wait for a few years longer before you stop that part of your work. She just does not realise how young you are, does she?
Well, my owner was quite bright and practical when it happened. I only gave her one hot flush but guess what? The hot flush went from her toes to her neck and then stopped.
I was only giving her a warning and do you know what she did? She went straight to her Gynae and DEMANDED HRT and then she took it for the next 2 years without any effects at all.
So my advice to you is that if Dawn is bothering you then just give her one mega hot flash and then see her run for help.
Take care now and keep communicating with her ovaries. Wer all know what they are like! so unpredictable
cynthiann's uterus

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Mar 09
roll on floor laughing...
Must write another letter...
Dear Uterus -
You really have been pretty good to me. No endometriosis or cancer or nasty awful pains most months. No problems getting pregnant. I can't really complain compared to most women. I am ready, but if I have to patiently wait a little longer, it won't kill me I guess.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Mar 09
Dear Dawn,
Do you think that it has been easy to provide you with all those womanly feelings over the years? The mood swings, the sudden cramps when you least want or need them. I've never once heard you thank me for the excuse to hide behind your "Lady Moments" as a reason not to do things. For the children that I have enabled you to bear. Now you want rid of my function. To cast me aside as a used up, dried up piece of worn out offal. I that enabled you to flourish as a woman. Yes, we may have had our differences over the years and I do appreciate that I may have caused you embarrassment and washing at times. But we've been good together haven't we? We've been like well, like we are one, sharing the same body. However, if that's the way that you want it. I've loved being with you. Maybe just a while longer, for old times sake? What do you say?
Much love
Your Uterus
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
5 Mar 09
OMG! Pikey, I have tears rolling down my face. Together, these two letters are hilarious!
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@Jellberlee (30)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Exactly. I'm 34 and my cycle has gotten screwed up somewhere. I am on one month, skip, on again the next. I wonder if it could be pre-menopause, but I'm not sure. Like you, I'm just ready already!
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I quite agree! My problem is, I'm right in the middle of it, and have all the bad points of menopause (including the memory loss and lovely extras), but still have that cursed visitor!! Get it over with, I say!! I'm tired of being right in the middle! Be done and let me just have the bad points! Both at the same time is more than a little redundant!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Mar 09
Not fun. And especially when the dang thing is irregular and you just don't know what to expect. It teases you. You think, "hooray, finally it's over" after 3 - 4 months of nothing, and then boom! There it is again, extra long and heavy and annoying. One of the lovely joys of being female.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Yes!! I only skip one month, and then it's back. With a vengeance. I get so sick of having it for 2 weeks on and off. It's done! No, guess not. Now it's done. No, curse it! I HATE that. That stinking 'is it or isn't it' drives me batty. Wait, I'm already there! Oh well, that takes care of
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Mar 09
Yep except that you are way to young to take away all those nice hormones and start falling apart!!!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I'm only 28 and I'm already looking forward to menopause! Finally, no more kids, no more periods, and no more worrying about birth control!! The stuff we women have to go through, just ridiculous.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
5 Mar 09
It's very nice not to have to bother with PMS etc. But don't rush it, when it stops you become a different person, hair thins, it grows in strange places, the droops come, things sag and bag. Places you never considered before now call attention to themselves with pain. An the worse, you memories goes south for good.
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@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Actually you are at the prime median age for entering into menopause if I am correct. Got a little ways to go myself at the age of 41. You are also still a young girl and I don't really know if I would be looking forward to the big "M".lol
As a matter of fact it kind of scares me. I am the type of person that likes to look into the future and in a case like menopause there is really no control any one of us can have.
I am just hoping that I can take something either over the counter or prescription that will help stave off the side effects that come along with it.
You should probably just let nature take its course and not rush things. You are not an old lady yet so enjoy your life as you can.
@alexandra777 (643)
• Philippines
17 Jun 09
Ok, let me try talking to mine...
Dear uterus, We both know what we have been thru all these years... 34 years and 15 days to be exact. I welcome the flow, we got used to that but all those times you cramped, those were hard periods. Being informed about your endometriosis was already a discouragement but what pained us most was when we learned five years ago that both our ovaries were having trouble trying to nurture eggs. The few (or was there really any?) that came about were not fortunate to survive or even grow mature enough to see their prospective hopeful mates. And even after having removed the polyp twice from you and having gone thru that very painful process of making sure our fallopian tubes are not blocked, still our hopes were not fulfilled. Maybe we still have a few years needing the valuable services of those sanitary pads, maybe leave a few more stains here and there but rest assured all these will soon come to an end. Until then let's just have a few more of our still regular days in perhaps two or three more years then we can let go... 

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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
17 Jun 09
Alex when I read this my heart pours out to you.
One word sticks out - endometriosis
My daughter-in-law is a few years younger than you and discovered just after getting married that she suffered the same thing
She also had some very distressing treatment (part of which my son was present at) and was given the all-clear later. I will correct a thought you had on another discussion here in this response because Dawn (the original poster) is one of the few here to be aware of what happened. Some months later she became pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, and all was fine until just less than six weeks before they were due. Then Nature took its own course and they saw the light sooner than they should have done. They lived only a few hours sadly (or maybe not as they might well have been scarred for the rest of their lives). Contrary to what appeared to be the case on that other discussion, (because I preferred to tell only a few friends here) I am a grandma and I can visit my neice and nephew at their grave as those two angels never gave all those concerned the joy that they were expecting.
Your situation is something which brings us even closer Alex as I can now hope for you too, just as I hope for my DIL, that something or Someone will aid the situation for both of you, before that time runs out
A big huge hug to you and I will hope for you too! xxx

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
17 Jun 09
Sadly, some things are not meant to be. My way of coping with problems is to think of how much worse it could be. Endometriosis? Thank goodness it wasn't cancer. That sort of thing...
Yep you are lucky to have a great husband and nieces and nephews! Enjoy them!
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@alexandra777 (643)
• Philippines
17 Jun 09
I started to read from my inbox... almost gone halfway... things get fuzzy, have to shake my head... got to read again from the beginning... startled by learning i've been careless somewhere... then continued reading still... my eyes got blurred... had to stand away from the computer and hide for a while in the bathroom before my husband finds out my tears are falling... was able to finally read and understand everything... i'm sorry... got overly excited by the past events that i missed those very important words... i didn't mean to evoke painful memories... i, myself have already accepted the facts about my condition... God may have no plans of me bearing my own children but He blessed me with nephews and nieces... and the love of a wonderful husband who is just perfect for me...
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@kissieme (777)
• Philippines
6 Mar 09
hahaha. omigosh! Dawnald... *laughing laughing laughing* waaaaaaaah
this is so funny, I better show this to my mom when I go home on the second weekend of march lol...
She's on menopausal period and still having her red days from time to time hahaha...
this is so hilarious dawn. thank you. it made my day... *laughs*
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
6 Mar 09
Glad I could make you laugh. Now what would make MY day would be if Ms. Uterus actually listened to my plea and stopped doing all that annoying stuff! lol
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
6 Mar 09
Oh no, I enjoy it, really...
And if you believe THAT...

@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
5 Mar 09
lol!!! yeah, the factory is closed here also. now i have not only pms but periods every 20 days...cramps like my 13 year old. i am 47 and i have been fruitful and multiplied...and then some...just end this junk already!!! i am sick of the idea of menopause. in my family a lot of the women had early onset at 30. i was one of the "lucky" ones and still got pregnant at 41. my sister who is 2 years younger has been through it over 1 year ago... i am just tired of the periods. i take vitamins but it still wears you out! 3 females in the house and i feel like i am constantly buying multi-packs of tampons!!! thanks for the laughs today. what else can we do buy laugh at it!!!
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I went to the Doctor today and I was telling the Nurse, I can't wait untill its all over with having Monthly Periods, I had thought about making a discussion about this but I decided not to because we have Men here amongst us. but I can't wait untill the day, and I am 54 now you know it is time to stop. Right?

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
6 Mar 09
go look on page 1, sconibear's response and page 2 p1kef1sh's...

@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
31 Mar 09
preaching to the choir
i was just about to say aunt flo needs to take a hike already.
i've had 'em 30 years at forty,and my mom had 'em til 55.
if i'd had known that at 9,i would have had my parents buy stock in stayfree
it's the aunt that gives you bad gifts at christmas.

@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
31 Mar 09
yup.that's probably just my family though.
lucky me
my mom did an amazing and rather long happy dance when "m" was confirmed in her.
she was teasing me today about it.

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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Old-ladyhood? Nah. I'm happily post menopausal, Dawn, and I rejoice about that. Like you said so well, no more messes! Actually, it's been about 12 or 13 years since I've had to deal with that. I'm 54 and I started rather early, when I was 40-41. I started early too, so I guess it makes sense that I ended early.
But old? I'll never be old. Even if I get to my nineties, I don't think I'll even be old then. I consider age to be a state of mind. Now, don't get me wrong, age has its benefits. We can be even more eccentric than usual, and pass it of to "old age". We can be anything we want to be....shite, who do WE have to impress anymore? Ha! I love it! I love being this age and I look forward to every single year that I get. Woohoo, honey, I hope you can start your "ending" very soon and be finally and happily done with the "mess" part of womanhood. Then, however, you'll have to suffer the hot flashes, but I swear, I'd rather suffer those than cramps! Mine lasted about 12 years though and were pretty darn miserable, but they're done now, thank deity. I say bring it on! Bring on those years, those wrinkles, and everything else that comes with it. Hey, you've gotta give to get, eh?
Good luck darlin, and thank you soooo much for such a funny post!!! Very entertaining reading!!!

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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
5 Mar 09
Well, they're not MY favorite thing either, but I use my creams and serums and makeup, and do what I can to look my best. But the thing is this - I've earned every last one of 'em! The gray hair, of which I have very few, and the wrinkles, also of which I have very few. I'm blessed with good skin, Dawn, and I think part of that is genetics and the other is my having stayed out of the sun from the time I was 26 till I was probably about 45. Shoot, at that age, I figured, bring 'em on, who cares. But I do care, honestly, and like I said, I am a very girly girl and I use all the facial stuff that I can get my hands on to stave off the inevitable. So I'm not TOTALLY happy-go-lucky about it all, not if I'm honest...
And your not having the twins if you'd started as early as I did? Wow, I'll bet you're glad about that! Who wouldn't be? I'm not blessed with kids, Dawn, and every once in a while I have some regret about that, but for the most part, I'm pretty ok with it. It was, after all, my choice. But I swear, if I knew then what I know now, I'd probably at least have one. Gawd, all those ifs. I hate ifs. I don't know what I'm talking about here, I'm rambling like crazy! Sorry. la la la la la. pfft! 

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Mar 09
I have good skin too, like to keep it that way. Don't start me on the subject of gray hair though. I've been coloring it since I was 25!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Mar 09
Geez if I'd started that early I wouldn't have my twins, I guess. But yeah I'm with you on most of that. I'm not embracing the dang wrinkles though. I'm more of a rage rage in denial kind of person about that sort of stuff!

@nini89 (670)
• India
9 Mar 09
Its a funny discussion you have started how also I am 43 now and still time for menopause as it come regularly. Even i have the period I just love the time to come and get it completed. My daughter is nineten and I ahve to buy the pads twice in a month for both. Happy mylotting.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Mar 09
Probably too soon for you, but you never know!

@Humbug25 (12540)
5 Mar 09
Hey dawny
My mum didn't go through the menopause until she was in her late 50's, about 58 or so I think but she had very little problems, very, very few hot flushes and her periods just became shorter and less frequent and that was it! Me on the other hand, although I am not due for my menopause just yet but I had the contraceptive injection for the last time last March as I don't need to have it at all right now but I have only just starting getting periods again, in fact I have had 2 in the last 3 weeks!!! I say bring on the menopause as I am finished having kids too and can't be dealing with all this!!

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Mar 09
I guess I could live with it if I had to. Actually my body temp runs cooler than most of the civilized world so I doubt I would be too impacted by hot flashes anyway.

@alharra (507)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I'm with you and I'm only 35. But I got fixed after my twins were born- almost 10 years ago. Plus I gotta wait a couple more years just in case my sister wants me to carry a baby for her... my sister only has a couple more years before I decide I'm not willing to be pregnant again.... but I am definately with you on the desire for no monthly visits
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Mar 09
I got fixed after my twins were born too but I was a lot older!
@alharra (507)
• United States
5 Mar 09
I didn't know I was having twins until half-way through the pregnancy. After the dr. mentioned twins I had this sudden vision of triplets id I ever got pregnant again. So I asked the dr. immediately to fix me after I had the twins. Dr. actually thought it was funny...
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Mar 09
I knew pretty early on but in my case I was 42 and I was done no matter how many it was!