Does anyone out there like doing jigsaw puzzles?

@katsalot1 (1618)
March 11, 2009 6:34pm CST
I used to do a lot of jigsaw puzzles, but haven't for a while. I have a big piece of hardboard so that I can start a puzzle and put it out of the way when I'm not doing it, or need the space. It's easy like that, because you can just slide the board under the sofa so it doesn't get broken up. I like it when you can just leave them out on the table and then anybody walking past can just add a few pieces every now and again, or having several people doing them at the same time can be fun - it gets quite competitive! There are still lots of puzzles on sale in the shops, so I guess people are still doing them. I wonder if they are popular in lots of countries. Do you do them?
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19 responses
• Philippines
11 Mar 09
Hi there. Yes here in the philippines jigsaw puzzles are also popular and yes I do them. I also have a fried who has lots of collections of jigsaw puzzles, everytime she finishes one she always frames them. I think doing this activity is somewhat a kind of theraphy a relaxing one.
@katsalot1 (1618)
12 Mar 09
Yes it can be very relaxing because you become very intent on what you are doing, and not worrying about anything else.
• Shandong, China
17 Jan 14
Many small puzzle pieces with different shapes will make an artwork when putting them together, it is really amazing. i like playing jigsaw puzzles. We are also manufacturing and exporting jigsaw puzzle cutting tools, about detials, welcome to visit the website
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
11 Mar 09
my mom likes to do them and for christmas i got her one that was a murder mystery (she had to put the puzzle together to solve the crime!) it was pretty cool. i dont do them much but there are some with some really nice pictures on them. do you put stuff on them so you can hang them as pictures afterwards?
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@katsalot1 (1618)
11 Mar 09
It's really difficult to save them as pictures. I have done it in the past. You have to get another piece of hardboard, put it on top of the finished puzzle, flip it over, then coat the first bit with glue and very quickly and carefully press the gluey bit on top of the jigsaw puzzle back! I decided not to do it anymore, because it means you can never do that puzzle again, and it is risky!
@bmorehouse1 (1028)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I used to do them now and then. The last one I did covered my whole dining room table. It took 3 months of just doing a piece or two at a time to finally finish it. I do a lot of jigsaw puzzles online though. They tell you how much time it takes you to finish them. Any jigsaw puzzle is a challenge and I think its always good to challenge your mind!
@katsalot1 (1618)
12 Mar 09
What online jigsaw puzzle site do you use?
• United States
13 Mar 09
I go to MSN and then go to games. There is a list of games that includes jigsaw puzzles. Good luck!
• Philippines
11 Mar 09
Hey there! I used to do jigsaw puzzles to but, like you, haven't done any in a while. The last one I did fell apart because I didn't put that much effort into it. That was around 4 years ago. I've always wanted to buy one and start again but I don't have enough time to do any anymore...
@katsalot1 (1618)
11 Mar 09
Well that's the good thing about having a board to put it on - if you have somewhere to put it out of the way. You can just do a bit every now and again.
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@UK_Shree (3603)
11 Mar 09
You are so right! I haven't done a jigsaw puzzle since I was a kid. I think the development of technology has prevented us all from doing things like jigsaws. Which is a shame really as I really enjoy doing them. You can buy jigsaws in the shops I guess still, I might just go out and get me one!
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@katsalot1 (1618)
11 Mar 09
You can get them from charity shops, and they normally have a sticker on saying that all the pieces are there. It's a very cheap entertainment.
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• Philippines
12 Mar 09
I like jigsaw puzzle too.!!I'm more comfortable when I solve with a guide.Its much quick and easy,however,im practicing without a guide.I hope ill be a great solver
@katsalot1 (1618)
12 Mar 09
What do you mean by guide? I use the picture on the box, I'd be lost without having a picture to go by.
• Philippines
13 Mar 09
I mean the picture on the box..Sorry if it confuses you.
@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
12 Mar 09
I love doing jigsaw puzzle too... I have a few I've done and then framed and hung on the wall...Puzzles are pretty cool I think.. I too have used the hard wood to place my puzzle on but now have no room to do that so I have a special matt I brought for my puzzles and it stores away easier.. I love doing them on the table too and the same having people help... I usually do that if I plan on framing my puzzle... When ever I see a good puzzle I like at a good price I always buy it.. My kids also enjoy doing them as well and have many too... It is a great way for exercising the brain too...
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I like jigsaw puzzles. I can only do it for a little while because my fingers get tired and I also have vision problems if I stare at something too long. It doesn't affect me as much to work on the computer as much as it does staring at a picture over and over. Once, I was bought a 3,000 piece jigsaw puzzle that I never got together because it was just too tedious of a task.
@katsalot1 (1618)
12 Mar 09
There is no point doing a puzzle if it is a chore. When I've had a boring puzzle, I have just given up because it is more like hard work!
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
12 Mar 09
Love jigsaw puzzles! I find them relaxing, and a fun way to sit around and chat with someone while being productive. Jigsaw puzzles hold a lot of childhood memories for me. I grew up in a family of six and at Christmas time we would start a large puzzle to be left out on our dining room table. It was a great way to spend time during the time off we all had from school and such.
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@katsalot1 (1618)
12 Mar 09
I like it when you can leave them out like that, and people can just add some pieces as they pass.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I've done them before, but not really all that much. They seem like they would be fun, and I think that it would be fun to do it as a family, and at different times. Maybe keep a tallying sheet of how many pieces someone's done that day!
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@katsalot1 (1618)
13 Mar 09
I think keeping a score sounds a bit complicated, and fights might break out!
• India
12 Mar 09
ya i was very much interested in doing puzzles like sudoku, logical puzzles etc.Now a days got interested in doing jigsaw puzzles.
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@derry123 (610)
12 Mar 09
Hi Katsalot , ive not done traditional jigsaws for years . I do oasionally do one on line at JIGSAW.COM you can choose your picture and the amount of pieces you want .. give it a try *
@katsalot1 (1618)
12 Mar 09
I will have a look at that ,thanks.
@bubbletush (1332)
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
I also love doing jigsaw puzzles. It is actually a family activity for us. The last puzzle we did was a 1000 pieces puzzle which we had done in three weeks.
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@katsalot1 (1618)
12 Mar 09
It is good when you have several people doing them isn't it?
• India
12 Mar 09
it does really feel great. specially if each of your family mambers are involved in it. well almost each of our family members i mean
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• United States
12 Mar 09
I used to them them off and on but I havent done a really big one in a while. I am used to the 50, 100 and 500 piece ones that I do with the kids. I still buy the larger ones but they are all on a shelf in my closet. I pick them up at consignment shops and thrift stores, who knows if they even have all the I used to leave one on the kitchen table but now the baby can reach to pull things down and I am sure we would end up with missing pieces in the end. Guess we will have to wait till he gets older and can help.
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@katsalot1 (1618)
12 Mar 09
It is certainly hard to keep all the pieces safe when there are small children and animals around!
• United States
12 Mar 09
I like doing puzzles but I don't always do puzzles in real life. If I work on puzzles, I tend to solve the puzzles online. I play on Pogo and they have a puzzle game you can play. Or if I don't want to play there, I play other places to get my fill. Puzzles are rather expensive anymore and I hate spending that much money on them if I don't have to.
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@jreel424 (21)
• United States
12 Mar 09
jigsaw puzzles are ok but dont really have time to do them.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I used to sit for hous completing jig saw puzzles. I really enjoyed doing them. Anymore, I have neither the time or room do work on them, so I don't. I used to get the puzzle all put together and then glue it and frame it. One of these days, I may start dsoing them again.
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@joe626 (21)
• Hong Kong
12 Mar 09
Yes. I love to do jigsaw puzzle, but it really take space and i can't get enough space to do it if it's a big piece. Doing puzzle can train up your patience.
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• India
12 Mar 09
hey i like solving jigsaw puzzles too. though i do them only for pass-time and nothing else but yes i do like solving them it also is a good excercise for the brain too
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