Go Not To The Temple/Church!

Rabindranath Tagore - the poet and sage of India. - 261 x 296 - 8k - jpg - 2.bp.blogspot.com/.../Rabindranath+Tagore.jpg
March 12, 2009 12:24am CST
I came across a beautiful poem written by the poet saint of India, Rabindranath Tagore which I quote:- Go not to the temple to put flowers at the feet of God. First fill your house with the fragrance of Love. Go not to the temple to light candles before the altar of God. First remove the darkness of sin from your heart. Go not to the temple to bow down your head in prayer, First learn to bow in humility before your fellow men. Go not to the temple to pray on bended knees. First bend down to lift someone who is down trodden. Go not to the temple to ask for forgiveness of your sins. First forgive from your heart those who have sinned against you.
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11 responses
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
13 Mar 09
Hi Ketty! A beautiful one. I have the original version in Bengali of this verse. What is said by Tagore is was long back said by the saint poet Kabir Das as he said neither in Kashi, nor Keilash nor Puri, nor Qabba you would find Him, as He is in each one's breath so look it in the soul. Very well placed.
• India
17 Mar 09
Hi, Im sure the Bengali version must be much much more better, it being such a beautiful language. Yes, now that you mention it, I remember reading it somewhere about Sant Kabir. Great souls, great masters. !
• India
13 Mar 09
Well thats rather a great poem written by the best poet that India has ever had and i think that it would serve as a premium example for many..but i would like to say that reading this poem not many are going to leave going to the temple..everyone is going to go only..it matters if they have been benefitted by this poem or not..thats the thing that this poem is all about.. i hope many of you out here should really understand the real meaning and act accordingly...
• India
17 Mar 09
We have to hope for the best. If this h elps either you or me even, then it was worth it. Let us start from ourselves and make ourselves a better person to live and know. Let us do what we have to do and hope it will affect the otheres similarly. Thanks.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
12 Mar 09
The great poet Tagore - The great poet Rabindranath Tagore was a philosopher and a saint.He is the poet of nature.He was also a great painter.By writing 'Ginanjali' he won the Noble Prize
in literature.He was the first Asian who won this prize.
Yes Rabindranath Tagore is a saint poet.He is also a great philosopher.If we go through his poems we get answers of many questions of our life.In another poem Tagore says:Save me from danger is not my prayer.My prayer is, in danger give me courage so that I can overcome it. Please read his famous poetry book 'Gitanjali'.
• India
13 Mar 09
I shall definitely read his poem book Gitanjali. His wordings makes us sit up and think. Thanks.
@derry123 (610)
12 Mar 09
THATS A REALLY GOOD POEM ketybhagat , thanks thats one to remember *
• India
13 Mar 09
Thanks. It turned my soul over when I read it and I knew you guys would enjoy it as much as I did.
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
Thanks for sharing that poem, ketybhagat. It is really beautiful!
• India
13 Mar 09
Thank you for enjoying it as much as I did. I just hope it opens our eyes to the facts of life and we follow these principles. Life will be so much more better.
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
It's nice. I see many people does that. I mean, Going to church but hasn't even know how to treat other people well, A plastic I presume ^_~ Nice nice ^_^
• India
13 Mar 09
Yes, there are people who go to church or temple dressed in their sunday best, just to show off. The thought of really praying and thanking God is left far behind. We just have to understand and be a better person in life. Thanks.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
12 Mar 09
Thanks for sharing this with all of us. I do believe in this also. I hope alot more people enjoy reading this too.
• India
12 Mar 09
Thanks stephcjh. You are one of the few I know who really enjoy good reading. Just glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. Few things in life are worth sharing, and this is one of them. Cheers.
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
There's a simple passage from the Bible's Gospel - when Jesus spoke to his disciples he said that when you're in front of the Altar of God with your offering and you remember that you have wronged your brother or that your brother has wronged you - then drop your offering where you stand and go to your brother to make things right. Then go back to the temple to continue your offering :) Thanks for the response on my discussion!
• India
12 Mar 09
Thanks oyenkai. This is exactly what Jesus and the sage meant. Both were great souls, so no wonder.
• India
12 Mar 09
All my offerings are to MYSELF, For I know well Who is Me. I do not beg anything from god, For its me who is offering. Whatever I give comes back to me, For I am the Only one who can receive. I stopped bowing to god, when I saw I am bowing to myself. I cannot hurt another, because it hurts me and no one. Nobody can sin against me, and forgiveness is not required. Whom to Love, whom to hurt For its ME, everywhere. Truth is very frightening & unpleasant, For It contradicts your holy books & prophets. Without me there is Nothing, I Am the reason for Everything. For Its Me, Who Is Everywhere. Tatvamasi!
• India
13 Mar 09
Just amazing. Beautiful. The "Who Am I" theory of Ramana Maharishi ! I am Him. Beautifully written. God Bless.
@snayak11 (154)
• India
12 Mar 09
beautiful poem by the great poet , india has ever produced.he had written all her poems so heartly and this one is no different. for the present modarn day people, its a lesson to think about. this will definitely lead us to a world of peace, respect and lots of joy in life
• India
12 Mar 09
Yes, even if 10% of the people on mylot read this, the world can be a much better place. These thoughts are worth pondering upon, and putting into pracatice. Thank you.
@ktosea (2026)
• China
12 Mar 09
Great poet,it's full of thoughts and wisdom,if people could follow these rules,there will be less darkness and sin
• India
13 Mar 09
Yes, he was one in a million. Such sages form a part of India. We have had saints who walked this earth and blessed it with their presence. Great words come only from great people. Thanks. Life would be so much more simpler if we followed these principles of life. Thanks.