Couple Buys a Couch and Gets a Cat, Too!

United States
March 13, 2009 1:41pm CST
A couple form Spokane bought a couch at a thrift store, and brought it home. To their surprise, they kept hearing meowing; they could not find out where it was coming from. Finally the husband and wife flip the couch over, and the husband cuts a small area of the couch open to investigate. There was the cat, starved and dehydrated. Here's the article: The new owners of the couch graciously gave the the cat back to the owner after having put their story (and a picture of the couch) on the news. What would you do - would you have figured the owner of the cat did not care enough, and you would have kept the cat?
4 responses
@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
13 Mar 09
Of all the things you could expect to have in your couch I guess a cat would be the last thing you would expect. I guess it is good they were able to find the rightful owner of the cat. I think they owners were probably happy to have their kitty back. I know I would feel terrible if something were to happen to my kitty.
• United States
14 Mar 09
LOL I know, right? Can you imagine what was going through these people's minds as they tried to find the source of the noise? lol
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I think at first I would have thought that it was an excellent two for the price of one deal. But then I would have tried - just like they did - to find the true owner. I know many pet owners who look for their animals for months. What a wonderful story - thanks for posting something sweet today!
• United States
13 Mar 09
I think I would have tried to find the owner, too. Post a flyer, or something. i can not imagine having that feeling of "not knowing."
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
13 Mar 09
We had a cat that managed to do somethng similar. There was a tear in the fabric in the back of our couch and she worked her way into the back of the couch. She managed to get herself in and out at will though. I can't really blame the owner, or say he didn't care. I don't think most people would make the connection adn think the cat was trapped in the couch. I would have tought maybe the cat got out while moving the couch.
@daneg33 (1128)
• Canada
13 Mar 09
Cats are very curious and can get into the tightest spaces. The owners probably had no idea where the cat got to, maybe they thought it ran away. I bet they were happy to have the cat back. I know I would be!!