He left, he's still gone ............. I'm lonely .....and missing him...

United States
March 17, 2009 7:33am CST
My husband went to work a little over a month ago. A job that was suppose to last 2 or 3 weeks has been extended for 4 to 6 weeks longer. He was a a company that had to let many people go. They kept him but they just couldn't get any work for him and a few others. He did what he had to, he got another job. After he sent out over 300 resumes he got 3 offers. He took this one. Don't get me wrong I'm glad he found work especially after being out of work for 2 months. It drained our savings as he didn't sign up for unemployment. It's nice having him home. We spend 98 percent of the time together. We go out to eat some and spend lots of time with the grandchildren too. We have our babies at home that we enjoy immensely. I am lonely and feel very much alone. I know many people have a spouse that works out od town or out of state. We do what we must right? My husband and I talk on the phone at least once a week, usually on Sunday. I won't bother him unless I need to because he works hard. What do you do when you are lonely or just feeling alone? Thank you for sharing with me.
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19 responses
@kiaza28 (25)
• United States
18 Mar 09
hi there....we have almost a same situation...my fiancee is in US navy and he got a very hectic schedule especially his job on the ship he quite plays a major role...im originally from Guam but now staying here in San diego with him...i just moved in here last new year,i still dont have friends except my partner's coworker's wife who's living far from us and i dont really want to bother people so much. i really miss my friends and family in Guam im a very workaholic back there and im a very busy person i got a daytime and nightime job but now i dont work yet cuz im not really that too much familiar around here and i dont drive here my car is in GUam and my fiancee's car is a stick and i dont know how to use it...i moved here cuz we are getting married this month and would you believe that he goes to deployment for a week or so and im all by myself here at our unit...we live in a very nice place here downtown very nice neighborhood,restaurants and bars just a couple of block but i cant go just by myself...i miss him a lot everytime he's gone...what im doing is most of the time i just watch a tv or learn some new recipe,sometimes i go to the closest mall here and shop,or i dont really do all my choirs in just one day i try not too finish everything so everyday i got something to do...i dont want that i dont have nothing to do at all...But maybe try to tell your husband to call you more often...my partner calls me every night except if the phone is down inside the ship or if someone's using their limited phones on the ship we try to just talk online...im planning to go enroll in a music school my fiancee is 42 years old and he's in the band before even before he joined the navy and were talking about me learning to play an instrument so later on maybe we'll put up a band...he's a great guy even he is 17 years older than me we really does a lot of things together that;s why i really miss him every time he's not here like right now im all by myself its been a week already...just not try to think too much and keep yourself busy and find some hobbies..
• United States
18 Mar 09
Dear I'm sorry I haven't live in California for 20 years. I'm in Tennessee now. We retired here, or I should say I did...lol. It would help you a lot to find some organizations to get involved with. You could sign up to be a big sister to a child that doesn't have one. Volunteer at the hospital doing something,talking to patients and taking books and newspaper around to them. It's all simple things that help the patients. You can write to me anytime. Accept my friendship and I'll PM you my email. Things will work out once you find some times to get involved in.
• United States
18 Mar 09
Dear kiaza I do feel your pain and loneliness. I was going to suggest as I was reading that you take a course or two. My husband has been out of the service for over 12 years, but he has spent more time away from us than he did when he was in the Navy. You could go to the American Legion and Womens auxillary they are their to help wives when their guys are gone they understand these things. You could also get in touch with the lady that is the ombudsman she can help with finding other ladies that you can do things with and meeting, get together and things you can do to keep as busy as you want to be. You can write to me anytime if you wish. The ladies will pick you up for any activity that you want to go to. It's a lot of help hanging out with them. When my health lets me I go to the meeting here and get involved with fund raisers. You could try taking a course on photography or anything that will get you out making money and getting as busy as you'd like to be. Welcome to the lot, this will also keep you busy if you get involved on a daily basis. Take care and many blessings to you.
• United States
18 Mar 09
oh i would very happy to have friends here in san diego...are you in san diego too? my partner has been suggesting me to go out and make friends...a couple of his coworker was been trying to make me hangout with their spouses its just that nothing can work out. they live too far from here...im really friendly and easy going it doesnt really bothers me to hang out with much more older woman,most of my friends in Guam were like my big sister and its more fun and i can learn more about life....thank you!!!
@bbtort (47)
• Singapore
18 Mar 09
My hubby just left town for China on Monday. This is his fourth time flying to China for business. Initially I thought I will get used to it. But up till now I still have problem sleeping everytime he's not in town. Then again, work is work. I fully support him. On my part, life goes on. And I use this time to visit my grandpa, god-parents, cousins, and meet up with friends. And if I want to, sometimes I'll take a book and go to a cafe by the beach. Take the opportunity to do the things you usually can't find time to do. Re-discover yourself. Take a course. Learn somethings new. Enrich yourself and your life. So that you'll have things to share with your partner.
• United States
18 Mar 09
welcome to the lot bb. I'm sure you will enjoy it here. I have thought to go back to college or take courses in a couple of things. But I'm disabled and I have seizers that make my memory almost not even there. So trying to go back to college is out of the question. I can't do much at all. I do make crafts and do some things. Most of my time is spent with my daughter and her children. They are the only family I have even remotely close to me.
• United States
19 Mar 09
no problem bb, you had no idea of my situation as you are new here. This place and my friends that I have here are my saving grace. They help me so much. I love coming here when my health allows me to. I get to read what's going on with others and maybe offer a little help to people sometimes. This helps me to feel good.
@bbtort (47)
• Singapore
19 Mar 09
i'm sorry i was insensitive to ur situation.:( please forgive me... well, i guess probably somethings you can do is handcrafts. or stuff you will enjoy doing.
• United States
17 Mar 09
I can imagine your situation. My husband is truck driver, but has been lucky all these years. He hauls heavy equipment and cranes so the most he's ever been out of town is 2 nights. His work has been cutting back hours and talking of layoffs. I try to keep in mind that he is the top senority driver there, but we are both worried. He has a great job history, so I know he could find a job with no problem, but it would probabaly be over the road. I don't know what I will do if this happens. When he is gone now, I can't sleep in the bed without him. I sleep on the couch with the phone beside me. I am a nervous wreck. I can't be that way for weeks at a time with three kids.
• United States
17 Mar 09
No, Vickie you certainly can not. You have those beautiful babies that rely on you. You must be strong for them. Thank you for sharing with me. I sure hope he gets to keep his job.
• United States
17 Mar 09
I know dear, I also know some people that lost everything, homes included. As long as they can pick themselves back up and try to hang in there together at least they have each other. Take care dear.
• United States
17 Mar 09
Yes, but that's the reality these days for alot of people. We have been very lucky so far, but I know a few people who have lost jobs and homes. We have to do what we have to do.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
17 Mar 09
It is very important ot keep busy. Plan an activity for each day. Try not to feel sorry for yourself as he is doing what he has to do for you and the family. I would phone him more often as this would help with the distance between you. Also send him a little note to tell him how much you miss him. Treasure him when he does come home. I am widowed and I know what true loneliness is. My husband is never coming home to me. what I would give to hold him again and give him a hug.
• United States
17 Mar 09
I'm so sorry that your husband is gone. Blessings to you cynthia. I know what you mean I/ we do cherish what time we have together. This has been going on for over 12 years. It doesn't get any easier with time. We are older and I wish we could spend more time together. When my health was better I could go to be with him for months at a time. We use to write and talk on the computer a lot more than now. Over time he just made it to be less and less. You know my husband, he is the reason you and I are friends. He is depressed or has been for at least 2 weeks. He also misses being home. It's not so bad when he is working with nice people and on a job he likes doing. We do what we must. We write a couple times a week online now. When he was home and coming to the lot was when we had lots more contact. He has been here a few times since he left.
@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
18 Mar 09
My husband works in town, and has some 12 hour days, which leaves me at home without a car. It can get really boring in the winter months, summer I can spend in the garden and canning and freezing. A friend of mine comes and picks me up and we go shopping or go walking together. I know it is not the same for you. Do you write your husband? Or send him a card or something for fun. It gives you a little more contact with him, when he gets your letters. Plus the letters are there when he is lonely. If you are really lonely, then ask him the next time you talk to him, what a good time would be to call to talk with him, if you get lonely. As the grand kids to stay over and keep you company, if they are able. Good luck to you.
• United States
18 Mar 09
It's the quiet times when I'm more lonely. The grandchildren are here many times, it's just not the same as having my hubby home. I know what you mean and I understand. Thanks for responding. I do send him emails and cards. I also call him more than just on Sunday many times. I can't hide my feelings I'm an open book and he can tell when something is wrong with me. He won't stop asking until I tell him and I don't want him worried about me any more than he already does. His mind needs to be on his job when he's there. It's too bad that you don't have a car or a way of getting around. It is nice that you have friends to do things with.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Mar 09
Hi Moondancer, I do have a car, but with the economy the way it is, and I can't find a job, we took the insurance off of it, and it stays parked. If I find a job, then we will put the insurance back on it. We just can't afford it. That is good that you send him emails. The next time you are lonely and need to hear from him, just email him, and ask him to call when he has time, but that it is not a rush. I bet he would be happy to call when he is free. I am sure he understands that you are lonely and you miss him. Is there a way for you to maybe go and stay with him for a few days? Or would it be too expensive.
• China
17 Mar 09
My boy friend's working place is a little far away from mine, we usually meet on weekends.sometimes,two weeks once.But we chat on line every night and call each other. Even though, sometimes,i still feel alone,usually,i like to write my feeling,or call my friend to have dinner togather,listen music or reading book. Hope it's useful for you.Be happy:)
• United States
17 Mar 09
Thank you Jenny. I don't have any friends here anymore. Well I still have one but she is always busy now working and helping her husband with work. We are not getting any younger any of us. Our strength only gets us so far now. I love reading and music. Many times I use music to help me.
• China
18 Mar 09
Why not get a pet ? Maybe it well make you feel better when you are alone.
• United States
19 Mar 09
Hello moondancer I hate to hear that you are lonely.I live alone and I don't think that I am lonely.I don't have anyone that visits me except for my children and great grandchildren. They come to see me on Christmas.I look forward to their visit every year.My son is working in another state.He gets a vacation twice a year and he comes to visit.The rest of the time I am alone.I am used to it so it does not bother me.I watch television or since my daughter gave me a computer,I spend time on it.I talk to my sister once or twice a week on the phone and we meet in town once a week most weeks. We eat lunch and go to different stores to browse around. We do our grocery shopping and other shopping.I hope that you can find ways to keep from being lonely. Blessings to you and your husband.
• United States
19 Mar 09
Thanks so much mc. I didn't use to get lonely or feel alone like I have lately. I think just feeling so bad and having so many sick days has sparked this round of gloom. I've been here for many years and had no family here at all for quite some time. Well his family is here but they only come over when he is home. I'm getting older and sometimes I think we have worked so much and served many hours and days working...that we should be able to have more time together. It would be nice if your family could visit you more often. It's nice that you and your sister do something together almost every weekend. I'd like that if I had someone to do things with. Have a wonderful days and blessings.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
18 Mar 09
My husband has to go out of town once in a while. When he goes, normally, he is gone all week. It isn't a very long time really, but I get lonely at night. He calls me at least once a day when he is gone. When I am feeling lonely, I will either call my Mom or watch a movie with the kids. Or do one then the other. When he is ut of town, my daughter normally climbs into bef with me at night, she sayd that she does it because she misse Daddy and wants to smell his pillow. It doesn't bother me because I don't feel so alone. I can't say that I enjoy it when he goes out of town, but it comes with his job. I can't complain, and won't because at least he is working.
• United States
18 Mar 09
I don't have our children home anymore they are grown and out on their own. Our grandchildren at least two of them are usually here at our home. They are here during the week mostly and they go home Friday evening. They will come back on Sunday or Monday most times. Our daughter has 7 children so I can have any of them here anytime I want to. It's nice to have them here. But it' snot the same as having my hubby.
@srganesh (6339)
• India
18 Mar 09
I can understand your feelings.You shall start writing a diary,narrating every events of the day like telling it straight to your husband.That will make you feel as if he is with you.More than that try to get into your favorite hobby and pass on your hard times.Waiting has its own beauty and for your loved husband it is more good.Enjoy the experience and don't feel down at any time.Cheers!
• United States
18 Mar 09
It's easier said than done to say enjoy experiences and not to feel down. This has been going on for over 12 years and my health is not what it use to be. I'm stuck at home for the most part. I do write but you can only do so much. I have tons of notebooks around here that I've filled with stuff.
• United States
24 Mar 09
I know how you feel my boyfriend has been out of work and I know when he finds a job I will be sad because I am used to him being here with me during the day. I know that I would like him to stay home and make money online like I do but it seems he is not very driven to do it. But like you said yourself at least he has employment there are a lot of people out there right now that need jobs so consider you guys lucky. Take care and happy mylotting to you.
• United States
25 Mar 09
In the past 12 years my husband has been out of work twice. The first time was for 8 months and this last time for over 2 months. The thing is the job he has now is a contract job which means it was suppose to last 2 or 3 weeks. We have been extremely lucky that the people love his work and has found more for him. They have extended his contract for 4 to 6 weeks. Then we just don't know what will happen.Hopefully the previous company he was hired on at will have some work and call him back.
• China
21 Mar 09
I have broken up after a long-term relationship.I was sad and depressed. I eat terrible food in terrible quantities.For instance,ice cream,cakes,cookies and potato chips all become comfort foods that I consume in excess... I soothed my broken heart by going shopping-buying new clothes and new shoes ,maybe apiece of jewelry-to make myself feel better. I went to a bar to dance and drink .I drank too much and threw up ..... I yell scream and cry... But now I learn that I forgot that pretending to be happy don'tmake me happe . I forgot that I can't just forget the past.. I learn that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things which we most need to talk about. If you would be love .love and be lovable...
• United States
21 Mar 09
Hello lynne and welcome to the lot. I'm sorry that you have broken up with someone that you cared about. I'm really sorry too that you are eating so much junk. This is not good for you. You'll have other problems if this doesn't slow down considerably. You should get to a point that you are happy with yourself and then later you'll meet someone new to be happy with. Relationships can last a long time, unless they just are not meant to be or a person doesn't try hard enough. When this happens someone always gets hurt. Take care and I hope you are happier soon.
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
hi there, i understand what you feel coz im feeling the same way too... my husband works overseas and his contract is for a year...he left january 2008 and came home december the same year but now his back abroad again so im gonna see him after a year..its really lonely though we talk every night after his work..i still cry sometimes but what can i do.. i have to show my support and make sure he feels happy and relieved whenever he talks to me...when im lonely, i keep my self busy.. i go to malls or just spend time surfing the net..
• United States
18 Mar 09
I understand, trust me I do. I use to go with my hubby when he worked overseas. He would go first, get a place to stay, and get started with the job and get settled in. I would go in a couple of months. I'd stay 1 month to 3 months when I would go there. It was nice being with him even though he worked 7 days a week 12 hours a day. Can you not go with your husband? That would be nice. It was for me. Now I can't travel with him or meet him anywhere like I use to, so he works in the US only. I have taken 2 of my grandchildren and went to be with him in New Orleans not long ago. My health is so that I can't travel like I use to. I wish I could. I am disabled and spent 90 percent of my time at many times with a few of the grandchildren here. I spend time here, which helps tremendously.
• United States
19 Mar 09
It is hard being seperated from your family. In the military we deploy a lot. Sometimes we go for 6 months and sometimes longer. We always try to email, send letters, and do a webcam. It just depends! I also think getting hobbies and staying busy helps the time fly. I hate the loneliness when it creeps up on you. Sometimes I know you just want to cry. But remember that counting days will make it seem like time is dragging. The best thing is stay busy. That is the best advice I can give;-)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I do try to keep busy and most times I am. I get so tired though. It's when I'm alone or feeling bad, hurting a lot or when the children go to bed that I sometimes feel bad or lonely and alone. This has been going on for over 12 years, you'd think I would be use to it. But I'm getting older and feel that we have only so much time left, mostly less time than we already have had together. I wish I didn't think of these thoughts but with my health and age I can't help it. Thank you for your suggestions. Welcome to the lot.
@zhontine (127)
• China
19 Mar 09
you can turn to internet,friends.pets
• United States
19 Mar 09
Hello z, and welcome to the lot. I do have many friends here, none around me where I live as they have moved away. I do have my 5 little fur babies here. They keep me busy, lol.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
18 Mar 09
I call my friends or I try a new activity. This way, I'm busy and don't feel lonely. It's hard, though - for the longest time, my husband and I were together whenever I was off work, and now he's gone a lot between his job and the courses he's taking. We text message each other a lot though.
• United States
18 Mar 09
That's so nice that you are keeping in touch. He is doing something to better himself and for you too. In the long run you will have more time together. Thanks for sharing.
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
I think what u have to do is think that he's far from you in terms of distance,he needs to find a living. you may watch t.v., listen to the music and chat with online or leave offline messages when you feel lonely, u may also chat with your friends .
• United States
18 Mar 09
I don't chat anymore I did this many years ago. I do come into mylot everyday that I can. I have many friends here.
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
17 Mar 09
Well I am very sorry to hear this. I couldnt stand it if my husband had to work out of town. I like him home every night. It makes me feel safe and secure. But it is good that he has a job you know. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do and I am sure that he hates being away from you like this also.
• United States
17 Mar 09
You are right, of course. Yes, he is also depressed and feeling down. He doesn't like where he is and the people he is working with. That makes me feel bad too as when you work it's much better if your working conditions are good.
• India
18 Mar 09
i just take a look at photos of my lovelady which we took in our outings....
• United States
18 Mar 09
Welcome to the lot vinod, I hope you like it here. I have many pictures and I look at them many times. Thanks
• United States
17 Mar 09
hello!i am an army wife and i know all to well the lonley feeling we have been married for 5 years and have a 2 yr old daughter he has been here for 9 months of my daughters life!he is a stranger to us...he is currently deployed for the 4th time for 15months.keep ur head up,remember there r people who have it worse.
• United States
17 Mar 09
I do feel for you. I know what you are going through as well. My husband is retired Navy, but I saw him more then than I do now. We've been together 18 years. We've been in this house for 12 years of that and he has only been home about 4 of that. And that is stretching it some. He worked overseas for over 11 years and was only home 1 1/2 years of that. I do think of people that have it worse than me/us. Even though it makes me sad then too.