Parenting Test... how do you measure up?
By dismalgrin
@dismalgrin (2604)
United States
March 17, 2009 2:46pm CST
I recently took a parenting evaluation and was asked some interesting questions. They kept saying there were no right or wrong answers, but I'm not sure I believe that. Anyhow, I thought it would be interesting to post the questions here for you to answer. If you only want to answer one of 2 that's fine. These are just the questions they gave me because I have children in these age groups and they wanted to know what I would do in these situations.
1. Your 1 year old dumps his bowl of cereal on the floor and laughs. What do you do?
2. Your 1 year old has a friend over to play and his friend wants to play with one of his toys. He hits his friend because he wants the toy for himself. What do you do?
3. You have a 3 year old that is potty training and she makes a mess in her pants. What do you do?
4. Your school aged child gets up one morning and tells you she is sick. You let her stay home from school, but she runs around all day and is obviously not sick! What do you do?
5. Your school aged child has a chore chart and one day she doesn't do any of her chores. What do you do?
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13 responses
@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Answer to Question 1: If my one year old dumps cereal all over the floor I would explain to him this is not what we do when we are done eating.
Answer to Question 2: If my child hit his friend I'd tell him that we don't use our hands to hit anybody. Do you think you should tell your friend something? (to get him to appologize I was told never to force child to say I am sorry) Tell child we share toys. If you and your friend cant take turns then I will put the toy in time out. You got first in a few minutes it will be your friends turn.
Answer to Question 3: If my child has an accident in her pants I tell her it happens lets get cleaned up. I ask her if she is ok. Let her know that we don't go potty in our pants you go on toilet. I also try to ask her more frequently if she has to go.
Answer to question 4: If my child would stay home sick then start running around I say I see you are feeling better. Your not hurting any more. I had this happen before My daughter said oh my belly still hurt.
Answer to Question 5: If for one day my child dose not do her chores I will ask her why they were not done today? See if she need help doing them. Tell her if there not done the next day she is going to be aloud to have or do something fun she likes that day.
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@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
18 Mar 09
I work in a daycare so I went to a meeting and thats I learned about not forcing the child to say sorry. Ask is there something you want to say to your friend. Before the meeting we were always telling them ok now say your sorry. give each other a hug.
In regards to your to girls I am sorry I have to agree with your friend. Not to count on it. I have two girls also both born in the same year they are 11 months apart. After around age 3 or so they started bickering when they got in school it got worse they fight over friends and clothes. Till this day they are now 12 and 13 and still fight. The oldest dose miss her when she is not around and is at her friends house though.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
18 Mar 09
I totally agree with the not forcing a child to say 'I'm sorry' I have done it a few times because that's the way I was raised (I always hated it, and never really felt sorry, though) I tend to ask my children to hug eachother because I think that while you can say 'I'm sorry' and not really mean it. A hug has a way of taking over and making you mean it. I actually sometimes get a kick out of it when my daughters have a fight and I tell them they should hug eachother. It's so sweet and sometimes they will actually say they are sorry on their own! I hope they are this great together for always. My best friend says not to count on it because they are the exact same age apart as she and her sister are. Haha. Patsy already likes to steal Claras clothes at age 3! Thankfully Clara doesn't really mind that right now.

@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
18 Mar 09
No right or wrong answers??? Okay I would put a beatin' on them for each question and see how long I keep my babies. LOL
Okay Seriously I have three children and there have been good times and bad. I haven't always done the perfect things but I try my best to give a healthy safe loving learning home. So for the questions
1. I think it would depend on how I was feeling. If I am running out the door, I would probably give a sad face and say no to let them know that isn't cool and then I would clean it up. If I had the time I would likely get the toy cleaning stuff and get them to "help" clean it up.
2. I would try to teach them to share and let the other child have the toy and say no to the hitting but still let them play. If they still can't play right then I would take the toy away from them both.
3. I trained three children and that happened a few times. I would get them to a potty as fast as I could and clean them up. It is part of the job that eventually ends. Thank God I forgot all about that. LOL
4. My kids have said they were sick and played all day. I would not let them play and say if they are sick then we can go off to school. Then they do lay down. But the next time they say they are sick they go to school if I can't tell any sign of sickness. But my kids are good now and hardly ever miss school.
5. My kids have chore charts and get an allowance at the end of the month. If they don't do a chore then they don't get as much as the other kids that did. You would be surprised that I never have to fight to get them to do a chore and they always get done.
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
19 Mar 09
I understand not having much money but what I do is when I get their child support once a month then I give them what I can afford. Typically it is around $20 each for the whole month. So once a month they have enough to buy something pretty cool at the store. But I did quit smoking which allows me to give that much. Before it may have only been maybe $10 each or less. If I did not get the support then they had to wait for it. They were pretty understanding about it. They are good kids.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
18 Mar 09
LoL, you should have seen the one 'no wrong answers' test they gave me. In the test there was the statement: A typical 4 year old can be accepted to go to the corner market to buy grocery items for the family and bring them home. And then I had to put weather I agreed or disagreed with that statement. I was like "WHAT!" Seriously are their parents out there that do that? I knew some parents that let their 12 year old run these types of errends and I don't even agree with that! Much less a 4 year old!
Anyhow, I wanted to ask you how you do the allowence thing. I thought about that, but I am rather poor and so when I tried to divi up the pennies for my children's allowence, they weren't too impressed. Haha. Would like to know what you usually award them and if it is a small amount, how do you get them excited over it?
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
18 Mar 09
1) 1 yr olds are supposed to do that, so I wouldn’t be shocked or anything. Next time I would give him a small bowl
of cereal of his own so that he can enjoy ‘feeding’ himself, while I do the actual feeding from another bowl.
2) I would gently take the toy back and give it to the other kid and make both of them share the toys
3) What can I do except reiterate what I told her about potty training and hope she remembers the next time. However, 3 years is still quite early for them to control all the time so that should be kept in mind.
4) I do not encourage absenteeism so probably my child would have to go to school…even then if I did allow her to stay back and then she’s romping around, I would gently but firmly ask her why she did not want to go and work on that.
5) Firm on that…never let the chores get undone, it becomes a habit with them.
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@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Yes, I agree that most of this stuff is developmentally aproapriate for the children to be doing. In fact when I told one friend of mine about these questions she suggested that perhaps the evaluator was giving me some common issues that parents can fly off the handle over and see if I believe that harsh punishment is needful for any of these situations. I'm not sure. But, I'm not really into harsh punishment anyways, so I usually tend to treat everything like 'surely you didn't mean to do that!' Haha. My kids are really good kids though. I'm not too worried that I'm a bad parents, I'm worried that the state might think that I am though!
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
17 Mar 09
1. I would take the bowl away and clear up to mess having said "no" when my son threw his cereal on the floor.
2. I would say that we must share and my son should be sorry for hitting his friend.
3. That would be sad. I would clean my daughter and dress her in fresh clothing.
4. I would telephone the school and make an appointment to meet my child's teacher. I would discuss if she thinks any bullying is going on. That evening I would talk to my daughter and see why she didn't want to go to school.
5. That would be irritating. So I would ask my daughter to do one task before bed time. The next day I would suggest a reward if she does all her tasks.
That was my imagination. I have a son aged 13 years and a son aged 22 months. I am currently pregnant with a little girl.
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@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
17 Mar 09
That was very insitful of you to mention going to the school! I'm usually a 'mommie is the best advocate' type of person. Haha. I went off on my mom for not going to my brother's school to stand up for him. But, she said he got the punishment he deserved and even if it was too harsh she didn't want him to think he could get away with misbehavior. LoL. Anyhoo, yes children do tend to react to stuff around them in school. I know in kindergarten my oldest got sent home with a 'yellow day' and the explaination was that she made a child in class eat paper. I stomped around for the entire day asking how on earth a kid could FORCE another kid to eat paper and that shouldn't be Clara's problem if the other child did it! I guess she decided that justuce hadn't been served because the next day she decided to avenge herself by stabbing him with a pencil! Now, Clara is normally a very sweet little girl around 'friends' as she calls them and that was totally out of character for her. The teacher recognized this too and decided to seperate these 2 children during class time and I just laughed when I got the paper home describing what she did. I sat her down and explained the pencils are dangerous and requested she not do that to 'friends' anymore. Haha. It's all good now though.
@mammamuh (582)
• Sweden
19 Mar 09
1: clean it up - like I've did several times before *lol* that's a thing that will happen sooner or later fort most parents!
2: I would help them to play nicer - it's another thing that happens as well with small children.
3: Clean it up!There's nothing else to do
4: Ask her why she didn't want to go to school - my children loves school so something must be wrong if they didn't go there!
5: We don't have daily chores in our home - they does them one day or another - so it gets done (most of the time) - if not I tell them to do them.
I have three girls, 3,5 years old, 9,5 years old and 11 years old
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I agree that the younger children things are bound to happen sooner or later. I made a total goof of myself in the evaluation talking about how I would deal with Patsy if she had an accident! I started talking in my high singsong 'mommie voice' Haha. I was like 'Oh, we had an accident, I bet that doesn't feel good? Let's sit on the toilet for awhile and if you pee or poop on the toilet I'll give you a piece of candy!" (or sticker on chart, haven't figured out totally what I will do) Thing is, my 3 year old hasn't even started potty training yet. I decided that I would wait until she decided she was ready before taking that step. But, she is living with my grandma right now and my grandma was trying to potty train her and gave up because she is convienced that my daughter is stupid. Seriously! That's what she told me! Patsy does have some mild language development delays, but I serious doubt (and have been told by theropists as well) that this is going to follow her around for the rest of her life.
@mrsyen (43)
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
These are very interesting situations that would surely test the parent. Since my son is only 2 1/2, I can only answer the first 2 questions.
1. This actually happened. I picked up the bowl and cleaned up the mess, while at the same time telling my son that it's not good to play with and throw away his food. I did my laughing later. :)
2. This is something you can't avoid with toddlers, since they are innately selfish. I usually tell my child that it is not good to hit others, make him say sorry to the other kid and try to persuade him to share. Sometimes, he will share, and I will praise him for doing so. If he doesn't, then I won't force him. Instead, I'd entice the other kid with another toy.
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@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Oh the parenting joys you have ahead! Haha. You seem to totally be on the right track though. I like the way you think. I too, do my laughing later... if I can stop myself from bursting out at the scene of the crime! Haha. I think once they get a good grasp at talking is when you have the most urges to laugh! Haha. Kids can be so dern studious sounding when they say childish things. It's great!
@dorisday1971 (5657)
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
My daughtert is just three years old and I can only answer few questions. . . I have answered the appropriate questions for me and got some funny answers. ..
@beachstarz (1092)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Well I would clean up the spilled food, and say no! If the child keeps doing this
I would not offer her anymore , no matter how much she cried for more .
If they are fighting over the same toy. The toy gets put away , nobody would play with it . For hitting , the one that hits gets a time out .
For going potty in her pants . I would just help them get cleaned up and not make a big deal out of it . At that age , its bound to happen sometimes.
If my child faked sick to get out of school . I would take her back to school .
If she is well enough to play she's well enough to go to school. On the way
to school I would try to find the reason she was wanting to stay home .
If she is having trouble at school I would want to know about it.
@kezabelle (2974)
17 Mar 09
1. Your 1 year old dumps his bowl of cereal on the floor and laughs. What do you do?
A: Probably laugh too (im a sucker for a giggly baby) clear it up and them and go and play the child is 1 and hardly has a clue what they did is wrong! I probably would say no we dont do that chances are they wouldnt get more food either you throw it you cant be that hungry lol!
2. Your 1 year old has a friend over to play and his friend wants to play with one of his toys. He hits his friend because he wants the toy for himself. What do you do?
A: Give the friend a cuddle make sure he is ok and then find them both a different toy to play with after telling my child she shouldnt have done it but again at 1 they are too little to understand shouting punishments lead by example I say! (you fight over toys in this house and you lose them)
3. You have a 3 year old that is potty training and she makes a mess in her pants. What do you do?
A: Say "It doesnt matter" to reassure her that accidents happen and im not angry clear her up and go find something to take her mind off it ( I have a three year old shouting and screaming wont get you anywhere but provoke more accidents)
4. Your school aged child gets up one morning and tells you she is sick. You let her stay home from school, but she runs around all day and is obviously not sick! What do you do?
A: Take her into school for the afternoon and tell her that lying to me is wrong and use a suitable punishment probably the removal of a fav toy for 24 hours.
5. Your school aged child has a chore chart and one day she doesn't do any of her chores. What do you do?
A: Good deeds are rewarded in this house even just a cuddle or some praise, id remind her that she needed to do her chores and ask if she maybe needed a little help at 5 she is too young to always remember and sometimes a helping hand helps her do the chores.
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
17 Mar 09
1. Probably start laughing and get the camera.
2. Tell the child no in a stern voice.
3. Don't yell at her for sure. It's called an accident for a reason. At that age, you're still supposed to be asking the child if they need to go pee/poo as they don't have the mental capacity to be playing and pay attention to that "gotta go" urge at the same time.
4. Ground her/spank her. I was not allowed to miss school for any reason other than serious illness. My mother made me go to school hours after surgery to fix a broken arm. I was in school with my period. I was in school with fevers. I was in school after throwing up all night long and getting less than half an hour of sleep. School is important and how a child is raised to treat school responsibilities is how a child will treat other responsibilities in the future.
5. Ground her/spank her. See above. It is all about teaching responsibility. If you want the freedoms to talk on the phone, play on the computer or go to an after school function or a party, then you do the non fun stuff first (chores, homework) and then after that is complete, then you get the fun stuff (phone priviledges or parties).
@kezabelle (2974)
17 Mar 09
school might be important but you know i HATE parents who send their child in who has been throwing up so they go and pass it to every other child keep them home for 48 hours and save the rest of the poor kids getting sick, it drives me nuts when parents wont allow their children time to recover from an illness my daughter recently had 4 days off school for a sickness bug no other child has come down with it because I kept her home and stopped her spreading it as a parent thats down to me!
I would not work and spread my illness to my colleagues so it is not OK for her to do so at school either for me that is showing her how to treat others with respect for their well being NOT showing her she can shirk responsibilities to do that would mean I kept her home at any excuse and I dont!
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
17 Mar 09
My daughter actually got sent home from school once by the school nurse because she threw up during lunch. I had to keep a very not sick child home from school for 2 days! And the funny part is that when I asked her why she threw up it was because they forgot she doesn't like cheese and gave it to her! My little diva got grossed out and threw up! But, normally if she wakes up and says she is sick I check her tempurature and if that's clear I send her to school. The evaluator kepts asking me, yeah, but what if you just let her stay home. I kept telling her, that's not going to happen because I figure if she was really sick she would get sent home (and apparently even if she is not really sick!) Haha. But, I don't think that I would really spank or even ground for these types of infractions. I couldn't think what to do about the last one, but afterwards I was talking to someone and it totally hit me! Yes! I have 3 chore charts in the children's bathroom. Each has a different skill level of chores. That way the one year old has his chores too. Like pick up toys and brush teeth kind of thing. So, if the children do all their chores I can give them a lollipop after dinner. And if one of them doesn't do their chores then they have to sit at the table while the other children get their lollipops and listen to mommie praising all their hard work for the day! Hehehe. Yeah, that would really get to my 6 year old. If there is one thing she hates, it's being one upped by her 3 year old sister and 1 year old brother!
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
17 Mar 09
I can't tell you how many times I had to stay in school sick as a dog because my mother would NOT come get me.
I remember one time, I had just gotten my 3rd or so period ever and I was in such bad pain that I was doubled over in agony in the bathroom begging someone to kill me. The school nurse came to get me and called my mother. She said for me to "tough it out" and she'd be there to get me at 3.
As for my answer, there is no excuse for a child faking sick to get out of going to school. My brother tried that ONCE and wound up getting B12 injections for a month as punishment from the "doctor." If my DD is sick, then she can stay home. If she has a fever, she can stay home. But if she fakes sick to get out of playing volleyball in gym class, she will be grounded or spanked.
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I think during these parenting classes that want to make sure that you have a good line of communication with your child. For example, question #1, I would explain to my child (the best you can with a one year old) that it is not funny when you dump over your cereal bowl. Same with question #2, I would advise my child that hitting is not appropriate...however, at age 1, they don't really understand that. I have a 11, 13 and 20 year old. I can't even tell you how many times I have gone through similiar situations especially with the youngest one hitting her brothers. At one that may not really understand what words you are saying, but eventually it sinks in. Actually, my youngest is now the best at sharing..probably because she has had to her entire life.
Again, I feel that these parenting evaluations want to make sure that you are in control of your child and not the other way around. Also, that you don't loose control. However, realistically, what parent can ever say they have never lost control...I know I have. When things get crazy, I tell hubby, time to watch the kids I'm going for a drive.
@callahanb78 (529)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Well here goes,
1. Laugh a bit with him and when we are done with his fun he can assist with up the mess. :)
2. Remove the toy from him and show him that he needs to share to have his friends over. Start playing with the toy and his friend so he knows what I am trying to say. At 1 how much do they really understand?!?!
3. Oops! I clean her first. Then tell her she isnt in trouble and to try to think about going in the potty next time. Maybe sit her on the potty for a few minutes to reinforce where to go.
4. (I have had this issue before with my 8 year old son) Stick her in her room, no tv, no games, no toys, She is sick so she needs to get rest. There is no running around or anything else if we stay home 'sick'. If she gets bored she can read. If she doesnt know how to read she can color or do a puzzle or something a little constructive.
5. Time out for 10 minutes per chore. And probably no play time for the rest of the night, wouldnt have time anyways because whatever chores could be done after time out would be done and the others would be done the following day.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Haha, since I was homeschooled my younger siblings would often try to play sick to get out of doing schoolwork alltogether. My mom was so not sympathetic towards them. You basically had to starve yourself and sleep all day or force yourself to puke in order to convience her! If you asked for a cup of juice she would give you water and say that if you really were sick you would be thankful to just have something to wet your throat. For every meal you would get toast and obviously if you wanted something else you couldn't be that sick! I remember one of my brothers wanted to lay on the couch and watch Lone Ranger movies all day. My mom turned off the TV handed him his schoolbooks, and told him that if he could pay attention to the movie, he could pay attention to his schoolwork. She fluffed his pillows and said it was okay if he did it laying down! Haha. I know once I got sick. But, it wasn't like any normal bug that I'd ever had. My stomach pinched and cramped and I didn't feel like getting up off the couch for 2 days. Plus I was constantly hungry. My mom was in shock because I didn't usually act like I was sick to get out of school, but it kind of seemed like I was faking. I woke up the 3rd morning to find out I had started my period. My mom felt so bad! Haha. She totally started babying me a little belatedly, of course! Haha. But, she pretty much took me seriously after that because she knew that I didn't really try to get out of schoolwork. I think my oldest is kind of like me in that regaurds. She likes to go to school and if for some reason she did try to fake sick to get out of school I would go and talk to the teacher and maybe even the principal to get stuff straightened out.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
18 Mar 09
1.since my kid is just 1 year old of age its normal to them to have experement they love fall their item in the floor they love the sound they been created yes ofcourse i will give her a warning not to do it again.remember kids is smarter and very active memory than older ones.from the you age they need a mild punishment not to do it again.
2.number 2 question is really normal for 1 year old to be selfish but being a mother let her know that she might to share her item to a friends so next time they can play together, from a mother kids learn an imfortant education,being a mother make your rule as a mother not a watcher.teach your kids in a right ways so that they will grown up in a right path of life.mother is the lamp for our kids darkness as a mother is the best example for them while they growing up.
3.give her a demand not to do it next time or else she will recieve a punishement, let her to remind and you have to know the time when she want to pee.sometimes kids are very interested with their toys or something and even cant feel their pee want to comes out..they just a kid and need to train not only in a single time you have to remind them over and over,,,,until they got perfect, i won't let her to stay at home sickness is not an excuse to go tio school as long she don't have a high fever. or severe sickness that she need often tells a lie if they don't want to wake up in early morning..for me no excuse. as a mother you need a power and laws that your kids will follow you.but dont make it and tender care is best to help them grow with a correct discipline
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Very interesting viewpoint. I'm guessing that in the nature verses nurture spectrum you would fall more under nature. Which basically means that you believe that children are born with the tendancy and desire to misbehave and it's a parents right and responsibility to take that out of them? The other is nurture and that one basicly means that children are born pure and untouched by the world. It is a parents job to recognize what is just a child being a child and what is something that has influenced him wrongly. I tend to fall more into the nurture end of the spectrum. But, I wish you luck in your training of your child. Thanks for your response!
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
19 Mar 09
im a mother of 2 kids boy and girl my boy is 6 years old and my girl is 20 months old, and im not a full time mother but i did my obligation with them and they are gettin bigger.and im proud to say they are unique from other kids outside.hope they will be a good person while they grown up.thanks for the comments