Does stress go away?
By mermaidivy
@mermaidivy (15394)
United States
March 18, 2009 11:08am CST
There are lots of things cause people stress. When we ask how to make the stress go away, people will say do something relaxing, eat good food etc. I'm not saying those things wouldn't help but will the stress really go away forever or just that moment?
I think I can handle the stress sometimes by doing some fun stuff to cover it but it still comes out again afterwards. Stress has been bothering a lot, maybe that's why I 'm having such painful back and neck. Stress is an invisible thing always around you but you couldn't overcome it. It is always there.
I think all people has stress besides babies and kintergarden children. School children worries about loads of homework, adults worry about work stress, mom worries about taking care of the kids etc.
Stress won't go away as long as things are going on, maybe I should say it won't stop until the day we die.
So how do you handle the stress? I have seen somebody cannot handle it and become crazy all the time, they yell at the world, sound like they are the most miserable people in the world. Are you one of those crazy people? What do you do to make it go away?
6 people like this
19 responses
@wenyingling (27)
• China
5 Apr 09
yes,people's whole life is full of stress.When it is too heavy,we will make it go away.but it's go away a monment,we must face it we must overcome it or adapt a result of it ,we can live with more happiness.we should do our work well,do what we should do that we will not so worry about it.we should have sense of responsibility...
@vsganesh87 (842)
• India
5 Apr 09
TO remove stress , you can walk or exercise.
The best way to beat stress is doing YOGA.
By doing Yoga , you will have the mental ability to beat stress .
You can have a fresh lease of air outside , when you are overloaded with stress.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
6 Apr 09
I want to learn Yogo too... maybe I will try later. Thanks for sharing! :-)
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I don't think stress goes away. Once a problem in life that is causing you stress is solved, something else usually comes along to replace it. It is for this reason that I say that stress does not go away. Stress, like slavery, merely changes forms...
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Hi, mermaidivy! Yes, I have so much of stress in my life enough to build a tall building. My stress may go away for a while. I can do all of the positive and great things to get rid of it. But, it will not go away for good. It will always come back to haunt me. I may be fine for a while, then the next thing that I know, I will be depressed all over again. I wished that stress can come and just go away never to return! I think that everyone would love to feel some peace! I am always going to feel some type of stress. I am married with kids and I have no job, nor driver's license. I stay at home as a mom.. And I have family members that act like they have no love in their hearts for me, some of them.. I have many things that causes a lot of my stress. I want it all to just go away!

@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Me too... really don't want it always appear in your mind, it just stay there always...
@athinapie (1150)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Stress is inevitable so we have to make sure that we could deal with it as reasonably as possible. They say that eating chocolates and bananas lowers the stress levels on bodies and I think that really works. Well, it works for me. Aside from that, keeping yourself busy with stuff that you like works too. That's how I handle stress.
@luvmysons (497)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I think Stress is very difficult to deal with. I usually like to be alone for alittle while. I like to read a book which helps me relax. I definitely dont like to talk to anyone if I am under alot of Stress. For me that makes me feel worse. Peace and quiet is what helps me. I know what you mean about the people that yell at the world. I am not sure how that helps them feel better
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I don't think anything could help those people beause they could be very extreme...
@feathers26 (865)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
you may watch a movie to remove your stress, you may go on malling to view different scenes so as destress yourself. You may watch green scenery or go to the park and watch kids playing.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Thanks for your advices, hopefully, I can enjoy in more stuff in the summer!
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
19 Mar 09
yea... that's why I said stress won't go away, it always come back... :-(
@victory999 (758)
• China
19 Mar 09
Recent days,I have got much stress and pressure form my girlfriend who may make me crazy.I have fallen in love with her for near 3 years,but as the times going,our faulty has been existed and each conversation between us will quarrel.
So sometimes,only somking can relax me a little bit,but it is temperory.
I would like play vedio games and walk around the park to enjoy the park and take a deep breath for me to go away the stress .
@shalli17here (627)
• Indonesia
19 Mar 09
if we can not solve the problems and just run away from it, then yes the stress will dissapear but only for that moment. once the same problem remains, we will stress again. so the key is, solve the problem no matter how hard it is, dont run away..when its done and clear, go find yourself an entertainment and relax..then it will last longer than you can predict.
how do i handle a stress ? one thing is that life is never smooth just like that. no matter how wealthy we are, how happy we are, there will always be another new problem that came to us. those are some short of a test, if we can get through it, we've passed the test and be a better person in life.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
19 Mar 09
The life pastern today is so complex that stress is a common phenomenon.
Stress is a feeling that manifests when we react to some events, as we get ready to face a challenge with focus, energy and increased alertness. Our body responds to events that cause stress by activating the nervous system and making us experience some inner changes that allow us to react quickly and effectively to handle the pressure of the moment.
This stress response can manifest in a mild form when you feel pressure but there’s no danger like when you have a big dance or a final exam, helping keep you on your toes and then your nervous system returns to normal. There are also long-term events such as going through a divorce or moving to a new neighbourhood that can cause a lasting low-level stress that’s hard on people. The nervous system keeps sensing pressure and that person feels overwhelmed because he or she can not get stress relief.
To help it leave you we have to do certain things for ourselves.We have to learn how to manage the stress that comes with each challenge and use these new stress management techniques regularly so we can keep stress symptoms under control. Some good examples are: avoiding overscheduling, being realistic and not trying to be perfect. But the most important recommendation is to get a good night’s sleep. This helps you to have good physical and mental performance, so you can deal better with events that cause you stress. That’s why you must get all the hours of sleep you need. And here’s where a product like Sleepatil shows how useful it can be.
@ericluckychan (50)
• China
19 Mar 09
easier say than done, no one is stress free,even these monks and nuns also will inevitably encounter various of stress, because stress is part of our life,
the real question is how to make it go away
i am still trying to figure out an perfect way to deal with it, sometimes i can get rid of stress by doing exercise, after playing a long, physically intense basketball, i feel extremely relaxed ,when i wake up in the morning ,the problem that cause stress still remains, but the difference is i am in good mood and become creative , always come out with win-win solutions
@michiko15carlo (161)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
my work is pretty stressful! but whenever i see my dogs the stress go away! seeing them jumping and super excited to see me just make my day! when my dogs are not around i eat chocolate ... it works like magic! so my bf always have a chocolate inside his bag and popped it out whenever we're together!
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
19 Mar 09
That's good. Everytime when I see my puppy, I feel very happy too! The smile comes out very quickly! Thanks for sharing! ^_^
@bbtort (47)
• Singapore
19 Mar 09
I once had abdominal pain for quite a while. I was working for a sencond handphone shop from 11am to 10pm, 6 days a week. On some days when I woke up, I was bent double. Standing upright was painful. I tried to bear with it until one day at work, it got so bad my hubby had to pick me up and send me to the doctor. Who immediately referred me to the A&E. I was admitted for 3 days. During which the doctors ran alot of test. In the end, there was no dianogsis. They couldn't find what's wrong with me except that I am in a lot of pain. They gave me painkillers and I was discharged on the 3rd day.
I then went back to my doctor who took a look at the test they did. And informed me that if those test found nothing, it's probably due to stress. And I remembered I once read a report about Americans who had stomach ulcers, fever because stress.
This is when I started thinking back on what had cause the stress. Since then, I have been very careful about the happenings in my life. Things happen. It's when we are overly worried about them that it develop into stress. And sometimes we are unaware of it until it's too late. Like me.
Nowadays, what I do is being more aware of my stress status. When things go wrong, I look for solutions. I do not worry unduly. Especially about things we do not know or have not happen. Thinking positive also helps. I also read alot of psychology books to know myself better. Ultimately, it's alot of mental work. I just train my mind to be stronger to deal with everyday life. There's no special method. Just a simple resolution to want to do it. And then just do it. Keep repeating it (e.g. be positive) to yourself and you will be able to do it.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I hope you find your way to relief it. Thanks for sharing!
@bluemars (952)
• Australia
19 Mar 09
When it comes to stress I have been trying so hard to fight it off. I don't like the way it makes me feel. It does not feel good sometimes and makes me sad but I am trying to do things to lessen the stress, yes by relaxing, exercising and I try to eat well too. I know all those things help some so it is worth it to give it a go.
@thebeaddoodler (4262)
• Lubbock, Texas
18 Mar 09
Yes the stress always comes back. That's just the world we live in. What damages the body are the hormones we produce when we're under stress. We can't live stress free, but exercise and proper diet help our bodies to get rid of the excess levels of hormones so they don't build up in our system. And by exercise, I don't just mean go to the gym and work out. If you like to play football with your buddies, or just get out and toss a ball around, or shoot some hoops, or ride a bicycle or play outside with the children (I dare you to try and keep up with them), any of these things get our heart and lungs pumping and helps push out toxins. The stress comes back, but the excess hormones that cause the physical and emotional symptoms of stress don't build continually in our bodies.
There are herbs that are classed as "adaptogens" that can help your body resist the effects of stress. Astragalus, Ginseng, Reishi, Shizandra, and Spiknard are some adaptogenic herb.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
18 Mar 09
What hormones will produce when we are under stress?
Thanks for your advice!
• United States
18 Mar 09
i think everyone gets stressed at times. i think each person has their own way of coping w/it, i don't consider anyone crazy because they are stressed out. there are many, many things that can stress you. i usually find me something to do besides just my normal chores around here. getting busy & getting your mind off it helps. i will clean out closets, cabinets, drawers what i can find. sitting around dwelling on it is not the thing to do.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Stress will never go away! Everyone gets stressed and some handle it better then others! I tend to stress out more when I worry about I shouldn't be worring about! I talk to friends, write in a journel,do stuff on the computer and just try to relax by watching t.v. to fight off stress! I also overeat form time to time! That isn't good! I have a weight problem to begin with and eating due to stress doesn't help! Stress can wear you down but if you try to do stuff to fight it stress can be handled!
@forslahiri (1042)
• India
18 Mar 09
Stress can go away permanently if U can analyse why stress are coming?
e.g-If stress is originating that the work is increasing & becoming huge pending.Possibly one has to look into Priority setting & better Time management.
If procrastination is avoided,priority is decided,little strict discipline is implemented a lot of stress can be managed effectively & permanently.B'cz rest of stress causing elements are Imaginatory,coming out of apprehensions.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Thanks for sharing! ^_^Thanks for sharing! ^_^Thanks for sharing! ^_^