help!!!!!! big problem!!!!!
@rose_darkangel (40)
March 19, 2009 9:40am CST
me and my cousin have a big problem about our neighbor whose always at our house to use the pc...because he constantly use it a lot even at night...he would open it on about 12 pm then use it till 6 or 7 in the morning, then use it again in the afternoon....
which pisses us both...
so can we remove or temporarily disable the net connection because without free internet he would never even open our pc....I hope the one reading this can give us a very easy step...
we tried to click the disable button on the net connection but ofcourse he would find out and enable it again....the lan setting of our internet doesn't help because it's not connected to the connection of our service....
me and my cousin wanted it to look like we don't know that the net connection is gone...or theres low connection....
pls help us!!!!
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32 responses
@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
20 Mar 09
Well it is your house your computer and your internet connection, so you decide. I cannot imagine my neighbour coming at my house to use my pc when he wishes. Try making a password on the internet connection and pc so he will sure cannot use it any more and will buy one for himself.
@rose_darkangel (40)
• Philippines
21 Mar 09
b'coz his not just a neighbor his a family friend of my brother...and helps us at home a lot....
b'coz my brother is not always there to help with the chores
@brady2moss (700)
• Singapore
19 Mar 09
What about changing the password on your pc, have you tried that option? I'm not sure if you're using a dial-up or broadband connection, I have to assume it's broadband as I have the impression from your story that it's "on" all the time. Then you have to turn off the router or the modem itself to stop the internet connection.
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@rosa_pearl (70)
• China
20 Mar 09
hehe it is not a big problem!if you need help you can ask me
solve the problem pacecful!
@brazeel1 (21)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Tell him no. Or tell the neighbor since they use it more than you are your cousin then they can start paying for your bill or start charging to use it. Either way it is your house and your computer so you have the right to tell that person whether they can use it or not.
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@Crysi23 (515)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Do you have a laptop or a desktop either way you can put a password on your computer to prevent him from logging on, or you can tell him to go to the library to use the computer I know where I live we have libraries that offer internet access for an hour. You can tell him no you can't use it because you're constantly over here using it. You could temporarily disconnect the cord from your modem. Do you have wireless internet is it connected to the computer. You can also change the password to the internet that you use. Do you use DSL or Cable? Either way you can change the passwords on that as well.
@frygirl (382)
• United States
21 Mar 09
well i would suggest to pull the modem everynight before you went to bed and take it to bed with you or put it somewhere in the house where yourneighbor is not allowed to go.then how will he get online and why doesnt he just go to the local library and use the internet connection there where i live you can use it for free.
@cableman67 (872)
• United States
28 Mar 09
You need to go into the bios and set up a password that won't allow any computer access unless you have password. The other way you can still log on as a guest.
Most computers, you just keep pressing F10 or F12 over and over when you do a restart and it will let you into the bios. Just be real careful and don't change anything else and don't forget password or you get locked out too.
If you need more help tell me what brand computer you have and what operating system you have and I'll send you a step-by-step if you want.
@Bohemian77 (277)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Yeah, like alot of other posters have hinted at, you are not giving us all the facts. Does this person just walk into your house uninvited? Do you have an adult around that can intervene? Is he a family firend? Until you give more info, it's a little bit difficult to give an adequate response
@cometkatt (55)
• United States
20 Mar 09
first and formost WHY is this person ALLOWED inside your home at all hours of the night?
You are going to have to learn to say NO.
its your home not his. the door is locked after (you pick the time) and company is not accepted.
i personally would keep the door locked at all times and IF he has a key - change the locks... YOU have to take charge instead of sitting around being pissed at his inappropriate behavior that You have been allowing.
CHANGE what YOU are doing. stop enabling his mooching. until you change he WONT.
you will be surprised at how empowering it is but Dont be surprised at his reaction- he will either get very whiney about why you are picking on him or he will get aggressive/angry be prepared for either.
if the oh-poor-me's you will have to decide if you are going to allow ANY access and if so PRECISELY when. and STICK TO IT.
if he is angry - since he is a neighbor (obviously he is not a real friend) simply stop dealing with him. it is your house. if he gets aggressive - report him. it IS your house and he is trespassing.
he may just go mooch off someone else....
take care
@csrobins (1120)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Wow..the nerve of him! You have evry right to just say no. He is being a major moocher. Tell him he cannot use it unless he pays you or brings you a lot of food everyday
He should be more aware that he is being ridiculous and cannot take advantage of you just because he is on at hours he thinks you probably aren't on.

@ponvendhan (270)
• India
19 Mar 09
You can change the login password before log in, try this
if other try the following,
1. sleep early,
2. go shopping at afternoon
3. when you in home lock the door. (when they ask about that, just say 'i slept'
4. shift your computer to your bed room and hang your inners in front of monitor!
5. don't use the chair! stand when use the computer (or remove all chair in your home)
6. or shift your computer near your bathroom and open the bathroom door always!
7. save the screen saver with very sexy picture (it will work if the neighbor is old age other wise it will flop)
all are my experience! try these!
@Saintsy09 (3)
20 Mar 09
Er, yeah .. well .... its not really a big problem is it?? The only problem here is that you cant say NO ......
You need to learn to say NO! DONT let him round to your house, if he does come round then DONT let him use the pc, password protect it!
Dont disconnect the net because of it, thats just silly.
Just tell him that he is using it too much, he does not pay for it, and therefor it must stop. If he wants to use the internet, then he should have it installed at his OWN house .....
@Saintsy09 (3)
20 Mar 09
And 16 is considered adult in most countries, so where I do have symapthy, I feel it is a case of "getting a voice" and using it ... too many people in this day and age do not speak up, and people can and usually do walk over you because of it ...
If you fear there will be trouble because of you saying no, then inform the police :) or another appropriate adult
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
20 Mar 09
I'm not sure why you are having this problem in the first place. How is it that this person can come and stay overnight at your home each night to use the PC when it is your sleeping hour? You and your cousin must have given him permission in the first place. I think it is not appropriate that your neighbor should infringe upon your sleeping time like that, because he is doing it at your expense. If he really needs to use a PC each day, then he should try and get one himself and not bother you. You should perhaps try and talk to his parents to buy him a PC for his own use. Disabling the internet connection may temporarily stop him getting access, but I feel it is still not the right solution, because he will still bother you and probably won't give up trying to get connectivity until the problem is fixed.
@ancy114 (102)
• India
20 Mar 09
hi it's better if u protect ur computer wid password n lock ur doors so tat wen your noeighbour comes n tell him/her frankly tat i've some works to do wid ma computer so u cant use it now... if t's urgent give time slap say half n hour wen t gets over go near ur neighbour and ask him to move because i got some works to do ...if u do so t'll work for sure..
@jazzsue58 (2666)
20 Mar 09
Hey guys, have you seen this poster's age? She's just 16! This needs an older person's help. I mean a real person, not a virtual one! Um. This looks ageist. Let me explain:
I'm not saying you're not a grown-up, Rose, but is the place you're living at your own, or do you live with folks still? I'm assuming your cuz and you are similar ages.
If it's just you living there, and it's your puter, then you need another person - like I say, someone older - to stay over and put this neighbour-from-hell in their place. They could say, "Go away, I'm her (father/uncle/bodyguard/whatever) and I've got full use of it from now on, cos I'm PAYING THE BILLS, Okay?! Get a PC of your own and stop annoying us!"
If you still live at home with your folks, it could be the neighbour has done them a favour and this is how they are repaying it. In other words, whoever is footing the bills has the final decision, and I'm not sure if that's you or not.
I'm 50, with daughters of around your age, so I know exactly how you feel. At your age I was the same - no voice of my own, so I got taken advantage of. Being told to be "more assertive" is no good if the person is bigger/older/louder than you - one word and you're just a kid at school again, seething silently but unable to speak out at this injustice, for fear of getting another detention or hiding.
I'm in the UK where kids tend to live with their folks until they're drawing a pension of their own, so I'm sorry if this reply looks a bit 'alien' to you, but human nature has no boundaries, and people take advantage of the female and the young the world over.
@greeneyedlady (1439)
• Netherlands
20 Mar 09
I must be very stupid because I do not know how your neighbor gets into your house to use your computer in the first place! Do you invite this neighbor or does he break in or??? If he breaks in, then report him to the police, if you invite him in, then stop inviting him in and lock the door to keep him out and if you don't have a lock on the door then buy one and use it and Then if he come in call the police and report him! 

@sassymama1974 (178)
• United States
20 Mar 09
I have mine set up to where i"m the only one who knows the password u cant get any where with out it.Goto control panel...user account set it up where u need a password to get on the computer
@lucky1girl (139)
• Taiwan
20 Mar 09
talk with him seriously and tell him that he is so impolite that you can't stand anymore.Point that you can allow him to use your internet a while but not from dawn until dark!
You also can change your password.Do you rent a same flat? If so you can make a new one.