manifest health
negatives produce negative status
positive thinking
the law of attraction
wealth and joyful life
Do You Believe In, Understand and Apply The Law of Attraction?
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
March 19, 2009 7:44pm CST
I believe the Law of Attraction is real and readily available to each and every one of us, if we can only get past the concepts of it that we find difficult to believe... or even find beyond belief. Some of us just can't imagine that we have the ability to control our lives, health, wealth, creativity, growth and the ability to love ourselves as well as others. We tend to be “afraid” to delve into the unknown and use our capabilities to create a better life for ourselves, because we don't believe we have it in us. To understand these deeper concepts, and the way the Law of Attraction works, we need to explore and understand the nature of our own identity and the conditions of reality that exist both within and without the five-sense world we know. The conditions of reality, are fulfillment, growth, creativity, love and co-operation. All five of these conditions exist within our being and come together to create the Law of Attraction. If we can come to understand these conditions within our Selves, then we will be able to express them, in applying the Law of Attraction and changing ourselves forever.
According to supporters of this law, thoughts have an energy which attracts whatever it is the person is thinking of and that in order to control this “positive” energy to our advantage, we must do four things: i) Know exactly what it is we want, ii) Ask the Universe for it, iii) Feel and behave as if, and also, know that what you desire is on its way, iv) Be open to receiving it, letting go of the attachment of the outcome.
Negative thoughts, like thinking about what we don't have, can manifest themselves into “not having”. So, it's imperitive to think positively at all times. Think... “I'm going to have this, and very soon”. Positive thoughts will manifest into positive possessions. (This is why I'm always talking about thinking positively because if we think negatively, we dig ourselves a deeper hole in attracting negatives to us.)
So, do you believe in the Law of Attraction... do you understand it, and have you ever applied it, or do you intend to apply it, in order to better your lives? If you believe in prayer or energies, then you're halfway there. If you approach this in a positive way, you can have the lifestyle you always dreamed of... so, will you give it a try, or remain satisfied that what you have is what you're going to get, and there's an end to it?
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27 responses
@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
20 Mar 09
I agree with all that you havwe written and stated and it makes me wonder why ANY of us gets depressed and angry when there is no need to be.
We should always be happy with our thoughts and deeds and never look on the gloomy side of life.
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@Darkwing (21583)
20 Mar 09
That's a fact, my dear friend! We can only "blame" ourselves for what we have attracted into our lives, and if it's not so good, then we should let go of it (the negative) and ask for the positive things we want.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution. x
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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
21 Mar 09
There is absolutely a need for emotions like anger and depression because they let you know that whatever you're thinking or doing is not taking you where you want to go.
Who we really are resonates with the emotions of joy and love, so when you are experiencing negative emotion it is an indicator that the thoughts you are thinking or the action you are engaged in is out of alignment with your inner being.
Sometimes you can get so far away from your source that a happy thought is not possible... it is just to big a leap to jump from despair up into joy, and to someone in despair moving up into anger is a definite improvement - not that you'd want to hang out there for long - but it is a step or two in the right direction.
You just want to keep finding the thoughts that feel a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better. Any thought that feels a little bit better than what you were thinking before is worthwhile.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
20 Mar 09
I'm already living a life opf abundance because of the law of attraction but I want more.
And my conscience is telling me I'm being greedy and to be satisfied with what I have. It's a stumbling block I'm afraid left from years of conditioning.

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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
21 Mar 09
Hahahahaha... aren't stumbling blocks great for revealing hidden beliefs??
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 Mar 09
Ah yes... that IS a stumbling block my friend. Never be satisfied with what you have if it isn't all you want. Don't feel bad about it because there's enough there for all of us if we can only channel into it, and get rid of the guilty conscience. It's a negative, I'm afraid, and you need to stay positive. No doubt you've had to work in a sense, to get where you are, so why give up, if there's more to be had? Go ahead... I know it sounds selfish, but it isn't because we all have the ability to reach your status and further if only we can find our way to being positive about what we do want.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution. xx
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
20 Mar 09
whatever happens with the law of attraction the people who created it has to be right, and I don't believe that for one minute, I have had scientific training and nothing is one hundred percent right
if you apply the laws of attraction and it doesn't work then it has to be your fault never the law,
but it is not even a law because a law is something that is indisputable and works all the time,
gravity is a law, you can drop a coin out of your had 10 million times and each time it will fail, it will never remain in thin air, this is a law,
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Mar 09
from a scientific point of view, it is not a law,
and in science we have to be able to proof something right or wrong,
sorry the law of attraction is set up so that you can never prove it wrong, if it doesn't work it is never their fault only yours,
so it is not scientific and so I don't go for it,
if you do that is fine, but it is not for me.
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 Mar 09
No, I agree, it's not totally scientific. There's a lot of psychology attached to it, but self-discipline plays a great part.
I'm not saying you HAVE to go for it, my friend. Life is full of choices, and I'm not telling you what to believe. All I know is that the power is there, in the Universe, to be harnessed by those who believe they can lead the life they want to. That's all.
Brightest Blessings, my friend.
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@Darkwing (21583)
20 Mar 09
Exactly... I feel it was only called a law because it IS there all the time and working for those who can harness it. It IS however, your fault if you don't understand, or cannot reach to the core of your beliefs and apply the power it gives you. It isn't wrong as a law, in effect, it's the person who fails to harness it who's in the wrong. There are laws set in government which are not adhered to in the same way, but they're still laws, my friend, if you get my drift.
If we can KNOW what we want, BELIEVE we have the power to get it, and act POSITIVELY towards getting what we want, then the battle is won! However, there are those who don't believe that their powers are great enough to accumulate wealth, health and happiness for them, so they go on being negative and envying their neighbour. How many times have you heard the saying, "The other man's grass is always greener."? Is it? No, of course not... it's just that they've applied a positive approach to growing and caring for it. I'll leave you to your thoughts on that note, my friend!
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution... very interesting!x

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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
21 Mar 09
I've always considered myself a positive person and stived alwaysto think positively even in the worst of times. I have to say that I have lost my way when it comes to maintaing a positive outlook. Nothing bothers me more than the loss of that positiveness.
My hubby and I have been holding on for the past two years with unemployment on his part and disability on my part. My hubby is by no means a positive thinker. Which in turn makes it difficult for me to hold on to mine. I despise negativity. How do I regain my positive outlook on life and refuse to be anything else from now on? I feel like I've lost a big part of myself.
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 Mar 09
Hi Leenie! If you despise negativity and always strive toward positive thinking, then you're halfway there. You need to know how to get rid of the negatives? Well my beliefs are possibly different to yours and I have my own way of getting the negatives out of the way, but I would suggest that you try to turn them into positives, rather than use my way. Try to talk with your husband and turn his negatives into positives too. He has to look towards a positive future, and put the negatives behind him, because as you say, he's dragging you down. Ok... the past two years have dragged you both down... I can hear you saying that! Well, those two years are behind you... throw the negatives with that two years, and know that things will balance out. Know that there's a brighter future... don't think or wish it... KNOW it, because there IS, if only you can see it.
If you read through the responses here, there are several people, two of whom have turned around from severe negative thought and sadness, to a much happier, more positive life after just a year. I've seen that happen!! I can't tell you the response numbers as I'm in "response mode" myself now and can't check through, but you'll see who I mean. I'm in a similar position to you, but I don't have time to dwell on the negatives... like you, I deplore them, so I cleanse myself of them and invite the positives in. It works, my friend. We can all do it, whichever way we choose, and it's the only way forward. Otherwise you'll be dissatisfied and unhappy for the rest of your days. Your husband is your first hurdle, and after that it should be pretty plain sailing because I can see you want to make life comfortable for both of you. Tell him you need his help and you need him to get out of the rut he's in, because you're fast losing hope, with him.
Might I suggest you take a look into Zigzagbuddah's response to a response she had from another member. She's more articulate than me in explaining things, and I think you'll find a link there somewhere there, to a site that can help you. It's hard when faced with negatives, I know, but there are ways and means, my friend, and I wish you all the best in your endeavours.
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Well, here I am butting in again! But I really wanted to say something to leenie, and that is, when you despise something you are putting yourself in a position of pushing against it, and anytime you push against something you are not only creating more of it by your attention to it, but you are also creating resistance within you which effectively blocks much of the good that would be coming to you otherwise.
You regain your positive outlook by accepting where you are right now and improving on it one soft and gentle thought at a time. Be easy on yourself! Make lists of every positive aspect you can think of about yourself, your husband, and your circumstances. Whenever I find myself in a rut of feeling bad I sit down and make lists of everything I love and everything that I am grateful for, and before long I'm feeling like myself again.
And one thing I really love is the feeling of well-being, of comfort and security, and no way I'm going to wait until my circumstances change to feel good! So I imagine how it would feel if I had that sense of well-being and security, I pretend that I have it, I remember times when I have had it, and I do whatever I can to promote that feeling in my environment.
Whenever I catch myself thinking critical or unhappy thoughts I ask myself "Is this thought contributing to my sense of well-being? Does it make me feel comfortable and secure?" If the answer is no then I refuse to even think it then, I don't care how pressing or in my face it is. I simply dismiss it, and look for a better feeling thought, if not on the same subject then on another, just whatever it takes to bring me a sense of relief and comfort.
If your husband is having a negative influence on you then I suggest that you spend more time alone... I HIGHLY recommend 15 or 20 minutes spent somewhere where you can get comfortable and won't be disturbed, just quieting your mind and reconnecting with yourself. If you are feeling bad yourself talking to your husband who feels bad is probably just going to result in more bad feelings, hehehe, and you might just find that if you can find your own 'center' and get comfortable in it that things just automatically improve without your having to do anything.
I haven't had a job in well over a year, maybe closer to two. A few days after I started imagining how it would feel to have a sense of security and practicing that feeling at every opportunity, a job that I love basically came knocking at my door! One that I don't even have to leave my house for... it totally matches the feeling of security that I was imagining... and my imaginings had nothing to do with a job!
You have not lost that positive Self, you have just been ignoring it! You can reconnect with it by ignoring the thoughts that have lead you away from it! To hell with what your circumstances would try to dictate to you!!!
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Darkwing and Zigzag,
You have come into my life with all the good and positive thoughts that I once had and I realize now that I can regain that sense of self again. Zig, reading your response reminded me of the way I used to be. I knew I had finally found that place I strove for so long to find and I told myself that I would never allow anyone to lead me astray from it. Well, I have a twin Sister that has been working overtime to do just that. It's a long story and I'd love to tell you about sometime but for now just suffice it to say that I finally let her break my guard and she took me down. Now I realize it is not her responsibility but mine to safeguard my peace of mind. So I take full responsibility for my own actions and thoughts. Just as I can't expect my husband to change who he is so that I may hold on to who I am. I do try to help him find some peace of mind rather than remaing in that negative sense of being. It surpises me sometimes that he responds to my suggestions. That is a great satisfaction and helps me maintain my sense of direction.
This is where I'm at and I truly hope to begin a friendship with you both so that I can overcome and learn to ignore these negative aspects that try to come into my life. Thank you both for helping me redirect myself. Hugsss
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@luckyattraction (268)
21 Mar 09
The best part of the Law that I practise is - what you give, you get back manifold. It is a very healthy concept and frees your mind of greed and selfishness.
I've read the Secret, Abraham Hicks, watched the Opus and I like the messages they give us. Awareness is the key. The moment we forget to apply the law every moment, we get drawn back into our old ways. some of the groupwork that is done in LOA workshops is awe-inspiring to say the least.
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 Mar 09
I like that concept, and it's more or less how I look at things. I'm happy helping others and just today, something happened to me that proves that law!
I feel you'll go far, my friend, and admire the work you've been doing. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@Darkwing (21583)
26 Mar 09
Being pedantic and passionate about something at the same time, my friend, isn't a fault, and as far as I'm concerned at least, you can go ahead with it because I'm learning from it. There's just one thing I'd like to pull from this response though... giving and receiving back. When I give, I give because I want to, because it makes me feel good to do so... it's showing my love for the recipient, or my appreciation, whichever way you look at it. I don't EXPECT to get back in multitude, but isn't that all a part of knowing and loving your inner Self?
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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Ummm, lucky, I don't know what version of LOA you are practicing, but it sounds to me more like a grab bag of concepts taken from a variety of different philosophies and religions! Not that there's anything wrong with that, I do it myself... whatever helps you feel better definitely counts for something.
But the LOA says 'that which is like unto itself is drawn', it does not say "what you give, you get back manifold". Granted, you can interpret it that way if you like, there is certainly truth to it, and it definitely feels better to be generous than to be afraid that there will not be enough for you if you give to someone else. But it is not the act of giving that of itself attracts to you, it is your vibration as you offer the gift that is where the attracting power is.
And you are not talking about the LOA when you say "It is a very healthy concept and frees your mind of greed and selfishness." It does no such thing!!! In fact greed and selfishness are very healthy concepts themselves! Leave it to the human race to have put such negative connotations to such natural and healthy urges. It is imperative to be primarily concerned with your own well-being if you want to deliberately control your vibration, otherwise you are pulled this way and dragged that way by the desires and actions of everyone around you! And it is good to passionately want more than what you already have... that is what keeps life in motion! You can be selfish enough to care about how you feel, and to make sure that you feel good no matter what, and you can be greedy for life and love and riches, all without being stingy and wanting everything for yourself and nothing for others!!! That is fear-based thinking.
And you don't have to worry about 'forgetting to apply the law'... it applies itself. You just have to pay attention to the way you feel and do whatever you can to improve the way you feel, and little by little the 'old ways' become the 'obsolete ways', hehehehe, and one day you notice that you are feeling damn good most of the time!! Relax! The more you practice the easier it gets.
I know I tend to be pretty pedantic. I hope you will forgive me... I am very passionate about this subject!
I totally agree with you about those workshops though! I can watch them for hours!
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@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
20 Mar 09
I do believe in it too! I'm new to it, but it does make sense. We are so attached to our five senses, that we only start believing things that can be detected with these senses. We fail to realize our mind is a very strong tool and if used positively, it can do wonders. Its great to know that the Universe is there to help us achieve the lifestyle we want to lead. It's like a cable TV with many channels. You channel your thoughts on specific things, and the Universe will broadcast it back to you. I guess some people just find it hard to believe that the Universe can help us any way we want it to because people tend to think that success must only be earned and not be helped with.
@Darkwing (21583)
20 Mar 09
Hi TJ! You may be a beginner, but you know what you're about and I also know from that, that you'll succeed in obtaining the life you desire. Your explanation is good, especially about the channeling of thoughts. It's a spiritual thing in essence, and you're right, that some people need to grow in spirit and dig deep to find their core beliefs, before being able to channel their thoughts on those senses. Some will find it more difficult than others to believe the Universe can help them in any way they wish it to, and that's what makes us different... some being successful in obtaining the life they desire, and others not. If we can only educate them into finding that power, then the world would be a much happier place, instead of some envying others of their wealth, health and happiness. If only....
Brightest Blessings my friend and thank you for your contribution.
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@Darkwing (21583)
20 Mar 09
Oh yes... I can vouch for that, my friend, especially on the health side, and with your family members. Your powers are very strong, and I know you believe in the energies of the Universe.
Brightest Blessings, my dear friend and thank you for your contribution. xx
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Suppose someone is out to attach a negative experience to your personal life? There are people in our lives that we might not be able to avoid for a time that is as this. But in time I would like to have the negative forces removed so that the joy of love can be restored with proper autonomy as individuals that are linked one to another through a bond that is thicker than water.
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@Darkwing (21583)
25 Mar 09
I feel that Zigzag's advice is good here, but I can also see this from GreatWhite's point of view. The negative has come into his life, and he's standing up to it, clearing it away, gradually... maybe even slowly, but he's fighting it and putting it behind him. He'll make it to the place he wants to be because he KNOWS what he wants, and is willing to remove all obstacles in his path because he knows it's there for the taking.
I don't think the negatives actually "attach" themselves to you... they're just present in your life... and it's up to you to rid yourself of them, GreatWhite, which I believe you are in the process of doing. I feel you have found strength in knowing what you want is there, and knowing that the negative is in your way of acquiring it. The fact that you have taken steps to remove it shows your positive, strong side, and I feel you'll get there, even if it takes you a while!
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contributions, both.
@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
22 Mar 09
No one can 'attach a negative experience to your personal life' without your personal invitation through thought. And if your circumstances do not permit you to avoid someone whom you have inadvertently invited into your experience who seems set on bringing you down, then you have to change the way you view them. For example, instead of thinking to yourself "This person is such an a$$hole" you could ask yourself "In what way am I using this person as an excuse not to feel good?" Because you are the joy and love that you seek, and any absence of it in your life is not because it is not there, it is because you are not looking for it.
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@sophie_dfuss (2365)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Yes its true and thats what I do to attract abundance of blessings in my life

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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
21 Mar 09
I do believe that if we think positively and send positive thoughts to others the law of attraction works, positive energy attracts like minded persons towards us and we get connected.
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 Mar 09
You have it in a nutshell there, my friend. You're quite right in what you say, as I've found out for myself. The key is in sending positive thoughts to others, which a fair few of us do without even thinking about it, or maybe it's a subconscious action... who knows?
Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution my friend.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Most definitely! I believe in the power
of positive thinking and faith.
You can have what you ask for.
You just have to act like it's already
on the way and remove doubt from the mind
that would cloud your way.
Children have this ability inately and don't
allow negative thoughts to interfere with what
they are going after.
Thanks for sharing your enlightening ideas.
Best wishes,
Have a lovely weekend.
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@Darkwing (21583)
25 Mar 09
You have it all figured out my friend, and it's very true what you say about children. They have no reservations in their beliefs. It's more the adults whose thoughts get clouded from time to time and doubt sets in. But, if we concentrate hard enough on the belief that we can get anything we want, then we're home and dry.
Brightest Blessings my friend and thank you for your contribution.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Mar 09
I understand the theory and the physics behind the Laws of Attraction, but it takes a particular kind of mind to really make them work I think. We cannot discount the quirks of our humanity when relating ourselves to the universe and it's workings.
Now that is not to say I don't 'believe' in them. I do. I try to keep them and their 'power' working for me all the time.............but then I look at my hubs and I wonder where I went wrong! LOL
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@Darkwing (21583)
20 Mar 09
Hi Sparks! Yes, it's true what you say but I know you have the mind to make the Law work. Think about earlier this year, my friend, and how you wanted to follow the new path you're on. You approached it with enthusiasm and in good faith, and you KNEW you could make it with the understanding and perhaps even the birth rights that you have. You have already changed your life this year through positive thinking, is what I'm trying to say. You know you can do it and you won't rest until you're firmly set on that path... so, there's your beginning. Now, you have to stop "trying" to keep the power working for you, and to MAKE it work... be definite... trying gets you nothing... knowing you're going to get it, does! It's there for the taking... all you have to do is reach outl... like you do for the box of cereal in the supermarket that you definitely want... and get it. Where hubs is concerned, you need to get him thinking positively too... talk to him. The same power is there for him too, but at the moment, he's indecisive and a touch negative, my friend. He needs to turn that around!
Brightest Blessings for your first Ostara rites, and your growth during the turn of the Wheel; and may your newly planted seeds all grow abundantly for you. xx
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@Darkwing (21583)
26 Mar 09
I think if you read that properly my friend, I used the word "make" badly, but the meaning would clearly be to "allow" it to happen. I'm sorry about that, but it's just my inarticulate way of getting something across. I was trying to relate that "trying" doesn't work. To put it another way, you have to "know" that it will happen because you are letting or allowing it to.
I'm sorry if that offended your beliefs, but I don't really see that our beliefs differ here... just that you're more articulate in putting your case than I am. 

@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Nobody has to MAKE anything happen! The Law of Attraction takes care of that. What you need to do is ALLOW it to happen. Desires happen automatically... as soon as you experience something you don't want, you immediately know what you would prefer. The moment that desire is born the Law of Attraction is already in motion lining it up for you. If you had no resistance in you at all, it could manifest immediately! I am not kidding you!
Our only 'work' is aligning our own energetic vibration with the vibration of our desire, which involves releasing resistance in the form of opposing thoughts and beliefs. Basically you just want to keep practicing the feeling of what it would be like if you already had the object of your desire, and then do whatever actions you are inspired to do.
As you practice the feeling of your desire the 'negative' beliefs that are currently keeping it from you will come into view, and at that point you just find gentle thoughts that give you a sense of relief on the subject and gradually you will bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
Granted, you can struggle and strain and stress out and MAKE stuff happen, but that is going about it the really long, hard way! Not only that but it is really true that when you have to fight to get something you will have to fight to keep it!
When I first started working with the Law of Attraction I practiced with small things and one of those things was I decided I wanted a pretty green ribbon to tie in my pretty red hair, hehehe. Well, I waited and waited and no green ribbon came knocking at my door. A few days later I was going into town and was inspired to stop at the dollar store, thinking "that would be a perfect place to find some green ribbon!"
Sure enough, I walked into the store and as I walked around I was inspired to go down the seasonal isle. This was so weird... it was almost like sleep walking, except I was wide awake... I walked purposefully down the aisle to the far end and instinctively stopped in front of some candles, my hand went up and moved a candle and I peered back into the empty space exactly as though I knew what I was going to find there, and sure enough, there, smooshed up against the back wall of the shelf, was a beautiful strip of green ribbon... it had fallen off some long gone item and I didn't even have to pay for it! In fact for a few days after that I couldn't seem to stop finding green ribbon!
Big things are no more difficult to attract either, it's just that 'the big stuff' is usually where so much of our resistance has accumulated. Just relax and practice feeling good and everything else will take care of itself.

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@LCHBheart (167)
• Singapore
20 Mar 09
Ok... here it goes...
1) I want to win the lottery
2) Please great Universe, let me win the lottery
3) Yes, I feel that the numbers I bought this afternoon will help to win
4) I am open to winning the lottery and I refuse to have any negative thoughts that suggest otherwise.
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@misslovelyfiles (250)
• United States
20 Mar 09
I do believe in the law of attraction and have seen things manifest it's into my life , and know that it was only because I thought positively about something and it came true. I do believe that our thought good or negative can effect our lives. I read a lot of those types of books and they really do work if you apply the the lessons. Surprisingly it is kind of hard to think positive especially when negativity is staring you in the face. I have had small success with using the law of attraction, but I that I have a habit of being to realistic and am trying to change that. I f you believe that type of stuff you should watch the move the secrete. But I defiantly believe in the law of attraction. The power of the mind is a powerful thing.
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 Mar 09
You have the power to rise above the negativities of your partner's family my friend. I will reiterate to you what I just said to a friend. The dark can always be defeated because even the smallest, flickering flame of a candle will light your way through the dark.
You can do it... don't let them hold you back.
@Darkwing (21583)
20 Mar 09
Yes, it's those little negative thoughts that creep in which stop you getting exactly what you desire. If you can defeat that part, then you'll be there. You believe the power's there, but things that happen in reality to non-believers, are holding you back slightly. If you can accept that, and still harness the power of mind yourself, then you will be totally successful. It takes a lot of concentration and understanding, I feel, to be able to make it work for the individual. True, as my friend Zigzagbuddah says... it's there and working for us all the time, but we just have to recognise the fact, and use it to our advantage.
Brightest Blessings my friend and keep the faith.
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@misslovelyfiles (250)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Wow just reading you response to me made me smile. It's hard to stop the negative thoughts I see it everywhere.I will For example, me and my husband have hopes of starting a business and of making money online; I receive so much negativity from his family that sometimes it's hard to stay positive, but I know I can do.
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@weemam (13372)
20 Mar 09
Yes I do believe in this pal , lately with all the family problems I have been using it more and more , Also now I have lost weight I feel more confident in myself and what I can do . I agree with you that if you think negative thoughts then you won't try anything , Thank you for such an interesting discussion :)
Margaret xx

@Darkwing (21583)
21 Mar 09
That's right, my dear friend. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you told me that's how you lost your weight. You certainly need a positive attitude at the very least to get from a size 24 to a 14! I salute you, on that!
Thank you for your contribution my friend, and Brightest Blessings. I feel you're much happier right now... I don't know if that's right, but I just feel that you're a whole lot happier and more positive than you were a year ago. Well done! xx
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
28 Mar 09
Yes I believe in Positive thinking, Or Law of attraction. One of my friends gave me this website, and he talks about Law of Attraction. the website is it is a very good wesite. Check it out. I hope you like it.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
28 Mar 09
Sorry wrong website here it is
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
28 Mar 09
I would'nt dare pay for none of the stuff, I just like to read his stories.
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 Mar 09
Wow... that guy is unbelievable, my friend, at the age of 80+. Unfortunately, the system is way out of my reach moneywise, but it would be a great thing to have. Thank you for pointing it out to me though... it was very interesting reading.
Brightest Blessings, and thank you for your contribution, my friend.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Hi Darkwing! I do believe in the Law of Attraction. I believe in my positive thoughts and being optimistic about it. I try my best to feel positive inside and out. In thinking this out in my mind, I also do what is necessary to get nearer to my goals and dreams. I claim the order and peace in my life. I think about it and live it. I had been in so many ups and downs and psyching myself up is no easy thing to do. However, I have managed and succeeded with the help of family and friends, I am now at peace somehow with myself and the past and the future. I haven't reached my goals yet but I believe I am closer now than ever before.
I also want to thank you again for sending me positive energy when I asked you then. I guess, i will never forget that kindness you bestowed on me my friend.
Take care and blessings to you!
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@Darkwing (21583)
20 Mar 09
Hi Faith! I have to say that I'm so happy with the way you've developed your powers of positive thought and attraction, over the past year or so. I remember when you asked me to send you energies, and I was only too happy to do so, as you're an excellent example of what can be done if your train your mind in the correct way.
You may not have reached your major goals quite yet, my friend, but you have achieved many smaller ones and are well on the way to the life you desire. Just being at peace with yourself and knowing that positive thinking is the way forward, has changed your outlook a great deal, and I'm really happy for you. If my energies helped towards that, then I've achieved something too, I reckon!
The favour is returned my friend... thank you for that!
Keep the faith (no pun intended) and Ostara Blessings on you my friend, that you may continue to grow, through life. xxx

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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
21 Mar 09
Hi dear friend! Thank you so much for the kind words. I know that things were almost desperate that time and I was dwelling so much in the negativity surrounding me. I know that life is full of this negative force but I know it can always be defeated and the small victories I won each day makes me feel reborn and empowered at the same time. I know I still have a long way to go but at the same time I know that it gets nearer each minute. I am at peace within even in the midst of many distractions. The peace I have now is the most important victory of all. Again, thank you my friend for everything.
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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
20 Mar 09
The Law of Attraction says "That which is like unto itself is drawn", and it is the operating basis of this entire universe - and beyond. It is working in your life whether you understand how it works or not... everything that you see around you is a result of the Law of Attraction at work - people, conditions, possessions, EVERYTHING, whether 'wanted' or 'unwanted'.
To understand why you are getting what you are getting (particularly when you are getting what you don't want or not getting what you do want) you need to examine your core beliefs... even the ones that you wouldn't even think to question because you assume that they are reality... and change the ones that are creating the resistance.
Of course that's easier said than done, especially when you've been holding those beliefs for a very long time, and the majority of the human race holds some version of the same beliefs that you're wanting to change. But in order to deliberately use the Law of Attraction to your advantage you need to KNOW that you are Free, you are Powerful, you are Good, you are Love, you have value, you have purpose, and that all is well. Any beliefs you hold that are in opposition to that are going to create resistance within you that will not allow the things you desire to flow into your experience.
Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Law of Attraction should go here:
I'm glad you posted this discussion, hehehe... it is my favorite topic!!!
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@angel2009 (210)
• India
20 Mar 09
zigzagbuddha I am very happy to read whwt you have written.. But I want to know how to give up thinking negetive things when they are happening infront of our eyes? The thing which haunts me is suferring(mainly disease) either of myself or those whom I love more than me. In my sub-conscious mind always negetive things revolve when I am ill or any of my family member is ill.. What should I do?
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@Darkwing (21583)
20 Mar 09
Hi Zigzag! Yes, I knew it was your favourite topic and that you live by the Law of Attraction, and as I'd hoped, you came in and supported me, for which... thank you!
I agree, it is working in our lives whether we understand how it works or not, but understanding the Law, and indeed, believing that it does work, is what makes it work for us, isn't it? Your explanation is great... better than mine... you do need to examine your core beliefs, but some don't know how, like Angel here. Perhaps you could enlighten her on that... I know you've given a reference, but it's not always easy for the majority of people to understand when coming from websites. You, on the other hand, are a very wise person and I know you can explain to her what she's asking. So, I'll leave that one to you and move on to the others, if you wouldn't mind?
Brightest Blessings my friend, and thank you for your detailed contribution. Blessed Ostara to you! xx

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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
21 Mar 09
ANGEL: You have asked a HUGE question... I believe that is one of the things that makes it so hard for most people to accept the reality of the Law of Attraction. They seem to feel that it is somehow wrong for them to feel good when they perceive the suffering of others, or that it is not possible to feel good when you are yourself suffering from ill-health or whatever.
For the most part people have been taught that selfishness is a bad thing, but to deliberately use the Law of Attraction to get more of what you want and less of what you don't want, you have to be selfish enough to want to feel good, and to then ensure that you do, because when you feel good you are in the state of allowing the Energy that creates worlds to flow unrestricted through you, which brings to you all the things that your heart desires. When you are feeling bad you are in the state of resisting that flow, and not allowing the joy and fulfillment that is your legacy into your experience.
If you're looking at something that makes you feel bad you either have to stop looking at that thing or change the way you perceive it. I don't read newspapers or watch the news on TV. I don't watch movies or read books that don't make me feel good. I don't hang out with people who don't make me feel good. And when I find myself thinking thoughts that do not make me feel good, as soon as I catch myself, I immediately look for the best thought I can find to think on the subject... the thought that gives me a sense of relief, or I change the subject entirely.
The reason that I do this is because I have observed without a shadow of a doubt that the way I feel is informing me of the nature of events that I am inviting in, so I do everything in my power to ensure that I feel good... even if that means that others call me selfish or accuse me of sticking my head in the sand or of wearing rose-colored glasses. I answer with a resounding YES I DO! to all of the above.
You are not going to improve the quality of anyone's life by suffering along with them, all that accomplishes is one more person added to the 'suffering pot'. You are not going to improve the quality of your own life by wallowing in misery, all that accomplishes is more of the same.
Each individual makes their own choices in life and you are not responsible for their choices. If you want to help other people be happier and more fulfilled the best way to do this by the inspiration of your own example of a life lived in joy. And then when they ask how you do it then tell them. But even if they don't follow your advice and get happy, hehehehe, that is ok too, because everybody is growing at their own pace.
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@iamsolucky (1241)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Yes i do believe it, and im applying it in my life. Last night i jot down the things i really want and prayed for it. I believe i will get them when time comes.
happy mylotting!
@Darkwing (21583)
20 Mar 09
Yes, I'm sure you will get them... maybe rather when you want them, than when the time comes. If you continue to expect them when the time comes, then you will get them exactly then... whenever. If you believe that you're going to get them very soon, then that will happen. Think on that one, and don't think on it as luck, as your name suggests, it's what's rightfully yours and obtainable by your power of thought rather than luck.
Brightest Blessings my friend and thank you for your contribution.

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@BelleetBon (79)
• United States
14 Nov 09
I also believe that it works. When you celebrate good feelings you will attract good feelings. Whatever your feeling is creating your future. Your thoughts and your feelings create your life. The key is opening yourself and embracing and believing. The more you can feel good the more your going to attract other things that will make you feel good. Really dwell on it by dreaming and mediating on what you want, put yourself there and take it for a ride!!!!!
@Darkwing (21583)
26 May 10
Oh good gried! This response has been here seven months and I've only just spotted it! So sorry, BelleetBon.
Yes, you're quite right in what you say, and I feel you'll end up living a very successful life. Keep on dreaming! :)
Brightest Blessings my friend and thank you for your contribution. Sorry, again... I'm a bad girl!!!