Prayer and meditation
@freethinkingagent (2501)
March 22, 2009 10:52pm CST
For a long time now here I have been holding back on my true feelings and thoughts on religion and God, I have tried round about ways to explain because I was afraid to express my true beliefs. But now after a little mentoring from a friend here on MyLot, I have come to trust my feelings and I am no longer afraid of them.
I have said all religions hold some truth in them, but the patriarchal religions teach us the the best we can hope for is God granting favor to us by "living a pure life" or by a plan of salvation and that by only having a "personal savior" and adhering to there doctrine will God hear you.
Okay let me say this, I do believe in God, But I do not believe that one must except Jesus or follow some "Plan" for God to see us and hear us. Were we not created in the image and likeness of God? If I were created after horse kind I would be a horse, or if by a pig I would be a pig, so what is it to be created after the image and likeness of God? If You and I were created in the image of God, does not that make us "god kind"? We are told we are all alone here and are sinful fallen beings, that because of the tree of knowledge we have fallen, wait a minute here. Why is knowledge bad? Why have those in power (clergy politicians) tried to hide the fact of who we are from us? Why are we told that this planet is devoid of God? God is here, And Jesus said the kingdom of God is WITHIN You, not "Among".
Prayer and Meditation,We are told even in the Bible by Jesus and others to prey and meditate, but hardly anyone I know even knows what this really means. Why is it important? Jesus thought it was very important as he did it often and taught his disciples to also do it. But why? What benefit is there to it? There are laws that order our realities, (yes plural because everyone has a different reality), In science we can look to physic to describe the laws, but there is a hidden order, that of the quantum level. This is the smallest layer of all mater in the universe, but it is the basic building blocks of all that is. A continuous energy field that is interconnected with all things, and nothing is disconnected at this sub atomic layer. At this layer all the rules of physics are thrown right out the door because everything that is supposed to be one way or another just simply doesn't work.
In Quantum mechanics, no particle has any property until measured for it. in fact it is not even a practical until you measure it as a particle, and as soon as you look at the particle it it becomes a wave or the other way around. Just looking at it and observing it changes the particle. It seems that all properties of quantum particles exist simultaneously, but when you measure it for a property that feature emerges. According to the observers participation and anticipation or any preconception the particle will act accordingly to what was expected by the person measuring or observing the particle. They move accordingly to the "will" of the observer. Why did Jesus say if you ask believing in your "heart" it will be so", and that faith can move a mountain? What is prayer and meditation?
One verse in the old testament keeps coming back to me, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) Being still, that means in your mind. People wonder why they can't hear God? because they love there own voice too much. Meditation quietens the mind. It is then that the divine can enter and be heard. Meditation focus your thoughts, and opens you mind up to the voice of God. And here is where I tie it in together. God works in mysterious ways, but so do we. We are always co creating our reality by our very thoughts. As I have shown with the laws of quantum physics, our perception and observations on the subatomic level changes the behavior and very properties of particles, those particles are the building blocks of everything in the universe and everything in the universe is connected to each other by these particles, by changing one property of a particle we place into motion a change in reality. When we meditate and have our minds clear we can then see that everything is connected, and then we know what to ask for, this is prayer, asking to change our reality, to make things better or what ever, but we must first know what is causing the reality we do not want. We fix that and go on from there.
Asking in Jesus name, or in the will of the Father, I have nothing against this, because it applies to the basic laws of the universe, You can't ask God to go against the laws he has created, and asking in Jesus name again is not going against nature, But we need to become aware that it is not Supernatural, it is natural, We are in essence the consciousness of the constant flow of energy in the universe. Our thoughts have a direct impact on reality, when we focus on war, hate or negative emotions they manifest, if we were to begin focusing on changing our environment with our thoughts and feelings, then the environment would also respond.
Now waiting to hear your thoughts.
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9 responses
@freethinkingagent (2501)
28 Mar 09
I don't know if I would say we are gods, but I will say that i believe we are far more capable of doing things we are told are impossible to do. I think our minds are capable of great things, if we would only let ourselves believe that it could be so.
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say. No offense dude but your "wall of text" is nothing more than random words and phrases to me. It consists of fragmented thoughts and derailed ideas. I didn't even get an achievement for reading this.. (LOL that last sentence was a WoW joke hehe). Please try to organize your thoughts first and try to post legibly.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
23 Mar 09
'And Jesus said the kingdom of God is WITHIN You, not "Among"'…this kind of sums up my beliefs. This, to me means that God is there among every life on earth, in each one of our souls…in fact our soul is but a part of God. This belief is also one of the foundations of my religion, Hinduism. You see, once you accept that God is there in every soul, you automatically try to respect each person, try not to be unnecessarily harmful (there’s a marked difference with self protection), be helpful and kind and so on, so that indirectly, we all are actually working towards a better life and society.
The second foundation is of course meditation…it’s the fundamental step towards inner peace, awakening the soul, spirituality and the ultimate connection with the cosmic energy or God. All religious leaders/preachers/prophets practiced meditation…you will note it when you note how they often went to distant lonely places to ‘talk’ with God
@freethinkingagent (2501)
23 Mar 09
Thank you for your response. And yes, once a person can see the divine in all things, in all people then he/she must then begin to give respect to all people, and to the earth as well. I am not a tree hugger or anything like that but I can not condone some of the things we are doing to our world.
We have become cancerous cells, we infect neighboring cells and then go on a war of ratification against our host. The carcinogen here is ignorance. People have been taught that God is disconnected from the earth, disconnected from us, and we need to do all these things, mainly restrict our spiritual growth in order for God to accept us. Once man can find God within himself and that he is thereby connected to all things his attitude changes, then he becomes more like God. It is funny how so many "Religious" peoples are so unlike God, they have no love, they are full of hate, envy and murder. And they ridicule those who do not believe as they do, like the poster below you who says to me to get help, as if there is something wrong with me because I can see god in all things.
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Mar 09
I think you need to consider that quantum mechanics is exactly what it says; mechanics, a system for making predictions not an ontology. Without a explanation of why quantum effects do not occur at the macro level it cannot be taken as an ontology.
That is to say that the account given is instrumental only. Particles, if particles they be, BEHAVE as if they were waves under certain conditions. It is impossible to measure both position and mass of particles but that is not to say that, ontologically, they do not have both determinate positions and mass.
all the best urban
@freethinkingagent (2501)
23 Mar 09
Hi Urban and thanks you for stopping by.
first a particle, then a wave and then a particle again and vice verso.
Can man become a wave?
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
23 Mar 09
You are on the right track, but for God's sake get your thoughts in order and be more concise with your Post. This Post is 3 times too long! Why not take it apart and make 3 posts out of ramblings? I am interested in your concepts and theology but I Just can't bring myself to strain the meat from the sauce. Its just Too much! Maybe next time, ok?
@freethinkingagent (2501)
23 Mar 09
Ok next time, I actually thought about making this three different posts. I do have a way of over complicating my posts. Thanks
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@renemouche (843)
• United States
23 Mar 09
You have spoken your beliefs very well and Im glad you finaly felt comfortable enough to share them.
I do belive that the heirarchy of religion has screwed many things up. It's like of you dont follow or believe everything that they have laid out than somethings wrong with you and your going not going to get to go to heaven.
Im a christian, catholic to be specific but I dont believe in every doctrine(when I say doctrine I mean specific issues that the church has spoken about, like birth control, abortion.. etc) our church as laid out. To some that makes me not a good catholic, but who are they to judge.I believe that faith is a personal thing and its is different for everyone. We should all respect each others point of view, even if we don't agree.
Who is anyone to say anyone elses beliefs are wrong. I have friends of every walk of life, believers of different faiths and ideas and people who don't believe in anything and I have learned a great deal from all of them.
I know i also have learned something from your post and all the discussions that are simillar to this one.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
23 Mar 09
I do understand what you mean. We must glean what is usable and of value and throw out the dogma.
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@TravisE (440)
• United States
23 Mar 09
You have a basic misunderstanding of Quantum physics. That's understandable because the particular misunderstanding is common-place and wide-spread.
It comes from a basic misunderstanding about the collapse of the quantum wave equation. The quantum wave equation is a complicated set of calculations for determining the probability of a quantum particle being in a particular place and state at a given time. Because of the erratic nature of energy/matter at the quantum level we can never be certain of where a piece will be, and in what state until we look. That "until we look" has been the source of the confusion since the equations were first determined. They don't say that the particular quantum particle/wave doesn't exist until we look, they just say we don't know for certain where they are, and in what state, until we take a measurement. That's all.
With matter/energy at the large scale of rocks and light it is much easier to predict where things will be. With a starting point, and a few very basic mathematic calculations I can tell you where Pluto will be for the next thousand years. We can chart its course with a very high probability. We cannot do that at the quantum level because the state and position of matter/energy at that level is much more chaotic. That's all. That doesn't mean that it may, or may not exist, but simply that we don't know until we look.
The funny thing is there is another example of unpredictability, and indeterminacy of position and state that is much more common place. Living creatures. Physics can predict with high certainty the state and position of any large scale piece of matter. What they can't predict with high accuracy is the position and state of quantum matter or living matter. Put your dog in a room with a closed door and no windows and go away for 5 minutes. Then tell me where that dog will be, and in what state, without opening the door. At best you will have an educated guess and that is all. It's not until you look that you will actually know. The same is true (for different reasons) at the quantum level.
@ada547612 (203)
• China
23 Mar 09
I am very happy, your heart has faith, and get help! Each person should have one belief, to control their actions! Like, when we do anything at the time, the hearts have a nonready to restrict their behavior so that our behavior can be the recognition of God!
@sysdexlicwriter (1619)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I am glad that you have been able to voice your thoughts on this subject. As always, I agree with some thoughts and disagree with others. It is the way that I think we all are. That is what makes us interesting, that we are not all alike. I very much agree with your thoughts on meditation. You might be surprised at how many Christians do not just believe in meditation but that it is a big part of their relationship with God. God bless you and thank you for your thoughts.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
23 Mar 09
And thank you for your very kind response. I believe that many try to keep people from meditating, because they want all to come to them for their answers. And people who meditate are ridiculed and put down a lot as out of touch with reality. But when your mind is so quite, everything begins to fall in place, things make sense and you begin to see patterns in your life, why things are the way they are in your life and sometimes why you have been corrected, not punished I don't believe God punishes us, he just redirects us if we Liston. Then we can see what we need to do to correct the situation and change our states. Thanks for the response, And yes we are all different, and everyone has the wonderful God given right to chose and even believe differently from other people, This is a world of endless possibilities.
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