Telling lies

@bin22l (160)
Guwahati, India
March 23, 2009 9:40am CST
In many occassions human being in one or other pretext tells lies.Sometime we tell lies to save us, which may cause harm to others and sometime it does not harm anybody.Some lies are there which spoils the whole set up of the society causing harm to the country or to a particular community.Some movents in the society satrted by some people in such pretext the truth behind it known to those people only.Unless and until those people will not say the truth of these movement,the movement,if it is based on lies,will spoil the whole fabrics of the society.But how long we can live with lies?
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5 responses
@derek_a (10874)
23 Mar 09
I don't think it matters what anybody says providing it does not bring harm to another. A small white lie to avoid hurting somebody's feelings doesn't do any harm, providing that the person telling that lie is honest with him/herself. - Derek
@derek_a (10874)
24 Mar 09
Yes, we have that too. LOL. April Fools. It's a sort of jokey lie, but they say if you play a joke on anybody past noon on April 1st, you will be the biggest fool! - Derek
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
11 Sep 10
Hello bin. I agree that we may lie to some extent in our human life, but not all lies are bad though some can be. Sometimes we don't want to lie to someone, but we have to for his or her good. Anyway it is a complicated feeling to lie as it may have a different lie based on its nature. Thank you for the topic, bin. Take care.
@vindiku (255)
• India
26 Mar 09
Hi, Lies, they are always short living, but sometime they will be covered up for such a duration that the actual truth will come to light only after a lifetime. That happens occasionally. Telling lies just to keep someone heart is okay. Such harmless lies are affordable, but still its not a good habit, because everything starts from its nuclear form. Today, if we tell a lie to keep someones heart, tomorrow we would tell something which could harm others. I am not stating that I haven't lied, but I always try to be straight forward. Being straight forward can help you a lot in avoiding lies. It must be noted that if lies can harm someone, so do truth.
@vworld4u (143)
• India
31 Mar 09
Lies make man's life hell. It puts himself or others to a illusion almost all times. It is just like a seduction which helps for a time being. But it is bad for health of a man, his beloved ones and his society in general for longer time duration. You are right! It affects social image of a person if he gets caught lying! It affects his beloved ones who trusted his lies come to know what a kind of person he is. Many social movements under few leaders are going in wrong direction with mere lies of these leaders. Think of those followers who are following their leaders for a better intentions today, but in a wrong direction. What is their mistake when leader is lying? We are human beings and must have responsibility towards ourselves, our loved ones, our society, our environment and our fellow creatures. Lying spoils the harmony of environment and that's why, please please stop lying and start telling truth and understand our responsibilities towards our nature!
• Germany
30 Mar 09
Lies are the basis of human life. I am old enough to understand that. Everybody lies. Politician lies to win a seat. Mother lies to get their kid into school. Boss lies to get his way in the office. Everybody lies. Previously, I cannot get used to this. But now I understand this is a fact of life as a human being. Human are unable to tell the truth because of one simple fact. HUMAN CANNOT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!