You have it all wrong... I don't hate God.

@II2aTee (2559)
United States
March 23, 2009 11:27am CST
Sometimes when people find out I am not “religious” they assume a few things. Some people think I hate God. Some people think I am mad at him, blaming him for things that go wrong in my life. Some people think I don’t believe in God. None of the above assumptions are correct. Not by a long shot. I do not hate God. Just because I don’t agree with how some religions portray God does not mean I am their enemy. I am not mad at him. I love my life, and I am appreciative of all my blessings and the wonders I witness on a daily basis. If something goes wrong in my life I always look inward first, to see what I did wrong and how I can improve in the future. I learned very early that you cannot control the wind, but you can adjust your sails. And I honestly DO believe in God, just not in the same way many religions view God. For starters, I don’t see God as a male, or a female. I think of God as a reflection of humanity as a whole. Kind of like a “spiritual bank”. All of our experiences, all of our knowledge; that is the currency that we deposit into the bank. What I don’t agree with is when people think that religion will save them. I see organized religion as a block that we as humans place in between ourselves and God. All of us have a special connection with God, simply by virtue of being alive. I don’t need to go to church to hear the voice of God… all I have to do is listen. I believe that God is truly everywhere, and inside every one of us. How we choose to find him is totally up to us. And I resent being told that if I don’t worship God a certain way, that must mean I hate him… or I resent him. That’s not true at all. My feet were set on this earth for a reason, and my purpose is uique, just like everyone elses. I dont blame God, or anyone else for that matter, when things dont go as planned. So how about you? Has anyone ever accused you of hating God because you don’t believe what they believe?
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14 responses
23 Mar 09
I must say i agree with much of what you are saying. Religion tells us what we can not do, but does not say what we can do except for believing everything some other man has said is the way to God. Why do we need to find our way to God, he is not lost, and neither are we. God is in all of us, we have been placed in an altered state by religion to not see the divine inside of us, and we are forced to shed our true selves and are taught to separate our self from the God within that we are born knowing, from our true selves, Children of God and holders of the divine spark.
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@urbandekay (18278)
24 Mar 09
"And I honestly DO believe in God, just not in the same way many religions view God. For starters, I don’t see God as a male, or a female. I think of God as a reflection of humanity as a whole. Kind of like a “spiritual bank”. All of our experiences, all of our knowledge; that is the currency that we deposit into the bank." Which seems to me, to suggest that what you refer to as god is no more than a man-made concept? "All of us have a special connection with God, simply by virtue of being alive." When you say a special connection, do you mean that you communicate? all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
24 Mar 09
Ok, sp yu do see god as pre-existing, "unexplainable light that we all came from" but what is the nature of that light? I was inquiring if you communicate with that you perceive to be god and what form that took and if it was two way? all the best urban
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Interesting question. To be honest, I never really gave it that much thought. Somewhere in my readings I picked up a quote that has kind of stuck with me. "Praying is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you listen." I'm not sure if I wholeheartedly agree, but I can see the merit of the idea. I dont hear Gods voice in my head if that is what you are getting at.
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
24 Mar 09
As far as God being a man made concept, no. I do not see it that way at all. I see God as the sum of all the parts. The unexplainable light that we all came from, and the source we will all return to, ultimatly. Communicate? Well, there are many different methods of communcation. Clarify?
• United States
23 Mar 09
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! The way you describe your views and relationship with God is very beautiful and very similar to my own. I actually do have a religon (the Baha'i Faith) but many people do not recognize the Baha'i Faith as a religion because we do not have churches or clergy so they think we are just some random group of people. They believe that without someone to tell us what to believe we will get lost or something. I see things a little differently. I think that believing something just because someone says it is true will lead you to become more lost because everyone says something different. But when you investigate the truth for yourself by exposing yourself to all religions and their writings and various practices I think things become much more clear. You realize that God can be found in many ways and the exact method of worship is not so important. Or at least that is what I found. When I first became a Baha'i some of my closests friends told me I was turning from God and going to hell (I was Christian before I became a Baha'i). On the contrary, I feel I developed a much greater love and understanding of Jesus and God when I learned about all the other Manifestations (Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Baha'u'llah, etc.) I believe that we are all on a spiritual journey and that hell is just a temporary state of separation from God that most people experience at one point or another to various degrees but eventually we all find our path and grow spiritually through both our sucesses and our mistakes. Perhaps I am too optimistic but that is my current understanding. Thank you again for sharing your views I really enjoyed reading them!
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
23 Mar 09
You know, I usually pride myself on being at least -slightly- knowledgeable about as many religions as possible. I figure if I learn about them all, I will find some semblance of the truth... somewhere. But I have not read very much about Baha'i. Perhaps that will be the next pit stop on the my karmic road. I will go do some reading on my own and see what I can find... but in the mean time can your provide me with any links, or directions, on how to learn more about your religion? Thank you for your kind words... I do not mind standing out on a limb alone, but it is comforting to know there are other people out there clingng to the branches with me :)
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@TravisE (440)
• United States
23 Mar 09
If how we find God is truly totally up to us, then how can religion (or anything) possibly be a block to finding God?
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I think you miss understand. We dont need to find God. We never lost him. Hes in you.. me.. everyone. Every living thing, simply by virtue of being alive, and being a creation of God, has the connection. What organized religion does is say "No... you do not have a connection to God. You need to follow US... you need to do what WE tell you.... if you want salvation." This assertion is usually followed, by passing the collection plate. So religion is a block to God in that we already are connected to him. We dont need a church... or a minister... or a book to tell us how to talk to God. These things are a good guide, SOMETIMES... but the ones who say "We are the only way to God!" ... those are the ones to be weary of. They are only trying to gain followers. More followers = more income.
@TravisE (440)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I happen to know/agree that we do not need to find God. However, in your original post you said, "How we choose to find him is totally up to us." Do you see how that could be a tad prone to misunderstanding? ;) God is, just as we are. Different people use different routes to that understanding. Religion is sadly often used as a barricade, but it need not bee and is not always used in that way.
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Yes, I understand now. Your right, the wording was a little off. Alot of the time what I think in my head dosent translate exactly to my writting. It's the nature of the medium, I guess, and a fault of being human :)
@DCMerkle (1281)
• United States
24 Mar 09
II2aTee, I love discussions like this. I've had people say the same things that I see most of us here have had to deal with, but with me I get that little, extra kick in the butt when they equate my belief with Satan. I'm Wiccan and believe in both a male and a female spiritulaity. Over the years, that I have been exploring Wicca, I have seen that it is not the religion I left that I had a problem with, but the men, the patriarh's that have run the church for centuries. There's a book that I am reading right now written by Carl McColman. It's called Jesus and the Goddess. In this book, McColman, who has followed a rather eclectic path himself, but what he has to say about paganism and christianity is about the blending of two faiths and the clashing of two faiths. Here's a quote from the book, "So my path appeared to be shaped by two divine figures. Now there was only one problem: Jesus and the Goddess didn't seen to have anything to do with each other. In fact, most Christians I knew thought that Goddess worship and Witchcraft were utterly evil, while the Goddess people I met expressed feelings of anger and frustration at the church. It was like making two realy good friends, only to find out that they couldn't stand each other." He so speaks the truth there. I've always harbored the belief that Christianity and Paganism can work together, but these two groups need to come to terms with the fact that without one there wouldn't be the other. The Pretestants and Catholics of Ireland have come to a truce, so maybe Christians and Pagans can do the same. I can only hope. DCMerkle
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Merry met my friend. You are in good company here, I have many dear friends and family who are Wiccan. There was a time, a while ago, when I would have called myself a Witch as well... but as I learned more, and as I grew spiritualy, I realized I was merely an outsider looking in. But Wicca appealed to me because it is a religion of truth seeking. It lacks the strict structure organized religion, and encourages its followers to seek truth wherever they may find it. This is another reason why Pagans and Christians have such a sordid past. The holy men of Christianity say "We have the answers! You must subscribe to our beliefs to learn them." While the Pagans say "The answers are out there... but you must go and discover them for yourselvs." Whos to say who is right and who is wrong? Not me. All I know is what is right for me. And I encourage everyone else to answer the same question for themselves. Thanks for contributing to my discussion :) Tee
• United States
23 Mar 09
Hiya Tee! *waves excitedly* you may not recognize me (I am Zu) I have been told many times that I am wrong for believing the way I do I believe much the same way as you yes I pray to two deities: a male and a female but I see them as two different facets of the same divine energy some call that energy God, some call it Allah, some call it Wonkatonka but its all the same divine energy
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
23 Mar 09
My lovely Zu *huggs* I hope you have been well. Yes, I also hate it when people say I am wrong for beliveing how I do. But psychologicly, it shows insecurity on their part. They are afraid they might be wrong... and they dont want to go down alone! When in reality, we are all right, and we are all wrong. It's called being human. None of us knows for sure, so why not just enjoy the life given to us and allow others to enjoy theirs?
• United States
23 Mar 09
exactly we are all right yet we are all wrong many people are confused by that concept LOL
• United States
23 Mar 09
BTW I sent you a friend request a couple of months ago and its still pending could you maybe do something with that?
• United States
20 Apr 09
Great post! For me, I live by the adage you can be a Jew for G-d or a Jew against G-d but can't be a Jew without G-d. But with that said, if you tell me yiou are not religious, I don't assume you are automatic ally against G-d. Going back to the aadage you really have to have a beef to be againat G-d and therfore religious.I always thought of religion as a bridge between man and G-d.But some like you don't need the bridge. I think that's great. There are many paths and no one is the Only True path.
@desireeo (595)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
You have made your point across quite clearly. I am a Catholic but I don't go to church often. I believe in my religion and I don't think organized religion is a block if one will only digest the teachings of the church wholeheartedly then she will see clearly how religious system should work. That it is for everybody and no matter which course she takes she is still in the right path since it is the faith that she has chosen to follow. For me, believing in God in not enough anymore when one's actions do not coincide with her faith. Churches around the world have one common goal and that is to spread the word of God and to instill goodness in people because the word of God is good. Somehow, faith has been synonymous with power that's why it is such a mess right now. I really like your message. There's nothing wrong with not having one particular religion when you are aware of your responsibilities as a human being. There is definitely no need of going to church to worship God when you know how to value your life by valuing others. In essence, that is what God wants us to do. Value human life and the other living creatures that give this world balance. Recognizing that you have purpose is a big step since you are accepting the fact that you are a part of humankind and that you are willing to do your part. Not having a religion is a kind of taboo in our country but I am tired of seeing people who religiously go to church but are not willing to practice what they have learned inside. I think, it's a great hypocrisy and they're certainly not fooling God with that. My perception of God has changed as I grow older. I think, anything that gives and respects life is a representation of God. It's sad that people have to treat you that way when you obviously have a clearer perception of what religion is than they do...Good luck with your journey!
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Thank you very much for your kind words. To be honest, I did not expect all the positive feedback I have been getting... it's really nice. I know it sounds like I am on a soap box, but it upsets me sometimes when people tell me "You only hate God because you blame Him for the things that go wrong in your life." That statement always upsets me because I do not hate God... and I have never blamed him. Knowing God is out there watching over us all... has sometimes been the sole comfort of my life, during its darkest hours. And trusting that God has a purpose for me, no matter how small and insignifigant, gives me a reason to get out of bed every morning.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Mar 09
Hi Tee, It's nice to see you here with another discussion, I hope that things are going well in your life. I like your views on life and God and would say that I agree with much of what you say here, many people take a lifetime to reach such knowledge. There are always those who feel that theirs is the only way and will accuse you of all sorts of things if you don't believe as they do. There are many paths to the divine and everyone will eventually realize that. As you say, God is everywhere and in all things, how could it be otherwise? To blame God makes no sense at all. Blessings.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I think you have it right II2ATee. Religion is made up of people. Religion itself is an inanimate object. It is the belief system of a group of people. The belief system can only be as good or bad as the people who make up the group. There are some groups that make a beautiful go of it while others, well, they don't. There seem to be a lot of "don'ts". I believe that G'd is pure Knowledge. Knowlege is ever growing and expanding ever changing. It has to. It cannot stagnate, just as G'd cannot become boring or stale. Just as life cannot become boring or stale. It should grow with knowledge and be beautiful and full of wonder. Wonder in the beauty of creation in the wonder of what the Master of the Universe has set before us to learn about and use and "not destroy"! Our worship of G'd should be in the way we treat His World and Universe and each other. The respect we show everything and how we learn to use the KNOWLEDGE He shared with us. Shalom~Adoniah
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I've never been accused of hating God. However, I do have a friend who swears that I'm going to hell simply because I don't live my life the way SHE thinks I should!!! I ALWAYS respond that I'll be shaking her hand when she gets there!!! I stopped going to my church simply because dayum near every one of the members looked down their collective noses at anybody that wasn't just like them. A large majority of the church was wealthy. If you were poor, you weren't welcomed. If you were black or gay, you weren't welcomed. How do you save a soul if you DON'T let them in to worship??? I decided that I didn't worship the same God they did & I love the one that I do worship!!! Theirs is a mean & spiteful God & I could not find love nor respect for their God!!! I chose to watch several different ministers on TV on Sunday morning. The first Sunday morning I was praying that I be forgiven if I was wrong in my thinking. As it turned out the pastor's sermon was on If you're a Christian & think you're better than everyone else just because you go to church every time the door opens then you will be one of the FIRST entering the gates of hell. I felt that I was just given my answer. Shortly after that I was surfing on the internet when a page popped up that read Just because I may or may not agree with someone's way of doing things or thinking…doesn't make it right or wrong for them…only for me. I firmly believe that We ALL need to find the LOVE in our hearts & look honestly into ourselves BEFORE we even think about judging others!!! GREAT to see you again my friend!!!
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
24 Mar 09
It is so true!
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
7 Apr 09
What a lovely way to share your beliefs. I think that religious people look at things as a black and white. You either do it this way or you are that way. They don't see the middle. It's hard for them to process this because they follow a church and all their beliefs center around what is taught in that church. Someone can be a spiritual being without belonging to a church or any section of whatever form of Chrisitanity they think they fit into. I guess I always wondered why do I HAVE to fit? Why do I have to believe this or that inorder to be the ideal member of a church? I like the way you outlined where you do stand because I think there are more people out there that feel this way, but since it's a square peg trying to fit in a round hole they just give up. Why fit into an etablishment when you clearly don't fit. There is a great mylotter on here that I've talked to. They told me this. The Bible is a great resource, it's stories, the evolution of man through faith. We can't take all of these stories as something to follow and lead our life as - but the lessons in the stories are what we can learn from. So I thought and pondered on that and came up with each faith has it's common ground and if we look to that instead of picking it all apart, we'd find more peace within ourselves. So yes, I've been told that I need to let God in or this or that and I just tell them okay and go on my way. I think it gets me that because I don't if into their "ideas" then I must be some poor lost soul or worse yet cursing him for everything that's gone wrong in my life. The way I see it as long as we are at peace inside with our higher power, then why do we need to be concerned with what others think? Makes me wonder who is really the lost soul.
• China
24 Mar 09
Do not angry with god..sometime when we met the different ,it is test from god,he wants us to be can think like that,after we solve the problem once and once will be stronger and thanks for god.he made us become a nature man.
• India
24 Mar 09
dont wory u love god but u dont belive it bcoz u dnt saw it any time. no prblm.but its not the fact u dont belive god there are many reaSONS U DONT BELIVE GODS. SO PEOPLE THINK THAT U HATE GOD.OK