the only regret when i gave birth...

March 25, 2009 9:13pm CST
hi all! well, as you know i had been absent from mylot for two weeks now. i had given birth already last march 11. i stayed in the hospital 5 days, and even though i was already out, my mind was not functioning properly. we had to go back to the hospital everyday until on the 8th day because my baby was still on antibiotics. I had experienced so much pain during my labor and delivery. AFter all the pain that I have gone through trying to deliver the baby the normal way, through the birth canal, I was subjected to c-section. The sad thing is, I did not hear my baby cry. I felt the pain even through my anesthesia that my doctor ordered to get me to sleep at the same time that she pulled the baby out. My attending pediatrician said that they just let baby kiss me. I was not aware of these. These are the only regrets I have. I had always imagined holding baby right after I release her into the world. But well, I guess we cannot have everything. I am just so thankful that I and the baby are safe. And my husband and I have been given the opportunity to sire a beautiful baby girl. And we are so happy now that the three of us are already together. I just wanted you to know guys. Take care all and God bless you!happy mylotting!:d
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16 responses
@carpenter5 (6782)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I was fortunate that I was able to have all three of my children naturally, though we were beginning to wonder with the 2nd one. She was turned wrong coming through the birth canal, and her labor was very long. They were just getting ready to wisk me to the operating room to deliver her with c-section when the doctor got a nurse with smaller hands to try and turn her shoulders. She then was able to drop on down and less than an hour later she was here!
• United States
27 Mar 09
how is it like giving birth?
@j47lee (740)
• Canada
26 Mar 09
Congratulations on your beautiful baby.... I find it scary too ... just thinking about giving birth and the pain... anyway we'll see when I get there.. hehehe...
• United States
26 Mar 09
Congrads on your new bundle of joy she is such a cutie. I delivered my son on the 18th and I know exactly how you feel about the pain I was in labor for about 12 hours because it was so hard for me to push. But i think that it was all in my head. I was begging for a c section but my doctor and fiance wouldn't let me have one. Al the pain was worth it in the end but I don't want to go through that pain no time soon. Well I hope everything goes well from here. Have a great time being a mother because I know I will.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
26 Mar 09
A big congratulation to you on your being a proud mother. All that you narrated are the part of the birth process - lets get solaced like this. That your wish for natural delivery was not materialised but it is ok. You and your baby are more important so fat complicatedness are concerned. Now a big challenge ahead of you to nurture the baby to a man.
@la_chique (1498)
26 Mar 09
Congratulations! She is beautiful! I dont think you should worry so much about those brief few moments. You have been blessed with such a wonderful gift. Just treasure her and make the most of everything from here onwards. I probably wont be able to give birth to my own baby, but I do hope to adopt one day. I will just be so happy if that day ever arrives that not being able to give birth just wont even bother me :)
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
26 Mar 09
My first child was 2 weeks overdue and they tried to induce me on five different days and nothing seemed to work. I never even dialated or had a contraction. The baby was losing fluid and we had no choice but to have a c-section. Since then I've had 3 other babies by c-section. I've always kinda felt ripped off as far as having a real birthing experience! But, in the end it's always fun to tell other moms that I've had 4 kids and have never experienced a single contraction. Sorry to hear that your labor was so rough. Cherish the moments that you have and try to find the good in the things that you missed out on. Congrats on your beautiful princess!
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Hi spoiled, Congrats for the new baby and take care.....Your baby is very cute!
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Congrats on the bouncing baby girl. I'm sorry that you had to go through that and not get to do as you wish but at least you are ok and you have plenty of time to kiss and hug and cuddle with eachother. Have a nice one and congrats again.
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
Congratulations! You remind me of the day I gave birth to my baby girl three years ago. Like you, I also tried my very best to deliver normally but in the end have to be operated on through ceasarian section. The birth of a child is a blessing in itself and we all the reasons to be thankful to God.
@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
26 Mar 09
hi spoiled congratulation on your baby girl..i gave birth 2 times under c-section..i wanted to experience to gave birth my kids thru normal delivery but i cant my first child is 5kls.and so i need c-section..and the next one also is c-section..when i gave birth my 1st child i was asleep..but my 2nd i was aware of the obgyne was doing so i kiss my daughter after wards..and it was great feeling to see her..
@berrys (864)
• Singapore
26 Mar 09
Congratulations on your baby girl! she is so cute and adorable.... name?? and oh what a shame you didn't get to deliver the baby the way you wanted to, though the true importance is that shes and you is safe. My mother told me once that the doctor kept insisting for her to get a C-section when delivering me as I'm a twin. But she was so hard headed and insisted on the natural way, which led to complications. so take this as a blessing as the two of you are safe and healthy.
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
Congratulations to you! is this your first born? pardon me i don't know the exact story if you have posted before so i am not aware. But i am so happy for you and to your new born baby. I myself have been waiting to have a baby but i guess i need to wait for it to happen if God's will he will give us our own bundle of joy. Best wishes again to you and your family. And take care of yourself too since you just gave birth. Happy Mylotting!
@kishuchi (71)
• India
26 Mar 09
Congratulations!Now u have a new life. I had a C-section too,as the cord got entangled,in my baby's neck.My doctor had always told me that there r no complications and I will have a normal delivery.Also I had those silly things in my mind about c-section.I held my doctor's hand while she was taking me to OT,and said I want it to b normal.But she knew the seriousness.I could hear doctors saying the weight of the the baby,during anasthesea.When I was brought in the room from the ICU,I was feeling bad for having C-section. Then my doctor came and showed me my sons feet which turned blue do to cord getting entangled.She told me how they saved my baby. I felt I was wrong,it does not matter whether it is normal or c-section,but the baby should be safe in ur arms. The other day when for a few minutes there was nobody in the room and my son was crying I dragged myself to go near him,and pick him up,though my stiches were paining.I felt like crying for him,yes I became a mother of a beautiful boy that day.Thank u God.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
Congratulations... it is always a joy to bring new life into this world... and do not worry about the regrets you have... because you have a lifetime to spend with your daughter... although in my case... i was able to do and feel all the thing you were not able to... i had an epidural during my delivery... so i was aware of everything that was going on when i gave birth... and was able to be the first to hear and touch my duaghter... But we are all mothers... so we get all the love in the world... coming from our children...
@madasp (563)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Congratulations on your baby girl. I know how you feel about the c-section though. I've had two and although I was awake for this last one the first one was an emergency so I was put out and didn't even see my son until he was 4 hours old. All of our friends and family had seen and held him before I had. I was pretty sad about that, but it didn't last long because as soon as I did hold him the when and the where didn't seem to matter. The important thing is that your baby was delivered safely. again.. congratulations!