Are men really polgamous?

@Jankar (583)
March 26, 2009 6:23am CST
Many of my friends especially girls thinks that men are really polygamous. That is becuase they where victime of such reality, no matter how much they trust their partners, their boyfriends still have a secret affair until when they found out about it, it really crushed their heart. On the other hand, most of my friends also said that they are proud to be two timin or three girl relationships at the same time. I don't know whats with it but I think not every guy in the world could be like that but I do believe that majority of the guys are really polygamous. And I dont think that only guys are, there are some girls whom I know that are also polygamous. And they laugh about their victims when they share it to me. Such a crazy world we're livin here, isn't it.
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17 responses
@kissieme (777)
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
uhm, polygamy is mostly referred to multiple marriages but I know what you mean. I've been one of the victims of cheating men lol... I don't really know why but I had learned from friends who also have bfs who are playboys. An yes some women are also playgirls. I had talked to some good guys who told me that some of their friends are proud of having multiple gfs at once. This made me think that some guys are not faithful to their commitments and so are some girls... It cannot be blamed to gender of human nature. Being faithful needs a lot of energy to avert from temptation but it still depends on a person whether he will keep his/her commitment on a relationship. The only bad thing about them is that they're proud of what they are doing and they don't even think of what the consequences of their actions might get them to. Some bad things that they sow might get back at them a thousand folds and I hope they won't get hurt real bad like how they had broken other people's hearts.
@kissieme (777)
• Philippines
1 Apr 09
I'm glad I didn't have the same tendency lol. I'd rather keep my bf's trust in me than be called player lol... I guess I'm also scared of karma coming after me if I am one hahaha I just hope those people do realize the consequences of playing hearts, too... God bless! ^_^
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
2 Apr 09
That's nice. Just because everybody does it, doesn't mean you have to do it too. And I too believe in Karma, that is bad. Take care also!:)
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
1 Apr 09
It is truly our human nature that most of use here really want to have multiple bfs/gfs. Maybe they've got there reasons, for fun or whatever it is. But I just hope that one day, everyone will realize the consequences of what they're doing. Maybe then they will change and be loyal to their only one and true love...
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
26 Mar 09
I have to say the definition of polygamy is ... po·lyg·a·my /p?'l?g?mi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [puh-lig-uh-mee] Show IPA –noun 1. the practice or condition of having more than one spouse, esp. wife, at one time. Compare bigamy (def. 1), monogamy (def. 1). 2. Zoology. the habit or system of mating with more than one individual, either simultaneously or successively. So if we go with the zoology one then these people are polygamus and I don't think that it's tied down to one gender as you pointed out there are females that do this but I think it has to do with the values and morals of the people doing this and feeling that there is nothing wrong with this. I also have to say that there are some very faithful men and women. It all comes down to the moral fiber of each person and I have to say it but morality seems to be going out the window more and more these days.
• United States
31 Mar 09
I have to say this if your friends don't take a leap of faith for love then what do they take it for. Face it life is full of surprises and we'll never know everything about the person that we date or marry. We can know alot but we will never ever know everything and to think that we should is wrong. But remember this in life you can take a leap of faith and hope to be caught and when you are you can be surprised and happy.. or you can never take a leap of faith and remain closed and alone. The decision is up to them.. But if you dont' take the leap for love then what do you take it for?
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
1 Apr 09
That's right, if we are afraid to get hurt then we refuse to date someone or get marry, then we really miss an important part of our life living here. That is the beauty of living, to feel happy, sad, angry...etc. If we feel those things, then we truly feel alive cause we're humans and not some robot kind of thing. So maybe if we caught our love ones cheating, that's part of live. It'll really hurt but in time, we'll just get over it and keep on moving forward. Never dwell in the past. I hope I got what you really mean... right?
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
28 Mar 09
I dont know anything about zoology actually, but youre right there. It depends upon the culture and moral values of people who are doin it. Some religions even allow men to have up to 4 wives and its okey with them cause they've been practicing it for centuries already. But for us who dont agree with men/women who dates or get into having an affair, it is really disappointing. And now, i've notice that some of my friends here are affraid to get into serious relationships cause no matter how good their partners present to them, it still comes to their mind that they still dont know everything about him/her.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
It may be true several years ago, but these days it's quite different. I see and know women who cheat even if the guy is a very good provider. On the other hand, there are men who stick to one, yes they may have fantasies and such but they don't ruin their lives for just a few moments of weakness. I don't know but for sure they have their reasons, but I don't like to tolerate that. Though I'm still single, I have experienced being deceived like that several times, and for sure that's not okay when relationship is important for you, I may have forgiven him several times, but it doesn't mean I'd still forgive him if he does that still when we're married. It's tolerable if someone does that to you when you're still single, it's another thing when you both commit to be true to each other. It's a pain really, but if we keep on hiding from that 'reasoning' all the time as an excuse to our frailty, we'll always be comparable to animals, even so, they may be even better than us, would you want to be called an animal?
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
Its good that you will know already how faithful your loved ones before marriage, you can just easily let go of your partner if you dont like him/her anymore. Whats worst is if you are both married and then you discovered how unfaithful he/she is, that's hard cause you two are already bound to be together and it would be such a long complicated process the divorce or have your marriage annulled. That is why it is always a good advice not to get married right away, but take time to know your partner even more. Cause the longer you are together, more surprises will come out from each other.
@cvrajan (354)
• India
26 Mar 09
I believe God has created men with some advantages and privileges not given to women. The basic mental and physical tendency of a man is polygamous and that of a woman is monogamous. If a man, despite this natural and inborn tendency opts to live monogamous, he is elevating himself spiritually upwards. He may lose some thrills and fun in life, but he gains mental peace and tranquility in the bargain. On the contrary, if a woman tends to become polygamous, she is going against her basic nature and thus tend to acquire animal qualities. Women are more of emotional creatures than men. A fallen women suffers a lot more emotionally than a fallen man. The suffering of a family or a society is much more when a woman goes astray than when a man goes astray. This is not an area where woman should try for equality with men. If they do, not only do they suffer, but the society at large suffers too.
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
2 Apr 09
I highly agree with your response. Men really are the aggressive type and women aren't. That is why here, it is commonly that men do court women and it is really awkward if it's the other way around. If a man can't say his feelings to a girl, he's considered unman enough. Youre also right their, a man who can also control himself in sticking to one woman is a very mature person and rich spiritually. He must be closer to God because he obeys and follows the commandments He has given us.
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
Yahp! Crazy it is. Polygamous is alright but you really should have used two timer or more to avid the confusion ha ha. Anyway, good thing you're an open minded person since you said in your own opinion that majority of men like to have many relationship at the same time, and that there can be men that aren't like this. Like in the Philippines, there are now thousands of marriage stories wherein either the man, the woman or both didn't have anyone else in their life. It just happens that women and also men unconsciously provoke others to play with them. I suggest you guys always remember to control your self and don't let other do.
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
I just used that term because that's what my friends called us guys when we had that discussion. And they keep on telling us that guys are just good in courting period, but after they win the heart of a girl/s then they actually do this and that... then its all ruined. Well of course I didn't agree with them but I do know some girls who have been victim of two timers, and I have friends also who are two timers. I felt sorry for the girls, but for the guys, I just did nothing.
@temi01 (8)
• Nigeria
27 Mar 09
It depends on individual motives.To me personally I dont believe in polygamous marriage i believe in one wife one family.Polygamous is dangerous.Infact it can shorten the life span of the man involved.Their is a popular saying which says one wife one problem more wives more problem.Its not possible to have equal love for all your wives,you have to love one more than the other which will create problem
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Its not possible to have equal love for all your wives,you have to love one more than the other which will create problem sure it is...I love both of my men very is it possible? becuase there are no limits on my love...Its just like a mother (or father) can love more then one child and love them equally...intimate love is no different...
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
26 Mar 09
By nature, men were meant to be polygamous! They were meant to mate with as many females as they could, and produce as many kids as they could and then die off in their early 30's! Females were meant to bare the young, raise them into their teens, kick them out of the nest and after their daughters start having kids, stick around for a little bit to teach them how to be good mothers then die off in their early 30's! Sad but true! The desire to mate in men was made so strong, that some would even kill or be killed to do it! (WE) started the rule of faithfulness and marriage and science and doctors has kept us living longer! No wonder things are a little off, we messed up Mother Nature!
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
30 Mar 09
Wow, you've got a nice response there. Very scientific. By nature of course I say it's true, we can see it in the animals like in discovery channel or animal planet. But what makes us different is that we are a special kind. We are the chosen ones by God to rule the earth and take care of it. But then if we can't respect our fellow human beings, then how can we respect mother nature? This is really a crazy world!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Like Bella mentioned in her post (#5) one definiation of polygamy is.. 1. the practice or condition of having more than one spouse, esp. wife, at one time. that would be me...I have a husband and a thing I need to mention is that generally polyamourous and polygamist ppl do NOT do it in secert....its a mututal agreement among all involved... that being said, "players", what you are talking about are not only men, there are women like that as well AND since we are talkign about men in particular...not all men are players..not by a long shot...and not evne the just happens that your female friends have unfortunately hooked up with the wrong types of guys...
@karbuks (270)
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
i dont think its the nature of the men but sometimes they are pressured by their peers thats why they do it just to give an impression. most men feel their masculinity if they have all the girls they want, not even caring how a woman feel about what they're doing. they go directly to the temptation that comes their way. there are also situation where women are doing it. So i think it depends on the person if they want to be like that. its their own choice.
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
That's also true, some guys think if their so handsome or got a perfect body figure, then they can have any girls they want. And if you cant get a girl to like you, your a LOOSER! But for me, thats not true, I believe that some men are just looking for the right girl and not waste time for other girls. There are also men who really want a serious relationship.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
26 Mar 09
i wouldnt have more then one wife. or more then one g/f/. to me being a man is being devoted to one person. and if i had a g/f who was out laying down with any other guys, even a wife. kick them to the curb and get someone who can be faith to me. i had a ex g/f who she thought she could date others as she told me i wasnt allow to see no other females. yeah we didnt last long. broke up her kicked her to the curb and moved on.
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
30 Mar 09
Good for you syankee! that's what they really deserve, a kick to the curb. Even though it didn't happen to me, but listening to my friends who was cheated by ther g/b/f really sucks. Just can't imagine if it would happen to me also.
@berrys (864)
• Singapore
26 Mar 09
I personally think that people regardless of gender or age,etc. should not have more than one partner unless all involved are aware of the situation. If people cheat, that means that they don't respect their partner and thats not a very nice thing!!
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
28 Mar 09
I agree, when you cheat your partner, it only means that you didn't love him/her that much thats why you are looking for someone to satisfy your needs/wants. But why cant they just tell the truth when you really dont love someone that much so that you wont end up hurting your partner so much and be free with what ever you do. Maybe its because they're just trying to prove something.
@kedves (728)
26 Mar 09
Polygamy is multiple marriages I thin what you are describing are playboys who like to have more than one girlfriend .. but it is not just men .. I have known women date more than one guy. I do not mind that as long as they are honest and let people know because then its open and you have decision to be one of many or not.
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
Yup, thats what I really meant. But that's just how my friend the other day called us guys. She said "you boys are POLYGAMOUS", so that's the reason. Hahaha. Anyway, your right their, girls do date more than one men, as one friend of mine also said, "it's easier for a chick to catch a guys attention than for a guy to catch a girls attention"... I believed her, and that's so true...
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
26 Mar 09
Many people say that's mostly the case but I have come to know of so many men who can actually stick to one. Polygamy also depends on the culture. In Christian belief, that is not practiced. Actually some women are also playgirls and would just love to play around. I think in modern times, women have slowly begun to equal men in that aspect in particular. Hehe.
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
26 Mar 09
Yes, women now a days are really trying to to prove that they can do what men can do. It's a challenge to them. There are even organizations for women's rights. There's a famous saying "In every man's success, theres a woman behind it".
@vheilugto (149)
• Philippines
30 Mar 09
each people are unique but in some case there had in common, like that, not only men are born to be polygamous, in our generation now, anybody can be polygamous. now, it is depend on you how to handle every thing you see. but for me, people tend to cheat because there not satisfid with there partner or maybe they just enjoying cheating or maybe because its challenge. but NOT all girls or boy are like that, there still some know how to stick to their partner. so when you found one. dont lose her/hi. got it?
@jassics (205)
• India
26 Mar 09
yeah jankar you just ask yourself don't you like polygamy if you will get chance then. in my personal view its fun not all the time but its just like the dishes you can't eat only one dish at all time,. sometimes you prefer chicken to eat sometimes fish sometimes something else. in the same way no matter you have your girl frd or you have commitment to someone you will enjoy polygamy. but you can't really make it public or you will not disclose because its not treated as good practice in society. when it will be approved i guess everyone will try it. what say?
@Aquilis (175)
26 Mar 09
I think it is very unfair to tar all men or women by the actions of a stupid few. Personally I would never have an affair, the very thought of it disgusts me, and there are far more people out there like me than like this t.v playboy you are refering to. TV shows like jerry springer make people think everyone and their dog is a lying cheating fool, yet in reality this is not so much the case. People need to chill out and not assume people are guilty for something they have not done, just because someone else did.
• Philippines
27 Mar 09
I Mean my dad is one proof of that- that NOT all men are polygamous. =)