Are you physically flexible? I just tried to touch my own toes.....
By James72
@James72 (26790)
March 27, 2009 9:47am CST
I'll be putting this attempt down as one of the future things NOT to do I think! lol. I didn't even come CLOSE to being able to touch my own toes when my brain screamed at me through my muscles "WTF??? WHAT are you doing you idiot???"
Why I even tried to do it in the first place is a bit of a mystery too actually.....
I guess I'm now gonna have to reconsider my career change strategy, 'cos I was aiming to become one of those dudes that squeezes into a box the size of a TV set. Oh well.
So what about yourself? Do you have a good level of physical flexibility or are you as tightly wound as I am?

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61 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
27 Mar 09
Hi James!
I become less flexible as the months go past. The more I have to do the more I stay 'toned up' but during the winter months I move about a lot less and the only things that get any exercise are my fingers.
That's my excuse for being here too!

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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
27 Mar 09
Yup myLotting certainly helps keep ya fingers on their toes! 

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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
27 Mar 09
I could touch my toes, without any pauch coming in the way. I could get my forehead to touch my knees. Come to think of i was quite fexible. All that tree climbing helped i think. That was till this problem with the joints came though. So now it's tightly wound up one can get. Any attempt at doing that produces funny sounds and a tearing pain.
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@cuttyrish (2667)
• United States
27 Mar 09
yes, i am a bit flexible, but not in everything.. i can put my feet on the back of my neck or my head, while i am sitting down.. and i could reach my ears from the back.... i do not know why i am this flexible, i just did this things when i was younger, and i can still do them today.. there are somethings i could not do, somethings i can..
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@wildcat48 (779)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Oh come on James if i can touch the floor with finger tips knuckles and palms and i am 61 yrs.old you should
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Mar 09
My goodness! If I attempted to do the things that you've just shared, I reckon you'd be able to hear the sounds of my muscles snapping and bones crunching clear across the country!
I used to be very flexible when I was a teenager, but I also used to exercise a lot in this area as well. Years of not doing that anymore have pretty much made me tight as a drum nowadays. 

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@riyasam (16556)
• India
27 Mar 09
james,that was quite easy(but dont tell anyone ,i farted).my daughter was sitting nearby and i can hear her guffawing still ringing in my ears!!can you your tongue to the tip of the hubby doess it(i dont know how)and in the eyes of my kids ,hes become an instant hero .

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Mar 09
Hahahahaha, I think I heard that fart from all the way over here.....
But I won't tell a soul, promise! Nope, I can't touch my nose with my tongue either, so I won't be an instant hero to any kids anytime soon I'm afraid.
I'm sure the vision of me trying to touch my own toes would give them a good laugh though!

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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
27 Mar 09
James, my love, I can not only touch my toes, but I can touch the FLOOR! I'm surprisingly limber for the shape I'm in. I think it's the yoga that helps me with my flexibility. Not that I do it regularly anymore, but I do some positions, like 'downward dog' a lot because it helps stretch out my back. And may I suggest that you start doing some yoga yourself, darlin. The older we get, the less flexible we get, and if we don't keep it in motion, we'll lose that motion. You know...use it or lose it. It's really too true. I'm afraid to stop moving and flexing because I figure if I stop, I won't be able to move again. Riding my bike also helps, I think. It's hard enough to do to be good for me, ya know?
So.....start that yoga, mister! Move it or lose it!! 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Mar 09
Well if it isn't Super-Nova!
Were your ears burning by any chance, because I was talking with my Wife just this morning about not seeing you for a while..... I know the downward dog position in Yoga, but when I try and do it, it's more like the "roadkilled cat" than anything else and I look a right mess! lol. Flexibility is definitely something we should try to maintain as it assists with circulation, joint fluidity, better breathing and can even help with bone density which is obviously important as we age. I'm just been a slacker for some years now.
Let's see if I can change all of that then!

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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Honey, I am so tightly wound that if someone just barely touches my shoulders, I come completely unglued! I can touch my toes, and the floor....I just tried it. Not only did I try that, I tried putting one leg over my shoulder. THAT didn't work so well, it has taken me the better part of an hour to untangle myself! Maybe that is why I never tried yoga?*L*
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Yeah, well, what can I say? I am always up for something new. Never tried putting my leg over my own shoulder.......thought it was a challenge.
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
27 Mar 09
I do think I will fit into that box, James... but only because I would be able to sit in it without having to do little other than sitting down
. One of the convienences of being little! Otherwise, I am a bit flexibel but nothing mayor.
Touching my own toes is not a problem, but putting my legs in my neck for example is a much harder call. I can do it but I am allways affraid they will lock or something and that I can't get them back. Since I don't think I will ever get into a life threatening situation that requirs me to do so I have decided to not try

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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
27 Mar 09
Just think of it, it would be quite and entry if you are walking in, legs locked behind your head and walking on both hands! Though I think that they might think it a bit strange if you are solliciting for a job other than a circus artist or something like that. I am sure the kids would love it, and I guess they would be a lot more capable of doing it too. They are so flexibel at a young age! Good thing too, they would break a bone of two otherwise with all the falling and getting up during them growing up.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Mar 09
Oh I can sit in the box too, no issues! I've got arms, legs and God knows what else hanging out the sides, but I'm sitting in there quite fine thankyou very much!
Well you're doing better than me even if you could only just touch your toes! It's probably wise if you refrain from the legs behind the neck scenario then because it may become difficult to get a job as a Pedagogue if you lock up permanently in a position like that. The kids might like it though! 

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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Mar 09
Really! I want to have a box office and I think I can manage it in one year time.
Do you find this unbelievable? If yes then you must know that with all those plumps I am not actually that weighty or unfit! I really boast about my sports career at school and even though things have changes drastically after that, I still find myself quite fit. I just tried touching my toes and I could actually reach it with little cramps on my tummy. All those choc'lates haven't really curbed my physical fitness. And James, I can do Arch and all those Ashanas as in Yoga.
Am I sounding boastful? In case I do you must know that I cannot touch my nose with my hand reaching from back of my head! 

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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
28 Mar 09
I was just trying to visualise how would that make you look like! Thank God you did the LASIX!
Its just a matter time and please keep us updated James. And try to touch your nose tip with your tongue..

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Mar 09
Maybe it's the chocolates that've actually HELPED you maintain this level of fitness throughout your life then mimpi? If so, then I'm gonna start hooking into the chocolates right this minute!
The boastful tendencies were quickly squashed once you outlined your inability to touch your nose with your hand reaching from the back of your head, so don't be concerned with this aspect. For the record, I CAN wrap my arm around the back of my head and then touch my own nose! Go figure! lol. But then again, I strecth my upper body every morning, so this would explain it. I really do need to work on my lower body stretches though. If I could be disciplined enough on this front, it'd only be a matter of time before I was able to reach my leg around the back of my head and then touch my nose with my FOOT right? 

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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 Mar 09
Hi James. I haven't tried doing this lately as I didn't think I could!
Your discussion inspired me to try.
LOL And to my amazement, I can! Whoo hoo! Okay, so I could feel the strain in the back of my knees, but I was able to do it just the same! Aren't you proud of me?

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Mar 09
Heya sacmom!
I figured there'd be a few responders giving this a try and all I can hope is that no-one sues me if something snaps! lol. Good for you for STILL being able to reach your toes like this then! I kinda have these combined feelings of pride and annoyance for you now, 'cos you did it and I can't! 

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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Mar 09
I'm pretty flexible although not as much so as I used to be. I've always done yoga and so Yes, I can touch my toes and I can sit and cross legs indian style touching feet to hips....things like that. You should get into it, James! It's really great excercise. 

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Mar 09
LOL--I read your response under mine. I literally been doing yoga all my life mother used to watch Richard Hittleman's yoga on TV and being a kid and wondering what the heck my mother was doing would imitate the started when I was a mere five years old. I used to do a whole routine daily up until a few years ago and am always promising myself to get back into it again--uh, can you come over and help me out? I'm still stuck in that position I mentioned...heehee
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Mar 09
Well would ya look at that! The 2 of you can start a Yoga revival then! Look at me bringing people together like this.....
" James dabs at an empoional tear *
I used to be pretty flexible too, but I just never kep up my exercises. I strecth my upper body daily though and it's my lower body that I've neglected. I'll be trying to get disciplined again and add lower body stretches to the mix each morning and go from there. Watch this space, 'cos I'm sure that I'll be touching those toes before you know it! (Either that or you'll be able to post the discussion about me tearing hamstrings that I'll write from the hospital) 

@p1kef1sh (45681)
27 Mar 09
Touching my toes. Easy. Stand beside the bathtub. Lift foot on which toes that you wish to touch are attached. Lift leg and rest foot on edge of bath. Bend forward slightly. Touch toes. Problem solved. Why on earth would you want to bend over and touch your toes. That's just inviting trouble. Do you know how many pairs of trousers a tear are ripped from sun to moon by such ridiculous antics. Good heavens man, you are a Commonwealth citizen. Some decorum please! Leave all that folding into boxes to Johnny Foreigner. You'll be hanging by one gonad from a crane next!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Mar 09
What if I don't have a bathtub then?
And yes, I don't see any real reason for us men to be trying to bend over and touch our toes, but I do see tremendous benefit in the women of the world giving it a go!
lol. Forgive me for my lack of finesse too Mr Pike, as I sometimes get ahead of myself and the last thing I wish for is to be hanging from a crane by one gonad. Good God, not again!
What's puzzled me always though is how the hell a wading bird ever manages to support the weight of a grown man in the first place?? I guess it must be yet another byproduct of global warming.....

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@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
28 Mar 09
I can still touch my toes, but I assume you mean bend down and touch your toes while standing. I can only get to mine by sitting down and doing a lot of grunting to stretch out my hands. Next you are going to ask me to do jumping jacks. I can do some sitting jacks, maybe I need to work up to them. I figure with my lifestyle I am lucky I can still see my toes.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Mar 09
Yep, standing tall, bend the back while keeping the legs straight and touch those toes! Me? No chance! lol. (I can still see mine too thank goodness) And now that you've mentioned it, you may as well try some jumping jacks too then!
I'm pretty good at chair exercises myself actually. My favourite's sitting upright, breathing deeply and then reaching for the remote control.....

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@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
29 Mar 09
I am just living in the wrong century. My paunch that seems to grow larger every year was a few hundred years ago a sign of health and wealth when most people were skinny because they were diseased and underfed poor.
@PurpleEggs (72)
27 Mar 09
Ha! im in the same predicament as you! i just tried touching my toes and BAM! wow never felt such a sudden pain before! Guess i need to exercise more lol
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
28 Mar 09
hi im glad you noticed it..but at least you harm in trying...and its a big no to me...physically flexible and everything
but if i tried it during my preschooler days maybe im in the circus or any big event(kidding ok)

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Mar 09
Hi vanities! Yep, I tiied alright. I worked on the "nothing ventured, nothing gained" principle here and all I gained was the realization that I'm an idiot who shouldn't really be trying stuff like that!
If I could go back to my school day flexibility levels then I'd be sorted and joining you at that circus! lol.

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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
28 Mar 09
I'm fairly flexible. Since the winter months, I've been fairly out of shape, but as I get more active with the warming months, I find myself more fit.
The more fit I am, the more flexible I am, the more agile I am...and the better I feel.
But boy oh boy, do I often find myself painfully reminded of how I shouldn't do things when I'm out of shape! I've pulled muscles trying to do things I'm used to doing in the winter, out of shape. And people wonder why I sometimes limp, lmao.
It's okay though, because when I am fit, it's I shant complain about how it's not a constant thing.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Mar 09
Actually the colder months DO make it even harder to not just get motivated, but even to strectch as far. I guess the muscles just tightene up more in the cooler weather? It's definitely true that our flexibility can increase in parallel with our fitness levels in general, the challenge is just in being disciplined enought to stick at something! This is my own issue really and I just aren't disciplined enough. Time to give myself a good kick up the butt I think! 

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@fordham08 (131)
• Philippines
28 Mar 09
Nah. I don't think so. I'm not really in to sports or anything the like, so I think not.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Mar 09
I'm the same flexibility wise, but I do love sports! More as a spectator these days though, but I used to play a lot of sports when I was younger. I was certainly far more flexible in those days too, which just goes to show that regular exercise and discipline can make all the difference! 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Mar 09
Welcome to mylot khanday!
Good for you for having the discipline to continuosuly exercise and maintain your flexibility! I too was very flexible when younger, but I never stuck with my exercises. Based on this, it's no wonder I'm as non-flexible as I am today!

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@noquite0325 (473)
• China
28 Mar 09
I never felt that,`cos i `m born flexible and i`ve played balley since i am 7.Thanks to my dancing experence,my dear teacher said i can stay a level although i did not dance again.So if you want to let your body flexible,practise everyday.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Mar 09
You were born flexible? Lucky you! Maybe what I can do is tell people that the reason I'm NOT overly flexible is because of a birth defect??
But yes, practice does make perfect and all I really need is the discipline to keep at a regular exercise routine.

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