Do You Have a Middle Name...What is the Point?
By angela_allen
@angela_allen (406)
United States
March 28, 2009 11:17am CST
I do and so does pretty much everyone in my family. I am 3 months pregnant so my husband and I have been discussing first names for either a boy/girl. I did not even really think about the middle name. In fact I don't think I will be giving my child one.
My husband is Egyptian so he doesn't exactly have a middle name the way I do. His middle name is his dad's first name. His last name is the very last first name that is known in the line of his family. So he has about 10 "middle" names.
What about you and your country do they give middle names?
I guess I am not sure what the point of my middle name is. Did my parents give me a second name in case I hated my first
? What do you think is the point? I have a few cousins like this and also my dad, they go by their middle names. Does anyone call you by your middle name?
Any of you out there hate your middle name, do you not share it with others?

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23 responses
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
28 Mar 09
Hi, angela_allen! I have a middle name and I dislike it. It is a boy's name and it does not sound like a girl's name. I don't want anyone to know of it. So, on my Social Security card it has a girl's middle name on it. That is the way that I like it! Most people from The United States, has middle names. And some people don't have them..

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@angela_allen (406)
• United States
28 Mar 09
I had a friend who hated his middle name as well. For years we tried to figure out what it was, we only knew the initial was "C" from the attendance sheet in high school. Finally he disclosed that it is Clefton.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
28 Mar 09
In India there is the rulein some states that u have to write the name of father as middle name and husband (if married), I had ptu the initials of my father in all my school life, but after i got married it is not the case in another state, i just write my name and last name.
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@simplyshawn (650)
• United States
3 Apr 09
I only go by my middle name (so does my mom, we have the same first name because it means first born daughter). For some reason that's what my mom decided to do when she named me and that's how it is.
I do like my first name although people mis-pronounce it all the time. I also have my first name on my licsense plate since it's not real common. And then I can find my car easier.
I don't really understand why we need middle names. My sister in-law simply has a letter for her middle name because her dad thinks middle names are kind of silly. So he just put the first letter of the month they were born.
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@angela_allen (406)
• United States
3 Apr 09
My dad and one of my cousins also only go by their middle name. However mail and things like that come in my dad's first name. That is a neat idea your sister-in-law has, they still have an initial there but not actual name.
@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
29 Mar 09
I do have a middle name and that is the maiden name of my mom. In here when people ask for your middle name it is understood that they are referring to your mom's maiden name. I think I know what you are asking, we call it second name. I don;t have a second name but some of siblings have. I have three kids now and they all have second name. To tell you honestly I also don;t know the importance of giving them a second name. In my mind, I guess, that if they will never like their first name, they can use their middle name. Now when people make a third name, that is something I don't get. LOL
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@angela_allen (406)
• United States
29 Mar 09
LOL, I have known people to give there child more than one middle name, it was weird. That is so cool that the mother's maiden name gets used
. Most places just forget about that one.

@Spook619 (335)
28 Mar 09
In my family the oldest boy gets their name from their Dad's middle name which effectively means that you get to name a possible grand kid which I think is quite cool. In your sons case.. that would be awkward as there are usually character limits on tests and applications.
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@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
28 Mar 09
Yes, I have a middle name. I really have no clue why we have middle names, though I know some countries have more than three names. They also take on their mothers maiden name along with their fathers name. No one refers to me by my middle's Ann. I like the name Ann, it's short and simple, and easy for people to remember. I don't think many people even know my middle name.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Mar 09
I think the point of it is to make it easier to identify who you are. Like if your last name is a common one (like Smith)...there might be a hundred Smiths in the phone book, and if you're John Smith, it'd be narrowed down by the middle name or initial (John B. Smith)
I have my own feelings about middle names and why they're important. My oldest daughter has an unusual first name, and we didn't give her a middle name at all because it sounded pretty just the way it was. Then came the school years, and it created a problem each and every time we had to do her information to sign her up for anything lol. We would fill in the blanks: first name, last name, and when it came to middle name...we would leave it blank, or draw a line through it. Then it would come back, "we need her middle name". I told them she had no middle name, so they told us to write: (no middle name)...which we did. Then all her paperwork came back: first name, nonamme, last name. Nonamme? They thought that WAS her middle name lol. So, just for sake of sanity, (and not wishing to repeat a giant pain in the wazoo a second time), we had a middle name for our next child. I never knew that in paperwork that having no middle name could be SO confusing for so many different agencies and people!
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@angela_allen (406)
• United States
28 Mar 09
I guess you are right it does make it a lot easier to identify someone. My name was quite common until I got married. Wow, I did not think about paperwork being so hard in the US if someone did not have a middle name. I have plenty of time to think about it so maybe I will consider giving my child a middle name.
I came across some problems filling out paperwork here in Egypt for only having 3 They kept asking "is that it? what is the rest of your name?".
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
1 Apr 09
I do have middle name after my grandmother form my mothers site.
I have no idea why people need middle name. Maybe to be recognized in case more people have the same first and last name.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
29 Mar 09
I think the best point of a middle name is so that you are different from someone else with your first and last name. A name like John smith for example, there are millions of john smiths. But add a midle name and it narrows it down considerably. Even my first and last name has thousands of names. I never thought mine was so common as it is. But add my middle name and doubt many have it. But my mom was genius enough to use a middle name that not as many have. My first name is carol. Common middle names for Carol ar eAnne or Jean, or Lynn. Something like that. Mine is Christine. By the way I love my midddle name.
@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
29 Mar 09
Yes I do have a middle name every one in my family dose except for my dad. He is from Italy and he don't have one.
I don't know what the purpose of them are. My middle name is my grandmothers first name. and my brother's middle name is my dads first name (in the english language) My dad has an Italian name but means Joseph.
My mom has no idea how she got her middle name. She hates she never shares it I 'd be embassed.
Now a days I am really called by my middle name. But when I was little and got in trouble at home my mom would use my first and middle name. thats when you knew you was in trouble.
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@LiveLove (443)
• United States
29 Mar 09
I have two middle names. I am American with Black/African cultural roots. From my understanding in some African nations a child is names after someone who the parents respect or honor, while still giving the child the name of the parent. I have my father's last name but my first and two middle names are after people my mother respected. Now my last name is German due to my Great-grandfather (a German immigrant) passing his name down and it then falling on me, but if i get married I am probably likely to obtain my husband's last name. Unfortunately none of my Ani-yun-wiya (Cherokke for English speakers) culture comes out in my name :(.
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@clairemn (42)
29 Mar 09
Hi! I do have a middle name which was passed onto me from my dad's middle name. I like it because it's unusual, shows I'm Scottish in my otherwise not very Scottish name, and because it stopped my sister and me getting our mail mixed up! (We have the same first initial.) My brother has two middle names, one of which is the same as my grandfather's first name. My parents couldn't decide between the three and though he could choose for himself when he was older, but of course he was always known by his first name. So if you did decide on giving your child a middle name it could be for one of the following reasons: 1) to show cultural heritage 2) to stop possible mail confusions if you choose a first name with the same initial as another family member 3) to name the child after someone even if you don't really like the name (the middle name will never be used anyway) or 4) if you can't agree on a name (but try to get your preference as the first name!)
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@itsmauricecassidy (298)
29 Mar 09
My middle name is so ridiculous, it's called Lucky like ew.
Why can't I just stick to one normal name lol which is Maurice what is the point of having a middle name like everyone is gonna call you by your first name anyways so I don't see the point.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Mar 09
I have a middle name. It is much easier to not get confused with someone who has the first and last name as what happened with my brother-in-law. My husband has only a first and last name and there are so many with the same first and last name, that it is easy to get confused. And there might be, for example, two John Smiths who might marry a Mary, and what happens if one John Smith is a crook or a wife of one of the John Smiths is a confidence lady?
As for my brother-in=-law there was a man with the same name who was a crook and had swindled several people, so my brother-in-law and others had to pay money to get their names cleared.
Also it helps in families when there are only two or three children and all the relatives want the same name. But I feel it is mostly so one does not get confused with others of the same name who are not that nice.
Oh I love my first name and middle name, and sometimes when I sign my signature, I use both.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
28 Mar 09
good point. my inlaws were born in germany during the 1930's and neither one has a middle name. i think middle names are just for the parents to be honest. i picked one daughters middle name and hubby picked the other.
the only time i use their middle names is when i am mad at them!
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
29 Mar 09
In my country... our middle name is our mother's surname... so even if we have like four names... only our mother's surname is considered as the middle name... and the rest are first names... i don't know how that happened... but that is just the way it is...
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@arcidy (5005)
• United States
28 Mar 09
I dont know the point in having a middle name. We never use it I dont know anyone who uses there middle name except for credit cards and some applications who ask you to put your middle names. But really what is the point of having a middle name. I dont know really. And to answer your question I do have a middle name which is my fathers first name michael. I wounder if I can change it though lol.
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
28 Mar 09
I think it was supposed to be to tell John smith apart from John Smith or maybe make it easier on people tracing their bloodline. not sure.
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