OK, so if a kid uses bad jusgement we assume that means they have LOUSY PARENTS?

@miamilady (4910)
United States
March 30, 2009 11:19am CST
Come on people1 Give me a freaking break! Kids DO stupid things! They don't always LISTEN to their parents. We can't chain them to their beds til they turn THIRTY. That would be child abuse! All we can do is our best to TRY to teach them right from wrong. TRY to set a good example. And TRY to keep them safe within reason. We can't MAKE them become good people. We set the examples, we discipline them and we PRAY that they turn out okay. Some of them will turn out great despite our MISTAKES. And some of them will get into TROUBLE despite our best efforts. I am so tired of seeing fellow parents JUDGE and CRITICIZE eachother when something goes wrong with their childen, rather than showing some type of sympathy. Yes, there are some icompetent parents out there, but there are also some VERY GOOD parents out there who have done their best and their children just insisted on learning things the HARD WAY. That's just life!
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40 responses
@celticeagle (171999)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Apr 09
They are ours kids. I think the parents should be responsible. That should make us all do our jobs alittle more responsibily and take it alittle more seriously. It is too easy for us to just pawn them off on school and day care. Some sympathy would be nice ofcourse but I can see where the other parents wouldn't. There are way too many incompetent parents now days. Too many kids raising kids too. People need to stand up and be counted. And, it does take a village to raise a child so some of those people who are judging and criticizing need to step up and help out.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Hmmm. I think it should be up to the parents who is involved in 'helping' them raise a child. Some people want EVERYBODY to help them, some people don't. I am not one of those who thinks my community should help me, I prefer to limit the amount of outside influences and keep it to people I like, people I trust, and people that I am sure are not out to do anything stupid to my daughter. I can't help feeling that way - just from what you said here is a reason why - so many people just pawn their kids off on other people indiscriminately, and plenty of just plain incompetent PEOPLE, not only parents. Trying to keep all of those people from influencing my daughter is going to be like two full time jobs just in itself. One other thing - sometimes people don't want help. When you try, they bite your head off.... so honestly it is now safer to just offer to help friends. If advice is not asked for or you don't have a common goal, don't give it. I know I don't want someone I don't know trying to tell me what to do or how to do it. I can't figure anybody else would be any more receptive either.
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@celticeagle (171999)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Apr 09
I am not trying to say others SHOULD help, but I am saying they should have the mind set to help and be there just incase a need arises. No mother can be all places and do all things. It really does take a village. A smile, a positive word all go toward the raising of a child. Even the small stuff is very important to the psyche and well being of a child.
• United States
30 Mar 09
I only assume it is lousy parenting when there is no consequence for the bad jugement. Children make mistakes that is fine, they are learning, but when these mistakes are never corrected then something is not happening, and that something is the parents not kicking into parenting mode and taking care of things. You are compleatly right though. All you can do is the best you can and pray that you have laid a good foundation for your child to grow.
1 person likes this
• Canada
1 Apr 09
That is where some people also assume though. There are a lot of teenagers whom parents try to lay down consequences to some bad actions that were done, and the child does not listen. Thats how gossip and assumption starts.For example... Little Johnny was bad and the whole neighbourhood knows what he did. The next day, the same neighbours see little Johhny out playing instead of being grounded to the house where they assume he should be. THey also assume that Mrs X has done nothing to punish the child. Meanwhile, Mrs X is indoors crying because her child does not listen and does what he wants. She can not force him and has no choice but to let him do as he pleases. The law makes things that way. It does not mean that he has lousy parents.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
19 Apr 09
I agree though I have to admit that I am harsh on myself when my child makes a bad choice wondering where I went wrong. I don't judge other parents ...because I don't know how they have raised their child....but if it's something that affects my child, I do talk to another parent about how I feel and leave it upto them to rectify the situation the best they can. But I do criticize myself when my kids do something that I feel is a bad choice. Maybe it's not right and I know I've done the best I can....but can't help feeling it's probably because I have not done enough.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
20 Apr 09
Yes, I used to think that way earlier...but I guess with my workload increasing, I don't stop and think. I better get back to my old ways:) I've always wanted a 'thinking' child.....and hope my kids turn out that way. Arguments are inevitable...but I wish there were no tantrums...lol
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I think we all do that to some degree. The old "where did I go wrong?!" question. But I think it's important for us all to realize that we really can't control everything our children do or decide. Thanks for your post. I'm sure you're doing a great job. Think of it this way. If they make a choice that we don't necessarily agree with, then we've succeeded in teaching them to think for themselves!
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
31 Mar 09
when you have a child, from the very second he/she is born they begin to learn. THey take in everything around them. I do blame the parents. Yes it is true that we arent with them 24 hours a day. Yes, people do make mistakes but depends on the seriousness of the mistake. If you dont teach a child from the very beginning that their will be NEGATIVE consequences all the time for misbehaving. I work in a laundry mat and I see it all the time. Parents come to do their laundry and just let their kids run wild. They see someone eating and ask strangers for some of what they're eating or ask for money. They are running all over banging into other customers with laundry carts etc. I have a million and one examples of bad parenting. I will never say my kids are perfect. I will say however that they know how to behave when we are in a public situation. All a parent has to do is teach their children the basics. Please and thank you's, dont talk back or to strangers, No means no, keep your hands to yourself, tell the truth.Most importantly when you're out of the house BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR. DOnt get me wrong some children do something wrong and its a one time deal. There are others that thir parents blame everyone else for their actions. As parents they are doing their children unfairly because once a child is labeled trouble its hard to shake the reputatios. If we stick together and help other parents who need the support of making punishments and such,THere would be no need for these types of discussions dl
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31 Mar 09
I don't know anything about your kids and your entry does not tell me anything about them. However it does tell me a lot about you and I think you have problem and need to seek some help and advice
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Exactly what problem is that?
31 Mar 09
Yes I have 4 children all now grown up and I have 5 grandchildren. The posting was not just pointing out some of the problems that parents have with children it was a "rant" with several words shouted at us. I suggests to me that there is a problem with some of the decisions that the lady's children have taken but there is nothing there that tells us what the decisions were or what she thinks is wrong with them. It does tell us quite clearly that she does have a problem with those decisions and resolving them and is therefore in need of help and advice.
31 Mar 09
I think that answers your question as well miamilady
• United States
31 Mar 09
Sorry to sound so dissaproving, but that is not "just life". Kids do stupid things because some people are stupid, and never should have had children to begin with. If you feel that a kid is problematic, then examine the situation. Parents don't take the time to listen to their kids.. Perhaps the kid watches television, which spouts nothing more than hate speech.. oh, and sending a kid to their room is by no means child abuse, believe it. It doesn't constitute as "abuse" to me unless the kid's being hit, and trust me, I know. Kids turn out just fine when they have someone to rely upon.. when they don't feel entirely alone.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Okay, you keep believing that.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
20 Apr 09
It does not make you a bad parent because your kids make a bad decision. I had a troubled teen and there was absolutely nothing I could do to keep her from doing things. She was on a tight leash and still found ways to do things that would get her into trouble.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
3 Apr 09
Mostly the mother gets the blame when a kid does wrong. The funny thing is this same topic is mentioned in the bible. It does say a mother will be blamed when a child does wrong. A father will be praised when a child does right..I am finding out it actually does happen that way. It is wrong but happens to often like that.
• Canada
30 Mar 09
You are spot on with this one. I know of a load of wonderful parents who raised kids with extremely questionable judgement. I know the parents, I know the kids, and I know that these particular kids (some of them now adults) only behave the way they do because they are being THEMSELVES, not beecause of something the parents did. I also know some amazing kids with "strange" parents, and I can't help but wonder how these kids managed to turn out so AMAZING!
• United States
30 Mar 09
it really does come down to what that little person decides to grow up and be. although i do believe teaching them while they are young is important and i do believe that it is still always in the back of thier mind and in thier hearts what they learned at a young age. so all that work while they were young does still pay off.
@mummymo (23706)
1 Apr 09
Well said sweetheart - I really do get quite fed up with all the assumptions people make when a kid messes up - maybe they should spend more time looking at themselves and their families than passing judgements on others! I know there are parents out there who neglect their children , don't set limits , don't teach them right from wrong but that doesn't mean that every mistake a child makes is because their parents are like that! xxx
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 Apr 09
Ok. Bottom line I will only look at it as lousy parenting if when the kids demonstrate they make poor choices - the parents IGNORE it, don't discipline or show a proper example, or have any expectations of the kids. No, kids do not always listen, in fact many times they don't listen purposely, but I'll be the first to remind them of the consequences that will follow when they do that. You do want the best for them, yes, but it boils down to their choice, doesn't it? Some of it boils down to what motivates them, and what kind of personality they have. It is best to be internally or self motivated, not need approval from others and thus miss the hell of 'peer pressure', and care about making decisions based on what's right for them or how it will affect THEM in the future, instead of 'because my mom will get mad'. I'm not saying that the threat of that in addition is so bad, but it should not be the SOLE reason a kid decides against doing something bad, if you know what I mean. I am sympathetic if the parent has tried to do what they can, but I just can't be if the parent advocated or ignored the behavior problem, let it go, got mad at other parents for 'picking on their kid'... etc. I mean for example, I teach my daughter that you don't hit your friends. You don't hit ANYBODY. In a public place, like a park, if someone's kid hits my daughter or throws sand or dirt or rocks at her, their parent needs to step in and explain to their kid that you don't behave that way in public. Now I don't care if they behave that way AT HOME but around other kids that is unsafe. If that parent ignored it, didn't care, or god forbid thought it was NORMAL or claimed 'my kid didn't know any better' or got mad at me for asking that their kid apologize or that they leave, then yes, they are a lousy parent and they are raising a small bully that I just pray does not attend my daughter's school. See what I mean? If my daughter acted like that I'd expect her to apologize and NOT do it again, or we'd leave. Immediately. Being a safety hazard in public is not okay.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
1 Apr 09
Sometimes when parents are so good, the child thinks the parents don't understand what they are going through, they see them as out of touch with what's going on in their life so they make decisions that they think are right for them at the time and sometimes it is the bad consequences that wakes them up. Just think how many good parents had to go through their own trials and errors growing up and making mistakes before they settled down and got it right. It simply a learning process and yes, I do think it is insensitive to arbitrarily blame the parents when children make mistakes or get into trouble.
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
1 Apr 09
Hi miamilady..I hear you loud and clear and totally agree. I never beleived in blaming the parents for the actions of their children. Not in all cases. Now there may be some who have been raised and learned immoral ways but for the most part, normal children grow up and develop their own personalities. I have seen some children from the best of upper class model families, who dont turn out so well. Rather then help the situation, because some people tend to blame the parents, I think some of these children get buried under the carpet rather than helped as they dont want to be blamed for bad parenting. On the other hand, I have seen some children who have literally looked after their parents for various reasons and were more mature and better behaved then they were. So where did they learn this behaviour? Not from their parents, thats for sure. Everyone in this world is unique and possess their own personality. While our children are young, we can teach them morals and try to show the way but ultimately it is their choice whether or not they choose to listen. Sometimes outside forces, can be stronger than the love of a parent that a child miscontrues for discipline.
• United States
1 Apr 09
I completely agree with you. I don't think you can ALWAYS blame the parents for the problems their children face but there are some situations & occurances that can easily be deemed fault by the parents. I came from a household where my mom might as well have been a nun and my dad was the typical boy who got into everything and had his fair share of problems. We were raised well and I hands down thank my parents for being the tough they were with us kids because it made us the people we are today and now the parents we are becoming. I gave my parents hell because I did insist on learning the hard way and it was my life & my mistakes to make. They couldn't keep me from doing everything I did, but they sure did try. I think that the inability to discipline children in ways that "worked" is partial fault for unruly kids... It's a lose-lose situation. You can't discipline because you are a child abuser, yet when your child gets into serious trouble you as the parent will pay for it.
@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I know what you mean about trying to be a good parent and to still have a child go their own way and learn their own mistakes. We can talk until we're blue-in-the-face about how things were with us when we were young; how when we didn't listen to our parents things didn't work out so well. But sometimes our kids will think to themselves that it won't happen to them and until it does they won't learn. Life is all about learning and experiencing. There are some things that we don't need to experience in order to know that they aren't good for us but we're all human and curious by nature.
• United States
31 Mar 09
a lot of times,it is the kid. a friend of mine's kid went on an absolute rampage one night because he couldn't have the newest cell phone.smashed windows in the neighborhood,and the poor parents are still paying for it.they're good parents,too.he's just a big spoiled brat.
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
1 Apr 09
*untying kids from the bed now* What we can't tie up our kids? Lol just joking. Kids do alot of crazy things weither its to test their parents limits or just trying to fit in. Some parents don't even try to tell kids right from wrong. Too many parents are trying to be their childs friend when that child needs a parent first. When your child moves out when they are older then that would be the time to be a friend. Before that tell them right from wrong yes it may be as if your saying the samething over and over again but maybe one day it will sink into their heads. My mom made some crazy rules when I was growing up and i hope I will not be the way she was when my girls get older but yes I will have alot of rules. Some of the rules my mom had I didn't agree with and still don't. Like house work comes before homework. I could only see my boyfriend who is my husband now only certain days of the week. Which was crazy. He always went home at a certain time and I always had good grades. While my brothers girlfriend got to sleep over every weekend and came over every night. i thought it was very unfair. i wasn't asking for him to sleep over. I think some parents don't even talk to their kids. I want to tell my kids everything. I want them to know everything so they can make the right choice and if they make the wrong one hopefully they will learn from their mistake.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I totally agree, and it is a sign that some of us remember doing things we knew would not make our parents happy but we did them anyways because we either wanted to please friends our ourselves. I believe it is easier to judge than to even think that something similar like that could happen to us, that could be those parents we are judging.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
1 Apr 09
As a parent I appreciate your sentiments. I have a seven year old and when she makes a bad choice I cringe and wonder if I come across as a bad parent although I know that I love my child and I am doing the very best I can for her. As you say kids are always going to make mistakes, that is how they learn I guess and there are times when no matter how diligent the parents are these errors of judgment are always going to occur. I think it is obvious when parents are not doing their job and wouldn't it be nice if we could give each other a break every now and again and show some understanding. We are all doing our best here and we could all help each other instead of constantly criticizing!
@luvmysons (497)
• United States
31 Mar 09
I cant agree with you more..that aggravates me.. Growing up, I couldnt have better parents.. They were tough and strict but they were always there for us and both me and my sister knew how much we were loved, NO MATTER WHAT!! My sister was a goodie goodie and myself, well not so much a goodie goodie.. I hung out with nice people but we got ourselves into trouble..My parents would kill me if they knew half the things I have done, But I ran with the wrong crowd. That is NO way my parents fault.. Kids do what they want.. We hope that our talks help them make the right decision, but like you said sometimes they need to learn things the hard way.. I have a 2 young boys and I am doing the best that I can do and just hope that thats enought for them when they get older. I am teaching them right from wrong and manners, I hope its enough