Do You Agree That Technology Has Stunning & More Negative Effects Than Positive?

@Ganesh44 (5547)
April 5, 2009 9:21am CST
Dear Friends Let me start .......... Bank Accounts Are commonly Hacked using internet technology Mobile Creating Diseases like dipression and cancer Computer Cresting Stress disease called RSS repeated stress syndrome Technology is major cause of increase in pollution across the globe (eg polyethene etc) Terrorists are misusing technology to launch terror attacks......... Food PRocessors,dish washers are causing obesity ....... Technolgy is assiting crminals every single second ......... Nuclear technology is wide spreading ensuring mass destruction in future ....... Supersonic missiles are in huge demand ......... So many negatives things sometimes I think Does tecnology going to lead us to destruction very soon ........? What do you think are we using technology that is more destructive than constructive ........ Thanks Ganesh
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20 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I've come to the decision that I am not as big a fan of technology as I was before. I am constantly becoming aware of how technology can destroy us first bodily and then later our earth. I think that while it does have it's advantages it's slowly make us a dumber society. If we can learn to not use technology as much maybe we won't be so lazy. The only benefit I See of computer is to make money and have fun, but even that is costing us money and ecology.
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Apr 09
Yes I agree with you technology is creating a dumb society that is nothing but slave of technology ..... Even I am bypassing technology as much as I can .... I totally agree with you ........... Thanks for sharing Ganesh
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I think everyone should try to stay away from it. Yes though it is getting harder to stay away from the computer especially with earning opportunities. I'm hoping that while I'm obsessively using it now I won't have to in the future. I'm trying to find ways to make money without harming the environment or myself. Technology was once thought of to be the best thing is now being shown to be harmful in so many ways. Good luck to you both in your pursuit to stop using the computer.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
5 Apr 09
Well let me clarify and kind of back track my statement. It's the same commercial but I've seen it enough for it to make an impression on me. I guess it also depends on people and how many times it takes for it to make an impression.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
6 Apr 09
No I don't think so. The negatives are always splashed over the "news" in almost every thing. No matter what technology we have there will always be good and bad. At least it keeps the "tech police" jobs. Many advances in many different areas of science and medicine are a result of technology. The negative is reported more often because it "sells". The United States went to the moon with the technology of a child's toy now. Look back hundreds of years and see what Da Vinci thought of. Technology made many things possible. There will always be rogues who's goal is to destroy things but, hopefully, we will be able to overcome them.
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
12 Apr 09
with spread of technology and its availaibility the spread of nuclear technology is inevitable hence day is coming when every small or big country will have such war heads I hope human still keep using the positve side of tecnology
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I think that like everything else, it's important to use technology wisely. If we use it to avoid all effort, that's bad. For example, I really would rather have my lawnmower rather than an old manual push mower but I draw the line at getting a mower that I can ride on. I don't have a dishwasher and thought about getting one but it only takes a few minutes to do my dishes-I live alone-and I can justify the expense or the taking away of a chore that gives me a little exercise. Technology is wonderful as long as we use it wisely and don't let it replace all our physical labor. I don't think you'll ever stop terrorists or sickos from using it to their advantage but they'll use anything that furthers their agendas.
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
6 Apr 09
I agree with you technology is best if we use wisely but with time wise person are getting shorter and shorter see the upsurge of terrorism would they use it wisely .........
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@Kierstal (142)
• United States
6 Apr 09
Technology is not the problem. It is the people who are using the technology that are the problem. Science is a tool, and is only as good as the people who use it. Every technological advancement there is has at least two uses: The use it was intended for, and the use that mainstream consumers create for it. Bank accounts being hacked isn't so much a problem with the bank's technology, it's because criminals are getting smarter. Depression isn't created by technology and neither is cancer. Both have been around since long before electricity was even discovered. Technology doesn't increase pollution - people who aren't careful about how to dispose of waste create pollution. Food processors and dish washers do not cause obesity - laziness does. Technology does not discriminate between criminals and non-criminals, and unfortunately criminals are getting smarter while the rest of us are getting lazy. It is the minds of the people who use technology that need to change; but without technological advances, we would still be cavemen beating each other over the head with rocks and skinning animals to make tents and clothes. Yes there are a lot of destructive uses for technology and a lot of ways that not being careful with it can hurt us, but saying that technology itself is bad is inaccurate at best.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
12 Apr 09
lol yes I agree with you to mostly but hope all have such a positive mindset as you do possess ......... Your reply was nice and thought provking ...........
6 Apr 09
Hi Ganesh44, You are right in so many ways, yes technology is giving out a lot of negative effects but really its not the technolgy its people who are misusing them, if we don't have technology in the first place we won't know half the things we know and alos it goes hand in hand with science, like when electric was invented and we had lights, when we didn't have tv we didn't half the world existed, so tencnology is good but its the misused of it that is wrong. Tamara
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
6 Apr 09
Hello Tamara I agree with you totally , infact technology is being misused .... But Tamara as time is passing the price which the negative use of technology cost is too heavy and I dont think mankind can afford it ......... Imagine the day is approaching fast due to nuclear arm race ,when a small island country will have nuclear war heads ........hope we will have Nuclear free world before such situation arise as dreamed by US President Mr Obama ........
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
5 Apr 09
Certainly technology has a dark side as well as bright side, but you know you just can't get the cat back in the bag once it's out. Man needs to mature along with his knowledge or we may very well destroy ourselves.
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
6 Apr 09
wow nice reply you got very right I fully agree with you .......
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• Philippines
6 Apr 09
There are some truth to your statement but there are also positive effects.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
5 Apr 09
Doctors can do surgery remotely, I can find a great deal of information, and it is right at my fingertips. I can talk to people almost anywhere in the world...provided they have the technology and are free to use it. We can run simulations of different scenarios...which is safer than trying to actually run them. I assume you are anti-technology. And don't use a tv or a computer (opps I guess I am wrong here) and if you go to the doctor, you don't get MRIs or Cat-scan or even blood tests.
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
6 Apr 09
Dear Debs It is not like I dont use technology ........ But if we think of negatives of technology they are as much devastating as much the postivie seems constructive......... Can you imagine if some country press its Nuclear button it will take seconds and billions of people will die ....... Can you pollutants released by Aeroplanes and Industry which seems very positive tends to increase at steady rate every 2nd person in the world would have skin cancer due to ultravoilent rays coming from sun........ Yes technology has wonderful positives but negatives are stunning indeed .......
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
6 Apr 09
that is how some people are. if they get there hands on something they use it in bad things. technology is a great breakthrough but is also has negative points specially if you use it for a negative purpose. it has serve for busy people to do anything and everything on the net withput a buzz, like banking and paying bills. as you said food processors and dish washers causing obesity for they no longer exerts energy, you just have to dump the food in the processor or dump the plates in the washer then it will do anything for you already. it is contructive but we all have to use it in more appropriate way
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@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
5 Apr 09
now, don't blame food processors and dishwashers on obesity, that is caused by the easy availablity to obtain cheap food and too many people eating a poor diet ANYTHING to lighten the burden in running the house is a weight of the oppresion of women
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Apr 09
ha ha ha ha ha ha lol ok ok ok I expected such response from most females lol yes yes I do agree with you they are assiting women to run kitchen lolrarely they add to obesity and all
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@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
5 Apr 09
Dear friend, I do hope as human has bad and good side as humans there are bad and good people. The technology too have bad and good side, the good people use for positive side and the bad people use for negative side. But I hope there is majority of good people so that we all are alive as the negative side of technology is too dangerous are not yet used. Like the nuclear bombs.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
6 Apr 09
I agree with you but we are coming to a point in time when long resting negatives of technology seems waking up in near future like Nuclear bombs ,depletion of ozone and raising of sea levels due to pollution.........
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
5 Apr 09
it has positive and negative effects. just about everything in life has its drawbacks.
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@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
5 Apr 09
I think that technology has allot of good in it I don't use it for my banking or I think some people might over do it but there allot that don't. cd
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
6 Apr 09
Yes I agree but I put it like technology has wonderful positives but stunning negatives
@ralphido (842)
• India
5 Apr 09
dude.. without this so called technology, you wouldn't be posting something like this here.. ..... but you do have some valid arguments, i will give you that.... ever since we have become tech savy and got caught up in the fast lane, we don't find enough time to reflect on our deeds and actions and has let the technology change us at a pace from where there is no turning back..
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Apr 09
Yes I agree with you ........we are using something we are getting slave off and our master(technology) is driving us into deep sea lol ........ Hope we must learn to swim so that we can back out of seas in worst case .........
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@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
5 Apr 09
I think it could be good if we use it in moderation,but people has to go over broad.That is what causes problems. It is the way mankind uses it,or what they use it for.It can be a trap,but we need to use technology and the olds together.
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
6 Apr 09
Archibald MacLeish once quoted: “Wildness and silence disappeared from the countryside, sweetness fell from the air, not because anyone wished them to vanish or fall but because throughways had to floor the meadows with cement to carry the automobiles which advancing technology produced. Tropical beaches turned into high-priced slums where thousand-room hotels elbowed each other for glimpses of once-famous surf not because those who loved the beaches wanted them there but because enormous jets could bring a million tourists every year -- and therefore did.” I do not think that the advancement in sciences and technologies are meant to harm or cause any grieve to human mankind in the first place. On the contrary, it is being created to enhance convenience, health, optimum usage of scarce resources, environment friendliness, self sufficiency, shortening the distances, communications, a new way of life and most of all an all rounded lifestyle. Yet, there will always be another side to a coin where certain quarters will use these technologies otherwise like creating havoc, self gratification, dominance, tyranny and mass destruction and devastation. So, if these advancements are applied morally and moderately then there will be improvements and enhancements around us and our life. Choose it otherwise is always a possibility and it is karmic. Cheers.
• Singapore
7 Apr 09
If I may just add here, nuclear bombs is another side faction of the use of nuclear where the other faction is being used for the development of producing electrical and heating energy for the population. An alternative to the traditional and non environment friendly methods. Besides, weapons are also developed with the self defense intent in the first place without the real intent of a launch unless provoked or attacked from our adversaries. I am sure you are aware of this in the first place, so do not be too one sided negative about what is happening, for the world not be where it is today if there is no progress at all. Cheers.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
7 Apr 09
I do agree with you to an extent I dont find any well being or reform in creation of Nuclear bombs yes technology has enormous plus but we are stepping to a time where only GOD can save us from the dark side of technology ..... Thanks for nice reply ......... Take good care of yourself ........ Ganesh
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
5 Apr 09
Hi Ganesh~I know that what you are thinking might be ever so right, but in reality I am hoping that you are ever so wrong! Technology can be such a wonderful thing if it is used in right way! But, unfortunately it is usually used for the wrong purposes! It should be used for the good like in modern medicine! But, using it for Nuclear technology, that is so wrong! We need technology to find the cures for serious diseases like cancer and so many other diseases, but we find that sometimes it's use backfires on us instead! If only we could be able to control it's use and use it for only the good things! We must pray that this will be the way of the future!
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
8 Apr 09
Remember older days when human used to live in forests. Then we were as vulnerable as these days, with no protection and all. Then we came into some kingdome kind of time then villages used to be wiped out of colera! We were never safe and just because all the surveys are running, we came to know that with mobile phones such and such disease catches us. Can you tell me how many times people do exercise or do yoga in those surves. I bet no one of them. These surveys suck. Second comes Nuclear technologies and supersonic missiles. So, this is in our hands, whether we want it for good reasons or bad reasons. Nuclear energy could be used for creating another energy source with oil wells becoming empty soon. There is a saying that every coin has two sides, what matters is that what side we want and what side we watch! Thanks for the quality discussion.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
12 Apr 09
I agree with you to an extent ......... But dear with time passing we are approaching times when the negatives are as grave as the positves seems magical.............. SO extremes very positive and very negative.......... Hope postive ness prevails
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• India
14 Apr 09
i dont think its more destructive .Its just what how you use it. As every coin has two sides,everything has its good as well as bad sides i mean advantages and disadvantages.Its upon us how we use it for good cause or for ......... God has given us brain so try to use it for good purpose then im sure that we wiil find only good things rather than ........ have a nice day
• India
11 Apr 09
Hello my friend Ganesh44 Ji, You are absolutely right. I am with you. But this has to come to awareness of all peace loving societies. May God bless you and have a great time.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
12 Apr 09
ha ha ha ha ha ha lol Thanks MayGODBless you for your whole hearted agreement ............ I am seeing such a agreement after a long time at mylot .......... May GOD bless you too enjoy !!!! Hare Krishna Ganesh
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• India
14 Apr 09
Hello my friend Ganesh44 Ji, So nice of you for your positive comments. May God bless you and have a great time.