Kids and restaurant!!

April 6, 2009 7:20pm CST
I took my son who is six years old for the first time in a restaurant and i was really nervous at first.I didn't want to be chasing him and always have to tell him to sit down so i toll him what to do and what wasn't appropriated.Well,we had a great experience!Not only did he listen very well but he even ate all his food.I'm very proud of him.Do you take your kids out for dinner sometime and how well do they behave??
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11 responses
@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
7 Apr 09
My kids are ok when they go out to resaurants. But take them else where Oh boy. That is a different story. I took my kids to the shops yesterday because my oldest one needed a new school bag and new shoes. We only went to two shops, but the 2nd shop they really misbehaved. Older one was telling the younger one to shut up. And it was every few seconds too. I told the older one to stop it. But the older one kepted on going. The younger one was just touch everything. I told the younger one to stop touching things. We got to the check out, and before the lady served me, I was pushed to the limits. I asked the kids do they want the things I was going to get because I could easily put them back and they get nothing. Their reply was I don't care. So I decided to put everything back. When I put the last item on the shelf, I just told them I had enough. I came out to buy the older things that was needed and all I wanted was them to behave and do as they are told. The older one likes to try and have the last word. I told the older one that I had enough of the arguements. I told them both I am not worried about who starts things, I just want it all finished and that I didn't raise them to misbehave in public. When I was telling them all this, I was not quiet about it all. I was not yelling but I was loud. I even spied on some people looking at us and then looked away. Well after all that, the kids did say sorry and quietly they followed behind me. Not saying one word and not touching anything. So I collected all the items I had before and went to the check out once again. I told the kids right in front of the lady that it was better because they were quiet and did as they are told. The older one was not happy that I did it and I knew it because of the negative comments that came out after while walking to the car. The younger one was quiet. I didn't want to do, what I did in the middle of the shop, but I felt like that I had to do it. I don't want the kids to misbehave again but if I have speak to them again, I will do it again. But next time, I won't be buying things for them both.
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• Canada
7 Apr 09
I know how you feel,i also have a step daugther and if i have to take both kids somewhere it's always a crazy experience...I end up yelling in the car on my way back home and i feel really guilty after.My son is well behave when he is alone,but with his sister it's terrible!!!
• Australia
7 Apr 09
We have something in common. I have a step daughter and step son. But we don't see the step daughter at all. She is an adult and has chosen not to see us. Which I am not worried about because of the type of person she turned out to be. Step son we don't really see much. may be once every couple years and I will be disappointed because he has turned out to be a good kid. Or should I say a good adult. If my husband doesn't keep in touch with him, it is no one's fault other than my husband's. I speak with the mother of the step son more than my husband speaks with his son. As for the step daughter and her mother they deserve each other. If you have got confused. My husband has a total of 4 kids to 3 mothers. 2 of them are mine.
@pawan80 (36)
• India
7 Apr 09
Kids are learning and behaving from their parents and home circumstance.
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@aprilsue00 (1991)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I have taken my children to a restaurant a couple of times. It seems like it always turns into a disaster. My daughter behaves pretty well when we take her out to eat. My twin boys on the other hand are complete monsters. It is more embarrassing than anything. They are only two so I am hoping that it will get better as they get older.
• United States
7 Apr 09
I take my kids to restaraunts all the time. They are 2 & 3. They are always good for me. They know they have to stay in their seats & behave.
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• United States
7 Apr 09
We have taken both of our children to restaurants since they were very small. The only time we have ever had a problem was when the wait had been really long. our son is autistic and has difficulty with waiting, especially when he is hungry. We simply avoid the situation of having to wait by calling ahead and putting our name on the list. Their behavior while in the restaurant has always been very good. We have always made our expectations very clear prior to going out and have never had an issue. I think if children understand what is expected of them and parents are consistant with expectations, most children are capable of behaving appropriately while out to dinner.
@pegs35 (3)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I have taken my children to many restaurants and I have had a few times that were just crazy but over all they are good. You can't expect perfect with kids everytime. My kids have autism and I remember one time I took them to a restaurant for Family get together (I knew that this was not the day to do this) it had been a very crazy day so my oldest starts acting like a fish and my youngest starts acting like alien monsters. I look at my family and just said to them I told you I would rather skip this. You as a mother know your kids best and you know when they are having a bad day so those days just know it is not going to be perfect and you will still love them the same. I love my fish and alien!!!!!!!
• United States
7 Apr 09
I remember being a youngster and being allowed to go with my parents to restaurants. We were told nicely to be on our best behavior and if we were, we'd be rewarded when we got home with a treat like ice cream or an extra 30 or so minutes to stay up past our bed time if it wasn't a school night. It's nice to be able to bring children out in public and see them behave properly and not watching them jump up and down on the booth or run around screaming in the aisles. If it's going to be an adults only dinner at an adult restaurant, then regardless, children need to be at home. I have a semi-friend that believes that her kids are angels and they can come anywhere that she's invited to. I'm sorry, but no. You're wrong. There are places that are child friendly and places that are not. If you can't find a babysitter, that's not your invitation to bring your children with you. I've got a daughter that's not quite 1 yet and if we can't find a babysitter, we send our regrets. I'm not going to ruin everyone else's night by bringing along a fussy child to a childfree function. I wish more people were like me and did this.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I am very thankful that my 6 year old son knows how to behave in a good fine dining experience, as for my 18 month old little girl, she's another story. She's a good child, she just takes after me and doesn't know how to control her outspokenness yet, lol... I think we all have our moments where we are nervous about taking our children into a new environment, but good for you for enjoying yourself and having a great night out to eat.
@mamalev (264)
• Philippines
7 Apr 09
Wow congratulations!!! My little boy has his moods, there are times that he would behave and really eat his food and there are times that he wants to go down his chair and roam around which I would not tolerate so if that's the case we would have to order out our food and eat elsewhere (at home most probably).
@jayb88 (43)
• United States
7 Apr 09
I can take my four older children (11, 10, 9, 8) But I cannot take my 3 and 4 yr old. They dont listen, and drive me insane. LOL But then again me with 6 kids by myself is never much fun. I tnd to prefer takin my kids one on one when i go out to eat, they make it their special mommy outing.
• United States
7 Apr 09
My 4 year old has always behaved well in restaurants. She knows to behave or she will be grounded.