Autism x 6
By Foxxee
@Foxxee (3651)
United States
April 7, 2009 1:57am CST
I was watching a show that came on tonight called “AutismX6”
It’s about a family with 6 Autistic kids.
I’m sure most of you heard about this family.
Anyway, I really wanted to hear their story because I have an Autistic son myself.
The family seems really sweet, but the parents seem kind of lazy.
I’m sorry for judging, but some of the things I seen from these parents were kind of out there.
The couples house was also a mess & they blamed that on the kids Autism…
My son is Autistic & yes if he had the chance to color all over the walls, my house would look like a rainbow, but I keep markers put away & when it is color time, I’m right there monitoring it.
I would also never let him sit & peel off the wall paint, like this family allowed.
I also don’t want to hear the excuse “Well they have 6 Autistic kids, you have 1.”
There is no excuse for that filth & mess. With or without that many kids with a disorder.
I noticed on the show that the camera crew would catch mom just sitting on the couch & the little ones would be running all around & taking off their diapers & it was just amazing that the parents didn’t have a closer eye on them.
You would just have to watch the show… you might be able to catch some of the clips on YOUTUBE or DHC (Discovery Heath Channel)
Another thing that got under my skin was they have a 14 year old son with Aspergers & this child was cleaning the kitchen… & I have no problem with kids helping out, but my problem was this… The 14 year old was cleaning hard & he said, he knows it has to be done & that noone else will do it, so he does. That kind of made me wonder if the parents help at all or is this kid left doing all the cleaning?
During all this, you see mom sitting on her butt in the living room kicking back & she rushes the boy & says “You need to get the two little ones to bed.”
The boy looked so sad & said “I’m cleaning the kitchen first mom.”
Mom!! Get up off your butt & put your own kids in bed.
I at first, when I heard of this family, thought, wow, what an amazing family…
All I think now is that the parents are lazy & need to come up with some kind of program to help their life run better.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they do have their hands full, but I feel the parents are the parents & they should do a little more. From what I see, I see love, but I also feel the oldest is stuck doing things that the parents should be doing or helping in.
It’s kind of like telling my kids to go clean the kitchen & then clean her own room & then on top of that put her Autistic brother to bed…
That just hurts my heart….
I know as a mother of an Autistic child, it can be stressful & I’m sure 6 is a lot more work then my 1, but come on parents!
I don’t mean to be so judgmental, but one thing that gets under my skin is when parents make the older siblings do the house cleaning & also attend to the younger siblings as well, more so when mom & dad are just sitting on the couch & could help.
Anyway, I had to rant… Feel free to speak your mind… leave comments...
I also want to note that the story of this family is very touching & I did enjoy the documentry. It is worth watching.
& again... I could be wrong on what I saw.... but I'm just trying to make a point that sometimes parents need to step up a little more... tired or not.
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2 responses
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
2 May 09
I watched that show once too because like you I have an autistic child. I was really watching to try to learn more about autism. What I saw on the show left me wondering if the kids have autism or if their behaviors are caused by the parenting or lack their of. I'm not saying autism isn't real because it is. Some behaviors are tell tale signs. I only watched once and questioned whether a couple of the kids displayed any behavior and I am sure since it is on air all six of them have been professionally diagnosed. I couldn't believe the parenting and was a little more alarmed about that then the fact these kids might be autistic. Glad to see my opinion was reflected by others and that it wasn't the only episode where the parents weren't doing anything.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
5 May 09
The children did seem like they all had some kind of Autism or development problems, but then again, like you said, lack of parenting could play a big part in this.
I just really felt soooo bad for the oldest who has Aspergers & the mother was sitting on the couch doing nothing & while he was cleaning the kitchen she tells him to hurry because he needed to put the 2 younger ones in bed...
Is it just me or is that lazyness?
Should the mother be putting the kids to bed or the son? My god! That boy didn't ask for mom & dad to have more kids.... that is not his job to raise those kids...
House chores, sure, he should do some, but not everything & I have a feeling he does most of it the way he said "Well if I don't do it, who will.."
Maybe all the kids do have Autism.... but they wont get any better unless the parents take charge & do some work...
I saw nothing helpful from that show... did you?
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
5 May 09
I didn't come away from that show with any sense of education what so ever! I was really disappointed in that because I feel like if they are going to show someone's life there should be a lesson in there somewhere.
I feel really bad for the oldest too. One thing for sure if he wants to make it on his own he will certainly be able to. He already has better living skills than his parents. After watching that show you have to wonder why the DCF in that state doesn't step in.
I agree some chores are okay, but for mom and dad to have a child raising all these other children is uncalled for. Maybe they need to find another hobby. If they got off their tushes I am sure their house would be neat and the kids would be happier. When I was watching I remember a lot of yelling. Hopefully I am wrong about that but I don't remember the kids actually playing.
This has got to be the worst show for information. Being on a health channel I didn't think it would be an entertaining reality show. I thought it would be a little educational. If it's educational somebody will have to tell me where. Maybe it's supposed to be called How Not to Parent.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
7 Apr 09
And what a horrid picture it paints about both Autistic kids and their parents. I do hope it's not the norm and we (the parents that adapt to our kids and allow them to learn the correctness of the world) are the majority.
It's hard enough to over come the views of the people who don't know or understand and then things like this are seen.
I feel for the kids... all of them. The 14 year old has to carry so much that isn't his as well as try to deal with our world. The younger kids will never adapt to the world if they aren't taught how. And there just isn't enough time in schools to fix what doesn't happen at home.
Parents (or main caregivers) are the greatest resource kids have. So if the parents fail, the kids do too.