If student life is best part of life

April 9, 2009 12:27am CST
everybody from us must been a student for some specific time.do u think that,that part of our life is best part of life??I think so# as that time is golden time.as a student we dont have any kind of responsibility except study.That is main responsibility and we have to understand value of that.i enjoyed my student life very much.that time was very precious to me and i can't forget that.What u think was ur time also good.share ur experience with me. waiting for ur resonces
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22 responses
10 Apr 09
I agree that being a student is one of the best parts of life, although i do disagree that we dont have much responsibility. I mean, apart from studying and socialising, finances are a major problem that we all have to contend with day in day out. I find it frustrating that those in higher education have to pay so much to try and achieve something from life. Surely it shouldnt be such an issue, especially with so many people dropping out of school now a days, and the talk of increasing fees, does no one else see this as unfair?
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
10 Apr 09
Not at all. The time in my life after my student days were over was the best and it continues to get better. I would not repeat those students years for all the money in the world.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
10 Apr 09
Lol!!! At this point in life anyway. You are young yet. For me, i feel my golden yrs are now. Im done studying unless, i choose to. My children are all grown and on their own. Im single. I have no one to answer to or to tell me how to live my life. My only responiblity is myself. AND im still young enough to enjoy it all. Thats freedom!!! Its golden!!! Lol!!! Enjoy life!!!
@fasyahime (629)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
nope..my student life is my most miserable life..i hate all my friend and all memory..i got bully a lot on my student day..i really hate it so much..i prefer my working day more than my student day..huhu
• China
11 Apr 09
I just graduated from university last year. Now I'm missing the time as a student.It was wonderful that i could study and play with my classmates together.
• United States
10 Apr 09
I'm still in college. I'm actually transferring to another university. For me life is tough. I miss home, and my studies have been pretty hard. I'm a drawing and painting major, and also minoring in Accounting. I go to school full time, and go to work for about 30 hours a week to support myself. That's not including the time I have to spend to do my assignments. I don't get to hangout with friends much unless we somehow get a day off from school like holidays. It's pretty tough but I mean i'm very devoted towards my love for drawing.
• Philippines
10 Apr 09
I think student life is the best part of life, it is the golden part of life, as what they have said there are no responsibilities we only have to think of the exams and assignments.
• United States
9 Apr 09
Yeah, I had a great student life especially when I was in High School. A lot of good memories to recall, good friends that I made and we're still best friends after school. Although there were times that life as a student seems so hard, there are more things that gave more fun and friends who stood by me through all those years. Student life is also precious to me and I would love to experience it again even for just one day. :)
• Philippines
10 Apr 09
Hi puneetchhokra.. Yes I think so. I enjoyed my student life so much. You are right that students responsibilities are less in pressure and less in lot of ways compared to what real life is. Being a student, I worried on how to pass my exams, finish my cases, prepare for the lessons the next day, pimples, zits and light stuffs about boys. My life just evolved on simple things, friends were just with me all the time to have a taste of good life, travels, parties and drinks are just part of my student life. I miss it though of course life after school is what makes me strong and molded the real me.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
9 Apr 09
I loved college. Sometimes I just think about all the crazy things, and fun times and things that went on in or out of the classroom and I smile. Even now when I hear a song that was popular then I just drift back and think how fortunate I am to have those memories. When I have kids I definitely want them to go to a four year college at some point. It's like life, but with training wheels.
@umart13 (841)
• Ireland
10 Apr 09
Hello, My best friends come from school, which is proof that it was a very important and special time of my life. You would have to be sorry for our teachers, as we were good students but we had a wicked sense of humour and played lots of games on them. I studied twice since I left school. The second time was as a mature student at the univesity in Dublin. I was 26, which seemed old to the other students back then, but in retrospect I was just as much a kid as they were. Anyway this turned out to be one of the nicest times in my life and I still have loads of friends from this time too. Happy Easter. Umart
• India
9 Apr 09
Yes for me my school life was the best part of my life. there was no worry and just fun then
@prinzcy (32303)
• Malaysia
10 Apr 09
You're so right! I miss the time when my problem are studying and love(oppss). I don't have to think about taxes, bills or work. We can party all out and study at the same time. Those were the golden days~~~
• India
9 Apr 09
Well i do think student life is fun. We get to enjoy with our friends. Small money but great enjoyment. Now I work, but each of us are in different places and it always gives a nice feeling to talk about old days!
• India
9 Apr 09
Well pun if u think studying all the day and goin to school the whole year and hangin out with your friends and goin to ur school culturals is the most best part of your life it may be best part of your life but it isent how i want to live my life to be honest being a student sucks u dont get to lead your life the way u want to who the heck wants to go to school and listen to the crap they are teaching aboutm, you let someone to tell u stuff and tell u things that will never ever help u out in real life i think all the math and chemistry they teach us in school isent goin to make us get a job in real the real world the books we study isent goin to pay us 300$ or 400$ per week they are just to make us get a stupid degree and blow up all our life saving on a stupid degree thers nothin best about being a student and its the worst part of my life and i regret that i was a stupid student the degrees u get are worth nothin once u get a job and what matters after u get a job is your experiance may be the degree would help u get a job and after that your experiance matters the most and as far as being responsible u dont have to be responsible just becuse ur working do ur job right thats all that matters then you have all the time left for yourlsef u can go freak out and do what ever u want working is the best part of your life no home work no tests and no gettin yelled at for not submitin assignments on time you can enjoy ur life and do what u want u will never be told to wear ur shirt right ro comb ur hair or any of that crap u get told in school and best of all no pusnishments and u can make ur own rules u can only enjoy ur life when ur left on ur own and you can experience these things only when you start to work and not when ur in that stupid school
• China
9 Apr 09
Hello puneetchhokra, I quite agree with you. Now i am a college student who also thinks it is a golden time. We have this kind of time only once all our life. This is a time that we can do what we want to and enjoy our life.
@Informer (802)
• India
9 Apr 09
HI Puneet, I agree with you that student life was good for me. It's true that when we were student we never realised that it was our golden period but now when we look back and find that as a golden period. I had great time at school, most teacher loved me, I was the leader of the class, all students just followed me, I was the captain of school'l all teams.. That was great
@med889 (5940)
9 Apr 09
Studen life is not always easy but I quite of enjoying that. If I was only studying I would have find that thrilling but Im working at the same time so I feel quite busy with all that.
• China
9 Apr 09
surely it is. as a student, you don't need to worry about the living, money and everything, only to study hard and improve yourself. i am going to have a graduation,i think i will recall the time when i was at school. that's beautiful without hypocritical.we can make true friends and share your idea with him. that's a freely life.so cherish it.
@JDudek (10)
9 Apr 09
It is wrong to assume that student lifee is all easy, this is simply not true. We only look back on it now and see it as a breeze because we have moved on with our lives and faced different types of stresses that are probably worse than those when we were students. However this does not detract from these student issues because when we were experiencing them they felt like the worst things in the world.