Homework! - How much is too much?
By barehugs
@barehugs (8973)
April 9, 2009 1:32pm CST
Little Bobby hates doing Homework, but his sister enjoys doing hers. Why do kids need homework after coming home from school where they have been studying all day? Is it a Teachers ploy to unload some of their work on the Parents? I went to school in the 40s and never had to do Homework. My Mother always read to us kids at bedtime. Do the Kids need to learn more than they did 50 years ago? What do u think?Our school started at Nine am., with a 20 minute recess at 10:30 am. and Noon Hour was from 12 to 1 pm. Afternoon recess at 2:40 pm and we were dismissed from School at 4:00. I walked 1-1/2 miles to, and from school. There were no school trips, no visits to, or from neighboring schools. School was all about learning, and it was serious business. What were your school experiences, and did you have to do homework? Lately there is quite a bit of controversy about the amount of homework the kids are asked to do. Do you think your kids are doing too much?
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27 responses
@lologirl2021 (5542)
• United States
9 Apr 09
I think the teachers send home homework because they are wanting to know if the kids were paying attention and seeing if they can do their homework. It's really all about paying attention do be able to do the homework. If the kid was paying attention then the homework shouldn't take to long to do. I think that the teachers shouldn't send homework every night though as it does get tough to keep up with it all the night. Maybe they should try doing a different subject every night and do it by that so they only have one assignment every night night to do and that might be good.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
9 Apr 09
If the child is not interested he/she will not pay attention. Its the Teachers job to make the subject interesting. If the teacher is failing to keep the child's interest she/he is a Poor Teacher, and sending homework home with the child will not solve the problem.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
9 Apr 09
And if the child is having trouble with the work, because of not understanding not attention issues, they just get it marked wrong... not taking into account that they need help. The next school day is the next lesson and there is no help. So the child's grade drops. At some point the kid asks, "what's the point?"
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
12 Apr 09
I agree with you,no homework.And those heavy bags on those growing and developing bodies is totally inappropiate.

@loudcry (1043)
• India
10 Apr 09
I think kids are given way too much homework. Homework eats up healthy and quality family time. Moreover, education today has been reduced to mugging up some facts. There is no emphasis on learning and building up the child's thinking capabilities.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
11 Apr 09
If all Parents showed their displeasure of excessive homework by notifying the Teachers, Perhaps there would be a decrease in the homework load. If the teacher can get away with overloading the child,( and consequently lessening their workload) its just Human nature for the Teacher to do it. Lets all begin writing to the Teacher, and showing our personal displeasure!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
10 Apr 09
I've done the math on that - they don't spend tomuch time "working"... out of a 55 minute class time.. first 5 are for roll call, next 10 are "turn in yesterdays homework" time, next 10min is teacher laying out the plan for todays class or teling about things that are going to happe, where the class is headed etc... prior to the bell ringing at the end of class.. 10 are for giving homework assignments and other "end of class" issues, .. so do the math.. out of 55 minutes of class time at the most only about 30 are actually spent teaching and learning and many can't learn in only 30 minutes so homework is a good thing. Granted sometimes there is to much and in my experience, I have often wondered if the teachers weren't giving so much expecting the kids to either learn it on their own or parents to do the teaching so they don't have to. But if the kids are learning well, the amount of homework, although annoying, if they know what they are doing, it will go fast, and if they dont know what they are doing, then it is good that they have the homework to help them learn ... and hopefully a parent to help them as also in my experience, asking a teacher for help after school is not to popular with the teachers..again, my personal experience with teachers and 18 years of experience with them. JMO - don't yell at me teachers! I know some are great!
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
The whole thing is way too compartmentalized. Its got way out of hand! Gone are the days when we sat in our desks and worked at Learning. The teachers are using too much teaching time for extra curricular activities. Perhaps they enjoy doing this because its all cut and dried, and it won't talk back or present problems.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
10 Apr 09
I'm definately not for alot of homework ... but a little is a good thing simply because they don't do much in class. At my grand daughters school they give all the homework to the kids on Monday - due back on Friday. They can do a little each day or all on Monday and be done for the week....I think that is a good thing. specific, yet adjustible. Throw in if they have a problem with something, they have the week to try to get help from the teacher... hopefully.
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@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
10 Apr 09
I think the school knew what they are doing. Our kids need to learn and more practice. Homework is for the practice of their mind work. Without their brain on exercising, they never grow to be intelligent. Just think of it. It is a beneficial exercise for your children.
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
10 Apr 09
In a class I took as a part of my reading endorsement we had this very discussion. The problem with education is that in America we've not expanded our school year or extended our school day like other countries have done. However, each generation we've added in between 10-15 new courses that we feel must be taught in the given school year/school day. So, we're teaching more, in less time.
As a part of this we need to have a way to help students retain information. Homework is not designed, nor should it be designed to teach new lessons. It is designed to reinforce those concepts taught during the school day. Typically the amount of homework is supposed to be no more then 10-15 minutes per subject. Yes, that does equate to a lot when a child gets to high school, but college life is no different. And, most students are under the false impression that homework equates to study. Studying their subject is much different then simply doing a homework piece. And yes, it makes the difference between the average student and the honor roll student.
Now, I do teach special education, so even though special needs students still have homework it typically isn't the same or even in time length comparable to the non special education student. It's all dependent upon the needs of the student. Though, I do feel if all students were taught as special education students are taught we might not have a need for special education.
My own experience in school was that we had homework, but I also studied. I might not have been the best student because of my learning disability but I still studied. It's something that helped me get through school, and carried with me to college where I excelled as an A/B student.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
Kids should be taught to think, rather than remember. A list of facts by rote is of little use in the real world. History( for instance) is different depending on which side won the war. Morals are not even considered as a subject. Honesty and Truth are not important in today's world. (ask the CEO of any Bankrupt Multi-National)
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
10 Apr 09
Education is much more complex then "rote" memory. Critical thinking is one of the standards in every grade that is to be focused upon, and most of the teachers I know do focus on teaching children how to think.
Now, in terms of teaching morals and ethics, that is not the fault of the teacher. When a teacher does try to teach morals or ethics, we're met by a host of angry parents who deem it their place to teach such things. So, this is as said a complex issue that teachers are trying to rectify.
I'm not here to convince you that education is perfect, but it is not as poor as it is being made out to be. The poor teachers are in small percentage compared to the number of very good teachers.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
11 Apr 09
That's what I said.They do school work all day.When are they supposed to be kids? Statistics show that because kids have so much homework that they don't have time for after school activities,jobs or do babysitting.It's crazy! Then if there is anytime left for a bedtime story then they don't want to see a book.This is part of the reason that I homeschool my daughter.
Great discussion 

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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
12 Apr 09
None! I give her no homework.We do work and when she feels like reading or studying she does.I want her to enjoy learning.At the begining of the week or about then,I give her the spelling words that she knows that she has to know in about 4 or 5 days.Usually she will come to me in about 3 days telling me that she would like to take her test.She knows what we are working on in math and I have seen her with the math study book,looking up more information on the subject.In her language arts book a part was a page or two from a book and the work was asking questions on it.She came to me and asked me to take her to the library to get the book.She reads it.Once a month we go to a museum or other historical place.When we get home she writes about what she learned and I never assigned it.She is more enthused about doing her work now then before when we did the set time method like public schools do.Public schools make it that they must learn this by then and sometimes children just aren't ready for that.They shouldn't feel pushed about learning,they should want to learn.
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
12 Apr 09
None! I give her no homework.We do work and when she feels like reading or studying she does.I want her to enjoy learning.At the begining of the week or about then,I give her the spelling words that she knows that she has to know in about 4 or 5 days.Usually she will come to me in about 3 days telling me that she would like to take her test.She knows what we are working on in math and I have seen her with the math study book,looking up more information on the subject.In her language arts book a part was a page or two from a book and the work was asking questions on it.She came to me and asked me to take her to the library to get the book.She reads it.Once a month we go to a museum or other historical place.When we get home she writes about what she learned and I never assigned it.She is more enthused about doing her work now then before when we did the set time method like public schools do.Public schools make it that they must learn this by then and sometimes children just aren't ready for that.They shouldn't feel pushed about learning,they should want to learn.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Yes, kids do have more to learn. Let's look at the developments in science and changes in history and math and not to mention technology.
I think kids do need more homework, when I was a kid, I remember coming home from school from about 3rd grade on and having a lot of homework. 2-3 hours on the weekend.
I know my older brother did, since I would sit and watch Mom help him with it, so at the tender age of 3, I was actually in 1st grade. I learned it all, better than he did.
School is not serious business now, kids have no attention span, the standards are much lower and discipline is none existent. Teachers spend more time trying to deal with problems than the do teaching.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
Children should be treated with the respect that is due to Small Developing Adults. A Parent or Teacher cannot expect to be respected, unless they, first, respect their Children and Students. Learning is Normal and Natural for Children if the information is presented in an atmosphere of Interest, Anticipation and Fun.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
Hi barehugs, Your school days were much like mine except that I did have homework, and lots of it. I would think that there would be less need of it today than back than. I know that kids here still have homework but I'm not sure if parents consider it to be too much. Blessings.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
9 Apr 09
Little kids are spending all day at school (8 to 4 here) with out recess or gym or art or music. They then come with 3 or 4 hours of work. There were no trips this year. One last and that was because the circus donated the tickets.
This is kids in the primary, elementary grades.
Yes, they are getting too much. No, I don't think they need all that. And honestly I think it harms some kids because they get to hating school so much, they stop doing the work.
Yes, it's serious work but there comes a line. And here in my area, the schools are failing so the students are failing so the schools fail worse so the kids fail worse.
I have to use my favorite word... Balance. There isn't any.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
Education keeps getting more complicated, and out of control, with every passing year. A time will come when it gets so top-heavy it will fall flat on its face. But all will not be lost, because the computer will be a much better teacher than any Human could possibly be. Robotic Computers will be the new age teaching tools. Each household will have a robot teacher that will be child size and will grow with the kids. Children will be taught as they play with their Teacher, and they will never realize, because learning will be Fun (as it was meant to be.) Kindergarten through University will all happen in the home, and immediate surroundings.
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
11 Apr 09
All right now where to start answering the questions. How much is too much depends entirely upon the student. Any was too much for me. Why homework, everyone has there own opinions, I never really bothered with it too much myself. Was assigned it of course, just didn't really do much, and if I did, no effort. If it can't be done in class I said, I won't do it. Teachers didn't really like that. Trips are fun, especially to the museum and such, I know you didn't go, but you went to a country school, they probably thought to teach you enough to run the farm and that was that. I could be wrong that is my opinion based on talking to your generation. My son doesn't have homework yet, as he isn't in school, we shall see how it goes. School for me was 9 - 3 30, 4 classes a day with a 45 minute lunch break (high school) I did graduate, even with out doing most of my homework. It should be fun, we learn better that way. I always remember more about what interested me. Ah that is a good, yes I do believe kids need to learn more, but at the same time less. Technology you know, adds some, takes away others. And you mentioned somewhere about morals and such, I think that is more important then information. Reading writing and arithmetic is all that is really "necessary" in my opinion. All else is really just expanding on that.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
11 Apr 09
I must say,"I like your attitude!" Here was a Kid with a mind of his own! School trips were unheard of, and unthought of as well. We learned Reading, Writing and Arithemetic, with very few frills. English Grammar was not a favorite, but I enjoy it now. I loved Literature, and read every book on the three shelves of the school library. I would like to see "Morals," a Subject in Elementary School. Our world is going to Hell in a hand-wagon, all because of Greed, Dishonesty, and the lack of Clarity in our lifestyle. Thanks for your Enlightening Thoughts!
@eselmaro (208)
• Philippines
10 Apr 09
I enjoyed my childhood days so much. My favorite subject way back then is recess. There's always a free food for the kids, will I guess because our parents paid them already to make a food for us. There are times too that we play a lot. Of course, the ever dearest coloring book assignment. Basically, I just spent my childhood study more on play, eat and enjoy. This is so good to remember. Have a Blessed day!
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
Recess was a Hoot, as I remember. My Favorite Game was catching flies and putting them in an empty Ink Bottle. I remember once, having 35 in the bottle. Catching them was easy. The hard part was keeping the captured flies, when adding another to the bottle.
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@prinzcy (32303)
• Malaysia
10 Apr 09
Homework is a way for students to enhance their understanding for the topic that they learn that day. Teachers usually give homework based on student's class (students in my country were stream into classes based on their level of ability to understand and learn) Lower class has less homework than upper class where the students has higher understanding ability. The way you study is different from today probably due to the way your teacher teach you. Try to understand your child's teacher a bit more.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
There were 26 students in the country school I attended. These children were divided into 9 grades. Kindergarten did not exist because the student needed to be old enough to walk to school. The students had to be 6 years old the year they started. The teacher was busy, as she taught 9 grades. There was a Government Inspector who came unexpected twice a year. His Job was to check that each class was at the approved level. Homework was an unknown issue. None of the students realized how lucky we were.
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@FreshWriting (84)
• United States
10 Apr 09
Hello Barehugs,
First of all, excellent question. How much homework is too much? My personal view is that too much homework is when your child has extreme fatigue or has 'developed' personal vendetta against his/her teacher.
Yes, although I didn't go to school in the 19th Century (not to be slamming the time period or anything), I have heard about the style and schedule of school back then. No holiday homework, etc...less strenuous, in terms of school workload.
Presently, I also am cramped with homework - evidently, I am a young writer. With tests, exercises, classwork, homework, studying, and goodness knows what else, it really does become overwhelming after a while. Just to stay ahead, I generally spend 3 and a half to maybe 4 hours a night on homework. And that's not to mention distractions, which really can lengthen the time you spend on homework.
I think the world is becoming increasingly competitive, and that's mostly the reason for the increase in homework. Teachers themselves aren't evil; they're pressured to do it by the various Board of Directors and school districts, especially in public schools.
I think, however, that it is a necessity to 'appreciate,' or just grin, grit, and dive in, as it really won't get any better. It'll most likely just get worse, as the human population increases and colleges become more competitive (as well has high schools). So, unfortunately, unless there's a drastic policy change in the amount of homework given to students nationwide and worldwide, we will only be able to continually adjust and help our kids.
Unfortunate, but true...my best wishes for you and your child. If it gets worse (you say Little Bobby hates doing his homework), a suggestion would be to contact his teacher and also see how the other kids in HIS class are doing: are they falling behind, excelling, or somewhere in between?
Thanks for starting this discussion!
-Fresh Writing
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
I feel for you My good Man! I had fun in Elementary School, (even though I had to walk 3 miles each day.) I never went one day to high School, and College, although difficult was all over in 2 years. I went home and took over the farm. Life is exactly what you make it. You create each day of your life moment by moment. Laugh and the world Laughs with you!
"Everything I know I learned after I was 30."
~ Georges Clemenceau ~
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
10 Apr 09
Well, in a lot of ways, I do think that many schools are really giving out too much homework these days, and it gets to the point where it is hard for a kid to enjoy being a kid even, and have some time to play and have fun. When I hear of kids having homework as early as 1st grade even, I am thinking the schools are loosing it, and no wonder there are a lot of kids hating school, and wanting to give up. Personally it would be nice if things could go back a little more how they used to be as well.
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@youless (112881)
• Guangzhou, China
10 Apr 09
I think today children suffer higher study pressure. I remember when I was a primary school pupil, our teacher told us that the suitable homework for us was within one hour. So I think over one hour homework is too much.
I love China

@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
10 Apr 09
Toronto School Board in Canada now restricts the amount of homework. There were so many complaints about the excessive homework they now restrict it. Only so many hours per night, and no homework on holidays. Studies were finding the kids did not get any learning benefit from the excessive hours of homework and parents were finding that that was all the kids were doing in an evening, they did not have time for socializing and doing things with the family.
I believe that is also contributing to the obesity epidemic. Kids sit around in class all day then come home and sit around for several hours doing homework. When do they have time to run around and play being kids? It is not much good if they are full of book learning if their behinds are as wide as the bus they take to school every day and they are developing adult diseases as a kid.
Give the kids a break. I even see kids, the ones that are still able to walk to school with huge backpacks that seem to be as heavy as they are. What are they doing at school all day that they have to bring so much material home each night.
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@susiehappy (135)
• China
10 Apr 09
When I was a child,I hated doing homework either.If there was no homework that day,I would be very happy.Now I am going to have my own baby,I wish he will have no too much homework.I just want him study with happpiness.
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@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
10 Apr 09
haha, people might say i'm a strange kid but i LOVE doing homework! I love that there's a deadline for it because it makes me want to do it and complete it earlier...It drives me into working hard and i'd get this lovely sense of accomplishment once they're all done ^_^
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