I don't know what I did, but it seems to be working................

Sparks Roses - This bouquet was given to me by the hubs for my fourth wedding anniversary.
A woman is never too old to want flowers to mark a special day! LOL
Regina, Saskatchewan
April 12, 2009 10:33pm CST
This is a feel good discussion. I've bi*ched and complained about my hubs so often, his ears should be burning....... So now, I want to share some good stuff. It all started on my fourth wedding anniversary (2009) which happens to be the first day of Spring. He came home with a bouquet of roses, reminiscent of the bouquet I carried on our wedding day. The mauve roses especially are hard to find, and it tickled me pink to see them. We had already talked about moving, but he was waffling and driving me crazy. Finally one day on the phone, I lost my temper with him, and told him in no uncertain terms why I wanted to move and how important it was to MY state of mind and happiness that he realize isolating me was NOT going to make for a happy life............and he's always telling people that 'a happy wife, is a happy life' and it was time to put his money where his mouth was. Well it took a few weeks, but he finally bit the bullet and we took our road trip, and found a house. We both agree on the town chosen in which to live, but frankly, except for the work shop, which was perfect for hubs, I wasn't really too thrilled about the house itself..........I didn't complain though, because every good wife knows that 'a happy husband can make a happy wife', lol, so I was willing to compromise. Well tonight the hubs has bowled me right over and out the door! He has decided that the house we returned the counter offer on in Manitoba, is, and I quote: "Not good enough" and that I deserve better and something that will make my heart strings sing! Hello, "Who are you and what have you done with my husband?...........Nevermind, I think I'll keep you instead!" LOL So I have just emailed our real estate agent in Manitoba and asked her to hold off presenting the counter offer tomorrow, but to keep looking for a house for us. We have until June to find one and move, so it's no big deal. But before I hit 'send' I asked the hubs if he was absolutely sure he wanted to do this. His answer made me cry: "Babe, he said, you have sacrificed more in the past two and half years, than anyone has a right to expect, and I've finally come to realize that it's time I gave back as much as you give". Are you crying yet? Like, wowza, how can you stay irritated at a man like that? I've even put my bic lighter in my BACK pocket instead handy in my front pocket! So what do you think? Is this a good time to tell him I want a pony? ROFL
20 people like this
38 responses
@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
Wow!~So very good for ya!~ Am very happy for you!~Thanks for the wonderful hubby updates!~ Haha!~ By the way, a pony?!
7 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
LOL. I already have a dog and I'm not a cat person.......................ROFL
7 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
Oh, I'm a low maintenance kind of gal! I have pretty much all I want.....but I still want a pony!!!! LOL
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
I think the money to spend on pony would be better off if hubby just lavished it on you with other nice stuff!~ Haha!~
6 people like this
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
13 Apr 09
Hey sparks! I think that is so fantastic! What more could you possibly ask for? I think you pretty much have it all! And after all those things that you said about hubby! Now you should be ashamed of yourself! lol I am so happy for you! And he is so right too you do deserve the best especially after what you had to put up with this past winter! I'm sure you will find a much nicer house that you will be happier with! So good luck with your search and be nice to hubby!
7 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
You are so right Opal, and I am being nicer to him. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and the hubs certainly deserves a lot of credit these days! Higgles sweets..................and how did your turkey turn out? Is it midnight yet? LOL
6 people like this
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Apr 09
Are you sure you have not married someone else and not told us lol I think I would lay of the Pony for a bit though as it might be pushing it lol I hope that you find the right place for both of you What about the UK? There are some lovely ones here you might want to point that out to him lol I am glad that things are finally getting better Love to you xx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Apr 09
Wow where did you find that one as I have not seen it anywhere You never know he might one Day Big Hugs
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
It's in Salisbury not far from where P1ke lives! lol I seem to be 'collecting' pics of cottages all over the UK. My computer is full of them..........lol
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
13 Apr 09
What a great story! I have to agree with him sparks. Been following your story for quite some time now and he has put you thru a lot and you have stuck by him. You deserve this...You both deserve this. It's true...neither of you will be happy if even one of you isn't entirely happy. You guys have been thru so much and amazingly are still together....there must be something there. Ya...if you want that pony...this would be the time to ask. Wish you both the best!
5 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
Hi sid! Good to see you. How are ya? I missed you. Thanks for the kind words. You're right. There has to be something there........either that or I'm just too lazy to start over at my age! LOL Actually, last night I told the hubs I wanted to get back into riding and he was fine with it. There's a wonderful stables, ranch and trails just outside the town we're moving to, so it won't be a problem getting 'back in the saddle'. Don't think he'll let me keep a horse in the garage though! LOL
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
13 Apr 09
Oh Daffy, I'm so happy for you!!!!!! This is the kind of thing that gives me hope. Sometimes it takes a good swift kick to make them think. I don't know what I'm going to do with mine but a swift kick is for sure on the way. What ever you do, don't settle for less than you deserve, and it seems that he is finally realizing what you deserve. Why does it have to be so difficult sometimes?? When you find that right house, send pictures!!xoxoxoxoxoxo leenie
5 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
I was talking to my mother today (she's in her mid eighties) and I told her all about this, and she said "Well it's about damn time you made an impression on him and learned how to kick his a*s without breaking a toe!" ROFL I nearly wet myself I laughed so hard. THIS, coming from my oh so ladylike mother! Guess there are advantages to getting old after all.........you can say what you want and no one will think the worse of you for it! And no worries......pics will be shared by all!
6 people like this
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
13 Apr 09
I wish my Mom was around to help me kick my hubby's butt. She would be the one to do it. Sweet dreams love!! leenie
5 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
Sweet dreams to you Louie! Higgles.
4 people like this
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
13 Apr 09
Congrats Sparks. Manitoba though, I hear it gets cold in the winter, and floods every spring there? Ah, but the sun rises/sets are worth it. Or so I keep telling myself anyways. Have a blast, and as someone else recently mentioned, move first, then pony, just make sure you got a big yard
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
The town we're moving to has better weather than we've had the past few winters, and it's west of the flood plain area, so no worries. As for the big yard for the pony no one will let me ride in town..............hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, guess I'll have to teach the town folk how to panda spank and maybe they'll let me keep it in the parking lot of city hall! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
Somebody told me that global warming is going to make most countries too hot to live in, and it is therefore recommended that people move to Canada...........I have a house for sale! LOL
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
13 Apr 09
Might as well bring the Panda too. But what are the chances that they won't let you ride the Pony? I have seen ponies being ridden in every town I have ever been too. And what are they going to do, flatten the tires on your ride, you could just jump over the spike belt. Have a great move, I hope you find a great place. I need to buy a house soon, or rent a bigger one. I think I will go annoy the people at the land title deeds office, and see what that place is all about.
4 people like this
• Canada
13 Apr 09
Wow hun sounds like we are all making changes. I'm so glad everything is starting to pan out for you. I hope you find your dream house hun. I'm lovin my new place.
3 people like this
• Canada
25 Apr 09
yep everything is coming together. I just need beds for my kids. you can always look at your pictures for memories. I think that's what pictures are for
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
So you got moved ok then? That's good. I'm sure that whatever house we end up with, I'll find a way to fall in love with it. I've moved so many times in my life, and always managed to make the place my own. I have to say, I'm really gonna miss my current home though. My hubs did such a great job renovating it, and worked so hard............but hey, I've got LOTS of pics, so we'll never forget it! lol
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Apr 09
awwwwwwwww thats so great!. and why stop at a pony get a horse ya can ride!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Apr 09
well I would want one I can ride! So go for the horse maybe not a race horse as they cost way to much!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
YOu and Alice...........yep, gotta skip the pony and go for the real thing. Yee Ha!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
I've just discovered they have a riding ranch where we're going to be moving. So hubs is off the hook to buy me a pony! LOL I can just go to the ranch when I want to ride. Goody, goody!
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Apr 09
It seems to me your new life is unfolding, my friend. You've found your new path, and things are changing for the better. I have a feeling that you're soon going to find the ideal home both for you and for your hubs, because you're both being extremely positive about what you want, and exactly where you want it to be. Well done! Doesn't it just make you feel great when something like this happens? He's right... you do deserve the best, and so does he from the sounds of it. But then, he's found the best in his lovely wife, so there's nothing will every compare to that search! It's plain sailing now my friend, and I'm sure your happiness will continue for the rest of the year. My thoughts and energies are with you, always. Brightest Blessings.
@Darkwing (21583)
14 Apr 09
Awwwwww, thank you so much my dear friend. You are indeed welcome, for in you, I saw myself a few years back when I was taken under the wing of a friend and guided in the right direction. We have become very close, he and I and my life has changed in a similar way to yours. All I want now is to help those who are seeking a similar path but are not sure on how to go about finding what is really befitting to them. I can only guide... the rest is up to the individual, but it makes my heart happy to know that you've found what you were searching for, and with my guidance. No doubt you will cross the paths of others who will extend a hand to you from time to time, when you're lost, as you will extend yours to still others. Just knowing that all that will happen, with me at the beginning, fills my heart with joy and gratitude to the powers that be, that I was able to set you on your way. xx
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Apr 09
You are, and will always remain, an inspiration to me Darkwing. And yes, paying it forward is SO Wiccan, don't you think? And I AM paying it forward, gently and softly and effectively. What a wonderful world this could be if more people just got 'back to basics' in every aspect of their lives...................
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
You know Darkwing, ever since I decided to follow the path, and have been studying, so many things have begun to change. Especially my own perspective, and the positive energies I put out and others 'send' have had a great influence on my life. I wish I'd found this a long time ago. lol But I'm grateful for what I have now, and I'm so excited about the future. Thank you my dear friend for 'leading' me in your own special way (just be being YOU), to a path and a life change I so desperately needed.......Brightest Blessings to you to.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
13 Apr 09
awwww sparks the man truly loves you. He may not show it many times and he many grate on your last nerve at times. But he sure knows how to turn things around. I know I and many other ladies here and anywhere would feel so good and so loved if our husband did what yours has done. It's wonderful. I think you should now let him know just what it is that you do want and why. Since he is so receptive to having you happy right now. Just don't go over the top unless you think you can get away with it, lol.
3 people like this
• United States
14 Apr 09
Some relationships grow, get better, and prosper... amoung other things. This is what we hope for. Some relationships grow but in different directions, this is when they get divorced. I'm so glad your husband is growing and you two moving to another province where your creative juices can flow more freely with more material to refresh your mind. This will also help you two financially.
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• United States
14 Apr 09
Oh I forgot. I don't think the pony is over the top. If that's what you want then ask. It's a fifty/fifty chance either way...yes or no. And it plants a seed for future epiphanies he has, lol.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
So in other words, don't push the pony thing? LOL No worries. Yep, I do believe the man loves me. Or he's got Jekyll/Hyde syndrome. lol It's been a tough couple of years for us both. I realize that. And he's worked so hard! This move is a chance for the two of us to get back to where we were (financially and lifestyle wise) before my son came home so sick. Only it will be in a place where my own needs and creativity will be fed, so we'll both be a lot happier. I think the hubs is finally beginning to think outside the box of his OWN needs, and that's the kind of progress every marriage needs to survive. So yes, kudos to him!
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
13 Apr 09
Hold off on the pony until after the move....
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
13 Apr 09
Trust the kids on this one, Sparks, besides, if you are moving, you REALLY don't have time to play with a pony!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
But Elic........I have visions of riding into town on a pony like Yankee Doodle Dandy!......................not a good idea huh?*sigh* That's what my kids said! LOL
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@zweeb82 (5653)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
How come you downgraded your pony? I thought it was little pony flying you all around like Princess Jasmin on the magical carpet ride? Haha!~
5 people like this
• United States
14 Apr 09
Oh Sparks! I got goosey flesh! Well guess it's time to fill the hole back in huh? Roflmbo. I am so happy for you, tell your hubs what ever he's been drinking send my hubs a case. Hugs and wishing you more of the same treatment, cause you do deserve it! Marilyn
4 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
Hey Marilyn.............the hubs doesn't drink, but the other day he came home with some maryjane for me for my back pain (a first!), so he could be smoking! LOL
3 people like this
13 Apr 09
Hi sparky, Oh you have a wonderful hubby to let you have your own way about the house, he knew you were right and he may have seen the look in your eyes about the house he was going to get, so he has a heart and love for you, especially when he bought you those lovely roses, I don' think my hubby know what roses looks like unless he looks in my garden, he has no bought me any flowers in years. But go girl, you'r doing well and hope you will find the house of your dream soon. Love and hugs. Tamara xxxxx
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Apr 09
I'm glad you like them..........and I'm taking them with me when I move. They are very important to me and don't seem to mind being transplanted at all!
14 Apr 09
Hi sparky, Awwwwww!! they are beautiful thank you so very much, I shall keep it always and it will never die. I hope you can grow more roses when you move into your dream home. Love and hugs. Tamara xxxxx
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@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
13 Apr 09
You might want to try....with the pony? hahahahah ^_^ Quite a story you've got there...lol..I guess no matter how irritating and annoying husbands may be, we should kepp it in mind that they do love and appreciate us..Just as long as we shower them with the same concern and appreciaton..You're lucky to have him... ^_^
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
And here I was thinking (and him too apparently) that he was lucky to have me! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
Very trus mira, very true. I will try to do better..........
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@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
14 Apr 09
LOL! ^_^ I guess it's a known habit of ours to take things for granted or maybe we just lack awareness for each other since we're married and all..hahaha...
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
13 Apr 09
AAAAWWWWW!!!!! That's so sweet!!! And I vote "yes" for the pony!!!!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Girl, I am just BEAT! 2 more 12-hour days then I'll be back to my old self. This tax season has been BRUTAL! Just think, if you got a pony, you could have pony rides at your next hole-digging (I barely remember that conversation, and I don't even know that I read all about it, but I think a pony woulda been fun then!).
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
Hey reiny how are ya? Good to see you. Yes, the hubs can be sweet, and I vote for the pony too! LOL
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
13 Apr 09
I'm happy that he has finally seen the light and hopefully he will continue to see the light .. give him a thumbs up from me. Now if we can only work on his phone call irritation. LOL!!!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
He'll be gone by Wednesday.......... And I'm hoping the light 'bulb' takes a LONG time to 'burn out'! LOL I really want that pony! ROFL
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Apr 09
I don't know sparks, you know how I am.... after the hell you've been put through and now he's being all nice and sweet?.... makes me go hmmmmmm.... what does he want?! I don't know, sometimes I'm too judgmental or I read too much into things but it does sound a wee bit fishy to me BUT BUT BUT..... Enjoy it while you can!! You never know what tomorrow will bring!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
I understand completely Cats...................and I will enjoy while I can, but won't be surprised if it doesn't last. You know how 'he' is....... But on the other hand, I'm an eternal optimist, so I'll just think positive thoughts and hope for the best. Love you sweets............
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
13 Apr 09
Sparky, I dunno whatcha did either, but it sure DOES seem to be working! And yes, I think it might just be the PERFECT time to ask for that pony! Shoot, get it while you can, darlin. What particularly shocks me is the fact that you put your lighter in your BACK pocket!!!! Interesting, verrrrry interesting. If you hadn't said that, I don't know that I'd have trusted anything he said for even a moment. But since you did, I trust the stuff he said for a moment. I'll never trust him compkletely, just couldn't, and you know why, but I'd trust him for a moment. Then, later, when he's come through with some of these ovely words, I would extend that trust to maybe about 15 minutes..........
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• United States
13 Apr 09
Ooooh, boy, I can't type to save my LIFE today!!! Soorry. See? D'oh!!!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Apr 09
LOL, no worries about the typing nova. As for trusting him for the moment...........I hear you. I'm not a total romatic fool. I know that life is a series of phases, and they all pass.........but yes, putting the bic in my back pocket was a real show of faith (he laughed when he saw me do it!), and for now, I'll just go with the flow and be happy. Love you sweets, and so glad you showed up and really 'GOT' it!
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
14 Apr 09
I think that it is great that your hubby is finally showing you love and affection. It sounds like he really, truly lovres you, and is finding ways to show you. Enjoy it, you deserve it!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
Everyone deserves to be shown they are loved by the people in their lives eh? I hope you are getting a lot of love in yours lynne.........
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• United States
14 Apr 09
Wow! He sounds like a keeper to me! That's awesome to hear things are going so well. It's not everyday you hear wonderful stories about day-to-day married life, and this one is a great one! I hope you two find your dream home! Good luck and well wishes to you both :)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Apr 09
Thanks sweets. Married life is certainly full of ups and downs and right now things are on the up, so we should find our 'dream' home soon........
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