What an AWESOME birthday present!!!

@mentalward (14690)
United States
April 14, 2009 3:46pm CST
Okay, just so you know, I'm not trying to get a bunch of "Happy Birthdays" by posting this discussion, I'm just so excited about myLot's "birthday present" to me! I know they don't like us talking about payments, but getting paid today, on my birthday, was just so cool!!! I'm going out and buying myself something nice. Oh, I know that they pay everyone on the same day, but it feels special to me that it happened today, on my birthday. I've spent the day alone, it's raining outside and I'm feeling kinda down, but only because of the weather. I really don't like dreary, rainy days, but it ALWAYS rains on my birthday so it wasn't unexpected. I got another wonderful birthday present from my great friend here at myLot, mechanicNOT, who started a discussion about my birthday, just for me. He's such a sweetheart!!! I just wanted to tell everyone how excited I was when I noticed that they paid us today but, to turn this into a discussion, have you ever been really pleasantly surprised by anyone or anything on your birthday? Also, let's all divulge our birthdays... when is yours?
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29 responses
• United States
14 Apr 09
Hello Mentalward:)First off Happy birthday:)And I am glad your having fun on your special day:)It is wonderful when you get surprised by something you weren't expecting.Have fun spending the money.My birthday is June 8th!The best surprise I got on my birthday was a very close friend I met on line and he lives across the pond in cheery England had sent me a beautiful rose,teddybear and balloon,I was so surprised when my doorbell rang and he even called me long distence as well and sent me a bunch of E-cards to me that was my best birthday ever!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Thank you for the birthday wishes! I think that birthday surprise of yours is AWESOME! I've never heard of anyone sending a birthday gift from across the sea! How very thoughtful!!! I received a phone call from London before by a drunken Irishman who lived there. I met him here when he was visiting the States and we became friends. He called me not long after going back home, just to have me listen to some of his favorite Irish 'ditties' and that his girlfriend wanted to hear my accent. MY accent? No, no... HE was the one with the accent! LOL Thanks also for letting me know your birthday. I remember birthdays, always... it's freaky. I remember my first boyfriend's birthday and that was a LONG time ago! I forgot my own zip code a couple of days ago but I remember birthdays. I hope you're enjoying it here in myLot! Welcome aboard!
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
14 Apr 09
first of all, happy birthday! its exciting to get presents, especially money on your birthday! i sure like to get stuff like that. my birthday is september 15th, i share it with prince harry (though i had it first! lol!!!) do you share yours with anyone famous?
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Thank you, cher! I think that's so cool that you share a birthday with royalty! That could be a conversation-starter if you should ever meet him. I just found out recently that I share a birthday with George Takei (Sulu on Star Trek), Loretta Lynn and Anne Sullivan, the woman who taught Helen Keller to communicate. I got this from a really cool website: www.brainyhistory.com, in case you're interested. They have HUGE lists of famous and not so famous people's birthdays, deaths and special events for specific days of the year. It's worth a look-see.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Darn, I didn't see that discussion. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And thanks for attending my virtual party, too! I hope you get something nice with your earnings! The only thing that ever happens on my birthday is that my mom is the only one who remembers. This year it was different, though, I decided to be proactive and got myself a lot of birthday wishes that brightened my day. My dad remembered this year, too, so that was my special bday treat. I usually have sun on my birthday. Maybe you get rain every year because you had the poor judgment to show up the day before tax day!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Oh my, he really needs to get his act together! On the other hand, I'm not one who should criticize. I mailed mine in Monday, rather late. I was hoping to buy some more time before they send me the bill! Pick out something that you like on the internet and when you get your earnings next time, go immediately to that site and order it!! I've overcome, to some extent, my compulsion to give to others--because I used to be a doormat and everyone took advantage of it. I even borrowed money in my name for someone and she not only never paid me back, our friendship was broken--by her! Cheer up, dear. Do you want to make more money and write articles for the guy I write for? Stick up for yourself! You're worth it and no matter how much people love you, like you or hate you, you deserve the best of everything! Now take that attitude and wear it proudly!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
15 Apr 09
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
15 Apr 09
I got my daughter 26 years ago for a birthday present, nothing will ever compare. Happy Birthday to you!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Apr 09
That's an absolutely WONDERFUL birthday gift! No one could receive anything better than that! Wow! I'm so happy for you, and for your daughter! Thank you for the birthday greeting. Spending my time here among friends in myLot is the very best thing I could want, well, short of maybe having great health! But, I don't expect that will ever happen, so I was able to have the best birthday ever by being here, with my friends.
• United States
16 Apr 09
I have found a lot of really nice things in the trash of all places, I can understand your excitement.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
15 Apr 09
Hi wardy, although you don't want me greeting, allow me to greet anyway! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Uh-huh, it feels so nice to get something for your birthday. And nicer indeed when somebody does something special for you on your big day. As for me my Birthday is on the 28th of March. Just recently I turned 25. The greatest present I got was well, my life, of course. I was given another year to live. I didn't get anything fancy on my birthday and the greetings were a bit few so I guess God wanted me to realize that I had everything I needed. And that's so much to be thankful about.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Wow! March 28th? If you read the response I just wrote above yours, you'll see that I was supposed to have been born on March 28th! Wow! Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday!!! Also, thank you so much for the wonderful birthday greeting you gave me! You are so very correct about most of us having all we need. We may WANT things, but we have what we need to survive and that IS something to be thankful for, indeed! I haven't received much in the form of physical gifts on my birthday for years and I don't really expect anything. I have all I need and most of what I want. I'm very content. If I had a wish, it would be for better health, that's all. The very best gift I received was being able to spend time here in myLot, among my friends. I couldn't ask for more.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
16 Apr 09
Ohhh....gee, I'm a natural nosey person but I didn't take a sneak peek at the conversation above me until this time. So we were supposed to have a combined virtual birthday party huh? Darn, it would have been a blast! But yeah, we are provided with what we need and a bit of what we want, all it takes is a thankful heart! Belated HB to both of us!
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
Hello mentalward. Happy birthday to you, dear. I'm glad that you're having a wonderful day. Mine was last week. I spent the day with my husband and daughter. I wish you all the happiness. Take care and God bless.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Thank you, elmo! (It really feels funny calling you 'elmo'. LOL) So, another Aries gal, huh? There seems to be quite a lot of April birthdays in myLot. So, when was it, exactly? I have this weird "idiot savant" thing going on and I remember people by their birthdays. Yeah, I know it's strange, but I rarely ever forget a birthday once I know it. My sons are coming over tomorrow, which they do every Wednesday. My oldest son called this morning to tell me happy birthday and to apologize for not being able to stop by today but he's exhausted from work. (He works 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) No biggie, I told him. I've enjoyed my day, despite the fact that I was home alone for most of it. My husband came home from work and is now snoring away. He's not used to his new job yet and had to work all day in the rain. But, I got to spend the day with my friends here in myLot and that, to me, really is the best I could ask for.
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• Philippines
14 Apr 09
Oh, so you're going to have some sort of an extended celebration since your sons will be there soon. That's wonderful.
2 people like this
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
oops, almost forgot..the exact date is April 7.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Happy Birthday, blessings and best wish's/ 10/25/55 hope you had a fantastic day and wish you many many many many many many many more.......Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Aww, thank you, ea! You're the first person to sing the birthday song to me! So, you're a Scorpio, huh? I have a very good friend who lurks around myLot occasionally who is also a Scorpio. We used to work together and have remained friends for years now. Now that I remember waaaaaaaaaay back, my first husband was a Scorpio. Well, now that you've told me, I'll remember it. I might forget my own zip code, but I remember birthdays. It's kinda freaky. If I could only make money at it. LOL
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
15 Apr 09
Hey, my potato/poppy friend...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and it's even more special...cause you are an Aries! The HEAD of the grand man of Cayman! And hopefully you got a bit of a "windfall" from myLot, as I am sure you have performed a few tasks! Being that it was a rainy/dreary day...and you couldn't get your hands in the terra firma...were you able to get your body into a luxurious "bubble bath", and then lolligag in front of the fire with a good book? And today is Wednesday, so I wonder what surprises your sons will bring you? I think I told you in a recent discussion that my birthday was March 26th! My son, too, came home on the 27th...and on the 28th he took me to Emergency! When I got out of the hospital (he had to stay in town)...and he took me back to the Motel room, there was flowers/plants galore...Fresh roses, daffodils...A miniature Rose, A Passiflora Ceureula, and a pink flowering Jasmine...boy, did the room smell wonderful! Aren't sons wonderful? H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! ! !
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• Israel
15 Apr 09
Happy birthday :) What a wonderful present you got. I wish I could recieve such present for my birthday next week, but it won't happen. Keep up the good work, and enjoy your present :)
1 person likes this
• Israel
15 Apr 09
Thank you for your kind words. Too bad my birthday will be when I will be in the army, but I will celebrate with my friends a week later when I will come back home. Enjoy your birthday :)
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Thank you, Ilanedri! I totally enjoyed my day yesterday and expect to continue enjoying it today, as my sons will be coming over for a visit soon. Happy Birthday to you in advance! There seem to be quite a lot of April-born folks here in myLot, I've noticed. Don't worry about not getting paid by myLot on your birthday, though. I had to wait 57 years for something this nice to happen! Your time will come, I've no doubt. Enjoy your birthday, no matter what you get or don't get. It's your own, very special day.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Happy Birthday Mentalward! I think that is so nice that you got paid on your birthday! Do treat yourself to something really wonderful! You definitely deserve it for all that you have been through in the last few months! I don't know your friend who you say started the discussion, but that was very nice too! My birthday is 10/10! So it was my 1/2 birthday the other day! But, I am in no hurry for the next one! I do want to speak to you in private so I am going to give you my email addy. Opal2626@yahoo.com It is about my disability claim. I really want to talk to you about using the people that I used who represent people in all different states for FREE. I just found out that I got mine on the first try. I will tell you more-email me. I want to help you! Have a wonderful birthday and live it up! Love, Opal/Leslie
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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Well happy birthday my friend. I had know idea you were born in April, I am an April baby too. My birthday is April 25. If I had known I would have sent you a birthday card, it's not to late. It might be raining outside your house, but by your post it's not raining in your heart. Have a great birthday even in the rain. You deserve it. Love ya gal Your cyber friend.
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@rocketsky (1013)
• China
15 Apr 09
the most wonderful birthday presents for me is a teddy bear when i was 14 years old my uncle bought it for me as a present i am so happy at that time to recieve my frist toy bear
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Aww, that's so sweet! I can't remember getting my first stuffed teddy bear because I was only one year old. My parents bought it for me for my first birthday. That's a little too young, not to mention too many years ago, to remember! LOL
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@rocketsky (1013)
• China
15 Apr 09
I like going shopping when I have a birthday . mum and dad used to give me lots of money , they told me to buy anything i want :) i feel happy every birthday
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Oh, how lucky you are! I would love to be able to go out and buy whatever I wanted! But I'm pretty content with what I have now; there's nothing I could think of that I'd like to have, other than maybe a boat and someone to operate the boat who would take me out fishing whenever I wanted. That's not gonna happen so I'm content with living on a lake and walking down to it and fishing off of the deck that overhangs the lake.
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@tails88 (135)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Oct 7th. My 21st!!!
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@redsponge (557)
• Malaysia
15 Apr 09
Happy birthday to you! Hope a wishing from a total stranger can make your this birthday even more special. I just happen to drop by this discussion and read the response from others and your reply to them. So, I decided to join in the fun! I got a pleasant surprise from my bf who is now my hubby on one birthday when he gathered my friends and persuaded my parents to let me stay overnight at a resort together with my friends. My birthday falls on 6th of May.
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
15 Apr 09
My parents have always tried to make my birthday special. The one that surprised me the most was the year that they traveled 4 hours to come to my place of work just to tell me Happy Birthday. They didn't tell me they were coming or anything, they just showed up with balloons and a gift in hand. I think that of all my b-days, that has been the most special one. By the way, Happy Birthday!!
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• India
15 Apr 09
It's really awesome to hear that you have received you mylot payment right on your birthday. So you can consier that it is been gifted by the almighty. Anyway wishes for your birthday. Hope you receive other nice birthday presents.
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@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
15 Apr 09
I'mma July dweller...On the 19th is where i celebrate mine.. I had been on my last birthday which was last year in the year 2008...It happened at school. Me and my classmates and 2 other classes were in this auditorium having our lecture and it was ending already and i was so surprised when one of my friends went up on stage and call out my name to stand up..And i mean i had to stand in front of EVERYONE, even though it isn't that big (the auditorium), it was certainly bug enough to hold 3 classes. I was so embarassed when everybody started to sing a shappy birthday song for me...truly touched..
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@raddudu (60)
• Romania
15 Apr 09
Happy Birthday and congrats! Yes, it's one of the best birthday present that you could get for your , money. That's because you could buy whatever you like with them, it's a birthday present that gives you other stuff that you like. I don't remember being exited on my birthday because I haven't celebrated my birthday lately (for about 5 years). My birthday is on 2th of June.
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• United States
15 Apr 09
Happy Happy Birthday. I can only imagine your excitement getting paid on this day as if it were a "gift" to you. Thats pretty cool. I also have a hard time spending money on myself [mainly because I have four kids and they usually come first] But you should go get something. Its your special day!! Yay you!!