If God is all perfect, then how did he create Satan?

April 15, 2009 9:26pm CST
According to many, Satan is evil. But how can evil come out of God, unless God is also half-evil? The explanation that Satan was originally good and he later rebelled because of free will does not impress me. How can Satan choose evil unless evil is already there in his heart? And who placed evil in Satan's heart? If not God, then who? If God is the creator of all, then evil also has to be created by God. You may have free will, but you cannot invent evil out of nothing. Somebody has to place it in your heart just as somebody placed love in your heart. So, God is the creator of evil.
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13 responses
@drdivu (1011)
• India
16 Apr 09
well, i strongly feel that god creats options so that we can chose between good and evil..more so, he only gives us the wisdom to chose between them rightly.. I know very less about satan's heart and the talk related to it though..
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Well, this could be a very detailed and lengthy discourse, which I prefer to not add too much to. The very early Bible transcripts were not traslated fully correctly, but pretty much to the main points of information, are accurate enough to find truth. One would have to go in and do some searching of the meanings of the varied words of the Old Testament (translated from the Hebrew) - If that person was really interested in getting to the truth rather than attacking God. I will howerver supply a link that does answer the main statement and or questions discussed here: http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/evil.html Satan was a created being - with a free will. He like Adam chose to "do his own thing" and he (satan) was called Lucifer - Son of The Morning. His name was changed to Satan, after he and his angelic hosts were ousted from heaven. He did rebel against God because he wanted to, and 1/3 of the angelic host followed him. That is what the Bible teaches. When you search for the truth, and the love of God you will find it. But if you just want to denegrate God, His word, and or His followers, you are wasting His time, and theirs. His word stands forever settled in heaven, andnothing or no belief opposed to that will change or alter that fact. The “anti-christ spirit” is alive and well on the planet, and leading many into “other” beliefs that are not founded upon the one and true God who created the universe and all that is within it. It is our choice to do what we will with what He says to us. ‘nuff said 'nuff said
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
16 Apr 09
Hi, Frederick42! God did not create evil. Satan was an angel but he rebelled against God. He wanted to be just like God. He wanted all of the attention. This made him evil. So he created this himself. That is how all of this started out, by Satan, himself, not God. It may look like God could create evil since he created all of us humans and animals.. But, Satan created the evil in himself. And whomever believes in him to follow him, will become evil like he is.
• United States
18 Apr 09
That still makes God responsible for evil. Satan couldn't have "chosen" to make evil if the potential for evil wasn't already there.
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
16 Apr 09
In my own humble opinion I don't believe that God created Satan on purpose. I think Satan is a parasite just lurking in the dark, waiting to strike and the evil is born. Only God knows why Satan existed and what is his purpose in this world.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
16 Apr 09
You mean Hashem made a mistake? Then He is not perfect? I think you need to rethink that and try again. Shalom~Adoniah
@ulalume (713)
• United States
16 Apr 09
According to the Bible, Satan (as well as the other angels) just existed as well. Satan was not "created" (biblically speaking). Evil exists because this God is part evil as well. I do not really understand the Bible in this beginning though, as it seems very hypocritical. How is "God"..."God" if all of these other beings existed in the same way as himself? Did he just wake up and insist to everyone that he was the ruler? It really makes no sense to me. If these beings just naturally exist, not created and not birthed, how is there any heiarchy?
• United States
16 Apr 09
I agree with you, the bible makes very little sense, mainly in the way that it is written with metephors and almost always controdicts itself.
@rocketsky (1013)
• China
17 Apr 09
the good and the bad are always living on earth with contradiction . one feflects another ,both has its own meaning of living . god shows mercy ,satan show evil mind .
@vardon (90)
• China
18 Apr 09
yes,good question.maybe he feel bored~~
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
16 Apr 09
Hashem (G'd) is perfection. Perfection is balance. You cannot know true happiness if you have not felt saddness true? That is a form of balance that a human can understand. In all things of this world there is balance. There is love and hate, joy and pain, good and evil. Hashem created balance. Without balance the whole world would not work. People could not function properly. If there were not balance in nature, animals could not live. The strongest would win out and then even they would die for lack of food. The same would happen with plants. It will eventually happen with the Universe because that is the one place where Hashem did not create perfect balance because I do not think He meant for this to go on forever. Eventually, the Universe will implode and all will be back to a single atom just as when it started. Maybe that is perfection and balance after all. Shalom~Adoniah
• Canada
16 Apr 09
Heh, I remember my lit class having this discussion when we were doing Paradise Lost. I think that we came to the conclusion that evil came out of spontaneous generation or something. :P
@maezee (41988)
• United States
16 Apr 09
It depends on if you actually believe that satan exists in the first place. A lot of people don't. I don't. But then again, I don't believe in GOD either. . I think in order to recognize the good things in life, we have to have the bad too. (It's like this scenario: We hate being sad. But we can only recognize being HAPPY because of the contrast it has to being sad.) If evil exists, it's probably to balance all the good that exists in the world.
• United States
16 Apr 09
Theoretically angels do not have free-will. The usual theology is that angels do not technically have free-will, so either Lucifer was special in allowed to have free-will, or it was part of some part of God's plan that God wanted him to do this. Or another theory goes that Lucifer wasn't disobeying, or rebelling but he was trying to fulfill God's plan because God had ordered the angels basically worship and serve humans, and so Lucifer looks at that and says "How can I worship someone before God, because God is perfect, and I can't worship anyone before God". So he wasn't trying to rebel, he was trying to be faithful to God. In terms of evil, well that's debatable. You could grow up in a loving family and still turn out a horrible person or evil person. That's what free-will is about, your choice. It's not God or Satan making you do anything. It's your choice. Namaste-Anora
@rebelmel (1386)
• United States
16 Apr 09
I am extremely agnostic, so excuse me if I accidentally offend someone. Have you ever heard of Taoism? There is a belief within Tao that says that without bad things, you will never fully appreciate the good things in life. If everything is always good and great, you will get bored of it. But if you experience highs and lows all the time, the highs will feel more rewarding. Have you ever seen the episode of the Simpsons where lisa is doing a science fair project on how soda rots your teeth, and the dish she had her rotting tooth in started developing into a mini world? The people of the mini world looked at lisa as god, and they saw bart as the devil, and when they heard that bart was lisas brother, they were all baffled. I personally do not believe that there is a Perfect God. I do not believe that a god created satan. I believe that there are potentially many gods, but not traditionally like most do. I believe that god is within all of us. Morals are a form of god, and so is nature. God is all around us, god is our conscience. God is what we make it to be.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
16 Apr 09
Satan was originally one of God's angels--the most magnificent of them. His name was Lucifer, which means "light-bearer." What happened is that all of the angels were subjected to a test. God wanted to see who would worship the God-Man Jesus. Most were willing, but Lucifer and his crew rebelled. Pride kept Lucifer from worshipping Christ, and it was this same pride which caused him and his followers to be expelled from heaven and cast into hell. I'm sorry if you aren't impressed by this explanation, but what else do you want? God respected the free will of the angels; unfortunately, Lucifer and his gang freely chose not to adore Jesus. Evil originally came about in the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve was tempted by--guess who!--Satan, who was in the form of a serpent. Free will was again involved in disobeying God by eating the apple. Disobedience caused the expulsion from the Garden, and from then on, the human condition became a fallen one. God DID NOT create evil, let's be clear on that. It is Satan who tempts human beings to sin and turn away from God. He wants to steal as many souls away from God as is possible.
@ulqu1orra (307)
• Philippines
16 Apr 09
What I do believe is... Do you think God was the one who created man? The answer is no. Man created God. Why? Its up to you.