Why Does The Size Of The Tea Parties Matter?

@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
April 16, 2009 3:58pm CST
One way to lampoon the tax day tea parties is to put down their total size. Yes less than 200 thousands individuals showed up over the nation, but do you really want to go down this road. How many people show up to those Code Pink rallies? What about those Pro-Amnesty rallies? In my state we had about twenty different site to show up, the biggest one was at the capital where about five hundred showed up. Down the road there was a counter-protest with people carrying signs saying pass the Obama budget. How many showed up to the counter-protest, 15? 500 to 15 yet the 500 does not matter when the 15 does? Look pro-Obamist if you think that we are nothing why do you not go out and start your own rally. Let us actually see how many show up to that!
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9 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 Apr 09
You had a counter protest? Cool! I do agree that the total numbers don't matter. What matters is that Americans across this nation came together and made a statement and NO ONE can refute that!
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
16 Apr 09
Yeah it was about fifteen carring around a balck sign that said pass the Obama budget. I scratch my head about that one because the Obama budget passed. Last time I check Democrats control all the branches of government, so what was their deal. Every local news channel gave them equal time but their leader did not make a lot of sense.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Apr 09
The estimate of the tax day tea parties reminds me of the coverage we get with our pro-life rallies we have up here to protest the killing of unborn children. Even though there may be tens of thousands, they just photograph just a small part of the crowd and say that only 200 attended. The way to make a campaign to seem unsuccessful is to diminish its size. Oh and if the pro=Obamanists started their rallies, the camera would photograph it from all angles and make it look as if more were there then really was.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Oh you can believe that the media would turn a couple of people into a gaint mass of people.
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@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I believe that this is just the beginning of a new movement that will grow. Most of the media is discussting, with their lies, and criticisms, and snide remarks. Once school is out, many that couldn't get involved, probably will. I am so proud that the folks were civil, and that as far as I know - - no violence or stupidity popped up. God Bless America
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I think that the size of these tea parties are important is that the bigger the numbers the more Washington will listen. I think that those numbers are bigger than reported because of all the smaller towns that held their own. I hope these tea parties continue and will swell to over whelm the government with our voice. If It doesn't then we need to put new people in congress and the senate.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Actually there was a minimum of 250,000 who attended, and the final figure was in the neighborhood of a million. It think the 0bamunist and Congress got caught by surprise by this, although one article I saw said that the Great Deceiver was unaware of these protests... and they said Bush was out of touch. http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=95230 http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=95173
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
16 Apr 09
Considering the whole thing was organized over the internet and by phone, I would say they did a pretty good job. The media except for FOX was silent until the last minute and then it was just to ridicule and condemn. Even if half that number showed up, it still says that people care about their country. A lot of the places were rained out like the Capitol. I don't think anyone in the Government cares. Obama lied and said he did not know anything about it. Even when they had to shut the White House down because someone threw a box of tea over the fence. They had to call out the Hazmat robot out to make sure it wasn't a bomb and Obama still says he knew nothing about it. Right! Shalom~Adoniah
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
16 Apr 09
The Internet is how I even learn that there was going to be a tea party in my state. I did a search on the web and there it was. Trust my FOX still has not paid my anything!
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@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
16 Apr 09
I don't think everyone was on board for these Tea Party rallies because even though they were billed as being bipartisan they were still organized by a Republican group and promoted by Fox News. Most conservatives, at least the ones I know, hated Bush and hated the Free Republic idiots that followed him. I'm pretty sure this is the type of crowds that were attracted to these demonstrations. Don't get my wrong, not everyone that showed up were of this mold. I'm sure there were some decent folks tricked into going to the rally. They had no idea they were being tricked by the neo-cons. The group that raped and defiled classical conservatism. And honestly, some of the comments made by the Left were valid. Did you protest against Bush? Republicans love to talk tax cuts to divert attention from the fact they will do nothing about other issues like immigration. They certainly did nothing for us the last 8 years about that. Why should I support them?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
16 Apr 09
Blue you are talking as though you got all your information from CNN when they were bashing Fox News. These tea parties started in late January, early February. Fox News didn't start covering them until late March, early April. Then in April a few high profile republicans started endorsing them. Some of those republicans were spend heavy hypocrites like D!ck Armey. Either way, these tea parties started long before Fox and Republican politicians got involved. Either way I don't think reporting on an event equals promoting on it. They also reported on Obama rallies throughout the election and I don't think anyone would accuse them of promoting Obama.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
17 Apr 09
Blue, what bothers me most about your response is your anger. No one should express anger when US citizens exercise their right to free speech. If you question the validity of the movement, then I suggest you go to the source and investigate. I have known of these tax day tea parties for months, and they definitely had a grassroots start. I am sure that forceful words like "rape and defile" do a lot to express your anger that there are people who still refuse to think like you (the ones you called... um.. idiots), but that's the whole concept behind the Bill of Rights. We have the right to disagree, and to peaceably assemble and the right to FREE speech, not just to speak those views that the media approve of. It's even possible that some decent folks actually hold these views and weren't "tricked into going". To suggest that decent folks wouldn't disagree with you unless they were hornswoggled suggests that you don't believe in the principles that our country was founded upon.
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• United States
16 Apr 09
I agree that Bush should have been protested for the bail outs, spending and the patriot act. I wondered why people were not out in the streets over it. I think what you saw were people that were finally fed up. For the general masses to finally get fed up takes a lot longer than it should. But I guess better late than never. THey were protesting ALL the bail outs. ALL the irresponsible spending. The fact that while most us pay our taxes our elected officials do not feel the need to pay theirs. I think you would have seen more protests against Bush if he had not been about the leave office when all the bail outs started. Plus the primary started way early and that focused everyone's attention away from what Bush and Congress was doing and onto who was going to replace them (for almost two years).Recently you had the second round of bail outs, all the CEO bonuses, the pork thrown into the bills, the increased cigerette tax, finding out high profile elected officals were not paying their taxes...etc (too much to list in one place)... and people reached their breaking point (the straw broke the camels back finally). Enough is Enough. I think people are more Mad at congress than the president. But he is the public face on the admin so he is going to get most of the blame.
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@nzinky (822)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I thought the Tea Partys went very well there was no violance at them....People know what they were their for and didn't lose site of the facts.....But MSNBC and a few other Stations made total jerks of themself by not letting the people have the mike and let them finish a statement Fox Station got blamed for the rallies but it was a grass root idea from the people on the internet that got it started and for the short time they had to let the news of the rallies get out.....They had a great turn out...... Can you imagine what would happen if they had a couple months to bring the thing together....People are so tired of big government tell us what we should do and not listening to the people who put them in office........Don't they realize we have the power of the vote and they may not get re-elected if they don't start listen to us.... After all look what California is doing now.......They are recalling their governor and a few people who are in office......Maybe we should take a long hard look and start doing the same thing in our states......
@mehale (2200)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Honestly it would seem to me that it is entirely more important that the protests were able to be as well organized and to have as many people show up as they did. In my opinion the size of the protests is no reason to say that they were inconsequential or did not matter. I think that we were able to get off to a really good start getting our opinions out to our leaders. Maybe they will begin to really listen!
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Hi gewcew...This is the reason why this country is so great - we are able to have protests without being gunned down like in other countries. I don't really think the size of the protest mattered, as long as it was a nationwide event. I just heard on the radio today that there are going to be ones held over the weekend due to the poor weather on Wednesday. If the spark ignited a fire that's still burning, I think that is the point of the parties and what the focus of the day should be.