If You Value Your Daughter's Life DO NOT Have Her Get Gardasil Vaccine
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
April 17, 2009 11:29pm CST
As many of my MyLotter friends know I'm not very big on medications or vaccines to begin with. I've started my share of discussions about the possible link to all the vaccines children get and perhaps the rising cases of them triggering off autism.
When I heard about this new "wonder" vaccine, Gardasil that came out sometime ago, I was waiting for a ticking time bomb to happen. Gardasil, as you know is the vaccine that is recommended to be given to young girls to guard against several strains of HPV that is known to cause cervical cancer in women. From the ads one sees on TV about it, they mention mild side effects such as pain or swelling in the injection site. But they aren't telling you the whole truth, at least not Merck & Co the manufacturer of Gardasil. The side effects are more horrendous and even life threatening. To date, some 32 young girls have died from this vaccine and many tens of thousands have had severe reactions to it and have never been the same since. Some young girls died within a mere few hours of receiving this vaccine, while others took days or weeks, and others who have not died yet, it's only a matter of time, or if they don't die have become sickly and housebound living with pain that is unbearable for them to endure.
Please watch this video made by Jenny Thompson, Director of the Health Sciences Institute and learn of the lies that's being dished out about how "Wonderful" this vaccine is supposed to be. Among the other KNOWN side effects Merck isn't telling you about are: Fever, Mild rash, Swelling of glands in the cheeks or neck, Seizure (jerking or staring) caused by fever, Temporary pain and stiffness in the joints, Temporary low platelet count, Serious allergic reaction, Deafness,Long-term seizures, coma, or lowered consciousness, Permanent brain damage and even constant mini-strokes.
There are also pushes by legislation to force mandatory vaccinations of this Gardasil beginning at age nine....Nine????
Here's a video of Becca, an eleven year old who is describing what she has gone through due to this "wonder" vaccine
And last is a video of another woman...who knows she's dying due to the side effects of Gardasil
(Warning: These links are NOT referral links but links to videos about Gardasil}
So question for you: If you have young daughters, have you had them have the Gardasil vaccine, if so did your daughter suffer any horrendous side effects. If you haven't as of yet had your daughter given this vaccine, would you after seeing this info? Many mothers I understand are refusing having there daughters get the vaccine, as the chances of getting cervical cancer is actually far less than the possible life long health risks a girl might get by getting the vaccine.

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16 responses
@AmbiePam (96510)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I've had the vaccine. I haven't felt any ill effects. As with most vaccines there are definitely possible bad side effects. And I would hope parents would research it and think long and hard before letting their daughters get the vaccine. But I feel okay with having got it. I actually had a worse time when I got the blasted chicken pox vaccine as a kid! The injection site got swollen and pink and painful!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I'm glad to hear you didn't have any serious side effects--guess you were one of the real lucky ones

@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
18 Apr 09
For me, you are preaching to the choir. I do not believe in many vaccines as much can be handled with proper nutrition and health practices.
I have warned many against this and there is too much evidence out there. It does not even help all types of cervical cancer. If people eat right, avoid certain foods and carcinogens, they do not need it.
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@carmella (496)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Something really scary is that it can actually "wake up" cancerous cells that otherwise may have never become active! Some statistics show it can increase the risk by 44% in women who already are caring the HPV in their bodies. Of course we all know you can have the HPV in your body, and never know it!
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@carmella (496)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Pyewachet, you are right! Pretty tripped out huh? As well as scary at the same time! I only just found this out a few months ago, and believe me, it has made me much more aware of what I put into my body. I just hope I didn't already wake something up with all the mold I lived with.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 09
actually from what I remember hearing years and years ago, we ALL have cancer cells in us from the moment we're born and don't become "active" until something triggers it, and in this case these vaccines themselves could be the culprits
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Wow, Pye...that is pretty powerful! My daughter had the shot back in early november when she had a complete physical for sports. Her doctor strongly recommended it because of our history. I had it twice. Once it was caught and treated in the very beginning stages and the 2nd time it had begun to spread which required a more advanced treatment. Two of my daughters have had it...one in the early stages and cured and the other, it had advanced but there again it was successfully treated. We were kind of put on the spot with this as she needed the exam completed that day in order to play basketball. I was not told of these side effects. I was told only the positive things about it and the possible mild side effects. Well it has been months and my daughter seems fine so I am hoping we were one of the lucky ones. Oh I hope so. She won't be getting another one. From what I just saw....this should be banned. There is way too much risk.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Apr 09
That's the problem with doctors though. I don't even think doctors are aware of all the possible side effects, and especially some of the dangerous ones, and not just for this vaccine but for any medication or vaccine

@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I held off vaccinating my daughter when she was an infant because I came to believe that any vaccination before 6 months of age could be problematic since a child's nervous system isn't yet fully developed, but did follow through once she was of age. I understand the need for vaccinations in general, especially those that prevent communicable or contagious diseases. But, this isn't the same kind of public health issue that measles, mumps and rubella are. I also agree that the push on marketing was to the benefit of the pharmaceutical, not the public. I wholely disagree with the push to make this a mandatory vaccine as HPV isn't easily transmitted and won't cause wide-spread illness or absenteeism.
I believe that the pharmaceuticals are too focused on profit and not enough on humanitarian concerns. I don't think they should be bound by stockholder demands, rather by medical need instead.
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@carmella (496)
• United States
19 Apr 09
The big problem though, is ALL the vaccines are about money Jerzgirl. If you read mu hubby's articles, (I listed links below), you will see that we all have been lied to, and most diseases were already on a decline before the vaccine was introduced for that illness, and some diseases actually are here now because of other vaccines created a hundred+ years ago!
20+ years of extensive research and a person learns a lot. Now I want to help spare other mothers the pain that our family has endured over the years, at the hands of the pharma, and vaccines. 6 of my 8 children had all their vaccines, and they all had reactions to all their vaccines, severe reactions that lasted for days, sometimes weeks! Vaccines become a horrible nightmare for me, as well as for my kids. You have no idea how badly I am now haunted that I never once questioned anything, I just believed. I believed al the screeming, high fevers for days, screeching at the top of their lungs, and on really specially occassions, GETTING what they had been vaccinated against! My two oldest both had the measles, thanks to their vaccine. BTW, this is a normal reaction according to the pharma company! My third baby fought through a horrible case of pertusis, (whooping cough), I got to thank the vaccine for that, and another "normal" reaction.
I now know, after watching my oldest son fight for his life through cancer, and having another which will always live inside the brain of at most a 4 year old that cannot talk, that vaccines are not only not good, but they are nothing more than a tool to experiment on our children with and for the government, CDC, and most especially the pharma companies to make a whole lot of money! Gardasill just shows what has been going on for many, many years. The pharma are just finnaly starting to get sloppy in their work, and now the public is getting a wake up call. I knew it would happen sooner or later. I honestly am glad thsi happened, because now parents are waking up, they are seeing the lies, and they are starting to fight back, and refuse to vaccinate their kids any longer. It jsut sadens me that young mothers and fathers are so easily brain washed into believing anything, and it's not until something happens to one of their babies, or a friend or family members baby, and they wake up, and saw OMG, but then it is too late. So I pray that my words here, as well as everyone elses that is against these child killing shots that has posted here, gets through to young moms and das, and at least gets them to research for themselves, and see the truth.
Oh, and for the "mandatory" vaccine laws. Let me just, ROTF and LMBO at that one. There is no such thing! Every parent in this country has a right to refuse any vaccine, and everyone, including schools and the military, MUST resoect their wishes and cannot force a vaccine on their children. However, some states only allow this if the parent shows religious, or medical exemptions. Most states though allow the two already mentioned exemptions, as well as a phylasophycal exemption. That means you just state I do not agree with vaccines, and that is that and your child is in school. It urks me that so many parents vaccinate because they believe their child cannot attend school if they don't, and that is just not true at all. Schools half the time will deny this fact unless you tell them you know what you are talking about and that they have no choice! Amaizing how easily we all get brain washed.
Anyway, please parents, if you see that this gardasill vaccine is only about money, why would you think that any other vaccine was about other than money as well? Something to seriouslky think about.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 09
It really all does boil down to the pharmaceuticals having a lot of clout, a lot of money and can influence our govt. Just look how many medications HAVE been eventually pulled off the market due to very serious side effects. My feeling, sad to say is that they won't pull this vaccine off the market until more unfortunate girls die from it
carmella; Yes I believe that often the very thing someone is vaccinated for in preventing creates the disease itself. My own mother was proof as she never got sick from the flu. The two times she got the flu shot, bingo she got the flu which led then to pneumonia and would have to be hospitalized. A woman customer my mother used to know when she worked at a bank related how this woman's daughter got the flu shot during the swine flu scare many years ago...whatever happened the girl became a wheelchair bound vegetable and due to the shot

@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
2 May 09
I know this is 2 weeks old but still worth bumping up..
here in Texas our stupid Gov. wanted the shot to be mandatory for all girls 9 and up..it went to the ballot and lost thankfully..if it would have made it, i would have fought for my grandaughters rights to say NO...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 09
I'm glad to hear it didn't go through and was vetoed. I don't think the govt has the right to dictate to us what we should do with our lives like that.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
3 May 09
As long as they always make it a vote... because if they try that here, I will vote NO. So far my daughter's pediatrician hasn't even mentioned anything about it, of course she's younger but still. The school didn't say anything either, I assume this is still a decision to be made between a parent, daughter, and doctor.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Hey pye~This just broke my heart to watch these videos. When
I was in my low thirties, I was diagnosed with the HPV virus.
I am crying now so please bear with me. I was very scared. I
was sent to an oncologist because my gynecologist thought I
had cervical cancer. I was alone. When I saw this oncologist
he was cold and rude and insulting! He told me I didn't have
cancer and when I asked him if he was sure, he said to me
"If you saw George Bush on the street would you recognize
him?" Now, wasn't that a lovely thing for a doctor to say
to a woman scared out of her mind about having cevical cancer?
I never paid this bas--d the bill! I have had continuous
irregular pap smears since on and off which scare the hell
out of me! So far I have been ok. If I had a daughter, I
might have insisted that she get this horrid vaccine! So I
thank God that I don't had a daughter so I wasn't able to
harm her! I am so sick over the fact that Merck hid this
horrible information and I hope they pay for it! They can't
ever give life back, but they can stop and save lives now!
Thank you Pye for finding this very important information!
I hope that all the stations pull this disgusting commerical
immediately! And if there is a way to help get it off the tv
please let us know how! I am going to write to Merck myself
letting them know exactly how disgusted I am for what they
are doing! How dare they put poison into children!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Gee what a kind-hearted understanding doctor you had....NOT
As far as writing Merck...probably won't do any good. I've written to major companies before about something that ticked me off about them, and I'd only get nice "pat" well-rehearsed answers back, like they didn't even really read my letters. Maybe the one to write would be the FDA themselves although they strike me as A-holes to, since they are the very ones who approved of the vaccine--but maybe if enough of us write...and we're talking the need of thousands to write it might have some effect. I wonder if any of the families of the girls affected by this vaccine have sued Merck

@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Yes I Was reading aboutthis in HIS newsletter.
I to always thought that it wouldnt be good to give or get this shot.
THere are more things out there that help like in the herb family and naturally doing things like way back when the old hill folk knew more about all this than we do today.
And I sure wouldnt tell any one to take this shot!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Apr 09
LOL--Actually I need to "Humbly" thank you, since you sent me that email about this, so figured what the heck, make a discussion about it...Something like this is too important NOT to know about the dangers of this vaccine
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
21 Apr 09
My daughter had one shot. I think she was supposed to have 2 or 3 to complete the treatment. I don't remember her having any side effects. I didn't follow up with the rest of the treatments mainly because of lack of time, but also because I did have some doubts about the necessity of it. I value her doctors opinion for the most part but I don't trust him 100%. I am a bit cynical about the medical profession and some of their motives.
Thanks for your discussion. I will look into this a little closer.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Apr 09
LOL--I'm ALWAYS cynical of the medical profession. Many doctors don't know everything and just rely on what's being told to them by the pharmaceutical company itself which of course gives a positive account for any medication or vaccine.
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Oh my goodness that is terrible. Two of my kitchen aids at my job, who are sisters and are teenagers, both had the Gardasil vaccine. I really don't want to have to tell them something like this, but I guess I will have to for their own safety.
Thanks for the heads up on this one Pye.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I sure hope they are all right. Did they complain of any side effects yet?
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Karissa didn't have any side effects, but Katies had an upset stomach for almost a week after having the shot.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Thanks for that! My daughter has been thinking about this for my granddaughter. I'm going to have her watch that video and hopefully she do it.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 May 09
Has your daughter gotten a chance to watch the video...hope so
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I am absolutely stunned at this new information!! Wow!! I can't believe the risks are worth this because I do not agree! Thanks pye for passing this information on because I need to warn my God kids mother to be sure that they don't get that damned shot! This is awful!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Glad to pass this info to you. Wish more people were aware of the dangers. Unfortunately, the way things seem to work with the FDA it's only after a few thousand people are affected or die from any medication or vaccine
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Hi Pye! I agree with you, and I've never been a fan of vaccines either, although many of them have saved lives. When my son was an infant he had a very severe reaction to his MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella) vaccine.
I have not considered having my step daughter get that vaccine because of the possible serious side effects. I think the people receiving them at the moment are basically ginea pigs for medical statistics. The way diseases change and mutate, who's to say that in the future it will be the same disease that girls are being immunized for now? It's possible that for being exposed to the side effects that the protection could be futile.
Any cancer is a horrible disease, this one is certainly no exception. I hope that with the door opened for more genetic testing that cures will be found for all cancers and other catastrophic illnesses.
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@carmella (496)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I just want to note that more lives have been destroyed due to vaccines, that what have been saved. Polio NEVER would have been, if not for the tetnus vaccine! There was something in the first tetnus vaccines that gave people polio. Of course then they had to create a vaccine for polio. Leave what God has done alone, and He wil take care of everything in HIS way.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 09
You hit an idea there. Yes, what's to say we haven't created MORE diseases due to the medications/vaccines that have been created. All viruses/bateria do, with time mutate, either becoming stronger and resist the initial medication/vaccine, or mutate into something else. That's why many antibiotics are worthless now, as many diseases are anti-biotic resistant, like that MRSA virus--and guess where that originated from? Hospitals!!
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@alicia812 (646)
• Australia
20 Apr 09
Hi Pye. My daughter haven't had this vaccine. And after reading your post the more that I will hesitate or totally reject the idea of it. This is scary. Thanks for all the links anyway. I will be reading informations about this. Here in Australia, there is also a celebrity who has a campaign against certain type of vaccines which she believes cause autism.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Well I don't think it's the same person as I don't think she's Australian, but there is a Jenny McCarthy who wrote the book Mother Warriors...she is very against the vaccines that may trigger autism, and her own son developed the condition after having the vaccines..so it's not her is it? Have to see where she's from
@veronicalodge12 (160)
• Philippines
19 Apr 09
Hi there!
Yeah I've heard bout this Gardasil Hoax when I was browsing bout it in Youtube. But honestly when it was introduced firsthand, I really said to myself I don't need it. I mean if you just keep yourself off from cervical cancer's risk factors, you can most likely guard yourself from it. My mom would love to have a dose of it, but I told her didn't our ancestors of long time ago never really had any vaccinations and we're able to live descent lives, I mean looking at the family line too, we're not predisposed. I pray to God it won't come to us too.
I personally think, even before they released these stuffs, that it's a waste of finances, and it was somewhat intensified with what I've found out in Youtube, the speaker got a point that it's just really "pharmaceutical marketing" You know, if we guys just learn healthy living we have big chances of staying away for diseases, and if illness come, I think it's testing time a chance to grow and to exercise power to be joyful in afflictions! Ciao! ^---^
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I started hearing some of the dangers of this vaccine two years ago, but not all the side effects were known yet, not like they are now and especially not the deaths related to it.
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@celticeagle (172755)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Apr 09
I so agree. This is so very scarey.
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@celticeagle (172755)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Apr 09
I have a grand daughter and this is scarey stuff. No, I would not let her take the vaccine. I have sent the link to this to her. This is deporable. The health risks are not worth it. Young women need to see their doctor and keep up on their pap smears. For some, like myself, they were never fun but so very worth while. We as women of any age need to push this along to neighbors and friends. I just emailed the link to six women.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Glad you sent links about this to your friends. A lot more girls and women need to know the dangers of this vaccine
@quarternoes (236)
• Indianapolis, Indiana
21 Jan 16
i just wrote an article about this and I'm not doing so good as to how they tricked me into geting her this shot