Some People Are So Annoying!!!
@danishcanadian (28955)
April 18, 2009 10:17pm CST
Tonight I had to go to the mall to pick up a few things. I approached the door and pulled it open. Just as I stepped forward to walk through the door, someone pushed right past me. "Sorry," the person muttered under his breath. "Didn't see you." I opened a door and wanted to step through it. I did not stand aside to hold it for osmeone I didn't see. Can't people open doors and enter malls anymore?
I did what I needed to, and went to leave. Having my arms full of my grocceries, I wanted to push the auto-button to open the door and leave. There was a little girl running circles around the pole that the button was on. I almost ran into the kid.
Then a few minutes later there were two guys standing in the MIDDLE of the sidewalk. I wasn't about to stop walking. I said "excuse me" and they didn't move, so about a second later I said it again. "J^s*s Chr*st" one of them said. What? Why should I have to stop walking for a couple of idiots who were in the way? Atleast I spoke up so I wouldn't run into them.
When I got on the bus a few minutes later, the same girl who was running around the door pole, was skutting from seat to seat, and getting in my way again.
Not only did I have my arms full, I also walk with a WHITE CANE, showing that I am legally BLIND!!!
Why can't people just stay out of other people's way? Anyone else annoyed by this kind of behaviour?
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22 responses
@SHEKHAR3009 (162)
• India
19 Apr 09
if ur blind y u go alone take someone with u then u wont face these problems
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I am annoyed when people do things that they know they should not do, and I am annoyed when people think that it is okay to say things that they know is going to get them into trouble.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I'm so sorry you had a hard time of it.
I don't think people mean to be in the way
it's just thatmany times we are in our
own little place in our heads and forget
the outside...At any given moment a
person could be thinking about a sick
loved one or how to make the morgage payment
or what to wear to the first date or....
We all have our things that distract us.
Hugs Doll
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@KidKarma (46)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Wow, I'm really sorry that people are so rude! Especially when they can see that you walk with a white cane. It's unfortunate that we as human beings have put manners and respect for eachother low on our list of priorities. I don't know, maybe my parents raised me right, but I always say excuse me, move out of people's way, offer my seat to the pregnant and elderly, and hold the door open for those that may have trouble themselves. It's too bad that our societies have degraded enough that I'm the strange one here! I was once on the subway and was trying to get off the train when a couple of girls pushed their way on before I could exit. They were blocking the door, so I said "excuse me" so that hopefully they would move. My mom taught me manners and I assumed that theirs did too. Anyway, they reacted like "excuse me" was an insult, got in my way, and started saying "what do you mean, excuse me?" Well, I elbowed my way past them, pushing them out of the way. When I got out of the train, I turned around and said "excuse me means get the f*** out of my way b****!" Not my most polite moment, but some people don't understand any different! But have hope, not everyone is rotten!
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@fergus (817)
• Ireland
19 Apr 09
Hi, so apart from all that did you have a nice day haha.Yes that happens to me alot
i don,t take it to heart its the way the world is going no one gives a dam about anyone anymore. I try to be nice and hold doors open for people but they just look at me if like i had two heads so i don,t bother anymore.Its sad to live in a world like this. But i do get the odd few people thats realy nice and go out of there way to help. My advise to you is look after number with is you and treat people the way they treat you all the best.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
22 Apr 09
yeah but not much we can do about it, people will be people and do whatever the heck they like.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
16 May 09
I am not annoyed, I am just used to it. What I do is say excuse me and keep on going on the path I started, it is up to them to move or not.You should and do have the right away with your cane. it just goes to see that eventough we have eyes, you can see better than we.
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
19 Apr 09
That is so horrible :( I am still so shocked that people can stoop that low as to getting in the way of someone who is legally blind, Im not legally blind or anything like that, but i am a small girl (Im only 4'11" and 85 lbs) so I get people that are way larger than me just blatantly cut me off because they know they can :( I too have had many people bump into me and turn around and give me a dirty look like it was all my fault like " how dare you get in my way" kind of look and its infuriating, where are manners these days?
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
19 Apr 09
a lot of people's just rude seems manners are an option.
my biggest pet peeve is the ones who let their kids run wild to do whatever they want.the kid may not know better,but the parent sure does.
you should see the game the teens here play.if they're coming in the opposite direction on the sidewalk,they veer to be directly in the path to see if you'll move to give them right of way.if not,they'll bump into you on purpose.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
19 Apr 09
WHAT? You had your cane with you and they STILL wouldn't move out of your way? What is wrong with people these days? It really makes me wonder what kind of raising they've had because most couldn't care less if you're blind, in a wheel chair, deaf or what your problem is. It's an all for me world and none for you which is wrong wrong and WRONG! When I was working I had a guy come in the store with his girlfriend and they happened to be on my right side and I heard every word the scum bag said.... "Oh, that's the deaf girl from yesterday." I turned around and looked at him straight in his eyes and asked, "Oh? How did you know? Yeah, I am legally deaf." All the while I wanted to put his head in a butcher block! He danced on his feet and then his girlfriend asked how did I hear him and I told her that he happened to be on my "RIGHT" side and that I read lips very well. It shocked me silly because she just stood there like it was alright for this scum bag to say something like that!! If he was my boyfriend, he'd have gotten a swift kick in his shins in a hurry!!
It's not like we're asking to be noticed but dang! A little bit of consideration would be nice. I applaud you for standing your ground!! Good for you!! lol
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Hi danishcanadian...All I can say is WOW! It is truly a disgrace when people cannot even show the slightest bit of civility to another human being. What is wrong with this world?
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
2 May 09
Some people are so annoying.......
I think that sort of behavior probably would have annoyed the most patient person in the world. Apparently she wasn't being taught properly how she should behave in public by her parents. As for the two guys just standing on the side walk, that was just rude of them not to let a lady by. You called out the right name when you needed help which was Jesus Chr*st......... I bet they moved then huh, lols?
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I am annoyed by people being rude and thoughtless. Obviously some of the people you ran into at this time think they own the whole city. I would be looking for the mother of that little girl, she is really obnoxious. I went to the Dr. office with a client. This mom sat and watched her two little boys 5 and under, play with the buttons for an automatic door, getting in the way of patients and nurses, and she never once told them to stop. What is it with people?
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
19 Apr 09
Some people are just insensitive...even that girl's parents should have told her to stop her annoying behavior. I'm sorry it had to happen to you many simply means that the world now is full of rude people who do not care about other people's plight. I've experienced this, too and I am pissed off everytime...
@moonchild1au (6237)
• Australia
19 Apr 09
Tell me about it!! I think the most annoying thing that happens when you're in a mall is when you're trying to get to a shop & there are a string of people walking slow in front of you & you can't get past or a group of people crowded in the niggle of the hall & you can't get past them. I have to admit that when this happens to me, I'm REALLY rude & talk out loud to myself so they can hear & say something like Get the F**k out of they way before I run you over with my trolley. My really good friend is legally blind but won't use her cane & she finds people just as rude - even when I make her use her cane...if I'm with her though & she can't see well enough because of lighting, I do help her by getting her to hold my arm.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
19 Apr 09
Drives me nuts that people dont move to the side to visit they just stop right in the middle and wonder why others give them dirty looks or run into them.
What drives me most nuts is the people who stop at the side of the road here then go stand in the middle of the highway to visit...dudes go to each others houses to visit. Or the people who dont bother to WAIT for you to get out of an intersection while yoou are crossing the street or even driving through when its your turn and cone inches away from either running you over or hitting your car.
People need tot ake the time to show others consideration.
@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
19 Apr 09
Whaa? You had a cane with ya and people didn't even care? Geez mann, what's up with people nowadays...=\ If i were you i'd be annoyed alright...And if i was a passer by, i'd be EVEN MORE ANNOYED than noone actually offered to help you out..And where's the parent on that child running around...-.-