Are you with Obama or against him!!??

@wirnen (67)
South Africa
April 20, 2009 10:38am CST
I've heard most people are with him but then there is those that is against him. What do you think? give me your mening.
5 responses
• United States
21 Apr 09
i do not have issue with him, that is not an option because whenever i make issue agienst him imparticularly than i am labled a racist but the thing that our government is doing a bewildering at times. when i was a kid i had a weekly allowence and if i spent it wrong then i didn't get more money to blow with my parents saying well he'll spend it right this time. what people don't seem to realize yet is that he ran a campaign of being a party crosser and working we'll with others then as soon as he gets in office he shuts out lobbyist and then there came about the whole thing of trying to get ruch limbaugh of the air what has happened to free speech in this country? then the nationalized healthcare thing of course since micheal moore made a lie filled propaganda film about how great it is then we should do it too right. sadly the majority os fatmericans only get there voting info from palces like dr phil oprah and micheal moores movies are considered educational. sadly nationalized health is not good the canadians spend 100 million a year to send people here for healthcare by the way the taxed smokes to help fund this healthcare reform which is like saying pretty straightly that they want to keep us alive longer to screw us harder sop for now everyone just buy your ammo while its still legal
@user_786 (1338)
20 Apr 09
many people were happy to see him become president of usa and because of his word 'change', people thought he would do different things than what ex-president bush did. but he has not done anything or there hasn't been any significant change of policy, rule, etc since he became president. people seem to be loosing hope from him and perhaps some have already gone against him
• Canada
20 Apr 09
i would have to say that i have a neutral attitude toward Obama.I think that he is doing what he feels is the right thing for his country.
@derry123 (610)
20 Apr 09
I think he is a great asset to the world and to America .. I hope he gets the full support he deserves to carry out a very demanding job *
@dandit (132)
• Indonesia
20 Apr 09
In my opinion, the debate that occurred in public opinion about Barack Obama is fair. United States is a country of great and very influential for all of the countries in the world. Since The United States led by George W Bush, too many events that ended a problem. Obama presence as the new leader in the United States are expected to complete the many problems left by Bush. Latest news for the global financial crisis had already started on the solution. Obama the ability to bring the United States out of the global financial crisis is expected to reduce the polemic that can occur.