A lady has had four abortions...

@maximax8 (31044)
United Kingdom
April 23, 2009 6:21am CST
A lady has had four abortions and she is currently 20 weeks pregnant and she wishes to have a fifth abortion. Her doctor declined giving her another abortion because of the late stage of her pregnancy. The lady hates using birth control. She has tried an oral method of it and a barrier method but she didn't like either. She is trying to get her friend who is 32 weeks pregnant and looking forward to her baby being born to help her find someone that is willing to abort her healthy baby. What do you think about this lady?
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32 responses
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
23 Apr 09
this lady needs to start thinking of another way to get rid of these babies. she should take birth control pills. too many abortions are not good for your body, plus, the doctor is right because a doctor can only do it up to 12-15 weeks. i personally believe that abortion is WRONG anyways.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
In my home country sadly abortion is available up until 24 weeks pregnancy but many other countries have much lower limits. I am pro-life and would never have an abortion. Pills are easy to take and many types are available.
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@benny128 (3615)
23 Apr 09
personally going to be getting into trouble with this post as this lady well so called lady is a dis-grace. Infact I am ashamed to breathe the same air as her, I aint pro life by any means if the circumstances are correct. Tho she is using abortion as a method of birth control which is shocking in the 21st century. The medical advances in abortion and screening etc etc is amazing but with the technology comes responsibility and this so called lady should keep her legs closed shes an absolute dis-grace, not to mention STD's etc etc. If she doesnt want kids then she needs to be sterilized otherwise shes just going to keep going and having abortions.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
I wish the lady had got herself sterilized because she has never ever wanted to have children. She made mistake after mistake and is surprised her doctor has said no. She has taken the morning after pill lots of times and she hasn't had abortions in early pregnancy. I think those ladies that have abortions at 20 weeks usually do so for a medical reason.
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• United States
24 Apr 09
You took the words right out of my mouth.....Don't want kids.....keep your legs shut. That is a human life inside you and if you don't care and want to mess around like that, then she don't deserve kids in the first place. If she is only 20, I would hate to see what she will do when gets older. I mean come one, this is something to be toying with and its not a game. She needs to be fixed, sterlized, her insides taken out or something.......
@benny128 (3615)
24 Apr 09
also no one has mentioned STD's etc etc abortions are sometimes neccessary but not as a contraceptive, and STD's are on the rise and sounds like this girl is going to become a STD breeding ground she really does need to sort her self out.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
23 Apr 09
If she didnt want kids THAT badly she should get effin fixed IMO....i think this woman needs a good old fashion beating to be honest with you..I have ZERO tolerance for ppl like that... I'm not Pro Life..in fact I've had an abortion and if in the same situation again I'd make the same choice that I did at that time....BUT when abortion is used as a means of continuous birth control by women who are just plain stupid and lazy....then I have major issues with it...
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
The lady could have got sterilized and then she wouldn't have had all those abortions. It is understandable to have one abortion but having multiple ones I think is irresponsible. There are lots of different types of birth control available. Thanks for your response here and commenting about the lady that had 7 abortions as well.
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@smartx (319)
• India
23 Apr 09
This is the height of cruelty.. She has not learn t anything in all her 3 abortions.. Ill call her a innocent murderer or a total maniac..
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
The lady must be mad to act how she has. If she didn't want her current baby I wonder why she waited until 20 weeks to request an abortion. I like your description of what she is. Many thanks.
• United States
23 Apr 09
Your right Smartx she is a murderer and very cruel
• United States
23 Apr 09
I don't think her friend should help her because the doctor is right to deny doing the abortion. At that far along She is a big risk factor. I think it should be a crime for a person to have that many abortions all because she just don't want to have kids. There are women out here right now who would give anything to have kids. She can have that child and find some great parents to adopt that child. I feel if you can spend $400 + on four abortions thats $1600 + she can get her tubes tied and burnt. Why keep putting your body through something so unhealthy. SHe really needs help.
@jkatmaou (195)
• Philippines
23 Apr 09
i think this lady gives us other ladies a very bad name. in the first place, she should face the consequence of her hating birth control. however, this lady must have had a very bad experience in her own family for her to resort to abortion often. she should see a counsellor and get this straightened out.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
Thanks for suggesting the lady has help from a counsellor. I think the ladies mind must be messed up for her to be behaving in such a very poor way. If a lady hates birth control she should not be in a serious relationship I think.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
23 Apr 09
If the doctor himself is unwilling, then this lady is taking abig risk in trying to abort it becasue it would prove ahrmful for her own health.About her enlisting the help of another eagerly expectant mother shows that she is one of a kind.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
The keen to be having a baby expectant mother is horrified about her friend's behavior. I feel sorry for the baby because he or she is in danger of being aborted if the lady finds a way it is possible.
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
23 Apr 09
It is what is known as abortion birth control and unfortunately it is perfectly legal. Hey if killing once is morally fine then why not five times or even more. What gets me even more are people like octomom... uugghhhhhhhh. Don't even get me started down that road! There are so many loving couples out there that want to have children that can't and the women who can conceive take it as a given and not as a blessing from God. Thanks Zelo
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
I am currently pregnant and I feel excited about meeting my baby girl. I know a foster carer that looks after children that go to my son's nursery. She is having two children go to their adoptive parents next month. Abortion could be to save the mother's life or to stop a disabled baby from suffering in life. I know a lady that is pregnant with Siamese twins and she is carrying on with her pregnancy. Abortion birth control is very sad and it is legal. Thanks for your superb response Zelo.
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Sleeping Baby - Large image of sleeping baby (800px) public domain.
...... from personal experience (on the adoption side of things) and from my heart. Isn't that how all responses should be? Congratulations are in order! Thanks Zelo
• United States
23 Apr 09
Life is beautiful and precious and I don't think she should have the Right to get pregnant numerouos times and kill these beautiful little babies just because she is irresponisble. I have lost a son at birth, and I will miss him til the day I die, it makes me sick to think my beautiful baby was taken and this loser has so many kids just to kill them, and especially now, at 20 weeks, how do you feel that little baby growing and kicking, and probably even hiccuping by now, and you know taht baby is used to her voice and is comforted by her, not even knowing she is planning on killing it before it even has a chance. honestly, I am sorry I read this post becuase it is making me physically ill (nothing against you ), and there are so many loving couples out there that would love to have a child, I will take it if she's serious and is going to abort it. Please beg with her, she can even leave it on a hospital doorstep, no questions asked, this baby needs a chance, and someone to be a voice, he/she can't speak for themselves!!
24 Apr 09
I think if each was a very bad accident then I would say that it is her decision but, first of all for this pregnancy then I believe she is too late to abort and secondly she should have known if she wasn't using contraception that she could get pregnant!!!
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
she hates using pill or birth control but does not mean getting abortion. i think getting abortion poses more danger or risk to health of life of the woman than taking those birth control methods. this is really strange of her wanting to have abortion every time she gets pregnant. She needs a lot of help and advice from other people so that she realize the seriousness of her actions . she must not take abortion so lightly as if the child is some kind of disposable things that she would rid of any time she wants to.
• United States
23 Apr 09
I think she's nuts, but it's her life, not mine. If she wants to abort every pregnancy she finds herself with, then that's her life, not mine and not yours. I personally would never abort any pregnancy, let alone 4, but if she wishes to control her birth rate by doing this, that's what the laws are there for.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
Your daughter sounds delightful. I wish her happy birthday for next month. my son will be 2 years old on May 19th. May is a busy month for me as far as birthdays are concerned. There is so much joy to having a child.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and at 20 weeks pregnancy I had an ultrasound scan. My baby girl was well developed at that stage of my pregnancy. I would never have an abortion but knows that some ladies do for reasons that might not be straight forward. It is their choice and anyone can make a mistake in life. I think the lady is being irresponsible and unkind.
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• United States
23 Apr 09
I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and at 20 weeks pregnancy I had an ultrasound scan. My baby girl was well developed at that stage of my pregnancy. I would never have an abortion but knows that some ladies do for reasons that might not be straight forward. It is their choice and anyone can make a mistake in life. I think the lady is being irresponsible and unkind. Oh I agree. I've got an almost 1 year old (She'll be 1 May 16) and she's the light of my life. I can't imagine my life without her and how people can wait so long into a pregnancy and then wake up and go, "Oh, I think I'll abort today!" is beyond me. She needs to get a tubal or better yet, a hysterectomy.
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Hi maximax...Why can't she just have the baby and give it up for adoption. I would bet that many couples would love to adopt a baby. I don't know all the facts of the case but I don't like people using abortion as a form of birth control.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
Hi Deejean. I think using abortion as a form of birth control is irresponsible and cruel. I fully agree with people adopting babies and know many loving couples are available for that. One of my friends is a foster carer and she feels great reward for preparing babies and children to be adopted.
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Your friend truly is an angel for being a foster parent. I don't know if I could have a child for a certain amount of time only to give him/her to other adoptive parents.
• United States
23 Apr 09
That is absolutely rediculous!! abortions are not a form of birth control. If you are adult enough to do the deed you are adult enough to handle the consequences. That just makes me sick. If you don't want kids that do your part to make sure you don't get pregnant. Not using birth control is so irresponsible! That just makes me so angry sorry to vent on your page but that lady needs to get her act together and raise the child she created simply because she didn't like birth control how rediculous!!
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
The lady should be single because she can't handle a serious relationship I feel. Sadly ladies like her use abortion like others use birth control. The lady should experience birth and then have her baby adopted. As soon as possible afterwards she could get sterilized.
• United States
23 Apr 09
Sounds like a plan!
• India
23 Apr 09
She is totally a risk taking lady.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Apr 09
No form of birth control is 100% effective. However most ladies use it that are in a serious relationship if they don't wish to get pregnant. I feel so sorry for the babies the lady has had aborted. My wish is she gets adoptive parents for the baby she is currently carrying.
@rsa101 (38293)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
I think she should just finsih the term and let the baby for adoption somewhere else. I really think that if she doesn't want to get pregnant she allow herself to be ligated so that she would not worry at all about getting pregnant.
@navas4u (185)
• India
24 Apr 09
I think, it is a crime unless she had any health problems because of the pregnancy.There are a lot people who are longing for a baby and how can she be so rude.Thanks
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
24 Apr 09
It is really very disgusting to read about such stuff.How can an expectant mother murder her own child?She should have tried some birth control methods but she is so lethargic and negligent that she does not bother to use them for safety.Now she is seeking the help of her friend and during the course she will lost some more time.I think she should be counseled to give birth to the child.
• Canada
24 Apr 09
Well, the woman in question should look into getting her tubes tied. But the problem with that is that most doctors will not do it to anyone under thirty who has no kids, for fear of being sued once the woman's biological clock starts ticking. I'd be concerned for her health, and I think she's being inconsiderate by asking her 32 week pregnant friend to find her a doctor to terminate her pregnancy.
@NancyXie (78)
• China
24 Apr 09
It would be big hurts to that lady's body,she could take some effective way to protect herself,like some pills can prevent to be pregnance for long-term.If she doesnt want to have baby, she must use birth control!no choice!
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
I think she's a murderer? Well she's not just depriving the right of the unborn but is fatally putting her life at risk. She must be unaware that repeated abortions are very very dangerous. The Doctor is scraping your uterus each time, and it get's thinner and thinner, and next time you do it, you'd most likely rupture it or cause systemic infection. I'm not too well versed, but there are sooo many bad consequeces, shock from loss of blood as one. I just totally disagree with abortion, I mean she should have been more clever if she don't want to get pregnant. Oh and lastly,, my friend got a patient who was put in ICU for about 3 months with very little chance of survival after taking in abortive meds, that resulted in adverse effects of massive bleeding and ending up with brain damamge. Hope she do more research before making drastic decisions. Ciao!