Should I call the cops? OPINIONS PLEASE

United States
April 25, 2009 12:54am CST
Well if some of you remember on our block is a rental house. Well since they've moved in they have been known for their party's blocking up the road. So a few neighbors have supposidly gone over to talk to them. Well my son was up crying & I don't know if they heard them or not. But.... They have a bonfire going wich are illegal and screaming & hollering so loud I can hear it thru my house with the doors and windows shut. I think the other neighbors have given them plenty of chances to behave themselves but this is the rudest yet. Plus it's nearly 1am here. I'm so temped but my heart is racing because I don't want to be the bad guy and call the cops but WTH... there's noise ordinances as well as fire ordinances and I dunno I'm sick of it. BTW.... I texted hubby @ work he's not allowed to carry his phone on the floor so I'm hoping he'd get back to me or some of the wise folks on MyLot would
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43 responses
@harmonee (1228)
• United States
25 Apr 09
You are totally within your rights to call the police. If you don't want to go that extreme and you know the owner of the house, you could always call him or her and let them know the tenants are being unruly. I would suggest waiting until morning if you choose the later option.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
The owner of the house is a land developer who was stupid enough to rent it to a few 20's somethings. The developer is just making his money til he condevelop the adgacent property.
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@harmonee (1228)
• United States
25 Apr 09
That's too bad. I was hoping it was someone you knew. In that case, I vote call the cops. If the neighbors have already talked to the tenants, I don't think it's likely they will change their ways. I'd say take care of it now, parties tend to kick up even more in the summer and your problem may get worse if you don't tackle it now.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
I don't know the developer guy personaly but I do have the name & # somewhere for him. I called, if my son wasn't up I wouldn't of heard it but he was and I was thinking am I really hearing that thru my walls?
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@kjasmine (21)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Snugglebunnies, call the cops while the disturbance is happening so they actually catch them in the act. If there are fire ordinances and noise ordinances they will get a citation. If you know the owner of the house (their landlord) file a complaint with him. Also, tell your neighbors to call the police to as soon as they are bothered by the noise. tell everyone to ask to remain anonymous if they don't want the troublesome neighbors to know. Remember, nothing will be done about them unless you guys all drive the police nuts with phone calls. If you make them a nuisance for the police, the problem with stop lol.
• United States
25 Apr 09
If I run into the neighbor behind me I'll ask if they heard the party last night. But if I wouldn't of had to get up with my son I would not of heard it, but I could hear them in my living room with my tv on while I was caring for my son. It wasn't even music just yelling and talking in such a manner, it's not like they were next door they are a few houses down. That's def not a normal conversation volume if you ask me.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
Oh I'm sure they were drunk. They keep multiple kegs in their garage!! I don't dare confront folks myself, nor at 1 am with 2 sleeping kids and being all alone. See the hard part is in our small neighborhood that house and 2 others were going to be torn down to make way for some strip mall on the property behind them. Well that fell thru after those 3 homes got annexed. The one threatned to sue for breach of contract wich is how the developer came to own it and is now a rental til they can develop the property. So just the 3 are city homes the rest are under township. I'm in township & they are city, but their guests park everywhere and make it impossible for even a subcompact car to fit thru!
• United States
25 Apr 09
Yes that is just nuts! Seriously it will not stop until you get the police involved. If you live in the city, you have to respect the rules of the city, and if you don't the you suffer the consequences. You have every right to peace and quiet. If they want to party all night then they should have moved into the country where they wouldn't have to respect their neighbors. I wouldn't suggest that you or your neighbors go and confront them because you don't know what kind of people you are dealing with and if they are drunk, things could get violent.
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@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
25 Apr 09
call the cops. they are rude. its not like you're some noisy neighbor. they'll blocking the roads, and being a nuisance.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
I just did a few minutes ago I'm hiding out waiting for them to show up. See we got b!tched @ a couple yrs back for parking on both sides of the road as we have a narrrow road just wide enough for one car to park on one side and one to pass. It just happened 2 homes had a lil shindig the same day, but it was daylight. ANd the parties have been going on since atleast November. It simmered down with all the snow as they couldn't park on neighbors lawns but in the middle of the road basically. Of course tonight is "friday" & and it's the first 80 degree day we've had this year.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
So far the bonfire is still going and I can still hear them last time I walked out there. Knowing my luck they can't find the house as there's only 3 houses that are technically city. But yeash it's been 30 minutes already someone better shine up or I'm calling the city and the township on monday. I don't know that I should call the sheriff if the PD can't do their job. But the town has their own patrol officer thru the sheriff I can talk to but since I called the city I think it would be weird if both shined up if anyone does.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
good. they need to learn some manners. Its ok to have parties, but remember your neighbors. If you're going to be an @$$ and be rude, then expect someone to call the cops on you.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
I had trouble with my neighbors before because of loud noise,. I sent my boyfriend over that was living with me at the time over to talk with them. At the time I was having to get up early in the morning to go to school and they would be playing music until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning and I couldn't sleep. After I sent him over the noise stopped, I would say if your neighbors have talked to them and they still continue to make all this noise then yes call the cops because they just don't care about anyone else but themselfs.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
I'm glad it worked for your bf @ the time to go over there and ask them to be more respectful. My Hubby is at work. I dunno if the cops were there yet or not. It's quieted down but that doesn't mean anything as the pd can be awful slow since it's a non-emergency. I just hope they don't dismiss it because there's only 3 houses that got annexed to "city" & I'm technically "town" (as the rest of us are, other than these 3 houses). The disbatcher said it wasn't illegal to have a bonfire, but after midnight it is! I think I'll call the town hall and talk to the depuity assigned to our town. As some of the cars are parked on township property. I dunno.
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@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
25 Apr 09
If these people are breaking the law, then definataly yes. Not only that it is 1 am, that is noise pollution. Tell the police that you scared for your safety and that is why you have not approached them with all that is going on.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
Well frankly I'm home alone with 3 kids and I can't just walk out of my house and say anything. Plus there's more of them than me incase they pull anything, ya never know these days.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
25 Apr 09
Call the cops! When you call the cops just tell them you want to remain anonymous and let them know what you are going thru. Good Luck to you!
• United States
25 Apr 09
Trust me I didn't leave my name, I don't need anyone starting anything with us we have great neighbors otherwise ya know. But this whole rental house... & it's only been a rental since Nov & as fast as they moved in the parties started.
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@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Hands down; if you still haven't reported them, by all means do!!! In my town, in the weekly newspaper, it posts up the reports to police, but never posts names (unless somebody is arrested over 21 or such). But you laugh sometimes as people call the police on things like father adn son raise voice fighting of who gets DVD use, and oen of tehm report it. (Ends report as: Police arrive; problem solved peacefully.) But there are often reports about neighbors reporting loud parties (even when legal ones), and police arrive to scol them and tell them they need to taper down the sound and racket. Definitely. Even if it is nto in the middle of a party. You can report about the regular bonfires, etc. Good Luck!
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
27 Apr 09
This is so crazy, isn't it? The way people get so mad over such little things such as dvd use. They must get pretty loud for the neighbors to have to report them. Kathy.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Sorry I wasn't here to answer this when you asked... I was sleeping of course! I know how you feel though. I lived in a trailer park about 4 years ago where the guy right behind us would be working on his motorcycle until 3am every night. In order to work on the bike, he'd have to rev it every 5 minutes. OMG that drove me up the wall! The last place we lived wasn't too awful, it was just the occasional thing. Sometimes the people behind us would throw a small party until 2am, but they were adults and the worst of it was they'd all sit out on their back deck yapping with each other all night. Of course our bedroom window was facing the back of our house! Then there was a lady across from us who was hardly ever home, but when she was home, she and her boyfriend of the week would be fighting like crazy. We did have to call the cops on them once because she was screaming "No, please don't do this to me" at the top of her lungs! We heard her in the house, it was terrible. There was some sort of love triangle going on I think.. not sure though. I think she liked the drama even though she was obviously in her 30's at least with a teenage daughter. I felt bad for the girl. I know how you feel, not wanting to call the cops. But if it happens again, I would do it. They won't know that it was you that called the cops, it's not like the cops are going to go there and say "Yeah, your neighbors in that house right there think you're being too loud..."
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• United States
25 Apr 09
Well who said you should be sleeping @ 1am cst? *LOL* I wish I was I dunno what DS's deal was but still I was up and happened to hear how loud they were. I woudn't be pleased with the motorcycle thing. I'd almost buy some earplugs leave them the reciept on their door because of the noise they cause. Of course I'm more talk than action on things I could get retaliated on. I had a neighbor when I lived in a section 8 and the lady across the halls bf was plastered and kicking in my door & her door. I think he was too messed up to know wich door was witch. I never called because that same lady took plants off our porch and when I commented to her how nice MY planters looked on her porch she put them back on my side...WITCH! I called and just asked if bonfires were allowed in the city (I live in the township wich is intertwined with the city of the same name) as we have different rules on some things than they do & we have 1/3 of the taxes ;) I dunno if the cops showed up or not. By abt 3am they were partying in the garage like they did in winter. So I"m not sure if the cops stopped by or not... I was in the back room so I didn't look like I was awake ya know...
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I would not hesitate to call the police about the bonfire. That is the way that a fire in our state got started. It burned thousands of acres. Homes and lives were lost.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
26 Apr 09
i certainly hope something got done for you as i just saw this today. i know what you mean. you just wonder how people can be so insensitive to others. when i had my house, i had to call a couple of times, for the kids across the street started acting like gang bangers or something, with late night arguements, hiphop music loudly playing, etc. finally, thank goodness, the cops came and arrested the main culprit one morning for i dont know what and it all stopped. hope that happens for your peace.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Hi snuggle! I do hope that you or someone did call the cops! If not, I hope that all of your neighbors get together and go to the police station and take out a noise complaint against these people! If you all do it then they will do something about! The more complaints the police get, the faster they will serve them with an order of disturbing the peace! It is illegal after a certain time do certain things, make loud noises! It is pretty much the same from state to state! I live in NYS and I have a neighbor from hell so I can tell you IT CAN BE DONE! We got together and she was served with a Sheriffs Order which is a legal order to "Cease and Desist"! If she doesn't follow certain rules she can be fined, thrown out of the apartment, jailed! But, you all have to get together and make multiple complaints!
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@chillpill90 (1936)
25 Apr 09
There obviously trouble makers and call the cops not leaving your name, because unless you do something now it will get worse and worse. Its not fair for you and your family to suffer seeing as you were living their first. You and the neighbours have given them enough chances they have just thrown your kindness back in your face. Dont be scared get the courage to call the cops for your sake and the kids.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
That's what I was thinking that it'll get worse as we get warmer temps. They were having parties almost every week (even 2-3x) since they've moved in & that was in November. They stopped for a month or two as you can't really park on our road w/o snow and you add alot of snow, not that it stopped them some nights. But I couldn't hear them this morning I could like I've said that's awfully loud if my doors & windows are shut and they are a couple houses a way to hear them in my home. Yep we've been here 7 yrs and we OWN the house where as they are renters.
@tzaddi (395)
• Philippines
25 Apr 09
yes of course, you should call the cops..i think there's something weird going on with that neighbor of yours. bonfire at 1am? is this some kind of cult group or something?you should definitely report this to the cops..ü only my opinion!!ü
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• United States
25 Apr 09
I don't think any kind of cult just a bunch of young 20's something (no offense to anyone) who have a friend who was able to rent a house they can go party at instead of an apartment wich most young people would be doing. I knew something was up cause I could see a stack of wood pallets as tall as I am or more in their back yard. I didn't think they were working on a fort or something screwy as I also had seen some new patio furnature around the old neighbors bonfire pit. It was just a matter of time til they had another big bash. But really carrying on holler'n so loud that I can hear them INSIDE MY HOUSE w/ my windows and doors shut @ 1am is toooo flip'n much.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
Of Course!!!! You have your rights as well and they are NOT respecting you or your neighbors! By law you have a right to call if they are making too much noise after a certain time! Just stay anonymous.
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• United States
25 Apr 09
Usually the noise ordinances start at 11pm. But this went on til atleast 3 that I know of and or awake for.
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@kareng (71060)
• United States
26 Apr 09
I would have called. I know I'm late in responding but it this goes on all the time, you need to nip it in the bud and the sooner the better. After all, the first time the cops come out they may just get a warning. You should also call the fire department if burning is illeagal. They issue their own warnings and fines. Good luck with the situation!
@dvmurphy (326)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Depending on where you live and if your neighbors will band together should help you to decide on if the cops should be called or not. My daughter lived in an area of east Waterloo in Iowa that was a high crime area. I had a fit when she moved there. She called the law after a neighbor broke into her rented house and the cops just talked to the kid even though there were witnesses. The house next door is where he went with at least 30 people all standing outside and yelling "You're a #@#@#" at us. The next day she has two brand new tires slashed. She called the cops again. The next day she had the passenger window where the baby's carseat was smashed in and the tail light to her car smashed in. The cops were useless as it is pack mentality in that area. My daughter ended up moving out of the neighborhood. If you own your home you need to band together with all your neighbors and nip this in the bud now before they run your neighborhood. You will have to stand together though or it will not work.
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@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
26 Apr 09
My hubby and I had the same situation in the apartments we lived in before we moved here, but there was also illegal stuff going on there. We called the cops over 20 times in the first three months. I really would call the police especially if you have children. You shouldn't have to suffer through all that mess.
• United States
26 Apr 09
I didn't even think about taping it as everyone else was asleep. I was just trying to look the same and not flip on any lights other than in the back room where they couldn't tell who was up to know who called ya know. I was wondering if they were doing more than drinking myself? But no one knows them, we all know each other by first name ect on our block. I couldn't imagine calling the cops soooo much! I felt paniced calling the other night. Just because I had lived in an apartment the majority of my life and most places the violater retaliates. Wich is BS as anyone knows it's always the people doing wrong that are out to get revenge and those that turn them in just want a peaceful living situation.
@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Your situation sounds so much like the one my hubby and I were in at our old apartment. The only difference is we had to move because it got past the point of noise to where they were threatening us with bodily harm. I feel for you and if there is any advice you need (since I have been through it) just let me know.
@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Oh and one more thing. Try to get some sort of evidence if you can.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Fires are dangerous and they're breaking the law. Your son should be able to sleep peacefully, that's ridiculous. Go ahead and call the cops (I hope you did) they won't tell them who called. Be sure to ask them not to. Call the non-emergency number and tell them the situation. Call the landlord of the rental house, you can find him/her on the public records site for your county. Don't put up with it, you have a right to NOT have to listen to trashy neighbors.
• United States
25 Apr 09
I don't know if it was them or just my son having troubles sleeping. I didn't tell them who I was I called non emergency and asked about if bonfires in the city were legal as there's quite a party going on at the first house and I can hear them holler'n a few houses away. She said she'd send someone over. I don't know that they did though, shoot I don't know if they even realize those couple houses in our subdivision are CITY not TOWNSHIP... as I've called them in regard to what their parking laws were for City & they'd said they'd put it on their list. I totally laughed as they are going to send a squad to patrol 3 houses for parking overnight violations?
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• United States
25 Apr 09
I plan on it especially when it gets that loud. I'm going to call the town hall next week for any further input.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Call again the next time it happens, too. Keep calling and requesting anonymity until they do something about it. Good luck.
@nujoomva (111)
• India
25 Apr 09
i think you should complaint it to cops because you have your own rights.
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• Philippines
25 Apr 09
You should. It is your right to have a simple privacy. They are beyond their privacy for they are creating loud noise without proper coordination with the authority in your village. Just be careful. Make sure that your doors are locked properly.
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