If you don't like what I have to say, too danged bad, I'll say it anyway!
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
United States
April 26, 2009 3:22pm CST
I noticed something missing today here at mylot, wanna guess what it is? No surprise really, people are all about freedom of speech as long as it is THEIR freedom we're talking about, NOT when someone dares to have an opposing point of view - then it's all about whining and reporting until it gets deleted or the person with the unpopular opinion is silenced. Well good luck with that, comrades, because I am STILL going to say what I want! YOU do not have the power to prevent freedom of thought or speech. Not in America (at least for now) anyway.
I see every few days some person, usually a person who cannot fathom why ANYONE would have a problem with 0bama's destructive policies, whining and moaning that SOME of us actually use the mylot political section to express our views on a number of topics that concern us about how our country (the USA) is being run. They say things like "0bama won the election so you should STFU and get over it!" Well you know what? WE WILL NOT SHUT UP!!! WE WILL NOT IGNORE WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR COUNTRY! Why don't YOU STFU?
YOU cannot silence dissent, this is a free country (at least for now) and if some of us have a problem with tyranny being shoved down our throats we have every right to say something! You trying to silence us only proves our point. I didn't see you people telling folks to STFU when all the Bush bashing was running rampant on the boards here. I didn't see YOU telling people that personal attacks on Sarah Palin's family were inappropriate. You only want us to become silent because you don't like what we have to say (and you secretly know we're right).
Well that's just too danged bad for you, you parasitic sycophants. YOU can't silence us and you won't silence us. If you have the right to be a brainwashed drone and keep spreading your liberal buttkissing catch phrases all over the place, we are free to say what WE want.
IT DOESN'T MATTER who won the election, the American people STILL have he right to discuss ANYTHING we want and if we think the government or any elected official is doing things that may harm our country or our national interests, WE ARE GOING TO SAY SO! If you don't like it, you are free to ignore it, try to debate your side of the issue, or cry to your mommy - whatever.
What is NOT your option is to dictate what ANYBODY else may write about or speak about at mylot or any other public place in the USA. You don't like it? That's too danged bad, you and your little cronies cannot and will not control us, much as you simpering little commie would like to.
You also have the right to keep griping and whining as much as you like, but don't expect it to make us not discuss the things we feel like discussing in any way shape or form. If you have a problem with freedom of speech, that is YOUR problem, not mine, I hear the weather's real nice in Cuba, perhaps you'd be happier there.
This discussion is not violating any guidelines, but I know that there are some hand wringers who will report it anyway, and try to get it deleted. If you thin that will stop me from expressing my opinion you couldn't be more wrong, so have fun with your false reporting, enjoy "bearing false witness against your neighbor". If that's what you gotta do to feel good about yourself, you've got MUCH bigger problems than people like me having discussions you don't like - you should probably seek professional help.
11 people like this
17 responses
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Amen, sister. That's the way to speak up for the First Amendment. *thumbs up*
5 people like this
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Thank you for the support. No matter how hard they try to silence us, we must never let them!
2 people like this
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Is this deja vu or something?
I came across your other discussion last night and I take it was zapped? Believe it or not, despite that "infamous" discussion I had awhile back, that I later purposely asked to get deleted and which I came down as being harsh, I do have respect for you and others for speaking your minds. And yes, with that discussion of mine was guilty of saying STFU..
I AM known for hissy fits

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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Yep, my discussion was zapped shortly after a mylotter came in and started posting under responses mocking my stupid star rating and saying "sorry, but this discussion will be deleted" - so I'm not surprised that it was and I'm pretty sure about who was reporting it to get it deleted. I put THIS one up for spite as much as any other legitimate reason, and when and if it gets deleted I will put up another and another and another...
As far as your "moment" we all have them from time to time, this one is mine. LOL
I still luvs my Pye, even if somebody may be watering yer catnip with a wee bit o' da koolaid. 

2 people like this
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 09
LOL--Just for the record...I HATE Koolaid...never even drank it as a kid...heehee
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I've been addicted to Coca-cola for as long as I can remember, no kooliad here either, I don't even like Hawaiian Punch.
If you ever find yourself in the swamps up here, we got LOTS of catnip growing wild, I'd be happy to give you some fresh home grown good stuff for your babies.
3 people like this

@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Thanks for the backup! I want all of those messages on T-Shirts!
I DO know what you mean, and they can take the change and shove it.
1 person likes this

@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Yeah - the Mylot site seems to be having a power outage or something. Who tripped over the wire?
3 people like this
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Yeah, mylot seems to be very glitchy today - I've had it blank out into an error message several times in the past hour or so. I thought it was just me, glad to see I'm not alone!
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Well, I'm glad you reposted MSV. I must have missed the troublemaker but I agree with you 100%. We all have the right to post our views on this board and, personally, I didn't think you crossed any line with your original discussion.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Well, let's hope the moderators of this site don't allow themselves to be played like that. Free speech is a double edged sword and everyone has the right to express their views.
2 people like this
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
They DO allow themselves to be played like that! Why do you think so many people got away with accusing me and my freinds of horrible racism and say that they can "see the white sheets" with impunity while so many of OUR discussions vanish even though they are guideline compliant? If enough people whine loudly enough, mylot will remove the discussion just so they don't have to suffer through reading any more false reports on the subject. When the cry babies get my stuff deleted, they only prove my point even further.
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Thanks, spalladino! I did not violate any guidelines in the original discussion on this topic, but of course that didn't stop the pawns of tyranny from baring false witness against me and getting the thread removed. And although this discussion is much tamer and also DOES NOT violate mylot guidelines, I'm pretty sure the whining hand wringing ninnies will get this one deleted as well by filing false reports. They will likely cry to momma over the NEXT one I put up after they get this one removed too, and the one after that, and the one after that...
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@mom341 (64)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I am soooo happy to see this type of discution. I really love this site but it seems a touch wimpy to me at times. I like to speak my mind and thats that. I dont want to flame any one, but we all have our own oppinions and shouldnt be afraid to speak them! power to the people honey!!!
3 people like this
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
27 Apr 09
You said this is freedom of speak well here goes. W.T.F. did Bush do, I supposed you liked him better, well he didn't do a good Job being President. Everyone wanted him out, you think that since he is Blk. You don't like him? Did you spent your Stimulas Money? I bet you liked that.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
27 Apr 09
If it was anybody else I guess you would still be complaining ok, to each its own.
I wasn't the one that complain, for what? you are merely speaking your mind, I can go along with that, but I don't have to agree with you. I am glad you are not what I said or thought you were. Have a good day!
1 person likes this
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
OMG you are so freaking predictable. WTF do I care what color the new president is? I love how you seem to enjoy making false accusations as much as you enjoy making false reports to mylot. I haven't gotten a funking dime of any "stimulus" money, all I've seen is insane amounts of spending by your "dear leader" of money that American simply does not have. BUSH is no longer in office, and yet you and your comrades seem to think that blaming everything on him (including the actions of 0bama himself) exempts 0bama from having to account for HIS OWN ACTIONS. And then you try to accuse anyone who dares to question the questionable actions of 0bama to be a racist. Why don't you try thinking for yourself for once and actually LOOK at what the man has been doing instead of what his fan club is telling you to think?
YOU and every single one of your comrades are the REAL racists, accusing everyone who doesn't approve of the destruction of the United States of racism without ever bothering to see for yourself what is so obviously right in plain view?
See how much you love him when your electric bill doubles, and hyper-inflation causes it to cost $20 or more for a loaf of bread (that's what happens when you print more money with nothing to back it up, just ask the people in Zimbabwe who need to use wheelbarrows full of their devalued dollars to pay for the simplest of things).
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
You hit the nail on the head, sndcain. Now that she is aware of THIS discussion, I'm pretty sure she's going to try to get it deleted, despite the fact that it is GUIDELINE COMPLIANT.

@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
27 Apr 09
The nerves of this lady from a city in south Florida, what a hypocrite. Where was she need all of her pinko friend were bashing Bush about his intelligence? See the left only cares about freedom of speech when it concerns them. I am sure if this lady from a city in south Florida would be crying murder if you had call for the deletion of her discussions.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I'm sure she would too! But I don't know if she even saw the previous discussion from me (that has been deleted). I DO know that one woman with a yellow 8 star posted under a response (didn't even make her own individual response) mocking my stupid pink 6 star and informed me that the discussion was going to be deleted. She then went on to post the usual garbage blaming Bush for all this country's problems and urging us all to give 0bama a chance. I think it's safe to assume that the woman I just mentioned is one of the people who bore false witness against me and got my discussion deleted by filing false reports and untruthful allegations.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
27 Apr 09
You are absolutely right. It does not matter whether I agree or don't agree with you....you have every right to voice your opinion. In fact this is a discussion place and it is good to discuss opposing views, I think. You can learn a lot from both sides and on a good day...maybe even meet halfway. 

2 people like this
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Thanks you for your excellent post, Sid! Yes, we do not have to agree, and if we take a moment to see what the other side is saying we may learn something new or be able to meet somewhere in the middle.
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@sxrxnrr45601 (1171)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I must say you make a good point and weather If I agree with what you say or not I wouldnt report you for speaking you mind that just plain out bullshet if you ask me. I speak my mind why should you not be able to. And if they do not like your opinion than why do they even bother to read it. You go on speaking your mind. It's our right as USA citizens!
1 person likes this

@marciascott (25529)
• United States
27 Apr 09
One thing about Mylot you can't speak your mind, everyone knows it, any Negativity here Mylot will delete it, I don't see why a person can't speak there mind. This is a talk forum.
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
The only stuff that gets deleted here is the stuff that people file reports over - even guideline compliant discussions are deleted when somebody bares false witness and complains to mylot not because of any actual guideline violations but because they do not like what somebody has to say.

@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I never said I was, but thanks anyway.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
27 Apr 09
At least you got a few good jabs in before the tattle tale, cry babies turned you in.
God bless our Constitution!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I responded to one of your political discussions and I am thinking that I didn't agree with you but it was well written and certainly not anything to cause it to get deleted. You are always passionate but I have never seen any of your posts that should be deleted. Sounds as if someone can't handle another point of view.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
27 Apr 09
We are all going down!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@hidden1money1secret (191)
• United States
26 Apr 09
If all the sycophants of Chairman Maobama had their way, the tanks would be rolling across your butt right now. "Freedom of speech, just watch what you say".
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
27 Apr 09
No trying to be funny but you do have to watch what you say here. it is a fact. And it isn't me that is reporting anything. God as my witness!
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Well that may yet happen, but I'll fight it to my dying breath.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I don't know if you recognize me, Marcia, but I have actually been your friend here at mylot for a long time! I was MSV1016, and then AngryKitty most notably before I closed those accounts and eventually opened this one. I know you well enough that if you say "God as my witness" I HAVE to believe you are telling me the truth when you say you didn't report me. I know you would not invoke the almighty if you were not being honest with me. I am also aware of how the "grim deleter" at mylot can inspire paranoia about what we write - I have have seen many good users, posts, and discussions vanish from mylot with no justifiable reason over the years here. I apologize to you for my antagonism towards you these past two days. I think maybe I read it as insulting behavior when perhaps you were only trying to help, yes?
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
27 Apr 09

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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I know the painting you are talking about and I totally agree with you about it.
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
2 May 09
There was a recent letter to the editor in our local newspaper about the courage of Dietrich Bonhoeffer who stood up to Hitler and spoke against National Socialism. His stand got him killed, but what a courageous man! We need people like you and Bonhoeffer who are not afraid to voice their opinion, favoritism or opposition. If anyone loses the freedom of speech, eventually we all will. We can't let that happen.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
2 May 09
Thank you for the high praise! I don't think I am brave like Bonhoeffer, I just have a big mouth and I am not afraid to use it.
@BlackSabb (1)
• Australia
27 Apr 09
Well firstly, I myself am conservative/right wing politically speaking. But even I thought that Obama was a breath of fresh air for the U.S., a nation that increasingly has become the target of hate and vehemance across the entire world. Economically, the U.S. has been going down the path of the old Soviet Union-becoming bankrupted by massive defense spending that it cannot continue to sustain. I don't think anyone could have done worse than George Bush and almost anyone I think will be better.
However, I laugh at people who cry out "free speech" because I find them most of them to be hypocrites. And ironically, the more passionate someone is about "free speech", the more hyprocritical they tend to be. Because like a lot of people, they only want "free speech" as long as it agrees with their world view. Show me someone who's staunchly left wing socialist and let's see how much they stick up for the KKK's freedom of speech. Show me a Christian fundamentalist and let's see how much they stick up for the atheist's free speech or for the propogation of evolutionary theory. Show me a staunch ring wing Republican and let's see how they stick up for the free speech of socialists.
Free speech is a myth. I hardly know anyone who would truly allow free speech, whether it be in their school, college, place of work etc. It's a case of sanctioned free speech only-the free speech that is deemed acceptable by the majority. But real free speech means that if you're at university for eg, you allow everyone to promote their cause. And I mean everything, whether it be feminism, socialism, commumism, Nazism, the KKK, anarchists, religious fundamentalists etc.
Like I say, this does not happen therefore by definition, true free speech does not exist-only a limited sanctioned version.