My baby finally smiles at us!!!

Smiley face from Timmy during sleeping time - This is captured accidentally during his sleeping time. It is so difficult to capture the real smile from him as it is always out of sudden ;-)
April 26, 2009 4:57pm CST
Hi my friends. My first baby boy is already 2 month and 1 week old. Every time the check up with the doctor and nurse, they always asked can my baby smile already? I could only answer NO as he just has smiley face during his sleeping time, i don't know why. Is every newborn baby like this? Smiling in their dreams? Few days ago, after nursing him in the morning, suddenly he showed his smiley face for few seconds and some kinds of baby language, seems like he was satisfied after getting the milk. Today, again after breastfeeding, he smiles again, this time my husband and i noticed it soon after he smiled. Honestly, i really miss his smiley face now, it is so attractive, i could not move my eye balls away from him! I really hope i can see his smiley face more often from now on since he has already developed this ability. When do your babies start smiling? It must be very enjoyable moment, right?
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17 responses
@swatig (1183)
• India
27 Apr 09
It is the moment you never forget. smile which gives so much happiness in your face and to your husband also. you are right the attractive smile is really enjoyable moment for the family. cutepie always smile and bring joy to the family. happy myloting, :)
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• Germany
27 Jun 09
Hello swatig, that is true, it is such an unforgetable moment to see your first child smiling (i guess it will be with each baby the same). Since a few days he also started to laugh at us when we clap with his hand for example. This is really an amazing development for us and for him. This week he started to turn over so that he changes from lying on the tummy to lying on the back! Have a great time in myLot, read you again soon!
• United States
27 Apr 09
Oh im so happy for you! my baby is 12 days old now, and she smiles a little in her sleep most of the time and sometimes when i tallk to her she smiles a little bit too, i feel so happy because i think she recognizes my voice! we have a doctor checkup in two days and im dreading it because i know shes gonna get some shots, but thats another subject, im happy for you and i wish you many more smiley faces!
1 person likes this
• Germany
27 Apr 09
Hi claudiamac. I am happy to hear from you too about your baby! She must be a lovely baby Wow...i remember when Timmy was twelve-day-old, he was so tiny and he could only be back home from hospital on that day. Luckily, Timmy becomes very active after coming back home. In the first month, he gained too less weight, only about 400 grams due to food intolerance after birth. Now, he can really drink alot now. At least 4 oz each time. Oh ya, the shots! Timmy got it on the first day when he was born and also the day he came back home. I did not have chance to see what was his expressions at that time. But Timmy has to take monthly shots as well. This month, he took the 5-in-1 vaccinations. Oh god! His face turned into extreme red immediately. It must be very painful, and he has to bear this again and again in the coming months. :-( He became very fussy and had fever after the injection. He cried a lot on that night, besides kept hugging him, we could not do anything else to make him feel better. :-( Anyway, i wish you and baby have a fun time. :-)
@YazEid (1138)
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Hi lulumartin thats so normal , as child starts to have a social smile after the age of two months, and the doctor asks about that to make sure that his development is within the normal range , which he appears to be within. it is so nice to watch your baby smiling , it is the happiest moment ever wish you all the best
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@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
26 Apr 09
i am no expert i only have a son who is three years old already. my wife has gone a lot of miscarriages before we hit the jackpot. as far as i can remember baby can smile if the can see clearly already. if they can focus their eyes then they can see already. try to put red balloons in his room so you can see if he gets attracted to it if he focus his eyes already then you can see him smilling more. my son smiled at me first too, for i always sit beside him specially through the day time. i work at nights so i ambeside my child through out the day. congrats to you and your husband and make sure the camera is nearby, so you can take pictures of all those precious moments.
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• Germany
27 Apr 09
Hi, se7enthbird. How are you there? You really have an adorable son, i believe he is loved by you and your wife with entire heart. For the first month, my baby always smiled in his dreams, i guess there must be a sweet dreams for him. But my husband said this is only the fake smile, the real smile only can tell when he can focus his eyes. So, i was little bit confused in the beginning about this until i saw his real smiles! I would like to try your suggestion. I have never thought of red balloons! I will do this when we move in the new apartment soon. I guess my son will love it! So far i have been showing him the black dots on white paper for around 2 weeks, seems he can focus his eyes more after these daily activities. And thank god! He finally can smile at us, a real smile! We are really happy :-)
@missybear (11391)
• United States
26 Apr 09
I don't have any kids but I wanted to say that your Timmy is just the cutest.
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• Germany
27 Apr 09
Hi, missybear. Thank you for the compliment. I am sure Timmy will be happy if he knows that. Are you planning to have kids in the future??
• United States
13 May 09
Hi Lulu, beautiful boy! Take a look at and choose your language at the up right, there is Anion Diaper for boby. The is also a work from home(around the world)business. email me at: for detail. Ellen
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@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
27 Apr 09
My second baby boy is 2 months and 3 weeks old. He started smiling at 2-3 weeks. All babies smile in dreams. He can now smile when we talk to them. If we say smile, he can can smile at us. I was checking the photo and video of my elder son at 1-2 months. I found him smiling at 2-3 weeks too. I think it varies from children to children.By 2 months all bychildren will smile. Just keep talking to him. Tickle at the lips below and say smile. Repeating it can encourage the bay to smile. Just keep spending time with the baby.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
4 May 09
Hi lulumartin, this is a one week old this discussion, means that your little baby is 10 weeks old already. Yeah, I have a close look on the attached image of your lovely Timmy boy. Really, he has an adorable smiley face in his sweet sleep. As far as I know different babies have different appearance while sleeping. I’m glad to learn that your baby finally shows his smiley face as well as the baby language after he has finished having his milk recently. Yeah, it’s really a great pleasure for a mom to see her baby showing its most cute appearance to her. I could hardly remember when was the first day that my baby boy showed his smiley face to me. It was most probably after a month old I think. Yeah, I loved to see the smiling face and listening to the tender baby language of my baby then. Happy posting
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@aweins (4199)
• India
27 Apr 09
hi lulumartin, my dear friend, and the mother of a sweety little cutie pie. every baby is the same. they will smile in their sleeping time or their dreaming time you can say. it is very common . sometimes you will see their crying faces too while tyhey are asleep. that is normal and i too am having many pictures . in the first month baby's eye sight is not very clear and they are a little squint too. not a problem. when they come out of the womb, they see so much of light around and they cannot adjust and then they dont even know how to move their eyes. their eyes also go left right, lol. i am having a camera that is always hanging in my neck. i have cliked soooooo many pictures of my daughter that she is thireten month old and my two hard discs are full plus some of the pictures are still in my computer and the recent which are to be saved are on the descktop. :D babies are really the most precious and invaluable gift from GOD to us. they are the most adorable, the most attractive, the most loving, the cutiest creatures , i can say.i enjoy every single moment with her and she is sooooo naughty that i cant explain, by the way i dont even feel the need to explain becasue you will be experiencing everything yourself and you wait , the moment he crosses six month and starts crawling and then walking and then gradually running, you will be on your toes after her. you will not be able to match her speed that is for sure , as i am the experienced one sitting here. you will go mad after him calling Timmy, Timmy,Timmy no , Timmy go, Timmy no, Timmy no go away dont touch, you just wait and watch. you will need to have CCTV adjusted in your all house for the coverage. i set my video camera in my hall and then keep on playing with her, it is all recorded and it is good technique too. i think i have written so much that you will be too bored to read the response i am 100% sure. lol. but please read it. i love to share my baby's experience to some one and to those like you who are also experiencing the same thing, i love to hear and tell . you have a nice time cliking pictures and you listen to me, dont worry, he will give you many moods to clik, smiling, sometime crying, aometimes like in an irritated mood, with nose squeezed in, you will love all.
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
27 Apr 09
What a cutey baby Timmy is! a baby's smile can really melt the heart of the parent. I do think it is normal for a baby to smile during sleeping - I noticed the same of my own. Congratulations on recieving such a delightful gift as your own baby's smiling face upon you.
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@youless (112900)
• Guangzhou, China
27 Apr 09
I think you don't have to worry about your baby as I can see he is very adorable:) When my child was a baby, I often saw him smiled. Especially when he was sleeping. I didn't know why but it was so cute. Perhaps he was having a good dream?:) Soon you will see his smiles and even laughter when he is awake:) The children are always like angels:) I love China
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@chimrani (1426)
• India
27 Apr 09
Hi lulumartin, Congrates ,My wife is pregnant and the delivery is in september.It will be my first child.Yes friend i will be happy when my child smiles. I live small babies and that too smiling and cute.
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• United States
27 Apr 09
Tristan is a month and a week and he just started smiling a little on his own. He smiles real big when he is sleeping or while I'm feeding his and he goes to sleep.I have heard that when babies are smiling in their sleep the angels are playing with them.
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• India
27 Apr 09
Congrats dear.. ur baby is veryyy cute.. dont let an eye fall on him
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@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
27 Apr 09
Wow... little Timmy is so cute... he's an angel... I just remember my kids when they were still infants, I can stay beside them watching them sleep for a long time just looking at their angelic faces, and while they sleep they would smile, they would even laugh, and whenever they laugh I also laugh with them... I just couldn't really remember when they started to smile. I agree with you, it's really a very great and enjoyable moment.
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@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
1 Jul 09
Congratulations, however tiny, every change seems a big joy for the parents. My grandson gave a big smile at 18 days, and we got it pictured. Nowadays, babies are really smart. When surrounded by more people, who care them, cummunicating with them in whatever ways, they make faster improvements.
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
1 Jul 09
baby's first smile - from

Out of all the first milestones with your baby, the first "real" smile is one of the most anticipated. In an instant, your world changes – your baby smiles because she recognizes you and is genuinely happy to see you. In that instant, all the work (sleepless nights, endless diaper changes) over the past several weeks seems well rewarded because your little angel finally flashes you that pink, gummy grin.

And then for the next several days, we parents try our best to re-create that smile, for family, friends, the garbage man – basically anyone who will pay attention.

Reflex Smiles
Babies give fleeting smiles as early as birth and even smile in their sleep. But, according to experts, this is a reflex action or survival instinct similar to other newborn reflexes like rooting and sucking. These first reflex smiles are innate and are believed to make newborns more appealing to keep them safer.

"I can't say that I remember the very first smile, because in the beginning so many of the little smirks were questionable," says Christine Schmid, an Arizona mother of 5-month-old Sydney. "We couldn't tell if she was smiling, if she had gas or if she was just uncomfortable. I was one of those moms that read too much and learned that in the early weeks of life a child smiles for survival reasons. If they can win the love of everyone in the room, they're likely to be fed and cared for. However, even knowing this, the first smiles were the greatest."

Expect these reflex smiles to start sometime around birth to 3 days and to last until approximately 2 months.

The Real Deal
Sometime around your baby's 6th to 8th week (although some parents say as early as 4 weeks), the smiles become a reaction to stimuli or a "learned" smile. The grin lasts a bit longer and you can even see expression in her eyes. Babies learn to smile because they see your reaction. The joy in your face and the smiles and laughter she gets from you makes her want to repeat it, again and again.

's hard to distinguish between what is a real smile and a reflex smile, but generally, your baby will use her whole face, including her eyes, when she is smiling to please you or in response to your overjoyed reaction.

But don't worry if you haven't seen that real smile by week 8. Babies develop at different stages, and some very happy babies will wait up to 12 weeks before flashing the first real smile.

According to Dr. Martha Heineman Pieper and Dr. William Joseph Pieper, authors of Smart Love: The Compassionate Alternative to Discipline That Will Make You a Better Parent and Your Child a Better Person (Harvard Common Press), the first social smile could appear around 6 weeks, but is not likely to stick around on a regular basis until 12 weeks. And by 6 months, most babies smile happily and readily at the people they know best.

"Ashley smiled from the day she was born, and she was always smiling in her sleep," says Amanda Tabscott, an Indiana mother of two. "It wasn't until she was about 5 months old, when she would wake up and really smile especially for me, happy to see me in the morning."

"In the beginning, I felt like everything I was doing must be wrong," Schmid says. "Sydney wasn't sleeping and she seemed to always be crying for food. Although this is completely normal, I guess being a new mom, I didn't know it at the time. So after weeks of giving this little girl all my love, attention and energy, she gave me smiles that told me 'Life is good, Mom! You're doing a good job, and it's going to be all right.'"

Games to Make Baby Smile
Peek-a-boo: One of the all-time favorite games for babies, peek-a-boo can simply be played with a blanket, burp cloth or even a napkin. Cover your face to hide from Baby and then remove the napkin and say "peek-a-boo!"

Upsy Daisy: While your baby is on her back, let her grasp her hands around your thumbs. Slowly pull her up to sitting position and say, "upsy daisy!"

Bubbles: Use liquid bubbles and blow them toward your baby's face or on her neck or belly. She will get a kick out of the mysterious bubbles, especially when they pop.

Kisses: Tickle your baby by kissing her on the neck or blowing on her face or belly to make her show that toothless grin.

This Little Piggy: Babies are infatuated with their toes, and even love to put them in their mouths! Recite the popular rhyme as you play with their toes: "This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had pizza, this little piggy had none. This little piggy went WEE WEE WEE all the way home!"

Puppets: Babies love puppets. Use puppets to talk to your baby and nibble on her toes and tickle her.
i actually forgot already when my baby first smiled. maybe i wasn't yet a stay at home mom. he just turned 1 when i chose to stay at home. but i had read that even in the womb a baby can start smiling already .