Sometimes my husband just does not get it.
By meandmy3
@meandmy3 (2227)
United States
April 27, 2009 5:29pm CST
He questioned me earlier today about telling a neighbor something that he was not happy I told, I told him that she asked me where you were today and I told her the truth. He said well you should have just made something up (he was at an interview and hates discuss his work etc with the neighbors) I just looked at him and told him that I was not comfortable lying and that I did not believe it was right not to be truthful.
He then tells me it was just a small lie and does not matter, that God did not see it as a big deal because I was not telling a big lie.
Really, small lie, small sin, big sin, sin is sin is sin, regardless of what it is, at least that is the way I was raised. What about you?
What do you think
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27 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I don't like people knowing things about me, etc, and so does my fiance. So I'm going to have to say I agree with the first responder in saying that either he only wants that to be discussed in the home, or say "it's work related". It wouldn't be lying either way, of course if he doesn't even like to discuss it with you it might be lying.
I think that it isn't right to lie to others but that you can be honest and say he doesn't like to talk about it, which could offend other neighbors who are only just curious, or you could just say "work related" a compromise, that you can tell your husband you've made since he wasn't there. You didn't want to lie, and he didn't want others to know...
Sorry I know that must sound weird.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
27 Apr 09
My husband doesn't like other people to know his business either so I tend to give vague answers if others ask. I would probably have said, "somewhere to do with work" or 'gone to a business meeting' or I'd just be honest & say that he doesn't like me discussing his details. (I, on the other hand, will tell relative strangers my lifestory if they care to listen!)
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
27 Apr 09
Men do tend to make a big deal about these things.
But when they tell others it is okay. hahaha!
A lie is bad when you hurt someone else.
When you don't hurt anyone, it is not a sin.(Example:Santa Claus)
You don't have to answer to your neighbors. You don't need to make something up if you don't want too. But I find it rude of them to ask you such questions when your husband is not there, it is none of there business.
If I were you, I would say that I don't know anything about it. If they want to know more, I will nicely tell them to ask my husband, because I have nothing to do with it.
"Honesty is the way to starvation."
Have you heard of that before? Believe me it is true.
This does not mean you have to be dishonest. But you can start by not letting others control your life. People asking questions all the time, can be dangerous.
You don't have to answer there questions.
I used to do that too. I have been hurt because of it. People throw things back at you. First they want to know everything and then they start telling others.
Take care, have a nice evening.

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@shell2784 (752)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I'd vote this one best response! Very well said!!!
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
28 Apr 09
You are right!!! even if it is a small lie it is still a lie and it's sin. why he doesn't want anybody know where he is? well, that is his private concern. I am just wondering why the neighbor really wanted to know the whereabouts of your husband? Are they that close that he wants to know all the personal thing about him? I don't really like it either. If I were you? you should ask the neighbor too why he wanted to know? is there any important thing about it? That is a private matter right?
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Maybe her neighbor was just being friendly? Like, "Hey, so where is that husband of yours right now anyway?" because maybe they are used to seeing him home at that time of the day. I wouldn't automatically assume the neighbor is trying to spy on them or has some type of ulterior motive.
This sinning business is a huge part of why I have no religion though. How about just trying to be a good person, shouldn't that count for something? Instead of worrying about how many points St. Peter is gonna take off for each sin?
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@shell2784 (752)
• United States
28 Apr 09
WOW! I really think you're taking this too far. You don't have any friends that say "so, what have you been up to lately?" I doubt the neighbor was really prying... just being friendly.
WOW! Calm down! lol
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@jellymonty (2352)
28 Apr 09
There is no such a thing as a small sin or a big sin. Sin is sin!! GoD does not see sin as big or small. To him anything that doesnot line up to his word or ways is sin and sin whether big or small is dealt in the same way. I'm with you that a lie whether big or small is a sin and it is an abomination to God. You were right by not lying and if the next time someone asks you something that your husband doesnt want you to blab out just kindly tell the person "I'd rather not say much on that" In that way you haven't lied and at the same time you havent let your husband down.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
28 Apr 09
my husband is the same as your husband.However saying that i have never kept nothing from my mother about where he is or what he is doing.I will never lie to her no matter what he says as blood is thicker than water.My husband is happy to tell anyone the things i do,but not the other way around.Ijust think that most men are like this and they dont like anyone knowing their buissness.Lyers always get found out in the end.
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@shell2784 (752)
• United States
28 Apr 09
i don't think you need to necessarily lie to anyone... just don't tell them! If you don't tell them, its not a lie. Avoid the question if you're so big on this lieing is a sin thing or whatever else.
I keep things from my mother, father, brother, whoever I feel the need to keep things from whether its about me or my fiance or whoever else.
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@smacksman (6053)
28 Apr 09
My wife can't tell a lie either. Trouble is, she doesn't know when to keep quiet either.
So, from painful experience, If I have a private matter that I don't want the neighbourhood and by extension, the whole world, to know about I simply don't tell my wife.
Secrets from my wife? Oh yes - loads!
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
I almost didnt answer this discussion because its in a religious interest, and i'm not religious in the least.. However i do have good morals and was raised probably the same way you where but without the religious part.. my parents taught me right from wrong and all that jazz.. I think you are right.. a lie is a lie.. i can't lie to someone and not feel guilty. besides.. who cares if your neighbours know he had an interview.. there are a few more people behind him thinking positively for him. positivity is the key to almost everything i think.
@moon317318 (692)
• Pakistan
28 Apr 09
[b]well thats a quite a matter, but you know what... you should do what your husband says.
if you dont want to lie then if your neighbour asks try to avoid that topic
but you should not tetll her about your work or anything Untill your Husband gives you permission.
i don't know what would you be thinking after readin gthis post but u should do it...
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@sawatzky (69)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
Well I am a husband, but I have to say that marriage is a partnership, not a boss/employee relationship. I don't know exactly what the Koran teaches, but the Bible says - on one had for wives to obey their husbands - and for the husbands to honor their wives. I can't for the life of me understand how that marriage contract works if the wife obeys the husband, but the husband doesn't honor the wife... 100% of the time... not just when it suits him.
I have no desire to be the boss of anybody. I believe in mutual respect whether two people are married or not. My wife doesn't need permission to talk about me, but I would hope that she would be respectful enough to recognize that I don't like being gossiped about!
@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
28 Apr 09
Well it is not your neighbour's interest in where was your husband, you colud have tell her an exuse there is nothing wrong in keeping personal things for you both. We are opposite, since my husband tend to tell always the truth and i hate being asked by neighbours personal questions.
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@chillpill90 (1936)
28 Apr 09
i agree with you, its not right to lie and if he wants to lie then let him but that doesn't mean you lie. Because a lie is a sin as you say and stick to what you belief.
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@misslovelyfiles (250)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Am one of those people who don't like talking about my business with everyone either, but I think giving vague answers work the best for me. If am at a job interview I don't like to tell anyone about it ; in fact I don't say anything about getting a job interview until I get the job.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I find that to be true too, I don't like to tell people about a job or an interview untill it happens. I agree with you.
@vivianchen (2646)
• China
28 Apr 09
Hi Meandmy,
You are doing the correct thing. I think husband just being a little too sensitive about his reputation. I think it's all right that people know what you do, espeically you are talking about your neighbor. We do accept white lies, i mean, who can say he/she never lied? So it's okay to tell the white lie sometimes but not in this situation. I am on your side!
@nv_jenn (207)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
I think all guys are the same. They don't want anyone to know their business unless they deliver the news personally! I would have just told inquiring minds "he had things to do!" if they ask what, I would give them a second look and keep on walking. How is that any of their business. Maybe it was fine to ask where he was, maybe it was friendly conversation but to persist after that would be pretty intrusive and rude.
I think I agree with the above poster that says, " a lie is a sin when it hurts someone ", thats pretty much how I see it.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I think that if someone doesn't want to discuss something with the neighbors, that is their business, not yours (although obviously since he is your husband, it is something that should be up for a discussion between you two, but you should abide by the final decision as he should about your personal life).
We don't have the problem of nosey neighbors out here because the neighbors really never come over and talk to us or anything like that. But we used to have neighbors that would always want to borrow stuff. Sometimes you have to lie and say you don't have it, because you know it is just going to come back broken if you loan it out to that person.
I wouldn't discuss my work with my neighbors if I was out of a job, and honestly I can't blame the guy, he probably feels bad if he doesn't have a job right now. Personally I'd cut him some slack and lie to the neighbors or avoid them, it's not a sin to say he just went out or something. But that's just me, like I said, do what you want but you two should definitely talk it out.
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@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I wouldn't be able to lie either. I would probably say it was something with work and he wouldn't want to talk about it or me to talk about it. I don't see a big problem with saying he was at an interview.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
Oh yes, husbands are like that sometimes, they don't want their names to be drag by neighbors even in the simplest way. Out of respect we can't do anything but to agree with them and to avoid arguments we'll just say okey next time, I won't mention anything about you even if they would be asking. They want to be more private than us, women.
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@Jlyn22 (204)
• United States
28 Apr 09
My fiance is the same way, he doesnt think anyone needs to know his business even if its no big deal. I'll admit I lie when I absolutly need to but if its something small like him going to a job interview I see no point in lying about that. So if something gets brought up about his business I leave out the details and just give a brief statement about it so Im not lying but then the person still doesnt know everything that way he cant get mad.
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@shell2784 (752)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I think that it wouldn't have hurt anything for you to say something else to your neighbor. If he's that uncomfortable, why wouldn't you respect his wishes? Doctor for a check up, went to the bank, ran errands in general... any of those would have worked.
I don't know how God would see it, but honestly, that's not really my concern. I try my hardest not to do anything to offend or disrespect the man I love.
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@denisedora (190)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Well I think it was not their busniess where he was. They do not live in your house. My fiance' is like that, we do not tell other people our personal buiness. I would have just told them that he was at work and left it at that. Maybe if they are always like that, then you should just let them know it's not their business. But regardless it is a sin to lie and that is breaking the ten commanments which are the laws of God. So you should just tell them to maybe mind thier own business about where your husband is.
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