What is your Opinion of Gay Marriage In the US?
By drknlvly6781
@drknlvly6781 (6246)
United States
April 29, 2009 9:15am CST
Okay, don't flame me, I know this topic has been done to death; however I need the opinion of a cross section of the population for a speech that I'm writing, and where better than MyLot to get it???
So are you for or against it? What causes you to feel that way? Be descriptive but please no abusive language. I welcome all opinions and points of view for the discussion. Bring any references and links that help your point.
I for instance, think it should be legal in all of the United States, even though I am straight and am a very spiritual Baptist. Furthermore, I don't see why it is such a big deal. I've always believed that since they are people just like anyone else on this earth, they should be allowed the same rights as everyone else in this nation. If there is to be separation of church and state, then law shouldn't enter into this. Like a commedian once said (it escapes me who did) "If Gays want to be as miserable as the rest of us that are married, let 'em!" lol.
Here's your chance to weigh in on the matter, as long as you keep it respectful. Can't wait to see your answers!!!
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13 responses
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
30 Apr 09
You know you opened up a can of worms on this one dark? Anywho, I don't support Gay marriages and Homosexual relations in any form. It is a sinful act and an unnatural act. Only those who are of such would probably attack me on this but it is the truth. You will not find ANY religion that supports this act.
But I do not consider myself a judge of people. If this is the life you choose to live then more power to you. I do feel that we should not support gay marriage as we are teaching our children that the lifestyle is acceptable. But more power to you if that is the way you live. We will all be judged in the end and it is not for me to judge anyone.....
I love everybody. I have gay friends, both men and women. It still doesn't change the way I feel.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
3 May 09
What you are talking about is people of these particular religions who have chosen to accept it. If you studied their doctrine it would say otherwise. I am not saying to go out and stone anyone either. It is not for any of us to cast judgment on anyone. I am just talking facts here. I doubt you will find any doctrine to support gay relations in any religion, regardless if some accept it or not.
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@kcbomba (616)
• United States
29 Apr 09
You know what - whether in the U.S. or not - 'the act is absurb , ungodly , obsene,
and totally amiss phenomena.
ls a satanic act , and should be , by all means possible discouraged and dissuaded
in our society . ls just like unleashing doom to mankind . That's it !!!!
@kcbomba (616)
• United States
29 Apr 09
[b]lrrefutably , the act is evident in our society , today . No doubt .
What l would recommend here is that : it should be dissuaded morally , and folks
should be admonished against it , by clerics , foundamentally .
ls just not healthy for our race . ls not a healthy practice[/b] . 

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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Furthermore, if health were an issue in gay/lesbian marriage besides insurance, there are many things that are sold on the open market, regulated by government, that are by no stretch of the imagination healthy, yet perfectly legal. If we were to ban everything that is not healthy, we wouldn't have much depending on the definition of what is healthy and what isn't.

@Springlady (3986)
• United States
29 Apr 09
God created marriage to be between a man and a woman. That is how He intended it to be. We cannot justify redifining marriage. Our country is in the mess that it's in because we continue to ignore God's Word, the Bible and His commandments. We reap what we sow, more than we sow and later than we sow.
This country needs to repent and turn to God! We are only beginning to pay for disobeying Him and things are only going to get worse as long as we continue to ignore the Lord.
May God bless.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
29 Apr 09
There is only one true God and that is the living God. Without Him, you have no hope whatsoever.
God bless.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
29 Apr 09
It's not a religion, but a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. He did not come to start a "religion" but to give life to all who believe and trust in Him.
All other "gods" are false.
God bless.
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@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
But it is religion, I renounce the idea that there is ANY one true god that can be known by humanity. As such any laws based on religious dogma must be thrown out. Forcing me to follow your religion is something that is forbidden even under Christian law.
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
30 Apr 09
God made the man for woman but we cant control humans feelings. even i dont agree i dont have no choice so let them happy 

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@mayrose (323)
• Philippines
29 Apr 09
Here's my thing about gay marriages, I'm gay but I'm not into this honestly.I think this thing is just a drama thing, for me if I say I LOVE YOU I mean it, not just because I marry you means I mean it more. It will mean more if I will say it to you til the day I run out of breath in this life time, this means I spend my whole life loving you and JUST YOU. Some people just want complicated things to be more complicated... I think they should focus in a LAW about job discrimination on gay people..
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
29 Apr 09
First off, I am American, raised Catholic, divorced, remarried, straight.
I have had many friends who are gay/lesbian and it is just one aspect of their life. They are no different than anyone who is straight other than somewhere along the line their genes or DNA or something got altered and they aren't straight. For the most part they are very nice, warm, caring wonderful people and if they want to have a gay marriage well they should. They deserve to have a permanent relationship that is recognized by society.
Call it a union or a marriage or whatever - a rose by any other names is still a rose. By calling it something else, we are playing with semantics.
I know many straight people that are 'married' to each other who do not have a good relationship with each other that would even come close to be called a loving marriage.
Let then go what they want.
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@momoftwingirls (859)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I believe in a one man, one woman way of marriage. This is the way my God created mankind an this is how God wants marriage. Marriage is a very special and well thought out union. God, and I, take this union very seriously.
I grew up in a tradional family setting with my Dad and Mom. This is the way it should be, period. Otherwise, it is a slap in the face of God who lovingly created all of us.
I am a non denominational Christian and I will never change my views. And, it does not matter to me whom I offend. The truth usually does offend those who do not want to walk in love and truth that their Father in Heaven has set out before them. This is when these people,whom God loves, needs to be led down the narrow path which goes to their Father in Heaven.
In case you do not know, Luke 17:26-29 - 26 "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man"
America, specifically, is heading down this path. But Jesus says," If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" 2 Chronicles 7:14
It is our insatiable appetites for the wicked that have brought all of us to this point in our current human history. But remember this, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV
So, I am totally against this form of marriage in any shape or form and it is totally mocking what God has created for good, not evil.
God Bless all of you....
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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
8 May 09
Thanks for responding. Now that I have your opinion, I have a few questions. First, I understand your position on Gay marriage, and your foundations for such, but, as I ask all people that use this approach to it, is, what about the scripture that says "Judge not lest ye be judged."? "Vengence shall be mine' saith the Lord"? and finally, "Do unto others as you would have them do onto you." My whole reasoning in this is that people are going to do what they want, no matter how many times you tell them its wrong. We cannot say that they are less than people because that is God's job to do so, and he doesn't choose to do that for anyone until judgement day.
Also, even though you are a Christian, you are an American as well. This is supposed to be the land of opportunity where anyone can come in, keep their own religious beliefs and country's customs in their own house, while still mingling with others of other nationalities. Do you feel that the Christian religion is better than all others, and everyone in the nation should be forced to believe this?
This is exactly what the ban on Gay marriage does. This forces the Christian religion on all gay couples that wish to marry, no matter which faith they are, or if they have any faith at all. God gave us all the gift of free will, how is it that you can see it as right to take that God-given gift away from certain people because of their choices. It is they who will have to suffer the consequences in the end.
Lifting the ban does not force those of us that do not condone Gay marriage in our own lives to do so. It only gives the right of marriage and those things entailed to our gay/lesbian US citizens. We do not have to recognize it, unless we are part of the insurance industry, an adoption agency, or the IRS, and then, it is only on paper. I am a Christian as well, however I don't feel that I have the right to force my faith on anyone else. Again, God gave each and every individual on this earth free will, and it is not my place to infringe on that.
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I am a gay american, 27 years old, and I would love to one day marry my long term partner.
Brian and I have been together for 7 years. Check the statistics on your own, but any source will tell you that 7 years is longer than most straight couple in my age bracket stay married these days. I have freinds younger than me who have already been married, had children, and gotten divorced. Gays wont destroy marraige - we will breath new life into it, and in cases like Brian and I, will set the bar a little higher for the people who just get married on w him, then get divorced a year later.
If Brian and I are allowed to marry, you cant tell me that we wont bring stability and longevity to the table. We have proven ourselves to be commited and in love. We have been together all this time without the benifit of marraige. It's high time society recognizes it, because at this point - my relationship with him is WAY more valid that most marraiges in America right now.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I think it should be legal and I think that eventually it will be. My opinion on this was first based from a friends point of view. I had a friend in highschool that was openly gay back in the 70's. If you can imagine, his struggles were tremendous back then. I knew that he would never have "chosen" that path in life...it was who he was and he was brave enough to be honest about it. Back then, not many were. My views on this topic were confirmed when I first became pregnant. I mean, if we are lucky, our children will be born healthy and all but you can't help but wonder how you will handle different things ...handicaps etc. I thought about how I'd handle different situations....homosexuality was just one of them & it was the least of my worries. There was not a doubt in my mind that I'd be ok with it. None of my 4 daughters were gay but my thoughts on the issue are the same....they deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. They don't deserve all the flak about their sexuality. They are not freaks. This should not be an issue to be voted on. Let those that are afraid of this....learn to live with their fears. It is a civil rights issue and none of their business. The gay people have had to bear the burden of their predjudices and fears far too long....it's time they deal with their own hang-ups on their own.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
30 Apr 09
I don't see a problem with it either. I live in San Jose and last November, there was a measure on the ballot to make gay marraiges illegal and I was dumbfounded when it passed. First, I believe that the majority of the population has no business telling anyone how they should live their life. Being in love is not illegal if you're over 18 and are not already married. Why shouldn't a loving couple whether they be straight, gay or lesbian be allowed to show their love to the world? I was able to walk into the marraige license place and obtain a license to get married to my husband. A woman and her girlfriend should be allowed the same option without having to jump through hoops and fight off lawsuits. I fully hope that the decision to outlaw gay marraiges in California gets overturned and promptly. I know that there are several lawsuits on the books right now deeming that amendment unconstitutional which it is.
Secondly, if you're that worried about nullifying the sacred meaning of marraige, it's too late. The meaning of marraige has already been ruined. Ran into the ground. Destroyed. Personally, I find the thought and idea of marraige sacred. My first and only marriage is to my husband. We dated a good, long while before we got married and we cherish each other daily. I couldn't imagine my life without him or my daughter, but the idea of a gay couple or a lesbian couple getting married does not make me upset or angry. It doesn't lessen the value of my marraige. It shouldn't lessen the value of anyone's marraige. We've got celebrities marrying and divorcing faster than people change the oil filter in their cars and yet we're worried about a gay man marrying his boyfriend? Really.
As a straight, married woman, I support the legalization of gay and lesbian marraiges. Proudly.
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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
5 May 09
Thanks for pointing out why the "Devaluing of the Sanctity of marriage" comment is so humorous. Adultery is rampant in this day and age, better than half of marriages end up in divorce either because of that or because of money problems. People every day marry for money, for admittance into a country, or various other reasons besides true love. Looking at society as a whole, marriage has no value.
When I get married it will be to a man that I love and loves me and my children. I hold this value personally sacred. What others choose to do with marriage will not shake nor dissipate this value within me, and gay/lesbian marriage is of no exception. What does allowing this to happen really do to those who do not believe in it?

@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Legal. I think what goes on behind consenting adults closed door isn't any of my business. I also think you should be able to protect your mate with your life insurance and such.
I am a pagan, straight, Irish, married, white trash, low income mother of 6 who's in her thirties. Hmmm... wonder how many of those are in your cross section... lol... I love the cross sections that are on the Lot.
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@vivianchen (2646)
• China
30 Apr 09
Hi Drknlvly6781,
Thanks for the good topic! My opinion of Gay marriage in the US will be "Why not?!". I mean i am okay with my friends who is gay. When i look at them, they are just as same as we are. They should have the same rights as we have. That is what we call a harmonious society, rigt?
I think they can get married and they have their own kids if they want to. If i got invite to a guy friend's wedding parties, i will definite come and give my congratulate to them. 

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