God is Pro-Choice
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
27 responses
@wildcat48 (779)
• United States
3 May 09
God want us to chose .amen too that ,you right on the money
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
1 May 09
So on your premise, anything we choose to do is ok with God? We can commit any crime, behave as badly as we want and he will be OK with that because he gave us free will?
My parents taught me the difference between right and wrong and as I grew up I found that I did not always agree with their views but I still had to follow my own conscience. I have my own beliefs and one of those is that abortion is wrong.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
"I found that I did not always agree with their views but I still had to follow my own conscience"
as do I.
"I have my own beliefs and one of those is that abortion is wrong. "
I respect your right to believe that.
MY belief is that forcing women (some girls even) to have babies that they cannot support and may not have the mental capacity to give away is wrong.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
3 May 09
although I do not have anything against people who abort,
the purpose of conceiving is to reproduce and populate the earth not to abort,
people that don't want babies can make the decision not to get pregnant,
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@wildcat48 (779)
• United States
3 May 09
but there is so many different thing out there to take to not get that way.they need to think with their head not their ____ all the time ,instead of to dogs in heat.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
8 May 09
Uhm, not necessarily wanting to enter into the pro-life, pro-choice debate--I do simply have top point from a logician's point of view, that this statement has no merit... it's if-then premise is completely faulty. Also, remember we scream the loudest that which we want to believe...
Is it possible that you're trying to convince yourself of something? To rationalize something?
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
8 May 09
Hi David. I don't agree with you that it is "completely" without merit and apparently there are a few others here that agree with me...
That being said, thanks for the question that you ended this post with.
I've been somewhat asking myself the same question (not exactly but somewhat).
I'm not trying to "convince myself" of anything. But yes, I did have an abortion when I was younger. I'm okay with my decision. I'm not "happy" that I went through what I did. But I'm not feeling any major guilt over it.
I think what I was trying to accomplish with this discussion and with my statements in other discussions regarding abortion, it simply to point out to people that life is often more complex than many people want to realize.
To this day, I stand by my decision and I know that there are young women out there in ever worst circumstances than I was in at the time.
I would hate to think of them being forced to bring a pregnancy to term and give birth if they do not feel they are emotionally, financially or in any other way, able to follow through with their pregnancy.
I have considered starting another discussion on this topic where I share the details of my choice, simply because I've noticed that although there are women here that are very vocal about being pro-choice it is rare to seem someone admit that they did have an abortion. It's a hard thing to do. People are so quick to judge. I kept this part of my life a secret for 20 plus years and I still hesitate to talk about it, not because I am "ashamed" of my choice, but because people are so quick to judge and, unfortunately I do (to some degree) care what people think of me.
I think that about answers your question, doesn't it?
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
8 May 09
One thing that I failed to mention, and I think it's important to add because it has come up in more than one of the replies to me...
I never said God "wants" us to have abortions. I said he gave us a choice.
I don't know why God allows certain "bad" things to happen in the world. I don't understand God's logic. I know that many religions simply tell us that "its not for us to know". But, although I do have faith in God, my faith in the "Bible" is not as strong and I also don't agree with those who feel it is wrong to question God.
I tend to believe that "things happen for a reason" and we must strive to learn and grow from our experience. I tried to do that with my experience.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 May 09
I think G-d mad a huge mistake with the tree of knowledge.Now we know too much plus we have free will. I'm not sure if He is Pro Choice or Anti choice but , dare I say it? It doesn't matter.If a woman wants an abortion, she will have one.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Very good point miami! Our free will assuming its from some god DOES include the choice to terminate a pregnancy and one step further it gives the hospitals, doctors etc the choice to give abortions....If it was such a crime against god then the choice to make it an option wouldnt exist and free will wouldnt really be free will ...
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
29 Apr 09
That is circular reasoning.
You may as well have said that if God meant for us fly he would have given us wings... yet we have airplanes.
There is ample evidence that God opposes murdering the unborn... or the innocent, which is exactly what abortion does.
Since you refer to God as he/she/it I can only surmise that you have no relationship with God, nor do you believe in Him.
Therefore, I am compelled to inquire as to how you would presume to speak for God or to His plan for humanity.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
29 Apr 09
"Since you refer to God as he/she/it I can only surmise that you have no relationship with God, nor do you believe in Him. "
You seem to "surmise" incorrectly about people on a regular basis.
I do believe in God. My relationship with God is a personal relationsip.
"Therefore, I am compelled to inquire as to how you would presume to speak for God or to His plan for humanity"
My daughter was taught in her Christian school that the Bible was "inspired" by God. The books that were taken OUT of the Bible were chosen to be taken out of the Bible because that is what God wanted.
I am a child of God. God WANTED me to post this.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
1 May 09
I find it highly dubious that God supports the murder of the unborn, when the Bible plainly states otherwise.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
1 May 09
Of course G-d is pro choice.It is has always been up to the woman if a baby is born or not. Abortions are not new. It has been going on for centuries.If G-d Really didn't want us to have this knowledge, we wouldn't have it.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
1 May 09
Quote 'If God didn't want us to have abortions, he/she/it wouldn't have us conceive. Unquote. I like this. If one does not conceive, it means God is sparing the person the dilema of decision making.
Delving deeper into it, one can say God actually gave us the choice to make our own decision. We can choose to keep the baby or not. It is our choice. God only creates the condition to allow us to make our own choice.

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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 May 09
That is the worst argument I've even heard in my life. Perhaps you are joking, but if not you are showing a clear lack of knowledge about the Christian God and why he gave us free will. He gave us the power to perform great acts of good and evil. He then gave us free will so we would have the power to choose whether to be good or evil. Abortion is the murder of a defenseless, innocent life. The bible makes it quite clear "thou shall not commit murder". As such within the 10 commandments, god makes it clear in no uncertain terms that he does not want us to have abortions.
If I use your logic I could say that god wanted us to lie, steal, commit adultery, be disrespectful towards our parents, worship statues, etc. He wants us to make the RIGHT choices and such is the point of free will, and the commandments and bible to guide us.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 May 09
"I guess being disprespectful to anyone BUT your parents is okay then?"
Of course it is. It's my decision whether someone deserves my respect or not. I was referring to the commandment of "honor thy mother and father"
"He wants us to make the RIGHT choices and such is the point of free will, and the commandments and bible to guide us.
The "RIGHT" choice for you may not be the right choice for me."
Well, you're being selfish by thinking it's all about me and you. It's about an innocent child who is being deprived of the right to live because someone considers the child's life an inconvenience.
"If I make the "wrong" choices I will let MY (agnostic) God be the judge of that. Not MAN and not OUR GOVERNMENT."
I can judge anyone I want whether they "let me" or not. And I never mentioned government. Do you feel it's ok for the government to judge a man who shoots a 4 year old girl in the head for getting in his way? Why is it suddenly acceptable to kill that same girl if she is only 6 months in the womb?
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
"Of course it is. It's my decision whether someone deserves my respect or not. I was referring to the commandment of "honor thy mother and father" "
I knew what you were referring to...If it is your belief that it's okay to disrespect people because it's not listed in the ten commandments. Then I'll stick to my own belief system, thank you.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
"That is the worst argument I've even heard in my life"
of course you would say that.
"Perhaps you are joking, but if not you are showing a clear lack of knowledge about the Christian God "
or perhaps a lack if UNDERSTANDING your "Christian" God.
and why he gave us free will. He gave us the power to perform great acts of good and evil. He then gave us free will so we would have the power to choose whether to be good or evil. Abortion is the murder of a defenseless, innocent life. The bible makes it quite clear "thou shall not commit murder". As such within the 10 commandments, god makes it clear in no uncertain terms that he does not want us to have abortions.
"If I use your logic I could say that god wanted us to lie, steal, commit adultery, be disrespectful towards our parents"
I guess being disprespectful to anyone BUT your parents is okay then?
He wants us to make the RIGHT choices and such is the point of free will, and the commandments and bible to guide us.
The "RIGHT" choice for you may not be the right choice for me.
If I make the "wrong" choices I will let MY (agnostic) God be the judge of that. Not MAN and not OUR GOVERNMENT.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I've often questioned the concept of conception. I've seen way too many people having babies who shouldn't ever have that option. They don't love the babies, they abuse the babies, sometimes even killing the babies and/or disposing of them in garbage cans.
Then, there are those who would make excellent parents who are unable to conceive. Why is this? Why would God allow a woman to have a baby, or babies, when they would not care for and love that baby or babies? Why would God not allow some very good people to be unable to conceive?
These are questions I've asked many people, religious and non-religious. I have no answers from the religious folks.
Some people call babies "miracles". I call them the result of a natural biological interaction. Whether you want to call them miracles or not, that's up to the individual.

@Wolfechu (1193)
• United States
30 Apr 09
One argument that kills me - I pass a billboard on the way to work every day that claims '150 American babies are killed every hour!' or some such shock figure.
Leaving aside the rather interesting point that I was under the impression American citizenship was conferred when you were born in the US, not conceived... I might be misremembering the figures, but I'm probably being conservative. I think it might even say 'per minute', but we'll go with hour: I make that over 1.3 million additional mouths to feed the US would have, every single year.
Browsing over some of the more right wing websites, they claim 42 million/year are aborted, so maybe 'per minute' is right. Which would mean the US population would double in less than 10 years.
Pop quiz: How many years do you reckon it'd be before the resources of the country were outstripped by the demands of the population?
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
30 Apr 09
I agree.
It is odd, because the writer, and many respondents, don't really care what God thinks. I think it is kind of unfair to drag divinity into the argument when you know very well it has no bearing on the outcome.
"I will do what I will because I want to set my own standards."
That is THE issue.
Abortion is just the vehicle. "God" adds a little fuel.

@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Hi miamilady~ It is a shame that others don't look at the
way that you have described! I agree with you too! If God
didn't want us to be Pro-Choice he wouldn't have given us
free will is correct! But yet those that feel that they have
the right to make the choice for others are not getting that
very message! Who gives someone else the right to decide
what someone should or shouldn't do with their own body? I
believe that if someone doesn't feel that the time is right
for them to have a child it is better for them not to then
to bring an unwanted child into this world to be abused and
unloved and to suffer!
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
30 Apr 09
The bible is clear about this subject. Thou shall not kill. The medical evidence does not argue anymore when life begins. All the scientific evidence poitns out that life begins at conception. So doing an abortion is killing an unborn life. I believe that all unborn life is precious and shall not be killed. God does not want us to kill one another.

@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
30 Apr 09
Hey mia.... I am not accusing anybody. I am not even accusing you. I am a Catholic so I am talking from a Catholic viewpoint. As a Christian I do believe that God granted us life (human life) to treasure it and take care of it. This means protecting even the unborn child because it is a human life.
We may differ whether the unborn child should be protected or not. But I think we all both agree that there is a human life in the unborn child.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Okay, I know before I say this that you're probably going to come away from this accusing me of either oversimplifying or just plain being an idiot, but I'm going to say what I think anyway.
Though shall not kill...
kill what? kill anything? kill roaches? kill ants? kill cows?
or is it just humans?
Those ten comandments just didn't come with enough details in my opinon.
Though shall not lie... Lie at all? I've know PLENTY of Christians who tell white lies on a regular basis...
I'll just stop here.

@celticeagle (172467)
• Boise, Idaho
29 Apr 09
I agree totally. I think the all religions are so hypocrital and lack any real thought into what the man/woman/it was truly all about. I think the abortion thing does get out of hand and we need to think before we do this but, we also need to have the option. It is so scarey for a woman or girl who has no means of supporting or nurturing a child. So many variables in this too. Rape is only one.

@celticeagle (172467)
• Boise, Idaho
30 Apr 09
Ya, and then you go on to peer pressure and not having the right parental influence in the formative years and it causes kids not to be very responsible. BC is easy to come by it is scarey for a kid to go get it and be asked why a parent isn't there and then it twirls into a thing and is hard for a kid to do.
@trina48D (88)
• United States
30 Apr 09
The choice is: do I sleep with this guy or don't I, let me think, am I married to Him, do I want to have a child, will I be able to get rid of the disease I may get as easy as I can get rid of the baby I may conceive? I'm sorry, with birth control so easy to get and the ability to choose to say no thanks, abortion should not be an option. Life is a gift and who is to say that the baby conceived from a rape cannot be loved and cared for by someone. Who are we to have a right to kill a child? Why can't the man insist on not allowing an abortion of his child so that he can raise it. Or maybe the man should be allowed to force the woman to have an abortion so he doesn't have to pay support. What is good for the woman should be good for the man right?
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I've questioned a lot of stuff too. THat's some points I've never thought of.
I guess some days I have a problem with the concept of ONE God. If you stop and think about it, and I mean really think, God has done a lot. He's given us everything on this earth and has created everything from human beings to worms. He's made our bodies do what they were supposed to do from give birth (to a woman) to fart and every thing in between. In His eyes, He created man I know, but how in the world could just one entity dreamed up the way we are and how complex our bodies are?
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Plus if you think about it, God is an abortionist, right? Miscarraiges are caused by something wrong with the body or the pregnancy. God made our bodies the way they are, so wouldn't that put the blame on God's shoulders when a woman miscarries?
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
2 May 09
I hope this isn't getting off the discussion but I was thinking about this subject the other day. If there is a seperation between church and state then abortion should be legal. No one should be forced to either abort or have a baby, it should be a personal choice. but I see your point that God gives us an option. Isn't kind of like tempting Adam and Eve with the apple? Just because it is there doesn't mean that we are supposed to do it?
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 May 09
"If there is a seperation between church and state then abortion should be legal."
What does the separation of church and state have to do with this? Banning abortion would not fall under the "no state sponsored religion" and committing an abortion does not fall under the "freedom to practice religion" as there is no religion that is pro-abortion per its tenets. You don't need to be of any specific religion to believe the murder of an unborn child is wrong. An unborn child is a life medically, not just religiously.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
3 May 09
And if I'm not a mistaken there is still a debate going on about "when live begins".
Obviously this is one of those topics that will debated endlessly.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
3 May 09
Now do you have a logical, rational argument as to why you're pro-abortion?
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
3 May 09
I do have plenty of arguments as to why I'm pro-CHOICE, yes. I'm sure you've heard all the arguments before, and I'm sure you aren't truly interested in hearing them again. Certainly not with an open mind.
Good job on the sarcasm.
@trina48D (88)
• United States
29 Apr 09
So you think God's purpose for allowing us to conceive is so that we can kill our babies? The reason for 'free will' is because God loves us enough to allow us to decide for ourselves if we want to love Him or not. His desire is that we would love Him and choose to walk in His ways, it really isn't love if we are forced into it. We will all stand before God someday and answer for our choices. If we chose to live our life without Him involved He will grant us the same grace by allowing us to spend eternity without Him, that place is called Hell. At least in this time we all experience a portion of God's grace. The sun shines, the breeze blows, we have breath and everyday life continues when a child is born. We do have the choice to end life even a babies but we will answer for it. Hate to be that person.