0bama hates america
Did the teleprompter tell him to say that, or is he really that arrogant?
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
United States
April 30, 2009 2:29pm CST
Yesterday at a press conference in Missouri, 0bama insulted hundreds of thousands of Americans in a most arrogant, dismissive, and divisive manner. He is all the things he accused the American people of being on his world trash talk Americans tour and so very much more. Does he REALLY think so little of the people who it is his JOB to serve, or should we blame whoever sends the words to his teleprompter for this latest despicable insult to hundreds of thousands of Americans?
see the video of it here:
you can read about it here:
Yes, I know one of my great mylot friends had a discussion up on this very same topic that seems to have vanished, I feel it is important enough to start my own so those of you who may have missed it can see how little the president of the United States of America cares for a decent chunk of the US population who are already upset with he and his cronies hate America and run it onto the ground policies.
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11 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
30 Apr 09
thanks for picking up the torch kitty, really apreciate it. I realize the thread I posted was full of obscenity and probably rang more like a guy at a bar who was buzzed and angry, but I was pretty angry and I think there are a large number of people who would have in fact reacted to some one like that running their mouth to them in such a manner. In fact, go most places and blatently insult someone like that, and the odds are pretty good you'll get a fist to the jaw. It wasn't just his words, it was the manner and tone which they were spoken.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
30 Apr 09
I put this up because it still needs to BE up, people should KNOW how much he dislikes the American people. He believes his own hype and it WILL bring about his downfall. I beleive the ancient Greeks called it Hubris. Too bad we have to suffer under him while he sets himself up for the inevitable and climactic crash and burn.
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@max1950 (2306)
• United States
30 Apr 09
hey maybe not you, but you people put him in there, the new almighty savior of the u.s. oh i just know i'll get kicked off if i respond the way i want so i'll be nice. the man has no idea what he should do, and his cohorts like pelosi is skirting around him in a bid to become whatever she thinks she is. as soon as i saw pelosi get in i knew we were in for it.and when are the demo's gonna stop blamming bush for everything ? i never saw bush blame clinton for anything, he sucked it up and kept us safe. he someone with a new paycheck if ya get my drift, the people didnt want him but ole jonny boy was a wimp at the end and barrack hussain obama got in. you people wanted him, you explain to your children why their going to be broke paying off taxes they never heard of. he's no better than a rapper with a , oh i better go. hey i agree with ya.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
30 Apr 09
I DID NOT put him in there! I voted against him, I NEVER wanted him, I KNEW he was going to be a funking nightmare for this country and I tried to warn people about it! I tried to hold my tongue after he took office and HOPED I was wrong about how bad he'd be, but I quickly discovered that he HATES everywhere about America that makes us Americans and he hates us and will do everything in his power to destroy us!
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@max1950 (2306)
• United States
30 Apr 09
exactly, hense his middle name. now calm down it took me awhile after answering your discussion. if push comes to shove i think the military will take care of mr. obama. ive got my marine brothers over there and he want's to play patty cake, not happening. the military not matter what, will look like fool's for anyone. sempre fi ...
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
30 Apr 09
You know, secret service guys often have friends and family in the military. There's a theory that after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, JFK's secret service guys just happened to conveniently be looking in the wrong direction on a certain day in Dallas, because they were not amused by the deaths of some of their military pals. I'm just saying...

@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
30 Apr 09
He is that arrogant. In his mind we are the minority and his view points are the majority. Right now that is probably correct, but Obama is leading like a leader of a mob that just seized power. This is not the first time Obama has felt the need to rip into those that do not fit neatly into Obama's perfect America. Remember the bitter clinger comment?
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
30 Apr 09
He's an elitist snob, it was obvious when he tried to bond with the "common man" over the price of arugula at the (upscale) whole foods store, and it is even more obvious now. I would not be surprised if when someone informs him about how Americans are struggling to feed their families he says "Let them eat cake"!
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
30 Apr 09
i don't see how he was arrogant i watched the whole thing , i don't read the stuff they say on the internet because some of what they put up there he never said plus they put it up there to get ratings , i will be the first one to admit i voted for him because i believed and still do that he is the better man for the job, i don't care who disagrees everyone has there own oppnion and has the right to say it.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Psycho, just because you voted for him doesn't mean you have no right to criticize him. In fact, I think that gives you an even greater right to do so. So don't be afraid to. Obama was blatantly making fun of the peaceful protesters who are in opposition to the raising of taxes.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
30 Apr 09
psych, it's not what the media said he said, it's what HE HIMSELF actually said that many of us have a problem with. We heard him say it with our own ears, and saw it with our own eyes - it came out of HIS mouth and not anyone else's.
You should listen to murderistic, she makes a compelling point.
(Could this be a sign of the apocalypse? I agree with Murderistic TWICE in the same discussion!

@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
30 Apr 09
I was hoping he would have said something about the Tea parties. That means it bothers him. He's got a thin skin and I'll bet he's had a hard time sleeping at night knowing that so many people in this country can see right through him. I'm glad to see that we have and are putting pressure on him.
His immaturity and inexperience is showing.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
30 Apr 09
And yet his fans and the moron stream media simply cannot and will not see it and they won't see it, until it is far too late.
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@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
1 May 09
I looked at the video and seen what you are talking about. Obama needs to understand that people in the country are upset. The way his speech came off to me was, "I don't care what people think, I'm going to do what I want to." It would be interesting to know just how many people that voted for Obama are still 100 percent for him, and how many one them were in the tea party.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
"It would be interesting to know just how many people that voted for Obama are still 100 percent for him, and how many one them were in the tea party. "
I think being "100 percent" for ANYBODY would be damned naive.
@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
1 May 09
You both are most likely right about that. I don't think that a lot of people voted him in to office for the right reasons to start with. I really think that some voted for him because of him going to become the first black president elected into office. I just wonder how some on these people will vote next election, now that "history" has been made, he might not get as big an outcome as he did this time.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
1 May 09
Actually, miamilady, I do agree with you on this, I don't think there are very many people who 100% support ANY president after he gets into office and has been there for a bit, even if they voted for him.
To answer sweetashoney, from what I heard, there were actually quite few people who voted for 0bama at the tea parties - people from all and none of the political parties and all walks of life attended them around the country, and there are more planned.

@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
1 May 09
I'll have to watch that later since I'm at school right now and can't watch videos. But I don't think someone can have the blame taken away just because something is on a teleprompter. If you're reading it and making it sound like it is your speech, you better agree with it!
I think Obama is pretty arrogant. I don't think he gives good speeches and I don't know how so many people were fooled into voting for him. But he fooled some of my friends and now they're already sorry for voting for him.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
1 May 09
Thanks for your response! I agree, even if it were someone else's words, when you are saying it as if they were your own, you are taking personal responsibility for those words. I am amazed at how many people have been and still are fooled by him, I saw right through him even before the democratic primaries. I know that some of his supporters now have "buyer's remorse" but I'm sure those numbers will inevitably grow as the mask he has been wearing continues to slip.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
I couldn't open the links you provided, so I did a search myself...
" let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to…"
Is that the part you objected to? The website I checked out only mentioned a little bit about what he said.

@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
"but I doubt you care about any of that"
ya see? That's where you lose people!! I was actually reading what you had to say with INTEREST until I got to that point.
I will come back and read the rest of what you have to say despite your moronic comment.
Just a suggestion... QUIT JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS ABOUT PEOPLE just because they question your logic and your arguments sometimes!
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
"He has chosen to marginalize and dismiss hundreds of thousands of Americans who engaged in a peaceful protests"
YOu mean as you and your peers do to those that dare to question YOUR beliefs? How dare he!
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
"He chooses instead to publicly MOCK them"
I can't resist resorting to saying this...
"those who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones?
'nuf said

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
1 May 09
First they ignore you
Second they ridicule you
Third they fight you
Finally....you win
I would say we are in two going into three. So I say this is progress.
Yes he ticked me off. Yes I had a few bad moments. But when I had time to calm down and think I saw this as a good thing. The movement has gotten too big to ignore anymore. We are a force they have to acknowledge now. THey may not like it but htye can't pretend we don't exist anymore.
Plus his little rant just shows poeple how arrogant and self serving he is. People will start to see him how he really is. Which is also good.
I would like a public apology but I won't hold my breath.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
1 May 09
Thank you for providing the silver lining in my dark cloud!
The mask is slipping, and what lies beneath ain't quite so pretty!
@arvvaz89 (85)
• Sweden
1 May 09
it's funny how people always accuse the other side of the conflict of being "blind", when it could just as easily be you yourself that is a blind person that cannot see the truth. I am not going to take a side in this conflict because i am not an american and i do not know anything about taxes and such. I have read all the posts in this thread and i think that most of them are immature. You people obviously lack respect for what other people think and are so convinced that your opinion is the only one that counts. You also seem to have trouble having a civil discussion. If anyone opposes you, you jump at them directly. Just chill people, or feel to jump at me, which i am sure you will do.
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
1 May 09
You contribute nothing to the subject being discussed. If you don't have a comment relevant to the topic of the discussion, you shouldn't be posting off-topic and irrelevant responses. Posting simply to insult other members here also is not looked upon fondly my the mylot administrators. Since you are new, I will direct you to the mylot guidelines and I highly recommend you read them:
@thistledown (45)
• United States
1 May 09
I agree with the arrogant part, that is for sure! But I don't think we even voted him in...have any of you watched the video, The Obama Deception? It is on-line, or you can get it as a rental. If you did, you get a different view of how he got where he is.
I was at our local Tea Party and found it very interesting that the average age was probably 55-60. These weren't a bunch of loud mouth kids out there. And they were talking a LOT more than taxes. Like Homeland Security issues and God given rights that are being pulled right out from under us, without us even being told.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
1 May 09
I haven't seen the video, but I know many who have. It pretty much sums up and elaborates on what many of us have been saying since WAY before the election or even the Dem primary, but we were labeled "racist" for even daring to question the questionable and murky background of this guy!
He either really has no freaking clue about what the tea parties were for (and there are more planned!) or he is truly an arrogant elitist who absolutely does not give a care int he world for the average WORKING Americans who have to foot the bill for his spending and handouts.