She's finally gone and done it!
By mummymo
@mummymo (23706)
May 1, 2009 5:09pm CST
OMG For almost 8 years the constant worry in my house is what on earth Niamh is going to do next. What is she going to climb,fall over , eat or hurt herself with next. We all imagined countless broken bones and the more time has gone on the more convinced we have been - she has gotten more and more of a daredevil and never stops. Well it has taken 8 years but she has finally gone and broken a bone or at least fractured one - her Radius to be exact! She had an accident on her bike and all her weight landed on her arm , luckily Daddy was with her and although she cried at first she managed to cycle home. When she got here she came straight to me , et me see what she had done and then we started icing it to try and take the swelling down - and she cried again due to the pain! WEll anyone who knows anything about my Niamh will know she rarely cries in pain so I was worried. At the hospital the nurse/practitioner said she was unsure if Niamh just had an extraordinarily high pain threshold or if she was milking it! She decided to send her for an xray but was pretty certain nothing would be found. Fast Forward 15 mins and we are in the plaster room getting a cast (or stookie as we call it in Scotland) put on her arm! I think the nurse was totally gobsmacked! Well she should have listened when I tried to tell her about Niamhs tolerance for pain. lol How about you? Do oyu have a high tolerance of pain? What age were you when you first broke a bone or are oyu one of those unusual people who has never broken a bone! Niamh is fine by the way - more upset that she cannot go to judo with a plaster cast on her arm no matter how careful she is not to hit them on the head with it lol She is already asking if she can go along and watch on Tuesday when her Judo is on! lol Hugs xxx
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19 responses
@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
Alice honey wee's mam did get better but has been back in hospital for the last week and isn't doing too great just now. You would be amazed at how well wee is coping though - I cannot believe that she just keeps going - she is like a duracell battery! I am so proud of her but wish she would be kinder to herself! xxx
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
1 May 09
Oh dear, I guess that is all about being a kid... I don't have a high tolerance of pain at all, I am a big sook, but I can say I have never broken any bones...yet and i hope i never will because i don't think i would be as brave as your little one, I hope she will be ok...i guess have a plaster on is pretty cool for a kid...
@mummymo (23706)
1 May 09
I am so glad that you haven't broken a bone sweety and I hope you don't ever break one either! Nothing wrong with having a low tolerance to pain , it doesn't say anything negative about you at all. I have a middling threshold myself and it absolutely flabbergasts me how much pain my Niamh can take without complaint! She will be fine and is looking forward to going to fracture clinic and getting a new cast on on Monday as they get coloured casts there! lol xxxx
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
1 May 09
I am so bad I faint even when other people talk about their pain or show scars...i am really bad...
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@dorypanda (1601)
2 May 09
Oh dear, I hope it heals up quickly for her.
I am one of those odd people who's never (yet) broken a bone, actually the only person in my immediate family that's done that is my sister and she's still recovering from having a broken tibia and fibula now, her plaster came off either last week or the week before.
I do tend to hurt myself quite a lot, usually I hurt my knees or my elbows on walls, doors, cupboard doors etc.
I've got quite a high pain threshold, which isn't very good as if I put my hand on something hot I don't immediately move it and therefore burn, THEN I realise it's hurting. I knew my sister had done something serious to herself when she told me she was in pain, she's got a very high pain threshold too, actually, so has my other sister...........we're all of celtic decent so maybe that's got something to do with it. ;)
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@dorypanda (1601)
2 May 09
Now she's experienced what a break feels like she'll probably know straight away if she does it again (which hopefully she won't). I understand your worry, but as someone whos pain threshold seems similar to your daughters I can honestly say, you don't need to worry too much, she'll eventually stop throwing herself from high places and falling off things, I know I did. It's normal to worry, as I'm sure you know. I hope her arms feeling better.
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@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
That is a very good point honey - I am not so sure she won't break something again so at least now she has something to base pain levels etc on! Thanks for the reassurance , I guess we Mummys are just made to worry but she has been through an awful lot of health problems already so that makes me a bit more stressed I guess! Her arm is feeling fine - just a bit warm! lol xxx
@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
That is my fear for Niamh dorypanda that her pain threshold is so high she will do herself more damage! I cope with pain quite well but nothing like her. I do think it may be a genetic thing too though and Celtic well that is most interesting! lol My first memory is of having a broken ankle at 3 and having it encased in a heavy duty polythene bag so I could go on the beach! lol Her daddy has never broken a bone - so I am just hoping that now NIamh has she doesn't keep doing it! lol xxx
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 May 09
awwwwwwwwwwwww thats just awful and hope she is in no more pain now that it is in a cast. I feel for her as now she cant do alot of things she loves to do and those weeks that it takes to heal can strech the nerves.
Neverbroke any thing yet that I had to have a cast on.
Had a broken toe walked with out shoe for 12 weeks.
and mostly on my heel.
I have had all kinds of pulled ligiments tho and they are a pain also!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
2 May 09
The poor little darlin'!
I was one of those indestructable kids it seems because I never broke any bones as a child and haven't since. I'm absolutely amazed at this too because I was always throwing myself off something or falling out of a tree etc. Aside from being upset about judo, it sounds like Niamh has found the silver lining regardless and this is fantastic! I love the way kids manage to be so positive about everything. What a shame we lose that mentality as we age. Make sure you write something timeless on that cast! 

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@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
Seems you two have a lot in common. Just think what damage she can do with a cast!
I am taking her to see the new Hannah Montanna film as a treat tonight and I HATE the cinema so it is a treat!
Of course I wrote something interesting - To infinity and beyond! - we use that as a code but I am not translating for you so there! lol HUgs xxxx

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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
3 May 09
Hi Sweetie! Please give Niamh a big hug for me, and give her my love! I am pretty much the same way as she is ... I have a high tolerance for pain! I have only broken my baby toe which they don't even do anything for because the bone is so small, and I somehow managed to break it twice on two seperate occasions! Love you much! xx
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
4 May 09
Atleast I didn't break it in 2 different spots at one. Both times were because I stubbed my baby toe on something and I heard a crunch when I did it, then it bruises REALLY bad, and then you know it's broken! I went to the Doc the first time, but when I did it the second time I knew! Yes, I am doing okay I had to go back to the Hospital and I wrote a post all about that but I finally have some answers and I'm feeling much better thank you! I really appreciate you giving Niamh a hug for me! Love you lots, hope all is well with you and your family :) xx
@mummymo (23706)
3 May 09
I thought you had a high tolerance level for most things sweety! I most certainly will give her a hug when she comes back from church and tell her it is from you! Not even gonna ask how you managed to break it twice!!!
Are you ok? Been worrying about you sweety! Love and Hugs xxx
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
2 May 09
thank God that i have never broken my bones before until now... i am a very careful person and not a risk taker... so i never dare to do anything that i know that will injured me... my parents are also so over protective over me as i am the only daughter... so i never really do anything exciting in this life that can cause me to break my bone... i'm so sorry to hear about your daughter... i hope she will recover soon... take care and have a nice day...
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@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
I have one son and one daughter lingli and I would love to wrap both in cotton wool but my NIamh just would not be happy if we didn't let her ride bikes, climb trees etc - I guess we all have different ways of living and hers is to be active and a little adventurous - she would be like a caged animal if she was stopped! She is feeling fine at the moment just fed up as she can't get on her bike, go on a trampoline, go swimming , do judo or any other fun things! I am taking her to see a film at the cinema tonight so she is looking forward to that! xxx
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
3 May 09
Oh Niamh! you lucky duck. When I was young I always wanted to break something so I could have a plaster cast on and be the centre of attention and have people write funny things on my cast. I was a tomboy for sure and played hard and rough but I didn't break a thing. I strained a couple of fingers a few times, twisted both ankles, scraped my knees something shocking countless times and endured bee stings but I didn't break anything. If I could, I would write on your cast in big, bright pink letters...Way to go Niamh! Love Tickle.
@mummymo (23706)
3 May 09
There is no room on the temporary one anymore Tickle sweety it is full but when she gets her new cast (hoping she can get away with a splint though) at the Fracture clinic tomorrow I shall make sure I sign that for you! Seems you and NIamh are more alike than I realised! She is forever covered in scrapes , bruises and cuts that make people gasp when they see them but which hardly make her wince at all! lol HUgs sweet Tickle! xxx
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
2 May 09
Hi Morag,
It's good to see you here, because I love to see you 'anywhere' online. Even though I'm rarely 'here' anymore, I just have to answer this.
Wow! Poor Niamh. It just goes to show too, that 'we' know our kids much better than doctors, nurses, and the like. I understand the restrictions a cast brings, as I had a 'stovepipe cast' on my left leg for over six weeks, back in the eighties. No, I've never broken anything, but I do have a condition in my knees, that causes my patella (knee cap) to dislocate whenever 'it' feels like it. This has occurred various times, and in both knees, since I was in high school. The worst was the time in the eighties, when I ended up in the cast, and was unable to work for ten months (long story).
As for my pain threshold, it's average I think, depending on the circumstances. When I've done 'this' to one of my knees the pain is excruciating until they get the patella back into place. I'm considered a good patient, so don't complain (generally) about medical procedures, pain, etc., very often.
I love the way 'you' call casts "stookies" by the way.
Please give Niamh a big hug for me, and I'll be in touch soon.
Take care.

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@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
I love to see you too 'mom and every time I do I remember how good a friend you have been and how much you mean to me and it brings a smile to my face - honestly I am sitting beaming now! Sounds like an extremely painful thing to happen with your knee and a stovepipe cast must have been awful to cope with - so heavy and awkward for you - oh sweety it is horrible to think of you stuck in one of those things but it is also horrible to think of the pain you must be in every time that happens with your knee! I would think if you can go through that and still be a good patient and still only think you have an average pain threshold you must be very , very brave!
Given her the hug (and wee too).
Love and Hugs xxx
@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
WEll done on tryong with the Scottsh accent sweety! Her cast is almost covered already and everyone is wanting to sign at church tomorrow! Oooops! Niall has even let her use his Sharpie pens so she is honoured! You definitely feel pain sweety and you seem to relish it at that! xxxx
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
2 May 09
I'm very glad she's doing well. How long will the cast be on for? Kids always amaze me. My son is mister daredevil, thinks he's Hellboy and does all sorts of things that leave my heart racing. So far, nothing more then a few tumbles. I'm one of those unusual ones. I've never had a broken bone in my life, but I've taken enough spills that one has to wonder, you know. I recall once as a child deciding to see if the breaks really worked on a ten-speed the way my parents said. Sure enough they did! I flew over the handle bars and skidded across the pavement. I walked my bike home, and had nothing broken.
I would think she should at least go and watch her Judo lesson. It will give her a great deal to think about in terms of the patience involved in any Martial Arts, and it will show a great deal to her teacher. When I recently had vertigo, I still attended classes after being released from the hospital. My Sensei just slowed down my lesson, and we focused on my kata forms.
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@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
WEll Niamh is like your son - I am just amazed it has taken her almost 8 years to get a cast on! I did the over the handlebars and along the gravel road on my face thing too when I was about 10 or 11 , painful walking your bike with hardly andy skin left on your face! I am amazed that Niamh managed to ride her bike home with a fractured bone in her arm but it is just like her - think that is one of the reasons they didn't think he had done any damage, that and how calm she was when she was telling them that certain things were painful!
She has already begged to go and watch the lesson so we will see although she definitely won't be allowed on mats! My brother is hte senior coach in her club although he rarely makes it there and knows that her coach will miss her as she is so enthusiastic - she doesn't let the fact that someone may be twice her size and her age intimidate her - she still tries very, very hard so we shall probably go along! xxx
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
2 May 09
Glad to hear your little one is okay. I am sure you were more upset than she was. I know I would be. I don't mind pain, I just can't stand to see my kids in pain. I took my children for all their baby shots and I would always cry with them. LOL. Now if I tell them not to do something and they get hurt like I told them could happen I hold back my mommying and ask them if they need to go to the doctor. They both have high tolerance to pain so if they want to go to the doctor it's bad.
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@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
Thats a lot like me mommaj - if she needs to get it checked or if she cries in pain it is really bad! My eldest has NO tolerance for pain so it was always tears with him! lol You couldn't have 2 more different children in this respect if you tried! I always wanted to take pain from them when they were little too - even now when my eldest is almost 16 and 6' 2" I hate to think of him being in pain! xxx
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
2 May 09
I had a similar incidence with my daughter. they had to re set her arm and gave her morphine which was fun. she was so stoned and saying crazy things. yes, i have a high tolerance for pain also but when i broke my arm rollerblading a few years ago it was my first broken bone. i could not believe the pain. it was unbelievable! then 3 years ago i broke my tailbone. for many years i was a gymnast and never broke anything and then a stupid rollerblading accident and falling at work i broke 2 things! now when it is going to rain i know it. my tailbone still hurts 3 years later. i really do have a high tolerance but these two injuries were tough.
@rzrback (107)
• United States
2 May 09
I have a high tolerance for pain as I broke my arm in high school, and played two games on it and did about 50 push-ups a day for a week until I went to the doctor. I had never broke a bone before so I really didn't know what it felt like. Makes me think I've had more broke bones and didn't know it. Sorry to hear your daughter is out of Judo for a bit! =)
@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
You really do have a high tolerance don't you? OMG I can't believe you did all that with a broken arm! Bet you mum had fun with you too right? lol It is such a shame for my daughter as she loves to be active, she loves to learn and she absolutely loves her judo! Timing is really bad too as she will probably be out now til the club stops for summer! xxxx
@Darkwing (21583)
15 May 09
I'm glad to hear that Niamh is ok after her ordeal of falling from her bike. I know the discomfort of that one, and although I can be fairly tolerant of pain, and didn't realise that anything might be broken until the morning, I similarly, fell off my bike. I was biking back from Haywards Heath with my friend, which is about 41/2 miles away from Burgess Hill where I then lived. To reach Burgess Hill, we had to cycle down a road called Rocky Lane. There are sandrocks on either side, forming a bank, behind an edging of grass. The road itself is very twisty and turny and on the way home, a lot of downhill riding. As there was no need to peddle, I was cruising down the hill, and looking around me occasionally. I spotted some cows and was pointing them out when I failed to navigate a bend, and hit the verge, tumbling from my bike. I fell onto grass but I put my hands out to break my fall, and in doing so, bent my right thumb, completely back, breaking it in the process. There were still two miles to home, so I got back onto my bike after a few "ow and ouches" and rode home. In the morning, my hand was up like a balloon and blue, so my Mum trotted me off to the doctor and in turn, to the hospital where I had a cast put on. I had that on for six weeks, and still, on occasions, I can feel the pain in that thumb... usually when it's cold or damp. I was about twelve at the time, but despite many falls as a kid, I never broke anything prior to that... I have plenty of scars, but no other breaks. lol.
Brightest Blessings my friend.
@mummymo (23706)
2 May 09
A sprain can be extremely painful too shaun! Niamh will be fine she is a little toughie! lol I am just glad that we did take her despite the fact that she could move her fingers, wrist and elbow! lol Oh the joys of a high pain threshold - no one believes you when you are hurt cos you don't show the symptoms the same! xxx
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
3 May 09
Such a brave little girl. I think I have a good pain tolerance, but then not actually being able to compare myself to others I can not know for certain.
I did as your niamh when I was around her age. Mine was rollerskating and falling all my weight on the wrist. Which oddly never swelled and I was able to move it though the pain was excruciating. Like your sweet child the hospital did not think anything was wrong, mom insisted I would not be crying if there wasn't.
So they xrayed and came back and told mom that "Yep, she has broken both" mom freaked thinking they meant both arms... but no, it was both the radius and the ulna - the stookie went from finger tips to shoulder with a bend at the elbow. I think I was in it for 2 months.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
3 May 09
Aww My WeeFairyPrincess has finally done it! lol
Just like her USA gran. I broke my first bone( wrist)
falling from the apple tree in our orchard when I was 4
many more breaks followed. In my mind trees, rock, mountains must be climbed
just because a bike had no working breaks didn't mean
I shouldn't go dowm the hill(no more bike)
etc. My last break was my wrist a year ago.
Honey please sign her cast for me:
"To my special Wee Gran Fairy Princess
I love you dearly
Tell her I'm so very proud of her bravery.
@santau (223)
• United States
2 May 09
I am glad she is okay but for some of us I think breaking bones was a right of passage in some ways. I was 5 when I broke my first bone and it was my arm. I broke it on the way to a friends house but stayed at her house and ate dinner and everything. My friends mom didn't even have a clue. It wasn't until I got home that my mom realized I had done something lol.