Would you have just punched him in the face?
By shamsta19
@shamsta19 (3224)
United States
May 3, 2009 4:50am CST
So i'm standing in line at the gas station and there's this woman, an older Black lady, who was holding up the line buying her lotto tickets. When I walked in the store the line was backed up and you could tell people were getting antsy. I take it in stride and got on line and waited.
When she was done with her transaction, and proceeded to leave, I said she was going to have to share her winnings with us all because she made us wait, JOKINGLY. I was trying to bring some levity to the situation I guess. She laughed and said she'd give all seven of us some money if she won the 77Million dollar jackpot.
Then comes Ricky Bobby, some redneck(no offense) comes in with, "I'll bet you ten to one if you f*****g win you won't remember any of us in this f*****g store!" You could tell he was a jerk straight off with how he said it. Then after she laughed that off she was like I'll remember you, and you(pointing to a few of the patrons) and I'll remember you because you got dreads (pointing to me) and I'll remember you because you sweared (pointing to the jerk)."
He replied "Oh yeah well then f**k a duck," and flipped her the bird. Just being outright disrespectful. I meant the woman could've been my grandmother or something. When she left he just goes on a tirade...
"I was only trying to get a bag of ice!"
"F*****g lady this..."
'Holding up the f*****g line for b******t paperwork!"
And looks at me and says ,"you think she is going to remember you Osama? Obama? Osama? She ain't never seen you a day in her life, except maybe in a line up!" I chuckled. Then he stormed out the store and left mad. Everyone in the store thought he was just a jerk and this one guy was like he didn't know why I didn't just punch him in the face. I wasn't that excited at all. I just brushed dude off cause I'm better than that but should I have just jammed him in the eye? Should I have been mad at what he said to me? I really thought to pay him no mind at all.
What do you think? (Sorry the story was so long hope I kept you enthralled).
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42 responses
@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
3 May 09
That is exactly right. Telling him anything would be wasting your breath. Killing someone with kindness is much more fun, cause they are totally taken off guard by it.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
4 May 09
You're both so right. Mg the thing is even though I didn't punch the guy, I was NOT going to be any "kinder" than I was. He's lucky I was in such a good mood. A month ago I would've ran his head through the glass window. It was a good day for me and I just couldn't let him ruin it for me. But the old lady basically did that and I would've loved for someone to get on him like that. Stick his bag of ice in a tight dark stink hole I say.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
3 May 09
Actually I think you did the right thing to not punch him in the face, because that probably would have made his day if he got to think he made you mad enough to punch him! I'm sure it made him more angry that you just laughed it off. That's pretty funny though when people get all mad like that, so long as they don't hurt someone.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
4 May 09
Though it is funny when people like that get hurt! Lol.
Thanks for responding.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
4 May 09
You learned the lesson that I tried to teach my Mom. You pick your battles, and you choose the ones you know you can win. A jerk with the attitude that one had, you would have never won, and he might have gone beyond words. Especially if he is a red neck and it kind of sounds like he might be a bit prejudiced too. You handled it incredibly well, and it's far better to let it roll off your back than to punch the guy out...and you would be the one in jail for assault and have a record; plus the guy would probably sue you!
Well done!!! Choose your battles well, and make sure they are the ones you can win. One hint though, when I get into lines like that I find a magazine and read it. It saves me a bunch of money as by the time I get to the register I have read the articles that interested me and I don't have to buy the magazine.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
5 May 09
Gee, he's the guy that was beside me at the news stand looking at the pictures in the magazines
I figure an excessive use of the "F" word is a measure of the guy's intelligence and upbringing. I use the "F" word very occasionally. But what astounds me is the fact that it is so universally accepted as a regular part of our language. I remember when using the "S" word was a huge no no!
I still applaud you for your self control and the use of your intelligence to realize that confronting that Bozo was a gross exercise in futility. 

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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
4 May 09
You know. This character probably couldn't read anyway though!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 May 09
Well there's no point in going to jail unless of course you like jail
I couldn't imagine saying the F word in front of my grandma and now I am going to sound like her, kids today are very disrespectful. I think you handled yourself very well.

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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
8 May 09
I was upset at him being disrespectful to that woman. I mean if anything else respect your elders dude.
@DarthJustice (2013)
• United States
3 May 09
People like that PO me so bad. But I wouldn't have punched him in the face either. I wouldn't have lowered myself either. Some people are just like that, unfortunately. Like when I was a police intern last year in my last semester in college, during a football, I was helping park people when this older couple drove up. They decided that they would park by where I was (despite the blatantly obvious fact that absolutely no one else was parking there. When I told them they couldn't, you would have been surprised at how horrible they acted over it. My, at the time, two year old niece acted more mature than they did. And I do mean that literally. They started cussing and were all "We're parking here anyway!"
The woman actually works in the bursar office at my college and actually told another officer how she hoped I never come to her window (that won't be a problem even if I was still in college!) You would think she would understand that there are rules people have to follow.
The whole semester I only had to really deal with three rude people, them being two.
I'm not going to lie. They (and the other guy I had to 'meet') made me so mad. Like you, I wanted to do something similar. But that other guy works or manages a small grocery store I've been to so let's just say that store lost a customer because of him.
It's a shame some people have to act that way. I don't know why people have to be unnecessarily rude like that. But I'm glad you remained the better person and remained on your level.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
4 May 09
The guy was obviously some racist a$$hole to begin with and felt the need to let all of us know it. Everyone was frustrated about waiting in line but these things happen sometimes when you go to the store. Some people left before he started up. I mean there is another store right across the street. If you didn't have the patience to wait, cross over and shut up you know?
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@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
4 May 09
Grrr!! I would not have punched him, but I definetly would have told him off!! I am a 5'1 female,so I can't imagine that my punch to his face will do any justice. However, I am very good with words and I would have TOLD HIM OFF!! Just reading this made my blood boil! AHH! I guess what bothers me the most is that no one at least said anything to him...So he left that gas station thinking that what he did was ok. NO! He should have left there with either a broken nose or put in his place. Maybe then he will keep his mouth shut next time.
So sorry you had to go through that =(
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
4 May 09
As a female though you could've said more to him and got away without physical confrontation. I don't shy away from a good fight but I just didn't feel the need to get riled up over this guy. He was a jerk and didn't deserve the time of day.
That bothers me too that he left thinking he was in the right and took no lesson from this experience. I know karma works in mysterious ways though and somehow he will get his in the end. That is enough to keep me content.
Thanks for responding.
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@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
4 May 09
Yes as a female I probably could have gotten away with saying more. He definitely needs to be taught a lesson! And with a mouth like that, its only a matter of time before he says things like that to the wrong person. Wish I could be there to see that!
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@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
3 May 09
I liked the discussion. It lets me see what you are like and what ruffles your feathers. I am sorry there are such rude dudes in this world. You did a good thing trying to give a little humor there. He is going to have a stroke or a heart attack sometime if he does not watch out, and if some young mad person doesn't punch him out or worse. I agree, you, and a lot of others, are better than that. Have a terrific day.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
4 May 09
Thank you for that. And you have a terrific day as well...
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
4 May 09
What you did was correct in neglecting this jerk. There are people like him (both men and women, only men tend to become physical) who I call are ‘constantly constipated’…exactly, anytime you meet them, they are out to get their pound of flesh from the world for not have cleared their system of the toxic substances inside. The cleansing should have actually been done at childhood by their family but then I guess, it just runs in the genes
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
4 May 09
And I know a few people like that. Just mad all the time for no apparent reason whatsoever. And you could tell this guy had some prejudice in him as well. But just an obvious ignoramus at work.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 May 09
For heaven's sake...what good is violence? How will being violent fix something? It can only make a bad situation worse. This was nothing. The guy making a fuss was obviously mentally handicapped.
You did the right thing my friend and good on you ...that's a good attitude you have there...you set a good example for (most) others.

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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 May 09
I am really starting to feel like I made the right choice.
Thanks for that.

@marciascott (25529)
• United States
4 May 09
That is what I saw ignore it. Thats what you have to do nowadays.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
4 May 09
I was taught if someone messes with you hit em with a bottle. Lol. I wouldn't take it that far, and I am truly not that violent but he deserved a bloody nose or something.
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
4 May 09
The reason he left was because no one in line was taking his bait. And that's a good thing because he went in looking for a fight. He was probably drunk or high, if not then he had a very poor upbringing. Good for you Shamsta that you kept your cool most people wouldn't have and ended up punching him or at least cussing him out.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 May 09
And you're probably right. I was really offended at how he behaved towards the elderly woman though. There was no need for that , no matter how long you had to wait in line.
@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
4 May 09
I think some people tend to overreact to situation like these. I'm pretty sure that it is fine if only 1 person do it but if 2 or 3 people cut queue then there's every right to be angry. But if it's an old lady then I wouldn't have bothered too much. Some people just have a short fuse. But sometimes I, like you, laugh at people getting all grumpy for silly reasons like that. LOL...
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@chillpill90 (1936)
4 May 09
It depends because if you had puinched him he probably would have had you done for assault. But you would have had a store full of people saying he provoked you. Also if his words hurt then you should have but your saying they didnt so then you had no need to hit the guy. If it was me i would have punched him because i bet everyone in the store wanted to. If somone upsets me i dont care how big they are from my point of view i dont let them get away with it.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
8 May 09
Like I said, he caught me on a good day. Had I been in a mad mood, I probably would have swung on him in the store. He definitely wa not worth the effort though.
@Ultimamagix (36)
• United States
3 May 09
I would never punch someone in the face because of that, i would rather everyone else see him as the jerk and me as the silent protector who could take the verbal beating.
Its people like that redneck jerk who ruin everyones day. You could be having an amazing day, and then just because someone too a little too long in line, oh your day is ruined, now im going to ruin everyones day. That guy deserves to be hit by someone, but not by you, or anyone really. Karma will get to him eventually and maybe he'll meet someone just like himself, and then the big fight will continue.
I applaud you for not doing anythign in retaliation to him.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
4 May 09
I don't really think I took a verbal beating so much. If I had truly felt that way I would have pummeled him, trust me. I just went with my first gut reaction and it was to laugh. I found the whole situation amusing and he still had to wait for his ice. Just a waste of breath of you ask me!
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@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
4 May 09
your the bigger man but just letting it go. I hate people like that. Sounds like something my stepdad or my adopted stepsister would do. They are idiots. Have no respect for anyone and tries to put people down to feel better about themselves. I can't stand to be around them. My stepdad is getting better and controls himself more then before but hes still a redneck jerk.
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@caskins (689)
• United States
4 May 09
Hello shamsta19, I am black also. I do have to give it to ya cause you were able to stay calm. I would have cursed him out and probably stoop to his level. At first I used to be numb hearing stuff like that. Now that I am hearing it alot everyday I get very upset that the crap isn't funny anymore. Hats off to you. Take care.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 May 09
Yeah I didn't even take it there. I refused to make it a racial issue, but at the same time if he had persisted I might have felt otherwise. I was having too good of a day for it to be ruined so I just brushed him off. I actually felt good about it too.
@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
4 May 09
You did the right thing, and you seem to have a very good attitude about it. You can't let jerks like that bother you. I would have wanted to punch him but you would only have gotten busted for assault and then he would have had the last laugh. Though he definitely deserved to be punched in the mouth, I would say, and I think everyone else would have cheered.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
8 May 09
Yeah everyone would have cheered but if i got my butt kicked they would have just watched. not that I think he would've beat me up but he was a lil bigger than me at best we were evenly matched. Might of been a good fight but I had on my fly sneakers and was not trying to mess them up. I just wasn't in a fighting mood that day I guess. I think I was actually calm and happy.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
4 May 09
You are so right that guy was a jerk, and i would have done the same thing just ignored his comments, their is no scene in adding fuel to his fire and making it worst.
Their was one time that i stopped and got some gas, and when i went in to pay for it the line had about 6 people in it, so i had to wait, and by the time i got to the front their was about 5 people behind me. I went to pay for my gas and cash in 2 winning lottery tickets that were winners, and to also buy some more. the lady behind the counter said i would have to step aside and wait if i wanted lottery tickets. so i got a little upset because she said that and was just going to pay for my gas......and i got a big surprise from the people behind me, they all stepped out of line and made that woman wait on me for my tickets, i just could not believe it.
the man that was behind me stopped me out side and told me that the woman that works their always tries to do that with people, and most of them also wanted tickets too, and they were upset with her doing people that way.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
8 May 09
The clerks were at fault a little in this situation as well because they could have tried to open the other register and assist other customers or something. But overall this jerk should have just had some patience as there was nothing else that could be done in this case.
@minniemadz (499)
• Philippines
4 May 09
I guess what you did is right, shrugging your shoulder over his boiling blood, ha ha. That's the meanest thing to do to a man asking for a fight. I salute you for your patience and self discipline.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
8 May 09
Thats the biggest thing. I felt he was more upset because I didn't react to his ignorance. He was more burnt I didn't even really acknowledge him at all.
@viga01 (28)
• United States
4 May 09
It can be aggravating to get behind "lottery people" in line, (or "change counters" etc.) but we all have annoying habits that hold up the world from time to time. Most people can appreciate that this is simply a fact of life, and that it's just the way it is. Some, obviously, cannot.
The actions of the angry man in line were completely uncalled for. Frankly, in my opinion, they actually fall under the "gloves off" category and make you free to respond in any manner you wish, including hitting if the situation escalated to that point.
It's unlikely that anyone else within the gas station except for the angry man would have thought you a jerk for just hauling off and laying him out. On the other hand, such an action presents the risk of charges being pressed, jail time, etc, so...that makes it a last resort, and generally not worth your time.
In this situation, I too, think I would have just let it go. If the man had continued on his tirade, and continued to be confrontational, then...well, eventually he has to learn that actions have conquenses.
Good job to you for keeping your cool through the situation!
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
8 May 09
Exactly... If he had continued and kept trying to push my buttons he might of got me upset. If I had really paid him any attention I would of reacted differently. I almost feel like he got over on me but I don't really let that bother me much. That was my main reason for posting this, the fact I almost felt like I SHOULD'VE done something but I think I made the right choice.